Biggest. Hoax. Ever.


On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


We are no longer going to fine rich people for not buying insurance.


I spend more on cigars than I did on that fine.

That was your plan?

You're going to pop a blood vessel if you don't relax a smidge. You know, pace your outrage a little. A sustained full volume is never good.
Funny. No amount of noise I make will ever match the non-stop whining, crying, screaming, moaning, and thrashing about on the floor of the pseudocons for the past eight years.
And here ya have it folks.. today's G5000's Trump meltdown thread. Geeze.. get this guy a Xanax.
The biggest hoax was the ironically named "affordable care act". It's no secret that it was a poorly written law that Nancy Pelosi didn't even read ("you will find out what's in the law after it's signed") and was passed through intimidation and bribes. Almost nobody likes it and just about everyone agrees that it doesn't work and it will bankrupt middle class families. The fact that lefties are whining that it won't be replaced soon enough is puzzling but when you take into consideration that lefties are hysterical and angry about the election you understand that they are liable to say anything regardless of how loony it sounds.
The GOP repealed all or parts of the ACA sixty times. The rubes fell for that theater every time. They never got tired of it.

Now that the GOP and Trump actually have the power to actually repeal and replace it, they have gone radio silent.

Solid gold proof you rubes were being hoaxed all that time.

How many times did I ask you rubes over these past seven years, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"


On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


We are no longer going to fine rich people for not buying insurance.


I spend more on cigars than I did on that fine.

That was your plan?

You're going to pop a blood vessel if you don't relax a smidge. You know, pace your outrage a little. A sustained full volume is never good.
Funny. No amount of noise I make will ever match the non-stop whining, crying, screaming, moaning, and thrashing about on the floor of the pseudocons for the past eight years.

You've already surpassed it Snowflake... you're as batshit crazy as a Birther.
The biggest hoax was the ironically named "affordable care act". It's no secret that it was a poorly written law that Nancy Pelosi didn't even read ("you will find out what's in the law after it's signed") and was passed through intimidation and bribes. Almost nobody likes it and just about everyone agrees that it doesn't work and it will bankrupt middle class families. The fact that lefties are whining that it won't be replaced soon enough is puzzling but when you take into consideration that lefties are hysterical and angry about the election you understand that they are liable to say anything regardless of how loony it sounds.

It's not even a month into the Trump Administration and the idiots have called it "over". Trump hasn't said he isn't going to address it, and he has time. Their butthurt has them grabbing at straws. Every single thing they have said about Trump from the very beginning has been proven to be false, yet they cannot stop doing it.

Ignorant means you don't know, stupid means you can't learn. These people are just plain stupid.
Trump lied. He promised to repeal ObamaCare on day one and provide reforms for immediate implementation that would lower health care costs.

Instead, he wrote an EO asking his billionaire friends in his Cabinet not to fine rich people if they don't buy health insurance.

And then you rubes jumped up and down with glee!

"Mission accomplished!"

What a sack of retarded potatoes you are.

You idiots can't learn can you?

....LOL you just said THAT, in a thread about Trump making chumps out of you Trumpsters yet again.

Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.
It's no secret that it was a poorly written law that Nancy Pelosi didn't even read ("you will find out what's in the law after it's signed")
I am glad you have mentioned that benchmark. It's an important one which will come back to snap you rubes in your faces.

The replacement will firstly have to be perfect. It cannot have any unintended consequences in it which require a fix, a.k.a. "we have to pass it to know what's in it".

The replacement will have to be short. If it is too long, the tards won't accept it and will invent "death panels" and other shit that isn't actually in there. They will never read it anyway, no matter how short it is. But page count is a big deal to pseudocons for some reason.

The replacement will have to lower the cost of health care. That's a big one. If it doesn't, the pseudocons will be morally obligated to start at least 20 topics each time health insurance spikes, or be guilty of being raging hypocrites.

Health Insurance Premiums Skyrocketing. Thanks, Obama!

Health Insurance — Rising Premiums

Surprise! Health Insurance Premiums Spike Higher

Health Insurance premiums rise, employers are bracing!!!!

Expect deep increases in health insurance premiums

Commie Care Costs Skyrocket for Exchanges

Health insurers seek big premium hikes for ObamaCare plans in 2016

Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true. In fact just about everything you say is false. Then you start stupid threads based on stupid things you JUST MADE UP. You idiots do it all the time and you never ever learn.
Too bad for you not one bit is made up. It's all true. I know how much that must suck for you, but it does not do you any good to live in a delusion, rube.

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Healthcare Reform

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Lol, dumbass.
If that's all you can say, then you have nothing. As usual.

I have Trump's own words. Sucks for you.

Nope, I'm fine, it sucks you be you. Being all butthurt and setting yourself up for even more butch slapping. But you can't help it, you can't learn.
You idiots can't learn can you?

....LOL you just said THAT, in a thread about Trump making chumps out of you Trumpsters yet again.

Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:
....LOL you just said THAT, in a thread about Trump making chumps out of you Trumpsters yet again.

Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

Do you know what the word even means?

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

^ you can pretend that above doesn't exist but it actually DOES and there is nothing you idiots can do to make it otherwise, so go ahead deflect deflect deflect.
....LOL you just said THAT, in a thread about Trump making chumps out of you Trumpsters yet again.

Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

It will be interesting to see how they spin things when they are proven wrong again. Will they try to pretend they never said it? Will they move the goalposts? I'm betting on a combination of both.
Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

It will be interesting to see how they spin things when they are proven wrong again. Will they try to pretend they never said it? Will they move the goalposts? I'm betting on a combination of both.
You will never prove me wrong on this one. It is a simple fact Trump did not repeal and replace ObamaCare on Day One as he promised he would.
Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

Do you know what the word even means?

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

^ you can pretend that above doesn't exist but it actually DOES and there is nothing you idiots can do to make it otherwise, so go ahead deflect deflect deflect.

It's factual but it's just plain stupid. You are either intentionally or stupidly ignoring the elephant in the room.

I'm betting on you being just stupid.
Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

Do you know what the word even means?

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

^ you can pretend that above doesn't exist but it actually DOES and there is nothing you idiots can do to make it otherwise, so go ahead deflect deflect deflect.

Yes. It's ironic that you post such a vapid reply.
It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

It will be interesting to see how they spin things when they are proven wrong again. Will they try to pretend they never said it? Will they move the goalposts? I'm betting on a combination of both.
You will never prove me wrong on this one. It is a simple fact Trump did not repeal and replace ObamaCare on Day One as he promised he would.

While he did imply, he didn't actually technically say day one he will repeal and replace, what he said is that he will ASK congress for it on day one.

But he DID promise that he has a great replacement plan and THAT he did blatantly lie about, he had nothing of the sort as it clearly turned out.
Obama put a health care reform package on the table 18 months BEFORE he was elected.

What has Trump done? Nothing. He bloviated that he had a "beautiful" plan. Now we know he didn't have jack shit. He counts on his Chumps having memories like goldfish. That's why I quoted his exact words. To show them he lied. Again.

Oh, wait. He did sign an EO asking his Cabinet of billionaires not to fine their rich friends for not buying health insurance. And the rubes spunked in their jeans! :lol:

For those that are honest and have reading comprehension, Trump's statement reads thusly....
They are going to work to repeal Obamacare day one. The first thing he did day one was disable The Mandate.

And work to install a replacement.

So it's underway and there will be nothing you can do to stop it.

No one with a brain thought that they would completely dismantle the so called ACA day one and leave people with no replacement.

But Liberals aren't very smart so I can see why they thought that.

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