Big Tech and Big Media are domestic enemies.

All your tissue threads. It will be known what your next topic is and we are fed up with it.

So you're tired of being exposed as the criminals you are.
Trump trying to steal the election, that is the most undignified shit I ever saw.

Yeah....18 states disagree with you.
How many don´t?

So tell me,when have 18 states ever gone this far in rebelling against the leftist agenda?
Ask yourself how many Presidents whined that hard.
More people bringing more non-proof will not change anything.

How many presidents have been cheated so bad?
How many not my president zombies will appear?

You'd have to ask dems,they're famous for that comment.
It will have a new owner by Januar 20th.
The one-sided coverage and even censorship of news leading up to the 2020 election, clearly against Trump and for Biden, is deeply troubling and endangers our democracy. This goes beyond just the results of the POTUS election.

Kool thow out media and big tech and see how well we compete on a world stage. How the fucj did one fat ass coward that could not serve in Vietnam nam for bone spurs make you all so fucming stupid. Well I guess with neither I would not have to listen to your bullshit as we could not have this conversation. Dumb fucm
Kool thow out media and big tech and see how well we compete on a world stage. How the fucj did one fat ass coward that could not serve in Vietnam nam for bone spurs make you all so fucming stupid. Well I guess with neither I would not have to listen to your bullshit as we could not have this conversation. Dumb fucm
I couldn't have not s said it b b better.
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Big Tech & the Media are not "enemies."

They are simply very nice people who are convinced that they are right on various social issues (ethnic matters, firearms, abortion, etc.) and that it is their duty to implement their agenda.

They really, really, really believe if one does not support, say, BLM, then that person is a bad person or deplorable.

They feel that such bad people should not have the opportunity to spread their poisonous thoughts. They might point out that if the Nazis had been silenced in the 1920s, then maybe their triumph in the 1930s would never have happened.

So they really, really, really do NOT think that they are censoring anyone. They are just preventing the deplorables from poisoning people's minds with lies, be it about the election results or COVID-19 or Hunter Biden.

In China, for example, no one believes the media. We are now entering a time when Americans are also adopting such an attitude.

In China, the people are helpless to change the situation, and so are we.
Geez...where to begin.
Whether the Media Corporation is CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post or, New York Times, et cetera, those corporations are "owned." The owners pay the salaries of the people that sit in front of the camera or print out a story. When the owners are leftist/pro-Marxist, the employees (they aren't really journalists anymore) tow the line and report what their owner tells them to report (they are not allowed to fact-check what they are told to report) If the employees find something that doesn't align with what their being told to report, they are ordered to change it to reflect the owners stance and they do. Years ago, two reporters were told by their employer, FOX-13 News, to do a story on a controversial topic (unfortunately, I can't recall the topic, as it was years ago). Anyway, when they researched the topic, they found that the story was not factual. They submitted their story and were ordered to go back and change the story. They adjusted it and resubmitted it to the heads of the studio. It too was rejected. When reordered to further change it, they refused and were terminated. They sued and when it went to trial, the determination was that it doesn't matter what they wanted, as News agencies are not "obligated" to tell the truth. The freedom of speech allows people to lie if they want to. Thus the people in front of the cameras and printing the news out, may be nice people, but if they are just doing the bidding of their employer, they are complicit in trying to overthrow our Constitutional Republic and thus, guilty of at least, sedition.
As your stance on the BLM Movement, again, they are more than likely doing as ordered from above and want to keep their jobs and paychecks.
BLM is an admitted Marxist organization, with the goal of, as they say, "tearing down the entire system" of freedom and the Bill of Rights. The core of the BLM Movement is comprised of criminals, criminals friends, criminals families and idiotic dupes that just march along chanting with them. When you hear BLM activists chanting that "blacks can commit crimes,' you know what types of people you're dealing with and the people opposing them aren't deplorables, but believe that ALL criminals should be arrested, regardless of color.
As for China, to see what would happen here, if we go the route of China, just look to Tiananmen Square and what happened to "peaceful" protesters. If you don't want that here, rise up, revolt.
Big Tech & the Media are not "enemies."

They are simply very nice people who are convinced that they are right on various social issues (ethnic matters, firearms, abortion, etc.) and that it is their duty to implement their agenda.

They really, really, really believe if one does not support, say, BLM, then that person is a bad person or deplorable.

They feel that such bad people should not have the opportunity to spread their poisonous thoughts. They might point out that if the Nazis had been silenced in the 1920s, then maybe their triumph in the 1930s would never have happened.

So they really, really, really do NOT think that they are censoring anyone. They are just preventing the deplorables from poisoning people's minds with lies, be it about the election results or COVID-19 or Hunter Biden.

In China, for example, no one believes the media. We are now entering a time when Americans are also adopting such an attitude.

In China, the people are helpless to change the situation, and so are we.
Geez...where to begin.
Whether the Media Corporation is CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post or, New York Times, et cetera, those corporations are "owned." The owners pay the salaries of the people that sit in front of the camera or print out a story. When the owners are leftist/pro-Marxist, the employees (they aren't really journalists anymore) tow the line and report what their owner tells them to report (they are not allowed to fact-check what they are told to report) If the employees find something that doesn't align with what their being told to report, they are ordered to change it to reflect the owners stance and they do. Years ago, two reporters were told by their employer, FOX-13 News, to do a story on a controversial topic (unfortunately, I can't recall the topic, as it was years ago). Anyway, when they researched the topic, they found that the story was not factual. They submitted their story and were ordered to go back and change the story. They adjusted it and resubmitted it to the heads of the studio. It too was rejected. When reordered to further change it, they refused and were terminated. They sued and when it went to trial, the determination was that it doesn't matter what they wanted, as News agencies are not "obligated" to tell the truth. The freedom of speech allows people to lie if they want to. Thus the people in front of the cameras and printing the news out, may be nice people, but if they are just doing the bidding of their employer, they are complicit in trying to overthrow our Constitutional Republic and thus, guilty of at least, sedition.
As your stance on the BLM Movement, again, they are more than likely doing as ordered from above and want to keep their jobs and paychecks.
BLM is an admitted Marxist organization, with the goal of, as they say, "tearing down the entire system" of freedom and the Bill of Rights. The core of the BLM Movement is comprised of criminals, criminals friends, criminals families and idiotic dupes that just march along chanting with them. When you hear BLM activists chanting that "blacks can commit crimes,' you know what types of people you're dealing with and the people opposing them aren't deplorables, but believe that ALL criminals should be arrested, regardless of color.
As for China, to see what would happen here, if we go the route of China, just look to Tiananmen Square and what happened to "peaceful" protesters. If you don't want that here, rise up, revolt.

I agree 100% with you.

I hope, however, that the "revolt" you refer to is PEACEFUL & LEGAL.

One way to start, of course, is to refrain from reading/watching the liberal media.

I have heard that the detestable New York Times was on the brink of bankruptcy -- until the election of Donald J. Trump (for whom I voted twice).

Let's all hope that alleged "news"paper and other such media outlets will FINALLY get their comeuppance.

Have a nice weekend!

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