Big Business, Corporate Profits, and the Minimum Wage

increasing the number of low-pay jobs, helps low-income earners; and has no adverse effects, on middle-to-upper income earners. All gains, no losses. Overall good for the American Public.

Weddikind, I suppose most of us, (and hopefully all of us) members agree this, (i.e. your) post.

But increasing the numbers of lower paying jobs by eliminating the legal minimum wage rate would decrease the nation’s median wage’s purchasing power and it would decrease it well beyond the decrease attributable to only the increased numbers of lower paying jobs. That would certainly be adverse to our economy.

Respectfully, Supposn
But increasing the numbers of lower paying jobs by eliminating the legal minimum wage rate would decrease the nation’s median wage’s purchasing power and it would decrease it well beyond the decrease attributable to only the increased numbers of lower paying jobs. That would certainly be adverse to our economy.

Respectfully, Supposn

as a liberal you get everything backwards. Price controls didn't help the USSR and they would not help us! Free market prices generate weath because they are based on actual value, not libturds guessing what actual value is.
But increasing the numbers of lower paying jobs by eliminating the legal minimum wage rate would decrease the nation’s median wage’s purchasing power and it would decrease it well beyond the decrease attributable to only the increased numbers of lower paying jobs. That would certainly be adverse to our economy.

Respectfully, Supposn

as a liberal you get everything backwards. Price controls didn't help the USSR and they would not help us! Free market prices generate weath because they are based on actual value, not libturds guessing what actual value is.

Baiamonte, price controls?
The legal minimum wage rate does not mandate who is hired or “cap” employees’ pay. The legal minimum pay rate’s purpose is to reduce the extent of poverty and government’s public assistance expenditures. Elimination of the federal minimum wage rate would induce net increased poverty and public assistance expenses.

Respectfully, Supposn
Would you consider COLAing the federal minimuim wage rate
inflation-adjusting the minimum wage would prevent inflation from "eroding" the real minimum wage. To date, inflation "eroding" the real minimum wage has helped "partially repeal" the minimum wage; and has consistently promoted job growth, creating (low-pay) work for many many Americans. COLA-ing the Federal minimum wage would thwart the expansion of the low-pay sector, of the US economy, reducing employment opportunities for workers, investment opportunities for lenders & banks, and even (therefore) interest-rates paid to the public on their bank deposits.

The legal minimum pay rate’s purpose is to reduce the extent of poverty and government’s public assistance expenditures.
minimum wages do not achieve that purpose. Can i ask, for a "reality check" ? In 2008, the minimum wage was raised over $2 per hour, to nearly the highest real (inflation-adjusted) rate ever. And, more people are on public assistance today, than ever. Minimum wages eliminate jobs, undermining the low-pay sector of the US economy. That only increases the extent of poverty, and calls for government public assistance programs.

Do you work minimum wage? Have you ever worked minimum wage? Do you have any intentions of working minimum wage? Why is minimum wage relevant to you? (may i ask)

Because, meanwhile, millions of Americans are out of work, which would become available, in the absence, of minimum wage laws. Poor people have low skills. But, they do not have no skills. They have some skills. And they are right-this-moment qualified, for low-skill, low-pay jobs. Wisdom warns, "never put off for another day, work that could be done today". Poor people could be doing economically valuable, productive, and profitable work, at $5 per hour (more than millions of Americans are earning, currently). So, why are we (as a country) procrastinating? Prohibiting millions of Americans some work, and some pay; and profitably employing their current skills, for the benefit of themselves & their bosses; somehow "helps" Americans, and the US economy ?? :eusa_eh:
Would you consider COLAing the federal minimuim wage rate
inflation-adjusting the minimum wage would prevent inflation from "eroding" the real minimum wage. To date, inflation "eroding" the real minimum wage has helped "partially repeal" the minimum wage; and has consistently promoted job growth, creating (low-pay) work for many many Americans. COLA-ing the Federal minimum wage would thwart the expansion of the low-pay sector, of the US economy, reducing employment opportunities for workers, investment opportunities for lenders & banks, and even (therefore) interest-rates paid to the public on their bank deposits.

