Big Bird, Typical Liberal

Sheeple support all sorts of things. Doesn't mean they're right though. American Taxpayers should not be forced to fund Government/Media Propaganda. Period, end of story.

Hey, I like my propaganda, and I like you paying for it.

Seriously, fuck you Paulbots... you lost.

Hey, i will give you credit for being honest. You morons fully support Taxpayers funding propaganda, just as long it's your propaganda. And that's what i've been saying. Thank you.
Sheeple support all sorts of things. Doesn't mean they're right though. American Taxpayers should not be forced to fund Government/Media Propaganda. Period, end of story.

Hey, I like my propaganda, and I like you paying for it.

Seriously, fuck you Paulbots... you lost.

Hey, i will give you credit for being honest. You morons fully support Taxpayers funding propaganda, just as long it's your propaganda. And that's what i've been saying. Thank you.

Actually, I think some of the propaganda on PBS is awful. My personal favorite was I was watching this show called "The Big Comfy Couch", where they told the Ant and Grasshopper story, and at the end, the Ants invited the Grasshopper in and took care of him.

WHich defeated the whole purpose of the story.

(Not that the story is the least bit accurate from an entomological perspective, but I digress.)
I still haven't heard a serious valid reason from the Left, on why NPR & PBS should continue receiving Tax Dollars. I've heard a lot of 'I hate Mitt Romney' nonsense, but i haven't heard anything from them on why Taxpayers should be forced to fund them. I'm pretty patient though. I'll give em somemore time.

It's not like they just can start a website or something...
Big Bird, 43 years old, has been on public assistance since birth.

A lifetime of exposure to Liberal ideology has convinced him that he is unable to support himself without public assistance. Liberals have robbed him of any ambition to venture forth into the free market.

Big Bird, you're 43 fucking years old, its time you moved out of your Mom's basement. You and your friends are easily worth $1 billion so it's time to grow a pair. Get out there, earn a living and pay your fair share.

Take Elmo, Grover and that creep who is always in the Garbage Can with you too. Oh, and don't send "Veggie Monster" back until he eats Cookies again. Your Liberal friends made a fucking mockery of him.


We should compare how much big bird has received in government funds to how much Romney and Bain have received in government funds and tax incentives.

I love it, the $90 BILLION he wasted in Green Energy is irrelevant, but de-funding PBS or NPR is Romney's undoing, you're in a league of your own, your special...
Big Bird, 43 years old, has been on public assistance since birth.

A lifetime of exposure to Liberal ideology has convinced him that he is unable to support himself without public assistance. Liberals have robbed him of any ambition to venture forth into the free market.

Big Bird, you're 43 fucking years old, its time you moved out of your Mom's basement. You and your friends are easily worth $1 billion so it's time to grow a pair. Get out there, earn a living and pay your fair share.

Take Elmo, Grover and that creep who is always in the Garbage Can with you too. Oh, and don't send "Veggie Monster" back until he eats Cookies again. Your Liberal friends made a fucking mockery of him.


We should compare how much big bird has received in government funds to how much Romney and Bain have received in government funds and tax incentives.

I love it, the $90 BILLION he wasted in Green Energy is irrelevant, but de-funding PBS or NPR is Romney's undoing, you're in a league of your own, your special...

Did the quote I replied to bring up Obama and green energy? Do you have a quote of me even stating my opinion on the green energy issue?
This thread is on Romney and PBS.
I watch PBS from time to time and see paid ads for certain shows, so PBS gets money from companies like other TV channels. They also hold telethons unlike other TV channels, so it seems they are hoarding money from all angles then whining that they don't have any money....which is bullshit.

I bet their admin officials are paying themselves nice salaries with the extra cash brought in from various methods.
Mitt had 38 min of talking time and the only clear and concise action that we got out of his mouth was that he was going to fire Big Bird.

What a "win".


The fact that that is the only thing you half-understood - because your understanding wasn't nearly as "clear" and "concise" as you think it was - doesn't make it the only clear and concise thing he said. Mitt Romney is not responsible for your intellect problems.
Sesame Street received $4 million dollars in public funds last year. Romney is an idiot.

