Big Pharma Owns...

trump is establishment just of a different kind....the truth is so hard to swallow.....we do not have 'citizens' today...we have partisan idiots proving that old adage when you allow idiots to vote..they elect the biggest idiot and that has been the way of modern politics...

free speech zones..were bill clintons creation....and really what is the differences in the parties at this point.....both extremes are destroying the parties...

parties are just an allusion...we all want the same basic things.....a home, security and a safe place to live and raise a family....well that is what the sane want....and yet we are fussing about things that really do not the long run...are we too myoptic
i think by the time they get to the place to run for president they are all corrupted to the core...there is no mr smith gonna save the us
What is most ironic about D voters, is they tend to think of themselves as against the 1%, yet they are voting for the candidate who is owned by the 1%.

R candidates really suck and so does the party (same with Ds), but at least R voters are telling the establishment to kiss off. So, I guess they deserve some credit...though Ohio really screwed up.

I couldn't agree more.
Both parties for at least the past 25 years are one and the same - totally corrupt by corporations and Wall Street. Completely. But you are right - at least Republicans call out their own. Democrats support whoever they are told to support. Jesus Christ - they supported Obama for a second term!!! And some STILL think he represents them!!!
It is madness. Pure madness.
most corrupt....that would be a hard call.....the only good thing i can say about hillary is.....or have ever said about hillary is....

she is not a republican.....

And what difference would that make?
She is corrupt to the core, that is not even up for debate.
She is an elitist/corporatist, also not up for debate.
So what difference does it make what party she happens to call herself?

At least she doesn't have an agenda against gay people and pregnant women. That's about all that separates her.
trump is establishment just of a different kind....the truth is so hard to swallow.....we do not have 'citizens' today...we have partisan idiots proving that old adage when you allow idiots to vote..they elect the biggest idiot and that has been the way of modern politics...

free speech zones..were bill clintons creation....and really what is the differences in the parties at this point.....both extremes are destroying the parties...

parties are just an allusion...we all want the same basic things.....a home, security and a safe place to live and raise a family....well that is what the sane want....and yet we are fussing about things that really do not the long run...are we too myoptic

Everything you say here is absolutely correct. 100%.
Yet, tell me if I am wrong, but do you not support Hillary?
How is it not myopic yourself??

Hillary is beyond argument, the most well connected polished shoes in Washington today. No one else even comes close. She is not a Democrat. She is not a Republican. She is a corporatist/elitist. She is THE perfect example of why wealth concentration is in unprecedented territory. She has never, or will ever put your interest or any other lowly citizen above the interest of special interest. PERIOD.
A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the 1%.
trump is establishment just of a different kind....the truth is so hard to swallow.....we do not have 'citizens' today...we have partisan idiots proving that old adage when you allow idiots to vote..they elect the biggest idiot and that has been the way of modern politics...

free speech zones..were bill clintons creation....and really what is the differences in the parties at this point.....both extremes are destroying the parties...

parties are just an allusion...we all want the same basic things.....a home, security and a safe place to live and raise a family....well that is what the sane want....and yet we are fussing about things that really do not the long run...are we too myoptic

However as relates to Trump, he is the only one not of Washington DC and not owned by the billionaire class. I hold out little hope he can change things for the better, but there is a little hope there. I have no hope with all the others.
there is no hope with trump if you look at the man's reality.....he inherited his wealth....he is more unsuccessful than successful and the worse will just set this country on gridlock yet again.....there has been no healing of this country we are more divided....
i wont vote republican....i may go libertarian but then my democrat friends call that a vote for a republican

But you say yourself that both parties are equally corrupt and do not represent their constituents anymore than the why would you never vote Republican? Why voting for a corrupt corporatist Democrat be any different than voting for a corrupt corporatist Republican.
Look, you are old enough, like me, to remember America before the corporations took over.
Corporatism over the past 25 years has turned America into a plutocratic corporatocracy. PERIOD.
We are no longer a Republic, only by name. When no matter who you vote for you are not represented - it is no longer a republic.
So I ask again, what difference does it make?
Trump is trying to buy the White House. The relative question is, why? Why would someone spend a billion dollars on a job that only pays $400k per year for life? How many years has Trump got left, 30? 40? That's not a good return on a billion dollar investment. Not even half.

Every other POTUS has had rich chumps pay for their campaigns. All lobbies contribute to both sides to gain favor....Big Pharma, big oil, and especially industrial military contractors.