The legal minimum pay rate’s purpose is to reduce the extent of poverty and government’s public assistance expenditures.
minimum wages do not achieve that purpose. Can i ask, for a "reality check" ? In 2008, the minimum wage was raised over $2 per hour, to nearly the highest real (inflation-adjusted) rate ever. And, more people are on public assistance today, than ever. Minimum wages eliminate jobs, undermining the low-pay sector of the US economy. That only increases the extent of poverty, and calls for government public assistance programs.

Do you work minimum wage? Have you ever worked minimum wage? Do you have any intentions of working minimum wage? Why is minimum wage relevant to you? (may i ask)

Because, meanwhile, millions of Americans are out of work, which would become available, in the absence, of minimum wage laws. Poor people have low skills. But, they do not have no skills. They have some skills. And they are right-this-moment qualified, for low-skill, low-pay jobs. Wisdom warns, "never put off for another day, work that could be done today". Poor people could be doing economically valuable, productive, and profitable work, at $5 per hour (more than millions of Americans are earning, currently). So, why are we (as a country) procrastinating? Prohibiting millions of Americans some work, and some pay; and profitably employing their current skills, for the benefit of themselves & their bosses; somehow "helps" Americans, and the US economy ?? :eusa_eh:
Ah, the con dogma again, Widde. If you had an open mind, which you have not, you would understand why minimum wage is a benefit to unemployment numbers. And, by the way, I do not consider someone working at $5 to be gainfully employed. Can not live on it, under any circumstance. So, find a company that does not believe in minimum wage, and see how they are doing. You will generally find that they are proffitle, and that upper management levels are doing quite well, thank you very much.

But, it does make the people who pay the conservatives very happy to pay as little as they can. To hell with the middle class, eh widde.
$5 / hr. is something; is better than nothing. You can live better, with a low-pay job, than with nothing. Are you volunteering, to pay unemployed people, more than $5 / hr., out of your own pocket? Because otherwise, they could be earning $10K / year (say), and at least requiring allot less Public assistance.

Moreover, many minimum-wage earners are actually teenagers, in high-school. So, first, every dollar they earn, they probably plan to spend, which helps the economy more. And, they themselves do not have to "live on minimum wage", their income is an extra income, for their household.

Never-the-less, the fact that you cannot "live like a king" on low-pay jobs, does not mean, that you don't live better, on some income, than on no income. Re-generating the low-pay sector of the US economy, re-generating millions of jobs & thousands of businesses, would not be "bad" for Americans, or their economy. Offering them jobs, and paying them money, does not "harm" people.
$5 / hr. is something; is better than nothing. You can live better, with a low-pay job, than with nothing. Are you volunteering, to pay unemployed people, more than $5 / hr., out of your own pocket? Because otherwise, they could be earning $10K / year (say), and at least requiring allot less Public assistance.
I do, and have over the past three years, pay unemployed people. And I have never paid them less than $10 per hour. Not saying I am any kind of a large employer. Just one to 3 on a part time basis. But here is the thing. You mention $10K per year, which is just slightly more than a full time employee at $5 per hour. Try to budget that, see how you would live. Can not be done.

Moreover, many minimum-wage earners are actually teenagers, in high-school. So, first, every dollar they earn, they probably plan to spend, which helps the economy more. And, they themselves do not have to "live on minimum wage", their income is an extra income, for their household.

