Big Brother? *SPOILER ALERT!*

Amanda went completely into meltdown mode on poor Elissa this week. Part of it was shown on last night's show.

She got in Elissa's face blowing one of those New Year's Eve horns at her, calling her every name in the book and told her she was going to continue torturing her all week because Elissa put Andy on the block with Aaryn. That means one of Amanda's team is out this week.

Amanda dressed up like an old grannie. Grannie Bubby, with whiteface, black eyes and a whole lot of screaming through the house like the whackjob she is. :lol: On the show, Elissa saw her walking in the room, catching Elissa whispering to other people and she'd get that mean look on her face. At one point, Elissa saw Amanda looking at her with a scowl and she started laughing, spitting her Sprite all over the counter.. She also laughed at Amanda when she was crying about possibly being backdoored.

It's obvious now (her shifting moods, spontaneous tears, bizarre conduct) that Amanda is bi-polar. I wonder if she's been on meds during her stay in the House and has run out, or if she went off med to be a guest, or if she's newly developing and doesn't know she's affected.

Being evicted could set her off on a real manic outburst.
She has been on ADHD meds but wasn't using them right. She was been going off for a day or two and saving the pills so she could double up for comps. And someone was saying she got her prescription increased to a higher dose after she entered the house because Aaryn was on a higher dose and Amanda felt disadvantaged. Not sure about that. But am sure she was taking the doses irregularly, whatever the dose was.

After a few weeks of her wild behavior, production started making all the people on drugs take them in the diary room under supervision. But I heard she may still have gone a few days without her meds recently.

Oh and she takes another med on an irregular basis for anxiety.
She has been on ADHD meds but wasn't using them right. She was been going off for a day or two and saving the pills so she could double up for comps. And someone was saying she got her prescription increased to a higher dose after she entered the house because Aaryn was on a higher dose and Amanda felt disadvantaged. Not sure about that. But am sure she was taking the doses irregularly, whatever the dose was.

After a few weeks of her wild behavior, production started making all the people on drugs take them in the diary room under supervision. But I heard she may still have gone a few days without her meds recently.

Oh and she takes another med on an irregular basis for anxiety.
Not surprising.

I'm assuming you have live feed access. And because you have that detailed awareness I'll also assume the other guests have it, too. Yet, no mention of it by anyone in any of the regular showings I've watched, even during her most manic episode. I would expect at least someone like Andy (who looks like he arrived in a flying saucer) to recognize and acknowledge the reason for her bizarre behavior, one outstanding aspect of which is her unlikely attachment to a creepy character like McCrae -- who is the diametric opposite of the type of man a woman like Amanda would (normally) respond to.

Anyway, thanks for the information. It explains a lot.
McCrae is the rat bastard. After Elissa voted to evict Spencer and not Amanda, then he turns around and puts Elissa on the block? The dumb*** doesn't realize that he's next to go on the block and get evicted or even backdoored.
My Judd/Elissa F2 hope just bit the dust.

Yes, now if only Judd can win HOH or POV again to make sure he makes it to the end, I would think he would beat any of them.

I have a feeling McRae will be next to go, since he can't be HOH next week!
McCrae is the rat bastard. After Elissa voted to evict Spencer and not Amanda, then he turns around and puts Elissa on the block? The dumb*** doesn't realize that he's next to go on the block and get evicted or even backdoored.

Elissa was in a bad place anyway. McCrae could have saved her, but it still would leave 3 against 2. He thinks Andy is still on his side - won't he be surprised next week!
McCrae is the rat bastard. After Elissa voted to evict Spencer and not Amanda, then he turns around and puts Elissa on the block? The dumb*** doesn't realize that he's next to go on the block and get evicted or even backdoored.
McCrae is plainly a serpentine character and Amanda's attachment to him had amazed me until I realized she is bi-polar.
HOH is Spencer, and he nominated McCrae and GM. The exterminators want to take out McCrae.
HOH is Spencer, and he nominated McCrae and GM. The exterminators want to take out McCrae.