The fact that you think the amount of unnecessary and totally inapppropriate taxpayer funds makes a difference in WHETHER they are unnecessary and totally inappropriate tells us that YOU are the idiot, not Mitt Romney.

Of course, a cursory reading of any post you've ever put up on this message board would tell us the exact same thing.
Sesame Street received $4 million dollars in public funds last year. Romney is an idiot.

The fact that you think the amount of unnecessary and totally inapppropriate taxpayer funds makes a difference in WHETHER they are unnecessary and totally inappropriate tells us that YOU are the idiot, not Mitt Romney.

Of course, a cursory reading of any post you've ever put up on this message board would tell us the exact same thing.
And I have seen what you post, I would rather be an idiot than you.
The Liberals will talk day and night about Big Bird and barely ever mention our murdered Ambassador.

Liberalism is a failure by all accounts.
The Liberals will talk day and night about Big Bird and barely ever mention our murdered Ambassador.

Liberalism is a failure by all accounts.

Is this thread about the ambassador?

I keep hearing about Big Bird by the Liberal media while they bury the truths about failed foreign polices and four dead Americans.
and Hillary? Well, she just goes into hiding.

Its shameful.

Big Bird will survive.. PBS just has to go to work getting the funding they need rather than burden the tax payers check book.

Romney is Right in using Big Bird as an example.. Times 1000 it will make a money difference.
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Sesame Street gets 4 million to educate pre-school kids and help them get ready for starting school. Big Oil gets over 3 billion dollars in tax credits ,,,,,for what?
Naturally those who worship Big Money have no problem with Big Oil getting almost 1,000 times the money Sesame Street gets. And now these same people want to end funding for Sesame Street but are they truthfully wiling to end Big Oil's taxpayer money?.
The Liberals will talk day and night about Big Bird and barely ever mention our murdered Ambassador.

Liberalism is a failure by all accounts.

Is this thread about the ambassador?

I keep hearing about Big Bird by the Liberal media while they bury the truths about failed foreign polices and four dead Americans.
and Hillary? Well, she just goes into hiding.

Its shameful.

Big Bird will survive.. PBS just has to go to work getting the funding they need rather than burden the tax payers check book.

Romney is Right in using Big Bird as an example.. Times 1000 it will make a money difference.

Welcome to politics, happens on both sides. This thread is still not about the ambassador.
The Liberals will talk day and night about Big Bird and barely ever mention our murdered Ambassador.

Liberalism is a failure by all accounts.

:doubt: Feel free to jump to dramatic conclusions about whatever is NOT mentioned...As if there is anyone in the USA who is not saddened by what happened to ambassador Stevens...?

Big Bird, 43 years old, has been on public assistance since birth.

A lifetime of exposure to Liberal ideology has convinced him that he is unable to support himself without public assistance. Liberals have robbed him of any ambition to venture forth into the free market.

Big Bird, you're 43 fucking years old, its time you moved out of your Mom's basement. You and your friends are easily worth $1 billion so it's time to grow a pair. Get out there, earn a living and pay your fair share.

Take Elmo, Grover and that creep who is always in the Garbage Can with you too. Oh, and don't send "Veggie Monster" back until he eats Cookies again. Your Liberal friends made a fucking mockery of him.


I don't know who wrote this fro you but do you have any idea how completely stupid it is that Mitt wants to kill PBS? Do you know how much of a dent it would make in our deficit?


Or about $1 per person, per year

If I were rw, I would damn scared that my candidate actually believes that


is really gonna save us.

DAMN. I really wish you rw's would just turn of fux and lushbo and dredge and try THINKING for yourselves.

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney vows to fire Big Bird to save 0.00014% of the budget
Big Bird, 43 years old, has been on public assistance since birth.

A lifetime of exposure to Liberal ideology has convinced him that he is unable to support himself without public assistance. Liberals have robbed him of any ambition to venture forth into the free market.

