Biggest Douchebag in Congress?

Who is the biggest Douchebag in Congress?

  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Barney Frank

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • Harry Reid

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Alan Grayson

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
I picked Alan G. who is billed down here as a "National Embarassment". He has called his opponent, Daniel Webster,(you gota love that name, sounds, well, informative and knowledgable) Taliban Dan and has spliced together Dan's speeches to form a clip where Dan seems to tell women they must obey their husbands.

The Mystery is why he got elected to begin with. Florida seems fairly conservative and Greyson knows this and the present political climate down here now, also.

Pelosi is from the leftist of the left in San Francisco she comes under the "forgive them Lord for they know not what they do" excuse and probably is unexposed or untested by conservatives. Boxer and Reid just feel ensconced and protected by their incumbency.
Reid like many other RINOs (Castle, Specter...) was probably never in line with conservative principles.


Harry Reid a "rino"?? He's been a liberal Democrat for decades.
And Alan Grayson is fantastic! Regressives hate him because he's a fighter who punches back.

We need more Alan Graysons!
I picked Alan G. who is billed down here as a "National Embarassment". He has called his opponent, Daniel Webster,(you gota love that name, sounds, well, informative and knowledgable) Taliban Dan and has spliced together Dan's speeches to form a clip where Dan seems to tell women they must obey their husbands.

The Mystery is why he got elected to begin with. Florida seems fairly conservative and Greyson knows this and the present political climate down here now, also.

Pelosi is from the leftist of the left in San Francisco she comes under the "forgive them Lord for they know not what they do" excuse and probably is unexposed or untested by conservatives. Boxer and Reid just feel ensconced and protected by their incumbency.
Reid like many other RINOs (Castle, Specter...) was probably never in line with conservative principles.


Harry Reid a "rino"?? He's been a liberal Democrat for decades.
And Alan Grayson is fantastic! Regressives hate him because he's a fighter who punches back.

We need more Alan Graysons!

I think it has to do with the way he lies so obviously with a straight face. His shtick is saying the kind of outrageous shit that would piss off a reasonable person. Anyone who likes his stupid rhetoric sends him cash....which illustrates his primary motivation.

Hard to like someone who's such an amateur at fabrication yet for some reason you like him. Go figure.

He needs to take lessons from Bill Clinton.
Harry Reid a "rino"?? He's been a liberal Democrat for decades.
And Alan Grayson is fantastic! Regressives hate him because he's a fighter who punches back.

We need more Alan Graysons!

I think it has to do with the way he lies so obviously with a straight face. His shtick is saying the kind of outrageous shit that would piss off a reasonable person. Anyone who likes his stupid rhetoric sends him cash....which illustrates his primary motivation.

Hard to like someone who's such an amateur at fabrication yet for some reason you like him. Go figure.

He needs to take lessons from Bill Clinton.

Got any examples?
And Alan Grayson is fantastic! Regressives hate him because he's a fighter who punches back.

We need more Alan Graysons!

I think it has to do with the way he lies so obviously with a straight face. His shtick is saying the kind of outrageous shit that would piss off a reasonable person. Anyone who likes his stupid rhetoric sends him cash....which illustrates his primary motivation.

Hard to like someone who's such an amateur at fabrication yet for some reason you like him. Go figure.

He needs to take lessons from Bill Clinton.

Got any examples?


Only too easy......a very big one for starters:


I rest my case.
I think it has to do with the way he lies so obviously with a straight face. His shtick is saying the kind of outrageous shit that would piss off a reasonable person. Anyone who likes his stupid rhetoric sends him cash....which illustrates his primary motivation.

Hard to like someone who's such an amateur at fabrication yet for some reason you like him. Go figure.

He needs to take lessons from Bill Clinton.

Got any examples?


Only too easy......a very big one for starters:


I rest my case.
You're resting, all right.

Grayson was correct. Regressives are pissed that he called them out on their total lack of a HCR plan other than 'tort reform' which would save 3% at best. Oh, and buying insurance across state lines.

That's it. Total wingnut fail. And Grayson had the balls to say it.
Got any examples?


Only too easy......a very big one for starters:

I rest my case.
You're resting, all right.

Grayson was correct. Regressives are pissed that he called them out on their total lack of a HCR plan other than 'tort reform' which would save 3% at best. Oh, and buying insurance across state lines.

That's it. Total wingnut fail. And Grayson had the balls to say it.

Do we have to fight this shit again? The GOP had a very good workable plan that would have covered many more people with no cost to the FedGov. It of course got nowhere.
WHich is where Grayson's campaign is going currently.
Got any examples?


Only too easy......a very big one for starters:


I rest my case.
You're resting, all right.