Corporations have been running this country since the Civil War....they sponsored the Civil War. The Civil War was about corporate profits, not freeing the slaves.

The rich and corporations are responsible for the $19 trillion national debt. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS! They had nothing to do with it. THERE IS NO LOBBY FOR THE POOR!

So why are so many sheep willing to put a 1%er in control of the direction of the country? Trump is already threatening to double the national debt by invading Iran and Iraq. That Wall is going to cost at least $200 billion...with cost overruns, make it $500 billion. And if you think Mexico is going to pay for it....BWAH HA HA! Then there's the cost of deporting 12 million aliens...that will cost about a million per alien, and then they'll be back the next day. Banning all Muslims is going to cost a lot too. It will be good for American oil, because Saudi Arabia will cut us off. Gas will be $10.00 a gallon.

Trump is going to destroy the global economy again, just like Bush43 did. We will loose all allies....We will not have anyone to follow us in Trump's war with Iran. But Russian and China will be on Iran's side...just like with Syria.

So is this the cost of narcissism? That's the devil for ya.
Trump is trying to buy the White House. The relative question is, why? Why would someone spend a billion dollars on a job the only pays $400k per year for life? How many years has Trump got left, 30? 40? That's not a good return on a billion dollar investment. Not even half.

Every other POTUS has had rich chumps pay for their campaigns. All lobbies contribute to both sides to gain favor....Big Pharma, big oil, and especially industrial military contractors.

Corporations have been running this country since the Civil War....they sponsored the Civil War. The Civil War was about corporate profits, not freeing the slaves.

The rich and corporations are responsible for the $19 trillion national debt. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS! They had nothing to do with it. THERE IS NO LOBBY FOR THE POOR!

So why are so many sheep willing to put a 1%er in control of the direction of the country? Trump is already threatening to double the national debt by invading Iran and Iraq. That Wall is going to cost at least $200 billion...with cost overruns, make it $500 billion. And if you think Mexico is going to pay for it....BWAH HA HA! Then there's the cost of deporting 12 million aliens...that will cost about a million per alien, and then they'll be back the next day. Banning all Muslims is going to cost a lot too. It will be good for American oil, because Saudi Arabia will cut us off. Gas will be $10.00 a gallon.

Trump is going to destroy the global economy again, just like Bush43 did. We will loose all allies....We will not have anyone to follow us in Trump's war with Iran. But Russian and China will be on Iran's side...just like with Syria.

So is this the cost of narcissism? That's the devil for ya.

Wow what a load.
You realize that every point you make about Trump - you can also make about Hillary?
You really believe that Hillary does not represent the 1%????????? Are you truly that steeped in your political blindness that you cannot see what she is??
What utter nonsensical bullshit your post is. Trump is not ideal in any way. I am still dumbfounded by the cluelessness of the general public that he is the frontrunner. But it is a whole other level of stupidity and blindness that Hillary is also the frontrunner.
Trump is trying to buy the White House. The relative question is, why? Why would someone spend a billion dollars on a job the only pays $400k per year for life? How many years has Trump got left, 30? 40? That's not a good return on a billion dollar investment. Not even half.

Every other POTUS has had rich chumps pay for their campaigns. All lobbies contribute to both sides to gain favor....Big Pharma, big oil, and especially industrial military contractors.

Corporations have been running this country since the Civil War....they sponsored the Civil War. The Civil War was about corporate profits, not freeing the slaves.

The rich and corporations are responsible for the $19 trillion national debt. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS! They had nothing to do with it. THERE IS NO LOBBY FOR THE POOR!

So why are so many sheep willing to put a 1%er in control of the direction of the country? Trump is already threatening to double the national debt by invading Iran and Iraq. That Wall is going to cost at least $200 billion...with cost overruns, make it $500 billion. And if you think Mexico is going to pay for it....BWAH HA HA! Then there's the cost of deporting 12 million aliens...that will cost about a million per alien, and then they'll be back the next day. Banning all Muslims is going to cost a lot too. It will be good for American oil, because Saudi Arabia will cut us off. Gas will be $10.00 a gallon.

Trump is going to destroy the global economy again, just like Bush43 did. We will loose all allies....We will not have anyone to follow us in Trump's war with Iran. But Russian and China will be on Iran's side...just like with Syria.

So is this the cost of narcissism? That's the devil for ya.

