Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

Do you know what the word even means?

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

^ you can pretend that above doesn't exist but it actually DOES and there is nothing you idiots can do to make it otherwise, so go ahead deflect deflect deflect.

Yes. It's ironic that you post such a vapid reply.

Now THAT is irony,

Thank you for your content filled contribution, as usual.
It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

It will be interesting to see how they spin things when they are proven wrong again. Will they try to pretend they never said it? Will they move the goalposts? I'm betting on a combination of both.
You will never prove me wrong on this one. It is a simple fact Trump did not repeal and replace ObamaCare on Day One as he promised he would.

Lol, dumbass. Show me one person who thought that anybody was going to get that done in day one. It's a figure of speech you stupid fuck. It did not take him long at all to get started. That is the only thing that counts. You butthurt morons want to nit pick then go ahead. Like I said earlier, you are winning anyone over with your stupid antics.

Can you learn anything at all?
Trump did not deliver "a series of reforms ready for implementation" as he promised.

Obama produced a reform package 18 months BEFORE he was even elected!

Remember how the pseudocons went on and on about "shovel ready projects"?

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

Do you know what the word even means?

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

^ you can pretend that above doesn't exist but it actually DOES and there is nothing you idiots can do to make it otherwise, so go ahead deflect deflect deflect.

Yes. It's ironic that you post such a vapid reply.

Now THAT is irony,

Thank you for your content filled contribution, as usual.

You are quite welcome ma'am!!!
Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

It will be interesting to see how they spin things when they are proven wrong again. Will they try to pretend they never said it? Will they move the goalposts? I'm betting on a combination of both.
You will never prove me wrong on this one. It is a simple fact Trump did not repeal and replace ObamaCare on Day One as he promised he would.

Lol, dumbass. Show me one person who thought that anybody was going to get that done in day one. It's a figure of speech you stupid fuck. It did not take him long at all to get started. That is the only thing that counts. You butthurt morons want to nit pick then go ahead. Like I said earlier, you are winning anyone over with your stupid antics.

Can you learn anything at all?


Figure of speech: I have a beautiful plan to replace Obamacare.

Actual meaning: I have no plan to replace Obamacare.

About right?

If so that is not figure of speech, that is good ol' LYING.
60 repeals. Now...silence.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
The Republicans and Trump got caught with their thumbs up their asses.

Now they are scrambling.

The Emperor has no clothes.
Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

It will be interesting to see how they spin things when they are proven wrong again. Will they try to pretend they never said it? Will they move the goalposts? I'm betting on a combination of both.
You will never prove me wrong on this one. It is a simple fact Trump did not repeal and replace ObamaCare on Day One as he promised he would.

Lol, dumbass. Show me one person who thought that anybody was going to get that done in day one. It's a figure of speech you stupid fuck. It did not take him long at all to get started. That is the only thing that counts. You butthurt morons want to nit pick then go ahead. Like I said earlier, you are winning anyone over with your stupid antics.

Can you learn anything at all?

He's kind of bogged down just trying to get his cabinet in place thank to libs like G in Congress obstructionism.
No errors which will need a fix.

Short page count.

Lower health care costs.

The rubes are averting their eyes to avoid noticing what everyone else knows. The Emperor has no clothes.

Last edited:
60 repeals. Now...silence.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Seriously - can any of you Publicans explain this phenomenon except as blatant bullshit by the Republican congressmen?

They brought it to a vote ONLY when it could not pass. Now that it CAN pass they abruptly dropped it.
60 repeals. Now...silence.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Seriously - can any of you Publicans explain this phenomenon except as blatant bullshit by the Republican congressmen?

They brought it to a vote ONLY when it could not pass. Now that it CAN pass they abruptly dropped it.
I've been calling it "theater for the rubes" since the get-go.

I have asked the rubes for the past seven years to point me to the GOP replacement legislation. "Repeal...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

Their stupidity and credulousness is downright willful.
listen to the left...
not sure who you think cares about your la, la's

But I digress....
listen to the left...
not sure who you think cares about your la, la's

But I digress....
Trump thanks you for your willful stupidity. From the bottom of his thieving heart.
That's Trump's method.

He lies, and then the Chumps do all the heavy lifting for him.

"He kept his promise wit duh EO!"
cause the poorly educated outsmarted the libturd genius's
"genius's" :lol:

Oh, man. That's priceless.

Here, let me fix that for you:

"because the stupid outnumbered the geniuses"

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