Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Would we all agree that we have a consumer based economy?

When the wages of the consumers are kept artificially low or static and prices continue to rise anyway, it's pretty easy to see why we're having economic problems...the consumers can't consume.

Those who oppose minimum wages have a point; yes if you're paying $10 to one employee, you can't pay $5 to two which is what is happening right now. What those people ignore however is the economic engine that will be produced by that one employee getting more money in her purse. Also they (disingenuously in my view) refuse to acknowledge is that a great many businesses can't cut more employees. Last evening, I had Thai food as I usually do. I tend to eat early, go to sleep early, so I can go to Yoga on Saturday Morning as I am about to do. Anyway, there were no bussers working there. My waitress was bussing tables. I guess they could turn the restaurant into a buffet but the often repeated myth that the job cuts will be a direct result of a rise in the FMW is nonsense; especially when it affects the entire sector.
What subsidies do you feel these corporations get?
Spell them out.

When employees are not given health insurance, for example, they get their health insurance through the public health system. Therefore, the employer is getting a subsidy of sorts. You raise the minimum wage and that employee can afford insurance and taxpayers are no longer subsidizing the employer. This also goes for other forms of public assistance that employed Americans receive.
There wouldn't have to be a minimum wage if labor was unionized. The free market fails b/c there is no parity between bargaining powers and the monied elites hold all the cards in that process. Labor can take it or leave it.

The free market fails to value Labor's efforts equitably

Unionize labor and eliminate the minimum wage.
Who wants to buy a 40 dollar drive thru meal? Just do it. I love it. Destroy this industry. Give it liberals. YAY!!!

The food is shit. The service is lousy. I'll buy kobe beef and eat at home.

Funny thing about liberals that think low wage workers deserve more money.
They could always tip them.
I wonder how many liberals actually tip the McDonalds employees that they think deserves a higher wage. They could do it if they were that concerned, but I bet they don't.

Don't be ridiculous. Even when I ate meat, no way would I eat that garbage any more than I would shop in a WalMart now. I'll bet you eat hot dogs too. :cuckoo:

(Cracks me up that brain-dead tinnydancer actually believes in "Kobe beef". She's paying huge money for shitty American beef that Europe won't buy or allow into their countries The Republican-led race to the bottom continues.)

I merely used McDonalds as an example, feel free to tip any low wage worker of your choice if you think they are underpaid.
Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.” Can Obama Unilaterally Raise the Minimum Wage? -

Barton’s not the only lawmaker to hold such a view. In June, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) told a meeting of the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to mark 75 years since the signing of the Federal Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed a minimum wage, that he “do[es] not believe in it” and that he would abolish the minimum wage. And while he hasn’t called for the full repeal of the minimum wage, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said, “I don’t think a minimum wage law works.”

Congressman: 'I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage' | ThinkProgress

These people want other people living in shit on the side of the street. The minimum wage demands fairness for the workers.

If you can't get 7.25/hour to hardly pay for food after you're done working. You're no more then a slave. These bastards want Africa, mexico or china for Americans.




I love lamp!
Who wants to buy a 40 dollar drive thru meal? Just do it. I love it. Destroy this industry. Give it liberals. YAY!!!

The food is shit. The service is lousy. I'll buy kobe beef and eat at home.

If it was the other way around and there was no min. then you could laugh at the starving 10 years that just got off a shift that prepared your meal.Spitwads were added for free.
Other things that make you go hmmmm .....

Do you realize that McDonalds corporation only owns 15% of the actual restaurants? The rest are owned through a franchise agreement. The reality of the situation is that raising the minimum wage would have minimal impact on the corporation overall, but rather, it would impact the franchisee holders to a much larger extent.
In other words, your little picture means nothing.
Minimum wage reduces efficiency by artificially raising the price of low-skill labor. Minimum wage reduces employment of low-skilled individuals which leads to some people having zero wage while it helps others have a higher wage. Minimum wage reduces employment opportunities for low-skilled people.

Minimum wage increases cause corporations to go overseas in order to survive, which reduces employment opportunity for people in this country. Some corporations will go overseas. In the case of fast food chains, they are already looking at using robots to replace these employees, especially after the staged walkouts.

