Big Opportunity for Republicans! And They're Blowing It.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
President Obama is requesting that the Congress raise the minimum wage to $10.10/hour. While this still is a low wage, it's a lot better than the current ludicrous $7.25/hour. There are a number of good reasons why this ought to be done.

1. The humanitarian aspect for the workers.

2. It raises disposable income, thereby increasing business sales$$$, and income, and thereby enabling businesses to hire more workers.

3. It is overwhelmingly supported by the American people (who also happen to be voters).

4. The often heard criticism that it will destroy jobs is shaky at best.

So here, Republicans have an opportunity to gain the favor of American voters just a few months before a midterm election. They also have an opportunity to get the biggest monkey off their back that they've had for 30 years, namely Reaganism. That is the mindset that acts in favor of the rich (low taxes, low spending, small govt, low minimum wage), at the expense of everyone else. This is a policy that has political failure written all over it.

Will the Republicans take the opportunity, and gain major advantage from it, or will they persist with their "destroy jobs" mantra, bolstered by a questionable report from Congress budget analysts ? The republicans mistakenly believe that dislike of Obamacare will propel them to victories in upcoming elections. I say that's a bad bet, and going against this MW increase is an even worse one. In essence, it narrows down to a big victory for Obama, which is partially why Obama is doing ir right at this time.

I say it is time for the Republican party to get back to its days of strength during the Eisenhower administration, and shuck away the Reaganist ideals once and for all (which were never meant for anything other than padding the pockets of Ronald Reagan himself and his highly paid movie star pals). The Senate is expected to debate a minimum wage bill next month that would increase the current $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage in three increments to $10.10 by 2016, with annual increases reflecting inflation after that. My guess is the Republicans will stick to their bewildering Reaganist positions, and hang themselves once again. In the process, all the good things they would have accomplished will go down the drain, but they'll get lots of thank you cards >> from the Muslim Brotherhood, the NAACP, the SEIU, HRC, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and most of all, the Democratic Party.
President Obama is requesting that the Congress raise the minimum wage to $10.10/hour. While this still is a low wage, it's a lot better than the current ludicrous $7.25/hour. There are a number of good reasons why this ought to be done.

1. The humanitarian aspect for the workers.

2. It raises disposable income, thereby increasing business sales$$$, and income, and thereby enabling businesses to hire more workers.

3. It is overwhelmingly supported by the American people (who also happen to be voters).

4. The often heard criticism that it will destroy jobs is shaky at best.

So here, Republicans have an opportunity to gain the favor of American voters just a few months before a midterm election. They also have an opportunity to get the biggest monkey off their back that they've had for 30 years, namely Reaganism. That is the mindset that acts in favor of the rich (low taxes, low spending, small govt, low minimum wage), at the expense of everyone else. This is a policy that has political failure written all over it.

Will the Republicans take the opportunity, and gain major advantage from it, or will they persist with their "destroy jobs" mantra, bolstered by a questionable report from Congress budget analysts ? The republicans mistakenly believe that dislike of Obamacare will propel them to victories in upcoming elections. I say that's a bad bet, and going against this MW increase is an even worse one. In essence, it narrows down to a big victory for Obama, which is partially why Obama is doing ir right at this time.

I say it is time for the Republican party to get back to its days of strength during the Eisenhower administration, and shuck away the Reaganist ideals once and for all (which were never meant for anything other than padding the pockets of Ronald Reagan himself and his highly paid movie star pals). The Senate is expected to debate a minimum wage bill next month that would increase the current $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage in three increments to $10.10 by 2016, with annual increases reflecting inflation after that. My guess is the Republicans will stick to their bewildering Reaganist positions, and hang themselves once again. In the process, all the good things they would have accomplished will go down the drain, but they'll get lots of thank you cards >> from the Muslim Brotherhood, the NAACP, the SEIU, HRC, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and most of all, the Democratic Party.

$10.10 an hour, a family of four would still be living under the poverty line.
It will destroy low level jobs as raising the minimum wage has done every time it was raised.
It will destroy low level jobs as raising the minimum wage has done every time it was raised.

FALSE! The business owner CANNOT let workers go every time some added cost comes along. Case in point >> my ex-wife owned a small boutique in a shopping mall. She had 10 employees all at minimum wage. So let's say the minimum wage goes up. She lays somebody off ?

