Big Pharma Owns...

This from Dr. Brownstein...
Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio have all been well-funded by Big Pharma.

Here is a list of all industries which have donated to Hillary Clinton: Top Industries data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma is second from the bottom. They have donated a piddling to her campaign compared to the other industries.

Here is a list of industries which have donated to Ted Cruz: Top Industries data for Ted Cruz, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma is about halfway up the list, but still comes in at a piddling.

Here is Marco Rubio's list: Top Industries data for Marco Rubio, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma isn't even on there. were saying?

I think Dr Brownstein is correct in his column, which I posted in the OP....

Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio have all been well-funded by Big Pharma. They have all received hundreds of thousands of dollars in financing from Big Pharma. Each one of these candidates is already bought and sold by the Big Pharma Cartel. None of these candidates can be counted on to make the right decisions when it comes to the Big Pharma Cartel.
This from Dr. Brownstein...
Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio have all been well-funded by Big Pharma.

Here is a list of all industries which have donated to Hillary Clinton: Top Industries data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma is second from the bottom. They have donated a piddling to her campaign compared to the other industries.

Here is a list of industries which have donated to Ted Cruz: Top Industries data for Ted Cruz, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma is about halfway up the list, but still comes in at a piddling.

Here is Marco Rubio's list: Top Industries data for Marco Rubio, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma isn't even on there. were saying?
I think Dr Brownstein is correct in his column, which I posted in the OP....

Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio have all been well-funded by Big Pharma. They have all received hundreds of thousands of dollars in financing from Big Pharma. Each one of these candidates is already bought and sold by the Big Pharma Cartel. None of these candidates can be counted on to make the right decisions when it comes to the Big Pharma Cartel.
So... you have been shown that Brownstein is full of shit, evidence has been provided he is full of shit, and you still THINK he is correct?!?!

That isn't thinking. That's hackery.
This from Dr. Brownstein...
Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio have all been well-funded by Big Pharma.

Here is a list of all industries which have donated to Hillary Clinton: Top Industries data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma is second from the bottom. They have donated a piddling to her campaign compared to the other industries.

Here is a list of industries which have donated to Ted Cruz: Top Industries data for Ted Cruz, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma is about halfway up the list, but still comes in at a piddling.

Here is Marco Rubio's list: Top Industries data for Marco Rubio, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Big Pharma isn't even on there. were saying?
I think Dr Brownstein is correct in his column, which I posted in the OP....

Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio have all been well-funded by Big Pharma. They have all received hundreds of thousands of dollars in financing from Big Pharma. Each one of these candidates is already bought and sold by the Big Pharma Cartel. None of these candidates can be counted on to make the right decisions when it comes to the Big Pharma Cartel.
So... you have been shown that Brownstein is full of shit, evidence has been provided he is full of shit, and you still THINK he is correct?!?!

That isn't thinking. That's hackery.
No. I think your sources are full of shit. Please learn from this...

Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations
Clinton takes in big money from drug industry

Pharmaceuticals/Health Products
Hillary Clinton (D)
Jeb Bush (R)
Marco Rubio (R)
Ted Cruz (R)
Chris Christie (R)
Bernie Sanders (D)
John Kasich (R)
Ben Carson (R)
Scott Walker (R)
Carly Fiorina (R)
Lindsey Graham (R)
Rand Paul (R)
Martin O'Malley (D)
Rick Santorum (R)
Bobby Jindal (R)
Mike Huckabee (R)
Donald Trump (R)
Jim Webb (D)
Rick Perry (R)
Jill Stein (3)
Selected Industry Totals | OpenSecrets
Of the candidates in both parties, who is owned by Big Pharma?

One would think this question would be of interest to voters in both parties, but I have yet to see much in the media about this. Not really unexpected as the media does a good job of hiding such information, to purposely deceive American voters.

However it is clear that except for Sanders and Trump, all are owned by Big Pharma. Mrs. BJ likely leads the pack of corrupt lying jackasses owned by Big Pharma.

When will Americans wake up to the fraud being committed by these corrupt scumbag politicians?

This from Dr. Brownstein...
Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio have all been well-funded by Big Pharma. They have all received hundreds of thousands of dollars in financing from Big Pharma. Each one of these candidates is already bought and sold by the Big Pharma Cartel. None of these candidates can be counted on to make the right decisions when it comes to the Big Pharma Cartel.
So, who opposed the confirmation of Dr. Califf? Not the two Republican Senators who are currently running for office—Cruz and Rubio.

Bernie Sanders, currently running for the Democratic nomination opposed Califf’s nomination because Senator Sanders felt he was a Big Pharma insider.

That leaves Donald Trump on the Republican side who has received very little money (similar to Bernie Sanders) from Big Pharma. I saw a report where he received less than $1,000 from Big Pharma. Trump has made it clear that he will not be influenced by big donors in the election.

It is a sad situation that most of the candidates who are running for the most powerful position in the U.S. are bought and sold by Big Pharma before they are even elected.

FDA and Presidential Candidates Bought By Big Pharma « Dr. Brownstein
Who’s forcing every human being to get jabbed every few months against their will?

Who’s forcing every human being to get jabbed every few months against their will?

Thank you for reposting my fantastic post of so many years ago. I even surprise myself at how intelligent and prescient I am.

Yes Ds are authoritarian assholes now and then. I haven’t seen many Rs coming forward publicly to condemn vax mandates. Have you?
Thank you for reposting my fantastic post of so many years ago. I even surprise myself at how intelligent and prescient I am.

Yes Ds are authoritarian assholes now and then. I haven’t seen many Rs coming forward publicly to condemn vax mandates. Have you?

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