Never-the-less, the fact that you cannot "live like a king" on low-pay jobs, does not mean, that you don't live better, on some income, than on no income. Re-generating the low-pay sector of the US economy, re-generating millions of jobs & thousands of businesses, would not be "bad" for Americans, or their economy. Offering them jobs, and paying them money, does not "harm" people.
Facts say otherwise. What you say is not true, in general. What it does is line up perfectly with the folks you support, who support all con organizations and politicians. They love paying less, and could care less about the problems of the people whom they employ.
So what I am sure of, and what economic history has shown, is tha raising the minimum wage is a benefit to the middle class and below, and not to the upper 1%, which, coincidentally, are the exact people whom you always support.
What lowering wages always does, as your benefactors know fully, is set wages into the future. If you want this country to end up like some third world country, where the workers earn enough to barely live, then what you propose is a great start. If you really cared about the working class, you would have an open mind and consider all of the studies that have been don saying that raising minimum wage does not cause unemployment rates to increase.
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How is 40% teen black unemployment, a consequence of the latest increase in min wage, a benefit to anyone except pandering Dem politicians?
People think there is a free lunch in min wage. If $8/hr is good, why not $50?
How is 40% teen black unemployment, a consequence of the latest increase in min wage, a benefit to anyone except pandering Dem politicians?
People think there is a free lunch in min wage. If $8/hr is good, why not $50?

better still why not just give everyone $500/hr so we all can be rich and equal!! I'm sure the economy would boom that way!

Since liberalsim is based on pure ignorance not one liberal will be able to oppose that idea.
If you want this country to end up like some third world country, where the workers earn enough to barely live, then what you propose is a great start.

actually under a capitalist system an employer has to offer the highest wages possible or lose his best employees to the competition. This is why American employees are the richest in human history!

Its Econ 101 class one day one!!
If you want this country to end up like some third world country, where the workers earn enough to barely live, then what you propose is a great start.

actually under a capitalist system an employer has to offer the highest wages possible or lose his best employees to the competition. This is why American employees are the richest in human history!

Its Econ 101 class one day one!!
Ed, me boy, where did you get that idea??? Looks to me like just more con dogma. No proof, as usual, of your idea. So, let me give you a clue: you obviously missed econ 101 day 1. Because we are actually number 14 in wages. Here is the link to the data:
Table 1. Hourly compensation costs, U.S. dollars and U.S. = 100
This link is to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics web site. Not a liberal or conservative site.

So, where did ed get his info. Well, appears to be the same dogma - american workers are lucky to be paid so well by capitalism in the form of corporations. Ed does not believe that monopoly is any problem for workers, unions are bad, minimum wage is bad. Let the individual worker fend for himself against the monopoly power of corporations in negotiating his wages. Never mind that he is loosing the labor share of increased productivity. Just keep up the con dogma, supporting corporations who always want to pay as little as possible for labor. In the mean time stats show the worker, the middle class person, is getting a smaller and smaller percent of the corporate earnings, and we continue to see the middle class decrease in size. And we watch the american worker fare less and less well compared to other industrialized nations.

By the way, ed, most of the countries above us have a very large socialist component to their economy.
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How is 40% teen black unemployment, a consequence of the latest increase in min wage, a benefit to anyone except pandering Dem politicians?
People think there is a free lunch in min wage. If $8/hr is good, why not $50?

better still why not just give everyone $500/hr so we all can be rich and equal!! I'm sure the economy would boom that way!

Since liberalsim is based on pure ignorance not one liberal will be able to oppose that idea.
Why bother to oppose the idea, ed, it is way to ignorant to bother with. No liberal I ever met wanted to see corporations die, or people who do not work prosper. It is simply part of your twisted mind, just something you want to believe.
The real minimum wage gradually declined after the 1970s, broadly correlating, with the "Great Moderation" of economic expansion in the US economy. Plausibly, falling labor costs helped US businesses compete economically:
corporations who always want to pay as little as possible for labor.
US consumers "want to pay as little as possible" for products. In fact, overall, they refuse to buy American, in favor of cheaper foreign products. Is that "bad" too? (Is hypocrisy "good"?)
The US Federal minimum wage was increased on April Fools Day 1990; the US economy officially entered a recession, within two months (June 1990). The minimum wage was raised again, on April Fools Day 1991; unemployment rates did not begin decreasing, until 1992.

