Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

What subsidies do you feel these corporations get?
Spell them out.

When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts. You raise the minimum wage and that employee can afford insurance and taxpayers are no longer subsidizing the employer. This also goes for other forms of public assistance that employed Americans receive.

Wrong, everyone pays the price in higher inflation Do you really think employers will just eat the additional cost. Margins are too close in service related businesses they can's just absorb the cost and not pass it on to the consumers. Then when that happy meal doubles in cost, do gooders like you will demand an ever higher wage. No one wins that game but it makes for great propaganda and a sure way to buy votes.

Amazingly they're still opening McDonalds on these thin margins.

"McDonald's plans to remodel more than 1,000 locations around the world, which will modernize the customer experience while also broadening accessibility. In 2014, it also plans to spend somewhere between $2.9 and $3 billion to open 1,500 to 1,600 stores around the world -- the first McDonald's in Vietnam will open in 2014 -- with 350 to 400 of the new shops being McCafe concept stores, since coffee continues to be a major growth-driver."

Gee, I guess all of those projected store openings are going to be losing money then, right?

Wrong, according to McDonalds:

"Lastly, the company is forecasting 3% to 5% same-store sales growth and 6% to 7% operating-income growth."

What Will McDonald's Do in 2014? (^DJI, MCD)

As for being a "do gooder", thanks. What's that make you?
What subsidies do you feel these corporations get?
Spell them out.

When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts. You raise the minimum wage and that employee can afford insurance and taxpayers are no longer subsidizing the employer. This also goes for other forms of public assistance that employed Americans receive.

When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts.
Public money going to a worker is not a subsidy to the company.

It's money the company doesn't have to spend...they have people like you agreeing to provide their employees free healthcare.

Just out of curiosity; if Little Rock, Arkansas agreed to pay the liability insurance for Pizza Hut, Domino's, and all other pizza chain's delivery drivers....would that be a subsidy to you?
How many here would attempt to start a business or if your a small business owner expand it if the minimum wage was doubled to $15.00 dollars a hour?
When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts. You raise the minimum wage and that employee can afford insurance and taxpayers are no longer subsidizing the employer. This also goes for other forms of public assistance that employed Americans receive.

When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts.
Public money going to a worker is not a subsidy to the company.

It's money the company doesn't have to spend...they have people like you agreeing to provide their employees free healthcare.

Just out of curiosity; if Little Rock, Arkansas agreed to pay the liability insurance for Pizza Hut, Domino's, and all other pizza chain's delivery drivers....would that be a subsidy to you?

It's money the company doesn't have to spend...they have people like you agreeing to provide their employees free healthcare.

So what? If Obama gives the employees free cell phones, is that a subsidy? LOL!

Just out of curiosity; if Little Rock, Arkansas agreed to pay the liability insurance for Pizza Hut, Domino's, and all other pizza chain's delivery drivers....would that be a subsidy to you?

If a company is liable for an employee accident, then yes, that would be a subsidy.
Adjusted for inflation, $15/hour is crap in NYC. Detroit? I think they're pushing it. Paramedics in my area, gross an average of $45k/yr. In Los Angeles-the average gross is $100k/yr.

I'm wondering if franchising will not spell disaster for many large corporations. And while I believe that $15/hr. in NYC is reasonable, it is not reasonable in Detroit. $15/hr-same buying power as approximately $9.30-in 1993. Wow.
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I agree with the Republican Congressman

In addition to repealing the minimum wage we need to repeal the 40 hour week, overtime laws, child labor laws, OSHA and anti discrimination laws

They just get in the way of American business
How many here would attempt to start a business or if your a small business owner expand it if the minimum wage was doubled to $15.00 dollars a hour?

This is just me-I would adjust my wages for inflation, and try to compete with other employers for loyal employees. If a small-business owner is good to his employees, they will damned near run through the fire for him. One of my dear friends owns a small business; and she gives her employees ALL the perks: bonuses, health insurance, excellent vacation time, and compensation. That business, which was started by her father in the 50's, is the definition of Adam Smith's Capitalism.

Ayn Rand's philosophy is what seems to be commonplace now. Shame.
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If their competition is paying the same rate ($15 an hour or otherwise), there is no advantage to either side. It becomes a game of who is most efficient at that point.
When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts. You raise the minimum wage and that employee can afford insurance and taxpayers are no longer subsidizing the employer. This also goes for other forms of public assistance that employed Americans receive.