So what would that do ? Your answer might be it will reduce her costs. MY ANSWER would be it will reduce her costs AND reduce her sales$$ and income, causing her to LOSE money, not accomplish anything positive.

The basic business economics principle here if that there is a fixed number of employees that the firm has. Why does anyone suppose my ex-wife chose 10 as a number for her number of employees ? Because that's her lucky number ? Because that's her birthday ? Or maybe some Republicans who say it will destroy low level jobs, might think she's just a philanthropist and wants to give one more person a job, huh ?

The answer is fundamental microeconomics (which I used to teach in college a few decades ago). It's because she MAKES MORE MONEY with 10 employees than with any other number. So, if she were to change, and have only 9 employees, her sales will be reduced, as will her income and profits. That's WHY she had 10 to begin with.

A better perspective on this is to not panic, relax, and be happy to hear the sweet sound of the cash register ringing more often, as the increased disposable income increases sales$$. And there will be far more people with bigger paychecks than MW employees in one store. From the increased sales$$, the business owner may well INCREASE the # of employees. My ex-wife might have increased her 10 employees to 11 or 12, to meet the increased demand for sales people on the floor, to avoid having customers coming into the shop, not being waited on fast enough, and then drifting back out into the mall. That one who does that, may well be the one who was going to make a $500 sale.

In summation, the notion that raising the minimum wage destroys jobs is a myth, and it generally, has no discernible effect on employment (and in some cases should INCREASE employment)
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The minimum wage in the country is $0.00 per hour. Millions have lost their jobs in the Obama-economy. The labor force is at record lows, because so many people have given up hope of even finding a job. The Hussein administration celebrates when its official unemployment rate goes down, not because actual jobs were added but because more people left the workforce.

This issue of "minimum wage" is yet another song and dance from the progressives to deflect attention away from the Hussein's utter failure on domestic economic issues.

Sorry but we conservatives aren't going to play your game of smoke 'n mirrors.
The minimum wage in the country is $0.00 per hour. Millions have lost their jobs in the Obama-economy. The labor force is at record lows, because so many people have given up hope of even finding a job. The Hussein administration celebrates when its official unemployment rate goes down, not because actual jobs were added but because more people left the workforce.

This issue of "minimum wage" is yet another song and dance from the progressives to deflect attention away from the Hussein's utter failure on domestic economic issues.

Sorry but we conservatives aren't going to play your game of smoke 'n mirrors.

1. Sorry but I AM a Conservative, and for your edification, more Conservatives, and more Republicans are in favor of raising the MW than against it. And there is no smoke and mirrors. The previous post (# 4) explained it, even without clicking the links (which go into greater detail).

2. The notion that this bad economy is all Obama's fault is utter nonsense, and the American people know it. The trouble of it comes even more from the stubborn Republican majority of the House of Reps than it does from Obama, and this is proven by the pathetically low approval rates of the Congress (9% recently), much worse than Obama's. The MO of the House Republicans to stymie everything that Obama does, and then blame everything on him, has resulted in less jobs being created (ex, the infrastructure jobs bill), and th American people have taken notice. especially when some looney (and downright dumb) republicans even went so far as to shut down the govt.

3. No one in this forum has criticized Obama more fiercely than I have. I'm a Conservative who has consistently opposed him on many issues (immigration, Islamization, Muslim Brotherhood, affirmative action, gay rights, death penalty, withdrawl from Afghanistan, reduction of the military, etc) BUT, to use false economics to try to snow the American people, by going after Obama on economics is stupid, and is going to help Democrats elect another Democrat president, which would be a disaster for the make-up of the US Supreme Court (just that alone)
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You all notice how EVERYTHING has become a crisis under Obama?

that way him and the Democrat party can engage in CLASS WARFARE with the people

what does Obama care, he's never run a business so he can wail lets just raise this and that...
President Obama is requesting that the Congress raise the minimum wage to $10.10/hour. While this still is a low wage, it's a lot better than the current ludicrous $7.25/hour. There are a number of good reasons why this ought to be done.

1. The humanitarian aspect for the workers.

2. It raises disposable income, thereby increasing business sales$$$, and income, and thereby enabling businesses to hire more workers.

