Biggest Coverup of Mass Murder in World History


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Last month, Committee Chair Brad Wenstrup made headlines when he revealed that seven CIA analysts “with significant scientific expertise” on the agency’s COVID-19 Discovery Team (CDT) received performance bonuses after changing a report to downplay concerns about a possible lab origin of the virus.

Now, a months-long investigation by Racket and Public, which included interviews with the CIA whistleblower behind last month’s revelations and others in a position to know, reveals that Fauci not only visited the CIA but also pushed the controversial “Proximal Origin of SARS CoV-2” paper, published by Nature Medicine, in meetings at the State Department and the White House.

Previous reporting already showed that Fauci “prompted” the “Proximal Origin” paper, according to its authors. Lead author Kristian Andersen expressed grave doubts about the natural origin theory even months after Nature Medicine published the paper. And they described themselves as pressured by “higher ups,” referring to individuals in the White House and other government agencies.

Now, the new information from multiple sources, including a CIA whistleblower, a senior government investigator, and a senior official, suggests a broad effort by Fauci to go agency by agency, from the White House to the State Department to the CIA, in an effort to steer government officials away from looking into the possibility that COVID-19 escaped from a lab.

“Fauci’s expert opinions were a significant consideration and were part of our classified assessment,” said the CIA whistleblower, a decorated and long-serving CIA officer with expertise in Asia. “His opinion substantially altered the conclusions that were subsequently drawn.”

Fauci had reasons to push scientists and intelligence analysts to believe the virus had a zoonotic origin since his agency had issued a grant to fund research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China.

I’m so old I remember the days the people in charge worked hard to catch mass murderers. And in the case of major accidents, the people in power investigated what went wrong and put changes in place to prevent reoccurrence.

But alas those days are but a memory.
Last month, Committee Chair Brad Wenstrup made headlines when he revealed that seven CIA analysts “with significant scientific expertise” on the agency’s COVID-19 Discovery Team (CDT) received performance bonuses after changing a report to downplay concerns about a possible lab origin of the virus.

Now, a months-long investigation by Racket and Public, which included interviews with the CIA whistleblower behind last month’s revelations and others in a position to know, reveals that Fauci not only visited the CIA but also pushed the controversial “Proximal Origin of SARS CoV-2” paper, published by Nature Medicine, in meetings at the State Department and the White House.

Previous reporting already showed that Fauci “prompted” the “Proximal Origin” paper, according to its authors. Lead author Kristian Andersen expressed grave doubts about the natural origin theory even months after Nature Medicine published the paper. And they described themselves as pressured by “higher ups,” referring to individuals in the White House and other government agencies.

Now, the new information from multiple sources, including a CIA whistleblower, a senior government investigator, and a senior official, suggests a broad effort by Fauci to go agency by agency, from the White House to the State Department to the CIA, in an effort to steer government officials away from looking into the possibility that COVID-19 escaped from a lab.

“Fauci’s expert opinions were a significant consideration and were part of our classified assessment,” said the CIA whistleblower, a decorated and long-serving CIA officer with expertise in Asia. “His opinion substantially altered the conclusions that were subsequently drawn.”

Fauci had reasons to push scientists and intelligence analysts to believe the virus had a zoonotic origin since his agency had issued a grant to fund research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China.

I’m so old I remember the days the people in charge worked hard to catch mass murderers. And in the case of major accidents, the people in power investigated what went wrong and put changes in place to prevent reoccurrence.

But alas those days are but a memory.
I see, you are telling us a presidential appointee was allowed to freely distort the truth and fund illegal activities while Trump turned a blind eye to the agency the executive branch is in charge of?
Oh, bull$hit...

Fauci is a clinician and researcher and administrator who did what he thought best during the COVID pandemic...

He and his team advised us as best they could based upon the empirical evidence and best practices that they knew to use...

Some of it worked, some of it didn't... some of it had good results... some of it caused more problems than it prevented...

But all of that was in good faith and in the best traditions of the various components of the US Public Health services...

In that respect he-and-his did the best they could for us, and I, for one, am content with any such good-faith effort...

Hindsight is marvelous... Monday Morning Quarterbacking is easy... facing The Beast while it's killing thousands is hard...

Especially when the nature of The Beast and its spread and impact and evolution and treatments are largely unknown...


As to his "culpability" vis-a-vis the Chinese...

Did his agency help the Chinese to float gain-of-function research?


Was that wrong?

Probably. I would never have pushed money at an adversary for that purpose.


Fauci did not pay the Chinese to have a lab accident to let-loose the Kraken, eh?

Fauci did not pay the Chinese to INTENTIONALLY let-loose the Kraken, either, eh?

Enough of this
Kraken Kornspiracy Klub happy hor$e$hit...
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Oh, bull$hit...

Fauci is a clinician and researcher and administrator who did what he thought best during the COVID pandemic...

He and his team advised us as best they could based upon the empirical evidence and best practices that they knew to use...

Some of it worked, some of it didn't... some of it had good results... some of it caused more problems than it prevented...

But all of that was in good faith and in the best traditions of the various components of the US Public Health services...

In that respect he-and-his did the best they could for us, and I, for one, am content with any such good-faith effort...

Hindsight is marvelous... Monday Morning Quarterbacking is easy... facing The Beast while it's killing thousands is hard...

Especially when the nature of The Beast and its spread and impact and evolution and treatments are largely unknown...


As to his "culpability" vis-a-vis the Chinese...

Did his agency help the Chinese to float gain-of-function research?


Was that wrong?

Probably. I would never have pushed money at an adversary for that purpose.


Fauci did not pay the Chinese to have a lab accident to let-loose the Kraken, eh?

Fauci did not pay the Chinese to INTENTIONALLY let-loose the Kraken, either, eh?

Enough of this
Kraken Kornspiracy Klub happy hor$e$hit...
After 9-11 a bipartisan commission investigated the attack and released a very comprehensive report on everything that occurred related to the attack, in the effort to educate.

Why no such commission and report on the ChiCom flu that killed millions?
A lot to coverup and try to keep covered up is why.
Obviously you’re also ignorant of the fact most of the world eats wild animals.

And surely no one ever happens to travel 7 miles in their lives.

You are being deliberately obtuse.

The problem is that most of the world does NOT eat wild animals, they eat domesticated animals that are quality controlled to prevent exactly what happened at Wuhan.

And, yes, if it escaped from the lab, the first cases would be from the neighborhood around the lab, not a wet market 7 miles away.
After 9-11 a bipartisan commission investigated the attack and released a very comprehensive report on everything that occurred related to the attack, in the effort to educate.

Why no such commission and report on the ChiCom flu that killed millions?
A lot to coverup and try to keep covered up is why.
So why didn't the Trump Administration convene such an Inquiry?

So why doesn't the Republican -controlled US House of Representatives convene such an Inquiry?
You are being deliberately obtuse.

The problem is that most of the world does NOT eat wild animals, they eat domesticated animals that are quality controlled to prevent exactly what happened at Wuhan.

And, yes, if it escaped from the lab, the first cases would be from the neighborhood around the lab, not a wet market 7 miles away.
Man, you’re one ignorant Dufus. You really need to get out of your mommy’s basement more. Main staple of Asians is wild animals and bugs.

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