Biggest Presidential absence in over 100 years

poor old senile fool...what an embarrassment

Please don't speak of Dear Leader in such a manner and stop stealing mirrors!

Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
This man barely gets up in the morning. And this was known before the election. Which makes the allegations of a stolen election more profound. He is not accepted by more then half the people. Kamala will be worse. We have entered second and third world territory. Trump was the salve we needed but the band aid on the wounds was not nice looking. And the agendists took advantage of it with a population that thinks second and third world and who vote in what we see in those nations. The citizens here who live with comforts are just plain spoiled who vote Prog.
But he beat Trump anyway! :auiqs.jpg:
No, trump won in a landslide.
Yes, Trump won the rightard vote by a landslide.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
This man barely gets up in the morning. And this was known before the election. Which makes the allegations of a stolen election more profound. He is not accepted by more then half the people. Kamala will be worse. We have entered second and third world territory. Trump was the salve we needed but the band aid on the wounds was not nice looking. And the agendists took advantage of it with a population that thinks second and third world and who vote in what we see in those nations. The citizens here who live with comforts are just plain spoiled who vote Prog.
But he beat Trump anyway! :auiqs.jpg:
No, trump won in a landslide.

Denial is a defense mechanism; a sad and pitiful response when the blathering members of the Trumpism Cult spew.
You’re confusing denial with empirical. Denial is demmunists being OK with obvious anomalies just because their side benefitted from the cheating.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?

F. U.
This is probably what Joe's diaper says to him shortly after Joe's 11AM Nap.
I give this thread a 7 out of 10.

I would have probably given it a 9 out of 10 but the insults, mostly from Biden supporters, leaves the smell of poo in the air.

There is no smell of shit coming from the Biden supporters. When you have your own head stuffed securely up your ass, the aroma you smell is your own shit.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?
Yes, he is a much stronger man than Trump, but many of us are.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?

F. U.

Touched a raw nerve I see. lol Poor Biden his mind is gone and can't even hold a press conference.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


President Biden is working and too busy to spend hours watching TV in the Morning, Tweeting all day and misleading the American People with lies.

BTW, President Biden will speak to the nation this evening.

He's working all right. To destroy the country. His press conference should be interesting especially if they ask him about the clusterfuck he created at the border. Hope he can remember what he did.

With trump gone, the world and its depressed youth have once again sought to come to the USA now that trump has been displaced from power. The hate and fear rhetoric spewed out of trump's mouth and twitter fingers repelled those who lived in poverty; without trump many now sought the American Dream, which has now been restored by President Biden.

More horse shit from an idiot.

Trump was a great POTUS. The stuttering fuck you voted for has opened the border. He handcuffed Ice and stopped construction on the funded wall. Now we have illegals streaming into the US. Many with the Chinese virus.

If that's your idea of a good POTUS then you are one sick fuck.

Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year. We will be lucky if that stuttering fuck doesn't bankrupt the country.

If you don't want to live in poverty then pull yourself out of poverty. Get a job and pay your own way. Welfare is easy. Everyone pays your way. There is no incentive to not be poor.

Oh and our poor are rich by third world standards.

Carry on you sick fuck.

STATEMENT: "Trump was a great POTUS"

RESPONSE: Thankfully I did not take a sip of my coffee when I read this comment, I laughed out loud and would have sprayed my screen with coffee.

That said, you are in a large minority of Americans: Trump is in my opinion, and the vast number of all educated Americans to the worst ever President of the United States.

Trump is a classic charlatan and a classic demagogue! The facts to prove this are enormous, not only is trump a self serving narcissist, he is a vindictive bully who lies incessantly and misleads biddable people like you.
The irony is that Biden's base has always been the same socio-econ group Trump gained in 16 ... although Biden obviously is stronger with blacks, and less so with latinos. Over the years, I was not enamored with Biden's policies because at their essence I thought they did not shame those who chose not to work. If you're sick, or old or a kid .... society should make sure you have housing food meds and educ. But it seems to me that he's just too fast to give a pay out. American is built on shaming those who don't want hard work. It's not supposed to be easy. Fifty years ago my father told me "there's a reason work is a four letter word, you're not supposed to like it." He may have been overstating it, but he hated his job.