3. It is overwhelmingly supported by the American people (who also happen to be voters).

4. The often heard criticism that it will destroy jobs is shaky at best.

So here, Republicans have an opportunity to gain the favor of American voters just a few months before a midterm election. They also have an opportunity to get the biggest monkey off their back that they've had for 30 years, namely Reaganism. That is the mindset that acts in favor of the rich (low taxes, low spending, small govt, low minimum wage), at the expense of everyone else. This is a policy that has political failure written all over it.

Will the Republicans take the opportunity, and gain major advantage from it, or will they persist with their "destroy jobs" mantra, bolstered by a questionable report from Congress budget analysts ? The republicans mistakenly believe that dislike of Obamacare will propel them to victories in upcoming elections. I say that's a bad bet, and going against this MW increase is an even worse one. In essence, it narrows down to a big victory for Obama, which is partially why Obama is doing ir right at this time.

I say it is time for the Republican party to get back to its days of strength during the Eisenhower administration, and shuck away the Reaganist ideals once and for all (which were never meant for anything other than padding the pockets of Ronald Reagan himself and his highly paid movie star pals). The Senate is expected to debate a minimum wage bill next month that would increase the current $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage in three increments to $10.10 by 2016, with annual increases reflecting inflation after that. My guess is the Republicans will stick to their bewildering Reaganist positions, and hang themselves once again. In the process, all the good things they would have accomplished will go down the drain, but they'll get lots of thank you cards >> from the Muslim Brotherhood, the NAACP, the SEIU, HRC, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and most of all, the Democratic Party.

We're deStarkifying the Republican Party
President Obama is requesting that the Congress raise the minimum wage to $10.10/hour. While this still is a low wage, it's a lot better than the current ludicrous $7.25/hour. There are a number of good reasons why this ought to be done.

1. The humanitarian aspect for the workers.

2. It raises disposable income, thereby increasing business sales$$$, and income, and thereby enabling businesses to hire more workers.

3. It is overwhelmingly supported by the American people (who also happen to be voters).

4. The often heard criticism that it will destroy jobs is shaky at best.

So here, Republicans have an opportunity to gain the favor of American voters just a few months before a midterm election. They also have an opportunity to get the biggest monkey off their back that they've had for 30 years, namely Reaganism. That is the mindset that acts in favor of the rich (low taxes, low spending, small govt, low minimum wage), at the expense of everyone else. This is a policy that has political failure written all over it.

Will the Republicans take the opportunity, and gain major advantage from it, or will they persist with their "destroy jobs" mantra, bolstered by a questionable report from Congress budget analysts ? The republicans mistakenly believe that dislike of Obamacare will propel them to victories in upcoming elections. I say that's a bad bet, and going against this MW increase is an even worse one. In essence, it narrows down to a big victory for Obama, which is partially why Obama is doing ir right at this time.

I say it is time for the Republican party to get back to its days of strength during the Eisenhower administration, and shuck away the Reaganist ideals once and for all (which were never meant for anything other than padding the pockets of Ronald Reagan himself and his highly paid movie star pals). The Senate is expected to debate a minimum wage bill next month that would increase the current $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage in three increments to $10.10 by 2016, with annual increases reflecting inflation after that. My guess is the Republicans will stick to their bewildering Reaganist positions, and hang themselves once again. In the process, all the good things they would have accomplished will go down the drain, but they'll get lots of thank you cards >> from the Muslim Brotherhood, the NAACP, the SEIU, HRC, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and most of all, the Democratic Party.

$10.10 an hour, a family of four would still be living under the poverty line.

If both parents are working, the pressure eases considerably on the family and on government services.
The minimum wage in the country is $0.00 per hour. Millions have lost their jobs in the Obama-economy. The labor force is at record lows, because so many people have given up hope of even finding a job. The Hussein administration celebrates when its official unemployment rate goes down, not because actual jobs were added but because more people left the workforce.

This issue of "minimum wage" is yet another song and dance from the progressives to deflect attention away from the Hussein's utter failure on domestic economic issues.

Sorry but we conservatives aren't going to play your game of smoke 'n mirrors.

birfers step off, please

Both parties from 1994 through 2007 are responsible for the economic catastrophe.
President Obama is requesting that the Congress raise the minimum wage to $10.10/hour. While this still is a low wage, it's a lot better than the current ludicrous $7.25/hour. There are a number of good reasons why this ought to be done.

1. The humanitarian aspect for the workers.

2. It raises disposable income, thereby increasing business sales$$$, and income, and thereby enabling businesses to hire more workers.