Grayson was correct. Regressives are pissed that he called them out on their total lack of a HCR plan other than 'tort reform' which would save 3% at best. Oh, and buying insurance across state lines.

That's it. Total wingnut fail. And Grayson had the balls to say it.

Grayson was lying. Nobody's health care program involves dying quickly. If you can show it to me in writing feel free. If you can show me a Republican saying it feel free. If your only proof is you've never seen their ideas on health care you're fucken high. If you can prove this is the case feel free.

Otherwise STFU.
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The entire Healthcare debacle is because the Democrats wanted power and forgot that the original intent was to cover more people by making healthcare more affordable.


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Only too easy......a very big one for starters:

I rest my case.
You're resting, all right.

Grayson was correct. Regressives are pissed that he called them out on their total lack of a HCR plan other than 'tort reform' which would save 3% at best. Oh, and buying insurance across state lines.

That's it. Total wingnut fail. And Grayson had the balls to say it.

Do we have to fight this shit again? The GOP had a very good workable plan that would have covered many more people with no cost to the FedGov. It of course got nowhere.
WHich is where Grayson's campaign is going currently.
Ok - pull up an article that details the Republican plan, from, say,,, nytiimes, com, - any legit news site. No crap.

Only too easy......a very big one for starters:

I rest my case.
You're resting, all right.

Grayson was correct. Regressives are pissed that he called them out on their total lack of a HCR plan other than 'tort reform' which would save 3% at best. Oh, and buying insurance across state lines.

That's it. Total wingnut fail. And Grayson had the balls to say it.

Grayson was lying. Nobody's health care program involves dying quickly. If you can show it to me in writing feel free. If you can show me a Republican saying it feel free. If your only proof is you've never seen their ideas on health care you're fucken high. If you can prove this is the case feel free.

Otherwise STFU.
He was using sarcasm, Braniac.
My vote is for VP Biden, ok I realize he's not a member but he does sit in with the Senate. He has to be the dumbest VP ever with a slight mental disadvantage to Quayle.
The entire Healthcare debacle is because the Democrats wanted power and forgot that the original intent was to cover more people by making healthcare more affordable.

They didn't forget. Their goal was to take control of health care because it is very important to control of everything else...and it also makes it easy to raise taxes. After all it has to be paid for.

One of the biggest expenses companies have today is paying for health care plans for their employees. Health care also is causing several states to go broke....mine for example.

Obama and the Democrats promised they had a less expensive way of providing health care and at first they promised they would cover everyone which is why it was at one time called Universal Health Care. Then we discovered that their program isn't less expensive. Their defense is that it only raises costs .01 percent.

Excuse me...but wasn't their program supposed to be less expensive? Wasn't that the expressed need they stated for a new system? In the process the real reasons for high costs were not addressed and so we're stuck with a new system that doesn't produce as advertised, is more expensive then promised, and eventually will lead to a single-payer system. All of this as they claimed was essential to fixing the economy. Actually this bill was essential to the Democrats goals of socializing the U.S. economy, nothing more.

Yes, we had to pass this shit bill if we want to find out what's in it.
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You're resting, all right.

Grayson was correct. Regressives are pissed that he called them out on their total lack of a HCR plan other than 'tort reform' which would save 3% at best. Oh, and buying insurance across state lines.

That's it. Total wingnut fail. And Grayson had the balls to say it.

Do we have to fight this shit again? The GOP had a very good workable plan that would have covered many more people with no cost to the FedGov. It of course got nowhere.
WHich is where Grayson's campaign is going currently.
Ok - pull up an article that details the Republican plan, from, say,,, nytiimes, com, - any legit news site. No crap.

Health Care - GOP Solutions for America -

Now fuck off, will ya?
As tempting as it is to pick Pelosi, her toxic reign is of recent and short duration. She'll be out as Speaker in November.

Frank, due to his role in Championing and Protecting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has wought damage on a scale rarely seen in history.

I completly agree.

Pelosi is a 1st class arrogant bitch.
Reid is the man behind the scenes greasing the wheels with money. He just lacks any class.

Franks is a traitor to the country. He watched F and F go down, all the way down and knew or should have known it would take our economy then the worlds economy with it. If the libs were honest as to where to put all the blame, they would put it on him.
It's a toughie here. Pelosi is a lead runner with her illegal tactics and bizarre pronouncements.
Frank is just creepy.
But my vote is for Grayson, who complains when people catch him lying.

Your right Rab.

Its a toughie. So many DB's to chose from. All of them are worthy of the title Biggest Douchbag in Congress.

I was torn between Pelosi, douchbag of the Century and Grayson douchbag of the South.

Being from Florida I just had to go with Grayson.

God, Man is a douchbag of monumental proportions.
Up until Rahm took the job as Chief of Staff he was the biggest douche in Congress. Eric Cantor now holds that title.

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