Robots Could Take Over Fast Food Jobs - Careers Articles

Robot fast-food workers are inevitable: Peter Nowak

So because of ignorant and selfish people, soon there will be more people unemployed. It will be harder for people coming out of high school to get a job to get started in this world. Those wishing for minimum wage may get their wish, but they may also find themselves replaced by robots, or kiss their job good-bye as they see their company go overseas.

Employers who offer low wages for low-skill labor are exactly what economic efficiency is all about. Providing higher pay for low-skill sends the wrong message, it destroys incentive to improve ones skills and move up, instead it promotes staying low-skill and kills the competitive spirit to do what it takes to move up.

Countless times people have complained about lack of American made products, people like those wanting minimum wage increases are exactly why these people are complaining.


but the parroting mouthpieces won't hear you.
Thank you, Pope Francis, for calling out the lie of trickle down, which creates pee-ons.

If trickle down doesn't work, why do Obama and the democrats keep practicing it? All the while their rhetoric keeps condemning it?......... :lol:
Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.” Can Obama Unilaterally Raise the Minimum Wage? -

Barton’s not the only lawmaker to hold such a view. In June, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) told a meeting of the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to mark 75 years since the signing of the Federal Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed a minimum wage, that he “do[es] not believe in it” and that he would abolish the minimum wage. And while he hasn’t called for the full repeal of the minimum wage, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said, “I don’t think a minimum wage law works.”

Congressman: 'I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage' | ThinkProgress

These people want other people living in shit on the side of the street. The minimum wage demands fairness for the workers.

If you can't get 7.25/hour to hardly pay for food after you're done working. You're no more then a slave. These bastards want Africa, mexico or china for Americans.


READ what the Bureau of Labor statistics show who earns "Minimum WAGE"!

In 2011, 73.9 million American workers age 16 and over were paid at hourly rates, representing 59.1 percent of all wage and salary workers.
Among those paid by the hour, 1.7 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 2.2 million had wages below the minimum.
Together, these 3.8 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 5.2 percent of all hourly-paid workers.

they expect us to cry over 3.8 millions in a 320 million nation?

we already cried a lot over supposedly 40 million without insurance, which turned out to be only 7 million - and ruined the perfectly working system for the other 300 million.
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Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.” Can Obama Unilaterally Raise the Minimum Wage? -

Barton’s not the only lawmaker to hold such a view. In June, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) told a meeting of the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to mark 75 years since the signing of the Federal Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed a minimum wage, that he “do[es] not believe in it” and that he would abolish the minimum wage. And while he hasn’t called for the full repeal of the minimum wage, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said, “I don’t think a minimum wage law works.”

Congressman: 'I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage' | ThinkProgress

These people want other people living in shit on the side of the street. The minimum wage demands fairness for the workers.

If you can't get 7.25/hour to hardly pay for food after you're done working. You're no more then a slave. These bastards want Africa, mexico or china for Americans.
This will never be accepted but it has long been my contention that raises in the minimum wage should be tied to raises for Congressmen. If the Senators and Representatives give themselves a 10% raise, the people working for minimum wage automatically receive a 10% increase in their wage. That seems fair to me.
Or better yet, how about if the working people decide how much the congresscritters get paid rather than congresscritters deciding their own pay?
My wife is a minimum wage worker, she got her first job outside the house just 3 months ago and is already about to upgrade to a better company.

She bitterly complains about the lack of motivation of many of her co-workers. They do as little as possible, and the management is powerless to do much about it. The employee turn-over is unreal. The same store has hired, fired, rehired, fired again, rehired yet again, the same people who've been rude to customers, stolen merchandise, HAD SEX IN THE CLOSETS, refused to complete tasks and verbally abused assistant managers in front of people.

If you're a teenager just starting out in the working world you have to start somewhere. You should have to prove you're worth a wage at all, but that's not who I'm talking about right now.

I'm talking about people in their 30's + still working minimum work jobs because they're otherwise useless. They're a tax benefit to the company, which probably offsets the amount they steal or destroy. These idiots have the idea they should be paid CEO level wages to stand around behind cash registers and ring up the tabs on EBT card customers.