3. It is overwhelmingly supported by the American people (who also happen to be voters).

4. The often heard criticism that it will destroy jobs is shaky at best.

So here, Republicans have an opportunity to gain the favor of American voters just a few months before a midterm election. They also have an opportunity to get the biggest monkey off their back that they've had for 30 years, namely Reaganism. That is the mindset that acts in favor of the rich (low taxes, low spending, small govt, low minimum wage), at the expense of everyone else. This is a policy that has political failure written all over it.

Will the Republicans take the opportunity, and gain major advantage from it, or will they persist with their "destroy jobs" mantra, bolstered by a questionable report from Congress budget analysts ? The republicans mistakenly believe that dislike of Obamacare will propel them to victories in upcoming elections. I say that's a bad bet, and going against this MW increase is an even worse one. In essence, it narrows down to a big victory for Obama, which is partially why Obama is doing ir right at this time.

I say it is time for the Republican party to get back to its days of strength during the Eisenhower administration, and shuck away the Reaganist ideals once and for all (which were never meant for anything other than padding the pockets of Ronald Reagan himself and his highly paid movie star pals). The Senate is expected to debate a minimum wage bill next month that would increase the current $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage in three increments to $10.10 by 2016, with annual increases reflecting inflation after that. My guess is the Republicans will stick to their bewildering Reaganist positions, and hang themselves once again. In the process, all the good things they would have accomplished will go down the drain, but they'll get lots of thank you cards >> from the Muslim Brotherhood, the NAACP, the SEIU, HRC, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and most of all, the Democratic Party.

We're deStarkifying the Republican Party

And you are deluding yourself. Fewer TeaPs in Congress this fall, Lee gone in 2016 (we changed the primaries to open the voting), and Cruz will lose in 2018.
President Obama is requesting that the Congress raise the minimum wage to $10.10/hour. While this still is a low wage, it's a lot better than the current ludicrous $7.25/hour. There are a number of good reasons why this ought to be done.

1. The humanitarian aspect for the workers.

2. It raises disposable income, thereby increasing business sales$$$, and income, and thereby enabling businesses to hire more workers.

3. It is overwhelmingly supported by the American people (who also happen to be voters).

4. The often heard criticism that it will destroy jobs is shaky at best.

So here, Republicans have an opportunity to gain the favor of American voters just a few months before a midterm election. They also have an opportunity to get the biggest monkey off their back that they've had for 30 years, namely Reaganism. That is the mindset that acts in favor of the rich (low taxes, low spending, small govt, low minimum wage), at the expense of everyone else. This is a policy that has political failure written all over it.

Will the Republicans take the opportunity, and gain major advantage from it, or will they persist with their "destroy jobs" mantra, bolstered by a questionable report from Congress budget analysts ? The republicans mistakenly believe that dislike of Obamacare will propel them to victories in upcoming elections. I say that's a bad bet, and going against this MW increase is an even worse one. In essence, it narrows down to a big victory for Obama, which is partially why Obama is doing ir right at this time.

I say it is time for the Republican party to get back to its days of strength during the Eisenhower administration, and shuck away the Reaganist ideals once and for all (which were never meant for anything other than padding the pockets of Ronald Reagan himself and his highly paid movie star pals). The Senate is expected to debate a minimum wage bill next month that would increase the current $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage in three increments to $10.10 by 2016, with annual increases reflecting inflation after that. My guess is the Republicans will stick to their bewildering Reaganist positions, and hang themselves once again. In the process, all the good things they would have accomplished will go down the drain, but they'll get lots of thank you cards >> from the Muslim Brotherhood, the NAACP, the SEIU, HRC, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and most of all, the Democratic Party.

$10.10 an hour, a family of four would still be living under the poverty line.

If both parents are working, the pressure eases considerably on the family and on government services.

this is one of those dumb jake comments. of course if two people in the house are working the household will make more money.

why are you so effing stupid?
President Obama is requesting that the Congress raise the minimum wage to $10.10/hour. While this still is a low wage, it's a lot better than the current ludicrous $7.25/hour. There are a number of good reasons why this ought to be done.

1. The humanitarian aspect for the workers.

2. It raises disposable income, thereby increasing business sales$$$, and income, and thereby enabling businesses to hire more workers.

