Big Green....making a fortune off of Climate Change and political power....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Good article about the political and entertainment class making their fortunes on climate change B.S...

You see, I was always puzzled as to why the greens—starting from the top with Joe Biden and his must-hire from the donor class, climate envoy John Kerry—have been so adamant about “de-carbonizing” the U.S. and yet have been so uninterested when the rest of the world keeps “carbonizing.” If someone wants to use a gas stove in the U.S., the greens are noisy in opposition, and yet when China builds a slew of new coal plants, they are silent. And, as some say, silence means consent.

Here’s what I used to think about green thinking: I thought they were sincere but misguided, focusing on strange distant goals as opposed to real-world needs.

One green consultancy calculatedin 2020 that the green economy was worth $1.3 trillion and projected it to increase by 2050 to $10.3 trillion. You don’t get to that kind of money by thrumming in a drum circle or carrying a picket sign. And just on March 1, Elon Musk, in cheerleading words of Bloomberg News, “outlined his vision for a switch to electric vehicles; as Bloomberg News put it, “driven by $10 trillion in spending to develop sustainable energy worldwide.” Hmmm. One guess as to where that $10 trillion is going to come from. (Hint: The rich get richer by risking other people’s money.)

So maybe it’s time think some more about Uber-Green motivations. And, as they say, Follow the money.

Woke Is Not Broke If You Play It Right

Similarly, maybe the overall health of the economy is not important to these green high financiers.

Maybe what is important to them is the value of their own portfolios. That is, if their holdings consist of solar power, then they need to sell solar power, and that’s all there is to it. Is the world–all 190 or so countries–buying it? Maybe not. But the U.S. has a big market, and so does Europe. Obviously that’s good enough to make money. The green capitalists would like it all, sure. But if they can’t get it it all, they’ll take what they can get.

So this new breed of green-financed pols says that it’s worried about overall atmospheric CO2. But that’s just a cover. They don’t really worry about China, or India, because they know that they can’t affect those countries. They have minds of their own, and they’re strong. What American green pols really care about is guaranteeing that green capitalists can sell green energy to America and to Europe. You know, solar panels, windmills, electric vehicles, batteries. And to sell whatever they’re wanting to sell to you and me, they hire politicians, mostly Democrats, to make laws that make us buy it.

AWG = biggest grift in history

The elites have no problem crashing the country as long as they are king of the rubble

First, they make money wrecking the American energy sector with solar and wind....then, when people demand actual energy, they make money building the new coal and nuke plants.........
First, they make money wrecking the American energy sector with solar and wind....then, when people demand actual energy, they make money building the new coal and nuke plants.........

More or less. They cannot bring the cost of green energy down so they will manufacture parity by driving the cost of traditional energy up. Plus, it is a very lucrative business since it is politically incorrect to regulate anything green. Instead of running a pay day lending business, you can sell solar panels to chumps and go out out of business before they start to realize that $40K set up they paid for still leaves them with an electric bill and doesn't work for shit.
Good article about the political and entertainment class making their fortunes on climate change B.S...

You see, I was always puzzled as to why the greens—starting from the top with Joe Biden and his must-hire from the donor class, climate envoy John Kerry—have been so adamant about “de-carbonizing” the U.S. and yet have been so uninterested when the rest of the world keeps “carbonizing.” If someone wants to use a gas stove in the U.S., the greens are noisy in opposition, and yet when China builds a slew of new coal plants, they are silent. And, as some say, silence means consent.

Here’s what I used to think about green thinking: I thought they were sincere but misguided, focusing on strange distant goals as opposed to real-world needs.

One green consultancy calculatedin 2020 that the green economy was worth $1.3 trillion and projected it to increase by 2050 to $10.3 trillion. You don’t get to that kind of money by thrumming in a drum circle or carrying a picket sign. And just on March 1, Elon Musk, in cheerleading words of Bloomberg News, “outlined his vision for a switch to electric vehicles; as Bloomberg News put it, “driven by $10 trillion in spending to develop sustainable energy worldwide.” Hmmm. One guess as to where that $10 trillion is going to come from. (Hint: The rich get richer by risking other people’s money.)

