Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Mcdonalds and Walmart workers already make $15 plus an hour in the States. Just move up to the Dakotas. And why is that? It is simple a low: UE.~ supply and demand

But what you guys want to do is have a high unemployment and artificially raise the MW. All it causes is trickle up poor. Get rid of minimum wage.
OK, all this talk about minimum wage and the evil corporations that pay those wages got me to thinking about Doug McMillon.
Do you know Doug?

When Doug was a teenager, he got his first job. He worked in a Walmart distribution center as summer employee in 1984, for minimum wage.

Doug is now 47 years old and he still works for WalMart. On February 1st 2014 Doug McMillon will take over the helm of WalMart as its new CEO. Imagine that, some teenage boy working in a WalMart warehouse 30 years ago for minimum wage is about to become the CEO of the worlds second largest company (by revenue).

That is not the American dream!

He should have been paid $15.00 per hour at the entry level and lived the rest of his life on that living wage, fucking evil capitalists ........... :thup:
They want to drive wages as low as possible, so they can make as much as possible. What they seem to miss is the fact that by destroying a decent wage structure in this country, it will eventually go full circle and bite them in the ass. What conservatives have done is go from telling us how the pie is ever expanding to stopping the expansion of the pie and taking a larger and larger percentage of it.

Well hell if you're going to fucking cry about it how about we just increase the minimum wage to 1 million dollars per hour, that way every little ignorant freak could be a millionaire. Would you shut the fuck up then?

This just shows your utter stupidity. In the past forty years, worker productivity has increased by more than 75%. Wages have actually dropped. Where has all the money gone? It's all gone to the top. The working class has been fucked over, and now it's time to pay the piper. What cons fail to understand is that this has affected the entire economy, because those with lower incomes spend almost their entire incomes. It has cost us a great deal of growth in the economy, and it has negatively impacted the wages of the middle class also. But hey, why not raise the minimum wage to $1 million per hour. :cuckoo:

What a tool.

No, what you don't understand is even you have the opportunity to provide a good or service that others might want and make a profit doing it. If you don't want to work in someones business model and make what you are worth to them, start a business of your own a pay yourself what you think you are worth. Personally I don't think you have a freaking clue what it takes to make a payroll. Labor is just a commodity and is worth no more than the market says it is, you start screwing with that then you screw with the market as a whole and everything will cost you more.
What subsidies do you feel these corporations get?
Spell them out.

When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts. You raise the minimum wage and that employee can afford insurance and taxpayers are no longer subsidizing the employer. This also goes for other forms of public assistance that employed Americans receive.

Wrong, everyone pays the price in higher inflation Do you really think employers will just eat the additional cost. Margins are too close in service related businesses they can's just absorb the cost and not pass it on to the consumers. Then when that happy meal doubles in cost, do gooders like you will demand an ever higher wage. No one wins that game but it makes for great propaganda and a sure way to buy votes.
Why does ANYBODY bother to apply for a minimum wage job in the first place? If nobody applied then the business would either have to pay more or not offer the job in the first place. Tell you what. If I work for $7.25 an hour for someone, I work at half speed. Pretend to pay me, I pretend to work. It's pretty simple math. Why people even apply to work for someone else for $7.25 is way beyond me. Leave those positions unfilled. Then things change.
Why does ANYBODY bother to apply for a minimum wage job in the first place? If nobody applied then the business would either have to pay more or not offer the job in the first place. Tell you what. If I work for $7.25 an hour for someone, I work at half speed. Pretend to pay me, I pretend to work. It's pretty simple math. Why people even apply to work for someone else for $7.25 is way beyond me. Leave those positions unfilled. Then things change.

an example of the idiot living in a box.

People apply for 7.25 job because they do not qualify for the other and becasue there are no jobs at all.

Thanks to your leftard agenda put into work.

5 years of Keynesian coma - and you expect to have JOBS?

you are delusional.
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX)

I'd like to repeal his min. wage and pay him what we the people feel he is worth. It should be tied to rating, so he should make 10% of what he currently is.
Liberals hate McDonald's, Walmart, Chic fil a and whatever else average Americans partake in.

Then you wonder why you're considered snobs.

McDonalds is disgusting, haven't had it in over 10 years and don't understand how people continue to go there. Every Walmart I've ever been in has been filthy and unorganized. Chic-fil-a is fucking delicious though.
I never settled for minimum wage while I was in the workforce(now happily retired as nobody should ever die on the job, its the worst absolute place to die)... Anyway, I ran my own business, never hired anyone, and surely never ever settled for minimum wage, even while in college. So my question then is why would anyone else?
I never settled for minimum wage while I was in the workforce(now happily retired as nobody should ever die on the job, its the worst absolute place to die)... Anyway, I ran my own business, never hired anyone, and surely never ever settled for minimum wage, even while in college. So my question then is why would anyone else?

Intentional or not.
Why does ANYBODY bother to apply for a minimum wage job in the first place? If nobody applied then the business would either have to pay more or not offer the job in the first place. Tell you what. If I work for $7.25 an hour for someone, I work at half speed. Pretend to pay me, I pretend to work. It's pretty simple math. Why people even apply to work for someone else for $7.25 is way beyond me. Leave those positions unfilled. Then things change.

Sorry to say you are the prime example of the problem with this country, you think your job is all about money. I think my job is doing it great and expanding the business so we could hire more workers so they get a pay check.
What subsidies do you feel these corporations get?
Spell them out.

When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts. You raise the minimum wage and that employee can afford insurance and taxpayers are no longer subsidizing the employer. This also goes for other forms of public assistance that employed Americans receive.

When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts.

Public money going to a worker is not a subsidy to the company.
There wouldn't have to be a minimum wage if labor was unionized. The free market fails b/c there is no parity between bargaining powers and the monied elites hold all the cards in that process. Labor can take it or leave it.

The free market fails to value Labor's efforts equitably

Unionize labor and eliminate the minimum wage.

It worked for Eastern Airlines and Hostess, what could go wrong?
Why does ANYBODY bother to apply for a minimum wage job in the first place? If nobody applied then the business would either have to pay more or not offer the job in the first place. Tell you what. If I work for $7.25 an hour for someone, I work at half speed. Pretend to pay me, I pretend to work. It's pretty simple math. Why people even apply to work for someone else for $7.25 is way beyond me. Leave those positions unfilled. Then things change.

Why people even apply to work for someone else for $7.25 is way beyond me.

Illegal aliens are happy to make $7.25 an hour.
You want to actually raise low skilled wages, boot the illegals.
Those wages will have to rise.
Bring in millions more, those hard workers will have the jobs our unskilled workers are too lazy to do.

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