U.S. Department of Labor - Wage and Hour Division (WHD) - Minimum Wage
Great. We used to have lots of dianasaurs when we ate a lot of raw meat. then we stopped eating raw meat and the dianasaurs disapeared. Maybe if we ate raw meat again they would come back.
Get a clue, Widde. Saying something happened when something else did is no indication of causation. Unless you are a con, and you want to believe it did.
The real minimum wage gradually declined after the 1970s, broadly correlating, with the "Great Moderation" of economic expansion in the US economy. Plausibly, falling labor costs helped US businesses compete economically:
And 13 countries currently have higher wage rates than we do, and nearly all have better overall earnings for their workers.
I know you do not care about the middle class, but if you did, you might wonder why this is the case. But then, Widde, you always spread the con dogma. Go to any tea party site, and you will find Widde's agenda.
corporations who always want to pay as little as possible for labor.
US consumers "want to pay as little as possible" for products. In fact, overall, they refuse to buy American, in favor of cheaper foreign products. Is that "bad" too? (Is hypocrisy "good"?)
Nope. That is just the way it is. So, explain Germany. Or would you prefer we act like china, so that all of our workers can live at bae subsistence levels and below. The true con dream, and you, Widde, are a con. Try working at $5. Then, if you can, come back and tell me we do not need minimum wage laws, like the 13 countries where wages are higher than in this country. And where, in general, the countries are doing better than the US. But you won't, will you, Widde. Much simpler to blast out that con dogma. Just say what they tell you to. And for gods sake, don't ask any questions.
So, US workers want high pay; and low prices. You know that's not possible, right? Product prices reflect the wages paid to workers in producing said products. High labor costs, high product costs passed on to consumers.

What "magic 13" countries are better off than the US, having higher wages, and lower prices ? Businesses deserve as much (economic) protection, as workers. Workers do not get ahead, by "shaking down" their own businesses. Workers think, that they can get ahead, by "shaking down" their own country's economy? i don't see why there must be inherent antagonism between US businesses, and US workers.

i don't have any agenda. If you're the expert economics wizard, able to magically manifest high wages with low prices, then you get the Ph.D. and Senate seat. What i perceive, is US workers & managers all demanding high wages & salaries, making their businesses act like monopolies, hiking prices, to cover costs, of those high wages & salaries. Thereby, US workers & managers have restricted US businesses to "expensive stuff", that can command the high prices needed, to pay their wages & salaries. "Cheap stuff" can only be made abroad, where workers (and perhaps managers) earn less. So, all the "cheap stuff" US consumers want, they now buy from foreigners, causing a trade deficit. US workers & managers all seem to demand relatively exorbitant pay. Various combinations of consumers, and (stereotypically) foreign workers, are then asked, to cover those costs.
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The government does not determine what a man is willing to work for and it does not prevent the elderly and uneducated poor from working. It does mandate a federal minimum wage rate. That is not immoral.

Complete and utter bullshit. But hey, getting the uneducated, the inexperienced, and the elderly on the dole because the government min wage laws prevent them from realizing the wage level they're capable of earning...that's just fine. More people on the dole is good thing cuz' they vote for more handouts, right? Can't blame them, it's YOU preventing them from working. But I can sure as hell blame you and your nanny state and union buddies. Pathetic.
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we act like china, so that all of our workers can live at bae subsistence levels and below. .

perfectly exactly 100% stupid and liberal!!!!!!!! Chinese workers are getting rich under Republican capitalism!!! In 1985 they bought 5000 cars. This year they will buy 20 million!!!

20,000,000 is about the number that slowly starved to death in a bad year under liberalism!!

You can no more sense of reality than a typical Nazi could in 1940's. Don't worry though, be happy.
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