Big Bird, you're 43 fucking years old, its time you moved out of your Mom's basement. You and your friends are easily worth $1 billion so it's time to grow a pair. Get out there, earn a living and pay your fair share.

Take Elmo, Grover and that creep who is always in the Garbage Can with you too. Oh, and don't send "Veggie Monster" back until he eats Cookies again. Your Liberal friends made a fucking mockery of him.


I don't know who wrote this fro you but do you have any idea how completely stupid it is that Mitt wants to kill PBS? Do you know how much of a dent it would make in our deficit?


Or about $1 per person, per year

If I were rw, I would damn scared that my candidate actually believes that


is really gonna save us.

DAMN. I really wish you rw's would just turn of fux and lushbo and dredge and try THINKING for yourselves.

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney vows to fire Big Bird to save 0.00014% of the budget

So you're rewarding the government for wasting money?

That's the difference between Obama and Romney, Romney had bottom line accountability and does not this $4MM is chump change.

Obama never had a real job in his life so he doesn't give a fuck about anything. He doesn't know how to earn $4 much less $4MM and he has no idea how people work to pay taxes.
The Liberals will talk day and night about Big Bird and barely ever mention our murdered Ambassador.

Hey numbnuts, it was one of not-too-right rw's who posted this thread. If you don't like this thread, don't post here.

Why don't you go start yet another thread about the deathS in Libya.
Big Bird, 43 years old, has been on public assistance since birth.

A lifetime of exposure to Liberal ideology has convinced him that he is unable to support himself without public assistance. Liberals have robbed him of any ambition to venture forth into the free market.

Big Bird, you're 43 fucking years old, its time you moved out of your Mom's basement. You and your friends are easily worth $1 billion so it's time to grow a pair. Get out there, earn a living and pay your fair share.

Take Elmo, Grover and that creep who is always in the Garbage Can with you too. Oh, and don't send "Veggie Monster" back until he eats Cookies again. Your Liberal friends made a fucking mockery of him.


I don't know who wrote this fro you but do you have any idea how completely stupid it is that Mitt wants to kill PBS? Do you know how much of a dent it would make in our deficit?


Or about $1 per person, per year

If I were rw, I would damn scared that my candidate actually believes that


is really gonna save us.

DAMN. I really wish you rw's would just turn of fux and lushbo and dredge and try THINKING for yourselves.

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney vows to fire Big Bird to save 0.00014% of the budget
FRANK - watch very carefully because I'm going to show you and your fellow idiots why I seldom bother reading and responding to posts.
So you're rewarding the government for wasting money?
Show me where I said this. Don't lie. don't make crap up. Just show me where I said we should "reward govt for wasting money".
That's the difference between Obama and Romney, Romney had bottom line accountability and does not this $4MM is chump change.
The difference is WHAT? And, your sentence makes no sense. What the hell does "$4MM" mean? Nevermind because, the subject is MitWit "killing Big Bird" which will cut 0.00014% of the deficit. Period. THAT is the subject. Not Obama. Not Disneyland. Not your shoelaces.
Obama never had a real job in his life so he doesn't give a fuck about anything. He doesn't know how to earn $4 much less $4MM and he has no idea how people work to pay taxes.
This is a lie but even if it were true, the subject is MitWit cutting 0.00014% of the deficit. Period. THAT is the subject. Not Obama. Not Disneyland. Not your shoelaces.

pubpots don't believe in education. They are now fighting against teaching critical thinking skills. THAT is why rw's can start a thread about killing Big Bird and then whine about Obama or complain that we're not talking about the assassinated ambassador in a thread about Big Bird.

Like I said above, if you want to change the subject to govt waste (like Romeny has proposed!), Obama and/or $4MM (millimeters?), then start one.

And, since my *&*^%^$%#$ internet connection is coming and going, if this posts, I'm gone for the evening. GAWD, that is just SO annoying.
Maybe this will help make the point about how little Mittens wants to cut the deficit by killing Big Bird as opposed to his spending plans (And, yes, I know he has flip flopped on this a couple of times.)


NOW do you get it?

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