At least the EBT card customers are smart enough to game the system.

I call them "Minimum Work" employees. They think they're entitled to a "living wage" that will support a family of 4 with 2 cars, a 4000 Sq Ft House, bass boat and annual Caribbean cruises, yet they can't even bring themselves to do a decent job mopping the floor after complaining for longer than it takes to do the work that they were tasked to do.

There should not be a minimum wage laws. There should be maximum work laws. You don't pull your weight, you don't get paid. You put in more effort, you make more than the people who don't. That's what makes progress, that's what creates prosperity.

Bed wetting is counter-productive.
Minimum wage reduces efficiency by artificially raising the price of low-skill labor. Minimum wage reduces employment of low-skilled individuals which leads to some people having zero wage while it helps others have a higher wage. Minimum wage reduces employment opportunities for low-skilled people.

Minimum wage increases cause corporations to go overseas in order to survive, which reduces employment opportunity for people in this country. Some corporations will go overseas. In the case of fast food chains, they are already looking at using robots to replace these employees, especially after the staged walkouts.

Robots Could Take Over Fast Food Jobs - Careers Articles

Robot fast-food workers are inevitable: Peter Nowak

So because of ignorant and selfish people, soon there will be more people unemployed. It will be harder for people coming out of high school to get a job to get started in this world. Those wishing for minimum wage may get their wish, but they may also find themselves replaced by robots, or kiss their job good-bye as they see their company go overseas.

Employers who offer low wages for low-skill labor are exactly what economic efficiency is all about. Providing higher pay for low-skill sends the wrong message, it destroys incentive to improve ones skills and move up, instead it promotes staying low-skill and kills the competitive spirit to do what it takes to move up.

Countless times people have complained about lack of American made products, people like those wanting minimum wage increases are exactly why these people are complaining.

This really can not be stressed enough. Common sense arguments like these never get the traction they should in the false reality of elite media.


If the CEO of McDonald's is being paid an hourly wage, and at 15/hr...he/she's getting the shaft. So THAT'S why the food is so cheap! Well, that and the food is...unidentifiable.
My wife is a minimum wage worker, she got her first job outside the house just 3 months ago and is already about to upgrade to a better company.

She bitterly complains about the lack of motivation of many of her co-workers. They do as little as possible, and the management is powerless to do much about it. The employee turn-over is unreal. The same store has hired, fired, rehired, fired again, rehired yet again, the same people who've been rude to customers, stolen merchandise, HAD SEX IN THE CLOSETS, refused to complete tasks and verbally abused assistant managers in front of people.

If you're a teenager just starting out in the working world you have to start somewhere. You should have to prove you're worth a wage at all, but that's not who I'm talking about right now.

I'm talking about people in their 30's + still working minimum work jobs because they're otherwise useless. They're a tax benefit to the company, which probably offsets the amount they steal or destroy. These idiots have the idea they should be paid CEO level wages to stand around behind cash registers and ring up the tabs on EBT card customers.

At least the EBT card customers are smart enough to game the system.

I call them "Minimum Work" employees. They think they're entitled to a "living wage" that will support a family of 4 with 2 cars, a 4000 Sq Ft House, bass boat and annual Caribbean cruises, yet they can't even bring themselves to do a decent job mopping the floor after complaining for longer than it takes to do the work that they were tasked to do.

There should not be a minimum wage laws. There should be maximum work laws. You don't pull your weight, you don't get paid. You put in more effort, you make more than the people who don't. That's what makes progress, that's what creates prosperity.

Bed wetting is counter-productive.

A ton of truth in that post, many of those reasons are why my company pays our employees on a piece work basis......
OK, all this talk about minimum wage and the evil corporations that pay those wages got me to thinking about Doug McMillon.
Do you know Doug?

When Doug was a teenager, he got his first job. He worked in a Walmart distribution center as summer employee in 1984, for minimum wage.

Doug is now 47 years old and he still works for WalMart. On February 1st 2014 Doug McMillon will take over the helm of WalMart as its new CEO. Imagine that, some teenage boy working in a WalMart warehouse 30 years ago for minimum wage is about to become the CEO of the worlds second largest company (by revenue).

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