Big Oil's Long-Running Climate Disinformation Campaign Detailed in Congressional Report

Number One, following in the footsteps of the tobacco industry and the intelligent design folks is to contend that a serious debate still exists among the world's experts as to the reality and the cause of global warming. They have also sought out and funded scientists who tend to find results favoring their interests to the extent of actually producing "counterfeit science". They have created front organizations claiming to be researching the issue that actually do nothing but advocate for the fossil fuel agenda. Lately, of course, they have been pretending to be 'greening' themselves - making the transition to renewable energy technologies while they actually plan and invest in nothing but continued fossil fuel production. And last summer they got my dog pregnant.

Big oil has funded emissions reduction research for over 40 years.
He didn't ask ME that question.
Post #102 is a reply to YOU and it's primary content is precisely that question. It's a fairly simple question. Do you have an answer for it?
Post #102 is a reply to YOU and it's primary content is precisely that question. It's a fairly simple question. Do you have an answer for it?
I couldn't care less about emissions from nuclear plants. Why should I care?
“These hearings and reports have been historic because we succeeded in bringing in the heads of Exxon, Chevron, Shell, BP, API, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to testify under oath for the first time ever about efforts to mislead the public on climate and forced them to provide explosive internal documents” Khanna told CNN in a statement. “I have no doubt that this work will be analyzed for years to come and help deepen our understanding about the entire industry’s role in funding and facilitating climate disinformation.”

Making the lot of you their useful idiots

That pales in comparison to the lies and misinformation put out by the AGW scammers.

Climate change is real but AGW is the biggest scam of modern times, if not all time.

The scammers even admit it. We have the exposed Climategate emails by the "Scientists" blatantly admitting that their intention was to put out a false data because it was "necessary" to fool the people.

Then on top of that we have several major revelations that government agencies like NOAA and NASA and the UN Climate Commission were fucking around with data to fool the people for political reasons.

And idiots like Crick were certifiably fooled.

That pales in comparison to the lies and misinformation put out by the AGW scammers.
that would be the lies and misinformation that the fossil fuel industry's PR people told you about.
Climate change is real but AGW is the biggest scam of modern times, if not all time.
So, all the world's scientists are tied up in a gigantic conspiracy to lie to the public so they can get research grants and in the decades they've been talking about it not a single scientist has confessed to this conspiracy. Got it.
The scammers even admit it. We have the exposed Climategate emails by the "Scientists" blatantly admitting that their intention was to put out a false data because it was "necessary" to fool the people.
The researchers have been absolved of all wrongdoing by every single one of the multiple investigations to examine those emails. No wongdoing was found. None. Of course, your friends working for the fossil fuel industry have told you something different, haven't they.
Then on top of that we have several major revelations that government agencies like NOAA and NASA and the UN Climate Commission were fucking around with data to fool the people for political reasons.
Something ELSE you have been fed by people working for the fossil fuel industry. There have been so such revelations.
And idiots like Crick were certifiably fooled.
If I was fooled, so were all the world's climate scientists and almost all the scientists of every other flavor. If I've been fooled, I'm in damned good company. You, not so much.
So, all the world's scientists are tied up in a gigantic conspiracy to lie to the public so they can get research grants and in the decades they've been talking about it not a single scientist has confessed to this conspiracy. Got it.

Nobody told them to lie.
"Hey, if you want to help prove AGW, we have a bunch of grants over here. No grants for skeptics"
that would be the lies and misinformation that the fossil fuel industry's PR people told you about.

So, all the world's scientists are tied up in a gigantic conspiracy to lie to the public so they can get research grants and in the decades they've been talking about it not a single scientist has confessed to this conspiracy. Got it.

The researchers have been absolved of all wrongdoing by every single one of the multiple investigations to examine those emails. No wongdoing was found. None. Of course, your friends working for the fossil fuel industry have told you something different, haven't they.

Something ELSE you have been fed by people working for the fossil fuel industry. There have been so such revelations.

If I was fooled, so were all the world's climate scientists and almost all the scientists of every other flavor. If I've been fooled, I'm in damned good company. You, not so much.

P.T. Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute.

You are the one for your nighborhood, aren't you?

P.T. Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute.

You are the one for your nighborhood, aren't you?
Let's see, I'm accepting the conclusions of the world's climate scientists. You're accepting the PR of the fossil fuel industry, a group facing an existential threat should that science be widely accepted by the public. So... whose the sucker?
Let's see, I'm accepting the conclusions of the world's climate scientists. You're accepting the PR of the fossil fuel industry, a group facing an existential threat should that science be widely accepted by the public. So... whose the sucker?
You are an idiot that doesn't know enough about science to understand that all that shit they are telling you is bogus.

You chose to believe the lies so that pretty well makes you the sucker that PT was talking about.

Fraudulent and cherry picked data. Admitted dishonesty by the scammers. Nothing they have ever predicted has ever come true. Dismissing when organizations like NOAA and NASA are caught red handed lying about their data. Ignoring any contradicting evidence, even when it is overwhelming.

Yea, you are a sucker for this AGW scam.

I am not a climate expert but I do have advanced degrees in Environmental Engineering. I understand real science to include atmospheric chemistry. In fact my graduate thesis was pertaining to atmospheric pollution. I spent 30 years cleaning up real pollution. I have taught college level courses in Environmental Science with a section on climate change where we discussed the real facts.

Having a background in real science I understand a science scam when I see it.

Son, AGW is a scam.

You need to think seriously about pulling your head out of your Environmental Wacko ass because you look like a fool when you post your silly shit. You are definitely the sucker PT warned us about.

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