I seen it too on live feeds.
HOH is Spencer, and he nominated McCrae and GM. The exterminators want to take out McCrae.

I seen it too on live feeds.

I don't get any feeds, and I've tried not to peek at the spoilers...but I can't help myself.:redface:
If Spencer is playing to win, he'll see that he needs to take Andy out. And sooner rather than later.

Andy has a better jury pitch for why he deserves to win and with Andy's memory for dates he'll be hard to get out during the Final 4 round ... at least if the competitions are typical.

So Spencer should be hoping anyone but Andy wins this coming POV and uses it so that he can put Andy up. Hopefully he's at least considering that.

Spencer has said that he wants to take Andy to F2, and knows he would lose to him but $50K would be life changing for Spencer and it would be an honor to lose to Andy (or some such bull). Since Spencer articulated that, it should mean he's thinking the exact opposite.

But who knows. This has been a particularly dunderheaded cast.
HOH is Spencer, and he nominated McCrae and GM. The exterminators want to take out McCrae.

Wow! I'm so glad to hear that. I can't tell my husband, he likes to be surprised, but I'll be on pins and needles!
McCrae won the POV. GM cut her knee wide open. Got 9 stitches. Sounds like it was a "fly through the air to complete the puzzle" thing where the puzzle pieces were held up magnetically and they fell down if you didn't periodically press a timer reset. P.s., and Ian was the guest host.
I had never gotten interested in Big Brother until this season. And I'll have to admit it is compelling. . . .
All three of the people in the finale might be in professional jeopardy.

Gina Marie has of course already lost her pageant job, though she still doesn't know about it.

Spencer will probably hang onto his railroad job but there could be a hearing. He has a good union and his family is prominent in their community, so he may just have to apologize and maybe enroll in sensitivity training.

Andy's employer -- the one he seemed to expect to return to in January -- made this announcement:

"Andy Herren has formerly worked for College of DuPage as a part-time instructor. He does not currently work for the College. Any behavior or language he uses on the CBS reality show 'Big Brother' does not represent the opinions or values of College of DuPage."
All three of the people in the finale might be in professional jeopardy.

Gina Marie has of course already lost her pageant job, though she still doesn't know about it.

Spencer will probably hang onto his railroad job but there could be a hearing. He has a good union and his family is prominent in their community, so he may just have to apologize and maybe enroll in sensitivity training.

Andy's employer -- the one he seemed to expect to return to in January -- made this announcement:

"Andy Herren has formerly worked for College of DuPage as a part-time instructor. He does not currently work for the College. Any behavior or language he uses on the CBS reality show 'Big Brother' does not represent the opinions or values of College of DuPage."

OMG! Who says your words don't come back to haunt you?

Well, the ones I wanted to be the winners are all out, and some of the video footage that has been released just makes me wonder about the whole lot.

I guess GM is the one that I hope wins from the three that are left, but I really don't care for any of the three that much.
All three of the people in the finale might be in professional jeopardy.

Gina Marie has of course already lost her pageant job, though she still doesn't know about it.

Spencer will probably hang onto his railroad job but there could be a hearing. He has a good union and his family is prominent in their community, so he may just have to apologize and maybe enroll in sensitivity training.

Andy's employer -- the one he seemed to expect to return to in January -- made this announcement:

"Andy Herren has formerly worked for College of DuPage as a part-time instructor. He does not currently work for the College. Any behavior or language he uses on the CBS reality show 'Big Brother' does not represent the opinions or values of College of DuPage."

I'll have to say of the three left standing, I suppose I would like to see Gina Marie win. Andy, Gina Marie, and Spencer have probably been among the least offensive and obnoxious over all, but sheesh, what do people expect people to think of them when they are on a show like Big Brother or Survivor where the object of the game is to lie, cheat, backstab, and blindside your opponent? The winner is adequately compensated and generally eventually forgiven. But the rest have nothing but a tattered reputation left. :)

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