Wow what a load.
You realize that every point you make about Trump - you can also make about Hillary?
You really believe that Hillary does not represent the 1%????????? Are you truly that steeped in your political blindness that you cannot see what she is??
What utter nonsensical bullshit your post is. Trump is not ideal in any way. I am still dumbfounded by the cluelessness of the general public that he is the frontrunner. But it is a whole other level of stupidity and blindness that Hillary is also the frontrunner.
See, just elect Nutty Old Uncle Bernie and Big Pharma will be Nationalized Big Pharma and you'll have all the free prescription drugs you want. Those that survive the manufacturing process and, of course, no new ones.

But, hey' whaddya want for FREE!!!!
This from Dr. Brownstein...
Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio have all been well-funded by Big Pharma.

Here is a list of all industries which have donated to Hillary Clinton: Top Industries data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma is second from the bottom. They have donated a piddling to her campaign compared to the other industries.

Here is a list of industries which have donated to Ted Cruz: Top Industries data for Ted Cruz, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma is about halfway up the list, but still comes in at a piddling.

Here is Marco Rubio's list: Top Industries data for Marco Rubio, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma isn't even on there. were saying?

Nothing will get better until we get money out of politics.

Which will take a civil revolution in order t happen

Killing Citizens United would go a long way toward the goal.
You'd have to kill the constitution too. But the deal making isn't done above board. All the top libs against CU, like Hillary are doing very well.

Nope. CU is strictly a right wing possession. You came up with it, you fought for it, it's yours.
Nothing will get better until we get money out of politics.
Ask yourself why someone would give a lot of money to a federal campaign.

The problem isn't the money. That's a symptom, not the disease.

You've let the demagogues distract you from the real problem. It's not a coincidence the people who moan the loudest about the money are the same people who want the federal government to have more power (increase the disease).
Nothing will get better until we get money out of politics.

Which will take a civil revolution in order t happen

Killing Citizens United would go a long way toward the goal.
You'd have to kill the constitution too. But the deal making isn't done above board. All the top libs against CU, like Hillary are doing very well.

Nope. CU is strictly a right wing possession. You came up with it, you fought for it, it's yours.
No, I didn't fight for it. You're just a dumb asshole on the internet trying hard to score brownie points but too stupid to understand we don't have to fight for the Constitution, it's been there a long while.

The point you couldn't grasp is there was nothing Constitutional to prevent it so the libs couldn't stop it. That's tough shit on your part if it bothers you.
Nothing will get better until we get money out of politics.

Which will take a civil revolution in order t happen

Killing Citizens United would go a long way toward the goal.
You'd have to kill the constitution too. But the deal making isn't done above board. All the top libs against CU, like Hillary are doing very well.

Nope. CU is strictly a right wing possession. You came up with it, you fought for it, it's yours.
No, I didn't fight for it. You're just a dumb asshole on the internet trying hard to score brownie points but too stupid to understand we don't have to fight for the Constitution, it's been there a long while.

The point you couldn't grasp is there was nothing Constitutional to prevent it so the libs couldn't stop it. That's tough shit on your part if it bothers you.

Your party did.
Which will take a civil revolution in order t happen

Killing Citizens United would go a long way toward the goal.
You'd have to kill the constitution too. But the deal making isn't done above board. All the top libs against CU, like Hillary are doing very well.

Nope. CU is strictly a right wing possession. You came up with it, you fought for it, it's yours.
No, I didn't fight for it. You're just a dumb asshole on the internet trying hard to score brownie points but too stupid to understand we don't have to fight for the Constitution, it's been there a long while.

The point you couldn't grasp is there was nothing Constitutional to prevent it so the libs couldn't stop it. That's tough shit on your part if it bothers you.

Your party did.
I'm not a party member. Whoops, you tripped over your pencil dick again!
Killing Citizens United would go a long way toward the goal.
You'd have to kill the constitution too. But the deal making isn't done above board. All the top libs against CU, like Hillary are doing very well.

Nope. CU is strictly a right wing possession. You came up with it, you fought for it, it's yours.
No, I didn't fight for it. You're just a dumb asshole on the internet trying hard to score brownie points but too stupid to understand we don't have to fight for the Constitution, it's been there a long while.

The point you couldn't grasp is there was nothing Constitutional to prevent it so the libs couldn't stop it. That's tough shit on your part if it bothers you.

Your party did.
I'm not a party member. Whoops, you tripped over your pencil dick again!

Sure you are. Just because you are too embarrassed to admit it doesn't change who you support.and vote for.

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