So maybe it’s time think some more about Uber-Green motivations. And, as they say, Follow the money.

Woke Is Not Broke If You Play It Right

Similarly, maybe the overall health of the economy is not important to these green high financiers.

Maybe what is important to them is the value of their own portfolios. That is, if their holdings consist of solar power, then they need to sell solar power, and that’s all there is to it. Is the world–all 190 or so countries–buying it? Maybe not. But the U.S. has a big market, and so does Europe. Obviously that’s good enough to make money. The green capitalists would like it all, sure. But if they can’t get it it all, they’ll take what they can get.

So this new breed of green-financed pols says that it’s worried about overall atmospheric CO2. But that’s just a cover. They don’t really worry about China, or India, because they know that they can’t affect those countries. They have minds of their own, and they’re strong. What American green pols really care about is guaranteeing that green capitalists can sell green energy to America and to Europe. You know, solar panels, windmills, electric vehicles, batteries. And to sell whatever they’re wanting to sell to you and me, they hire politicians, mostly Democrats, to make laws that make us buy it.

Quoting your link by Pinkerton:
Green fat-cats and their hired gun pols have the system rigged.

Is that just a rhetorical reference to hired gun pols, or are you intending it to be literally true?
Make no mistake in this day and age if anyone can make even one thin dime off of something regardless of what it is, there will be a people lined up out the door waiting to take advantage of it. There are no noble causes anymore, and no one is doing anything purely out of the goodness of their heart. Somewhere someone is exploiting a infant cancer care research orginzation right now and I guarantee you thousands of are getting rich off of climate change.

Climate is an amazing opportunity for exploiters as well because there is no definitive science behind it, there is no definitive way to provide imperical evidence, it's field by emotion and political stances and social stances more than any real science.

So politicians can say whatever they want to push their agenda and they don't need any real proof of anything. What politicians do is they pay "researchers". Researchers are just whores anymore, they will find the results whoever the granter is wants. You can buy the results you want. And with so many researchers out there getting grants you can go and if you look long enough you'll find some research that supports your theory.

Companies making "green energy" products just don't for money, it's all a huge billion dollar industry built around fraud. And they pay politicians to give them preference and to push their agendas through "donations". World banks just sit bank and rake in the cash from all of them.

Climate change is pushed by the higher ups just to give them more political gain and financial gain.
A capitalist system has only capitalist remedies.....~S~
The thread is dying and so perhaps 2A will get around to answering my question on his intent?
that's up to 2A Don.

Anecdotally, i've been a spark going on 4 decades now , seen a lot of evolution , hooked up a lot of solar...

If you want to save some $$$ on your 'lectric bill , it'll help

But those that thing Big Green will replace Big Oil simply can't do (or conveniently leave out pertinent factors) the math

Here's a grand link , one with depth and knowledge for anyone who would like to educate themselves>>>

Energy Justice Communities Map

that's up to 2A Don.

Anecdotally, i've been a spark going on 4 decades now , seen a lot of evolution , hooked up a lot of solar...
I haven't. I was industrial spark and Instrument mech. tech.
If you want to save some $$$ on your 'lectric bill , it'll help
You can't say that without knowing some details. Mainly payback.
But those that thing Big Green will replace Big Oil simply can't do (or conveniently leave out pertinent factors) the math
Educated people don't think that, they qualify that instead of ignorantly rejecting it.
Here's a grand link , one with depth and knowledge for anyone who would like to educate themselves>>>
Your link isn't going to educate me my friend. I'm already educated and have been for many years.
You've got yourself in trouble by assuming too much sparky.

So do your calculations based on knowing 'something'.

I heat my house with a heat pump backed up by wood and baseboard that never gets turned on.