3. It is overwhelmingly supported by the American people (who also happen to be voters).

4. The often heard criticism that it will destroy jobs is shaky at best.

So here, Republicans have an opportunity to gain the favor of American voters just a few months before a midterm election. They also have an opportunity to get the biggest monkey off their back that they've had for 30 years, namely Reaganism. That is the mindset that acts in favor of the rich (low taxes, low spending, small govt, low minimum wage), at the expense of everyone else. This is a policy that has political failure written all over it.

Will the Republicans take the opportunity, and gain major advantage from it, or will they persist with their "destroy jobs" mantra, bolstered by a questionable report from Congress budget analysts ? The republicans mistakenly believe that dislike of Obamacare will propel them to victories in upcoming elections. I say that's a bad bet, and going against this MW increase is an even worse one. In essence, it narrows down to a big victory for Obama, which is partially why Obama is doing ir right at this time.

I say it is time for the Republican party to get back to its days of strength during the Eisenhower administration, and shuck away the Reaganist ideals once and for all (which were never meant for anything other than padding the pockets of Ronald Reagan himself and his highly paid movie star pals). The Senate is expected to debate a minimum wage bill next month that would increase the current $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage in three increments to $10.10 by 2016, with annual increases reflecting inflation after that. My guess is the Republicans will stick to their bewildering Reaganist positions, and hang themselves once again. In the process, all the good things they would have accomplished will go down the drain, but they'll get lots of thank you cards >> from the Muslim Brotherhood, the NAACP, the SEIU, HRC, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and most of all, the Democratic Party.

There is no word in the English language to describe your level of stupid.
President Obama is requesting that the Congress raise the minimum wage to $10.10/hour. While this still is a low wage, it's a lot better than the current ludicrous $7.25/hour. There are a number of good reasons why this ought to be done.

1. The humanitarian aspect for the workers.

2. It raises disposable income, thereby increasing business sales$$$, and income, and thereby enabling businesses to hire more workers.

3. It is overwhelmingly supported by the American people (who also happen to be voters).

4. The often heard criticism that it will destroy jobs is shaky at best.

So here, Republicans have an opportunity to gain the favor of American voters just a few months before a midterm election. They also have an opportunity to get the biggest monkey off their back that they've had for 30 years, namely Reaganism. That is the mindset that acts in favor of the rich (low taxes, low spending, small govt, low minimum wage), at the expense of everyone else. This is a policy that has political failure written all over it.

Will the Republicans take the opportunity, and gain major advantage from it, or will they persist with their "destroy jobs" mantra, bolstered by a questionable report from Congress budget analysts ? The republicans mistakenly believe that dislike of Obamacare will propel them to victories in upcoming elections. I say that's a bad bet, and going against this MW increase is an even worse one. In essence, it narrows down to a big victory for Obama, which is partially why Obama is doing ir right at this time.

I say it is time for the Republican party to get back to its days of strength during the Eisenhower administration, and shuck away the Reaganist ideals once and for all (which were never meant for anything other than padding the pockets of Ronald Reagan himself and his highly paid movie star pals). The Senate is expected to debate a minimum wage bill next month that would increase the current $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage in three increments to $10.10 by 2016, with annual increases reflecting inflation after that. My guess is the Republicans will stick to their bewildering Reaganist positions, and hang themselves once again. In the process, all the good things they would have accomplished will go down the drain, but they'll get lots of thank you cards >> from the Muslim Brotherhood, the NAACP, the SEIU, HRC, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and most of all, the Democratic Party.

There is no word in the English language to describe your level of stupid.

There are two words in the English language to describe your hit and run style, absent of a shred of substance >> Coward and Inept.

If you want to be taken seriously SAY SOMETHING. Empty ad hominem attacks only degrade the attacker.
The minimum wage in the country is $0.00 per hour. Millions have lost their jobs in the Obama-economy. The labor force is at record lows, because so many people have given up hope of even finding a job. The Hussein administration celebrates when its official unemployment rate goes down, not because actual jobs were added but because more people left the workforce.

This issue of "minimum wage" is yet another song and dance from the progressives to deflect attention away from the Hussein's utter failure on domestic economic issues.

Sorry but we conservatives aren't going to play your game of smoke 'n mirrors.

birfers step off, please

Both parties from 1994 through 2007 are responsible for the economic catastrophe.

And BOTH parties from 2008 through 2014 are responsible for not fixing it.

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