BIG LIE: Cost of Obamacare 80% less than the lie Wendy's told"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A totally misleading LIE told in a prior thread title.. exculpates OBAMACARE!
FACT is Wendy's says"
"As we continue to analyze it and look at the impact on our business, we think the impact is going to be less than our original estimates.... We started off... saying (the) cost could be $25,000 a restaurant."
"We think, based on a lower acceptance rate (among employees), the actual cost per restaurant... could be closer to $5,000 a restaurant."
Wendy's talks about new products, breakfast, health care and rising costs | The Columbus Dispatch

NOT BECAUSE OBAMACARE IS CHEAPER BUT because employees don't qualify therefore not accepting!

THAT means Obamacare StILL adding costs to the economy!!!
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A totally misleading LIE told in a prior thread title.. exculpates OBAMACARE!
FACT is Wendy's says"
"As we continue to analyze it and look at the impact on our business, we think the impact is going to be less than our original estimates.... We started off... saying (the) cost could be $25,000 a restaurant."
"We think, based on a lower acceptance rate (among employees), the actual cost per restaurant... could be closer to $5,000 a restaurant."
Wendy's talks about new products, breakfast, health care and rising costs | The Columbus Dispatch

NOT BECAUSE OBAMACARE IS CHEAPER BUT because employees don't qualify therefore not accepting!

THAT means Obamacare StILL adding costs to the economy!!!
Those people qualify for Medicaid since their income is at the level to get on Medicaid.

They are part of the 14 million covered by Medicaid that say they are uninsured BUT are eligible and yet Obama counted them as uninsured!

Also the point of the thread was NOT Obamacare 80% LESS!
Point was Wendy's calculation stays the same.. JUST THE NUMBER of employees BUT THE THREAD topic makes it read like the costs are 80% less!

THERE WAS NO CHANGE IN WENDY's calculation other then few numbers of employees!!!
FACT is Wendy's says"
"As we continue to analyze it and look at the impact on our business, we think the impact is going to be less than our original estimates.... We started off... saying (the) cost could be $25,000 a restaurant."
"We think, based on a lower acceptance rate (among employees), the actual cost per restaurant... could be closer to $5,000 a restaurant."
Wendy's talks about new products, breakfast, health care and rising costs | The Columbus Dispatch
These folks will be moving into a really fully insured product for the first time, and so there may be a higher cost associated with getting into that market,” she said. “But we feel pretty strongly that with subsidies available to a lot of that population that they are really going to see much better benefit for the money that they’re spending.”
Most of you pompous elitists think you know better then anyone, i.e. your leader Obama has said as much..
You don't respect experts in their field so this is NOT for idiots...
It is though for the GROWING number of people questioning Obamacare!

THEY calculated and the updating of rate charts,sales material etc.. and this is what the actuaries..."experts" have said will happen:
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014 with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Take the time like I did download from the Society of Actuaries SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs and see health insurance premiums will increase 122%!
The ACA is here to stay.

Get used to it.

It's never going to be repealed.

Find some other way to get yer bloomers bunched up.
Those people qualify for Medicaid since their income is at the level to get on Medicaid.

They are part of the 14 million covered by Medicaid that say they are uninsured BUT are eligible and yet Obama counted them as uninsured!

Also the point of the thread was NOT Obamacare 80% LESS!
Point was Wendy's calculation stays the same.. JUST THE NUMBER of employees BUT THE THREAD topic makes it read like the costs are 80% less!

THERE WAS NO CHANGE IN WENDY's calculation other then few numbers of employees!!!
FACT is Wendy's says"
"As we continue to analyze it and look at the impact on our business, we think the impact is going to be less than our original estimates.... We started off... saying (the) cost could be $25,000 a restaurant."
"We think, based on a lower acceptance rate (among employees), the actual cost per restaurant... could be closer to $5,000 a restaurant."
Wendy's talks about new products, breakfast, health care and rising costs | The Columbus Dispatch

The $5,000 Wendy's is referring to is their store manager will be covered on health insurance. Their other employees if they hire teenagers will be covered on their parent's policy. They can easily reduce hours for all of their employees.

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