If you need the floor area, cubic measures, outdoor ambient, insulation factor, etc., etc. then let me know.
You can't say that without knowing some details. Mainly payback.
ROI differs from one POCO to the next Don, generally due to gross metering being 1/2 to 1/3 of what one pays for net metering
Your link isn't going to educate me my friend. I'm already educated and have been for many years.
OK fine, perhaps someone looking for an education will have use for it
So do your calculations based on knowing 'something'.
sure, the USA would need to produce 20-50% more electricity than it does now to have maybe 1/4 of our vehicles go EV

where's it going to come from?

ROI differs from one POCO to the next Don, generally due to gross metering being 1/2 to 1/3 of what one pays for net metering

OK fine, perhaps someone looking for an education will have use for it

sure, the USA would need to produce 20-50% more electricity than it does now to have maybe 1/4 of our vehicles go EV
So what sparky, so what?

I've stated at least two or three times that EV's are a temporary measure to help the world get through the AGW crisis.
where's it going to come from?

To put it bluntly, put it back in your pants and stop figuring me for another ignorant American who is blowing smoke on account of politics. I'm an informed Canadian and you're biting off more than you can chew.

Now, if you wish a discussion on 'our' level, smarten the fk up and show some respect for the climate change science.
Now, if you wish a discussion on 'our' level, smarten the fk up and show some respect for the climate change science.
If AWG was actual science, i might have some respect for it Don

The truth is, it's politized science , raft with predators and agendas

My position is based on the collection of energy facts , one of which is Big Greens need for a LOT more juice

To this end, the site i posted is informative

What have you brought to the table Don? ~S~
Good article about the political and entertainment class making their fortunes on climate change B.S...

You see, I was always puzzled as to why the greens—starting from the top with Joe Biden and his must-hire from the donor class, climate envoy John Kerry—have been so adamant about “de-carbonizing” the U.S. and yet have been so uninterested when the rest of the world keeps “carbonizing.” If someone wants to use a gas stove in the U.S., the greens are noisy in opposition, and yet when China builds a slew of new coal plants, they are silent. And, as some say, silence means consent.

Here’s what I used to think about green thinking: I thought they were sincere but misguided, focusing on strange distant goals as opposed to real-world needs.

One green consultancy calculatedin 2020 that the green economy was worth $1.3 trillion and projected it to increase by 2050 to $10.3 trillion. You don’t get to that kind of money by thrumming in a drum circle or carrying a picket sign. And just on March 1, Elon Musk, in cheerleading words of Bloomberg News, “outlined his vision for a switch to electric vehicles; as Bloomberg News put it, “driven by $10 trillion in spending to develop sustainable energy worldwide.” Hmmm. One guess as to where that $10 trillion is going to come from. (Hint: The rich get richer by risking other people’s money.)

So maybe it’s time think some more about Uber-Green motivations. And, as they say, Follow the money.

Woke Is Not Broke If You Play It Right

Similarly, maybe the overall health of the economy is not important to these green high financiers.

Maybe what is important to them is the value of their own portfolios. That is, if their holdings consist of solar power, then they need to sell solar power, and that’s all there is to it. Is the world–all 190 or so countries–buying it? Maybe not. But the U.S. has a big market, and so does Europe. Obviously that’s good enough to make money. The green capitalists would like it all, sure. But if they can’t get it it all, they’ll take what they can get.

So this new breed of green-financed pols says that it’s worried about overall atmospheric CO2. But that’s just a cover. They don’t really worry about China, or India, because they know that they can’t affect those countries. They have minds of their own, and they’re strong. What American green pols really care about is guaranteeing that green capitalists can sell green energy to America and to Europe. You know, solar panels, windmills, electric vehicles, batteries. And to sell whatever they’re wanting to sell to you and me, they hire politicians, mostly Democrats, to make laws that make us buy it.

Private jets for me, but not for thee.

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