When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts.
Public money going to a worker is not a subsidy to the company.

It's money the company doesn't have to spend...they have people like you agreeing to provide their employees free healthcare.

Just out of curiosity; if Little Rock, Arkansas agreed to pay the liability insurance for Pizza Hut, Domino's, and all other pizza chain's delivery drivers....would that be a subsidy to you?

What kind of subsidy is it when people in Ohio get free cell phones for their Obama votes? ......:eusa_whistle:
Moral of the story:

McDonald's & Walmart turn a profit therefore they are enemy #1

Eh, Walmart...I avoid like the plague. The "people of Walmart" photos are reason enough. But its presence does hurt small businesses; especially in small towns.

I've seen Super Walmart(s) arrive in small towns; and like Boa Constrictors squeeze the life out of the "historical districts", or former small businesses. The existence of Big Business will turn a nice area into a ghetto, within 10-20 years.
Walmart running an ambulance service; I cannot express how dangerous this is. If Walmart were to operate EMS in the same manner as everything else they do....the thought of it makes me cringe. As with everything else in life, you get what you pay for. I've worked for both public and private services.

It is VERY difficult to run an ambulance service, for profit. Many private services-in my area-are staffed by brand new EMTs and paramedics...and those with a less-than-savory past; therefore, the possibility of mistakes-in a situation where mistakes cost lives- is much greater. In my experience, non-profit hospital-based services, and county or city funded EMS, is where the seasoned and "good" medics work. Just like any other professional, a skilled paramedic is going to go with the highest bidder; and to the service with the best benefits-like LA Fire.
When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts.
Public money going to a worker is not a subsidy to the company.

It's money the company doesn't have to spend...they have people like you agreeing to provide their employees free healthcare.

Just out of curiosity; if Little Rock, Arkansas agreed to pay the liability insurance for Pizza Hut, Domino's, and all other pizza chain's delivery drivers....would that be a subsidy to you?

What kind of subsidy is it when people in Ohio get free cell phones for their Obama votes? ......:eusa_whistle:

same kind when it was done under BushII(Dubya), Creepton, Bush sr(lip reader) and Raygun(Star Whore).
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All of the talk about the FMW is good; I think everyone realizes it's too low and needs to be raised. However, the $15 per hour the UFCW is asking for is a non-starter. The $10 our President recommends is much more realistic and should be implemented over the next 3 years.
I wonder how long McDonald's will continue to exist, in New York City.
The average rent in NYC, is $3000/month, according to this article:

New York City Rents Vault Over $3,000 a Month -

Even at $15/hour, workers will have to have at least 2 jobs. (Many of us did it for years, though, so...) Some of you know the standard cab fare-plus $36,000/year rent, while netting less than $31,000 per year, isn't going to work. McDonald's might want to consider selling their "food" in frozen form, to grocery chains, in NYC. This will have to continue to be what it has traditionally been-an entry-level job, for teens.
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Moral of the story:

McDonald's & Walmart turn a profit therefore they are enemy #1

Eh, Walmart...I avoid like the plague. The "people of Walmart" photos are reason enough. But its presence does hurt small businesses; especially in small towns.

I've seen Super Walmart(s) arrive in small towns; and like Boa Constrictors squeeze the life out of the "historical districts", or former small businesses. The existence of Big Business will turn a nice area into a ghetto, within 10-20 years.

I've seen Super Walmart(s) arrive in small towns; and like Boa Constrictors squeeze the life out of the "historical districts", or former small businesses.

More choice and lower prices, just awful.
Moral of the story:

McDonald's & Walmart turn a profit therefore they are enemy #1

Eh, Walmart...I avoid like the plague. The "people of Walmart" photos are reason enough. But its presence does hurt small businesses; especially in small towns.

I've seen Super Walmart(s) arrive in small towns; and like Boa Constrictors squeeze the life out of the "historical districts", or former small businesses. The existence of Big Business will turn a nice area into a ghetto, within 10-20 years.

I've seen Super Walmart(s) arrive in small towns; and like Boa Constrictors squeeze the life out of the "historical districts", or former small businesses.

More choice and lower prices, just awful.

Variety, large quantity, low prices (because many of the products are manufactured in 3rd-world countries); YEAH it is awful.

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