Obama was an elitist (as am I btw). But he never "sold" voters on why his stimulus plan and more so the ACA worked for them. We live in a global community. If we do/did not we'd find consumer goods ALOT more expensive. That's why deficits are life and death. Literally. But Trump sold those fools on tariffs "bringing jobs back." The only low tech jobs coming back are jobs machines do. But that doesn't mean we can't use the ballot box to provide ourselves the benefits we got by using unions.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
This man barely gets up in the morning. And this was known before the election. Which makes the allegations of a stolen election more profound. He is not accepted by more then half the people. Kamala will be worse. We have entered second and third world territory. Trump was the salve we needed but the band aid on the wounds was not nice looking. And the agendists took advantage of it with a population that thinks second and third world and who vote in what we see in those nations. The citizens here who live with comforts are just plain spoiled who vote Prog.
But he beat Trump anyway! :auiqs.jpg:
No, trump won in a landslide.

Denial is a defense mechanism; a sad and pitiful response when the blathering members of the Trumpism Cult spew.
You’re confusing denial with empirical. Denial is demmunists being OK with obvious anomalies just because their side benefitted from the cheating.

You used a lot of really impressive words to say that you're totally fully of shit.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?

How does an ignorant pissant like YOU, who has done nothing with his life but whine endlessly on a public message board, refer to an 78 year old man as a "gutless punk"?
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
This man barely gets up in the morning. And this was known before the election. Which makes the allegations of a stolen election more profound. He is not accepted by more then half the people. Kamala will be worse. We have entered second and third world territory. Trump was the salve we needed but the band aid on the wounds was not nice looking. And the agendists took advantage of it with a population that thinks second and third world and who vote in what we see in those nations. The citizens here who live with comforts are just plain spoiled who vote Prog.
But he beat Trump anyway! :auiqs.jpg:
No, trump won in a landslide.

Denial is a defense mechanism; a sad and pitiful response when the blathering members of the Trumpism Cult spew.
You’re confusing denial with empirical. Denial is demmunists being OK with obvious anomalies just because their side benefitted from the cheating.

You used a lot of really impressive words to say that you're totally fully of shit.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?

How does an ignorant pissant like YOU, who has done nothing with his life but whine endlessly on a public message board, refer to an 78 year old man as a "gutless punk"?
I gotta say even I stopped reading those two.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
This man barely gets up in the morning. And this was known before the election. Which makes the allegations of a stolen election more profound. He is not accepted by more then half the people. Kamala will be worse. We have entered second and third world territory. Trump was the salve we needed but the band aid on the wounds was not nice looking. And the agendists took advantage of it with a population that thinks second and third world and who vote in what we see in those nations. The citizens here who live with comforts are just plain spoiled who vote Prog.
But he beat Trump anyway! :auiqs.jpg:
No, trump won in a landslide.

Denial is a defense mechanism; a sad and pitiful response when the blathering members of the Trumpism Cult spew.
You’re confusing denial with empirical. Denial is demmunists being OK with obvious anomalies just because their side benefitted from the cheating.

You used a lot of really impressive words to say that you're totally fully of shit.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?

How does an ignorant pissant like YOU, who has done nothing with his life but whine endlessly on a public message board, refer to an 78 year old man as a "gutless punk"?
Why couldn’t you rebut?
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
This man barely gets up in the morning. And this was known before the election. Which makes the allegations of a stolen election more profound. He is not accepted by more then half the people. Kamala will be worse. We have entered second and third world territory. Trump was the salve we needed but the band aid on the wounds was not nice looking. And the agendists took advantage of it with a population that thinks second and third world and who vote in what we see in those nations. The citizens here who live with comforts are just plain spoiled who vote Prog.
But he beat Trump anyway! :auiqs.jpg:
No, trump won in a landslide.

Denial is a defense mechanism; a sad and pitiful response when the blathering members of the Trumpism Cult spew.
You’re confusing denial with empirical. Denial is demmunists being OK with obvious anomalies just because their side benefitted from the cheating.

You used a lot of really impressive words to say that you're totally fully of shit.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?

How does an ignorant pissant like YOU, who has done nothing with his life but whine endlessly on a public message board, refer to an 78 year old man as a "gutless punk"?
I gotta say even I stopped reading those two.
Because you couldn’t rebut, either?
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
This man barely gets up in the morning. And this was known before the election. Which makes the allegations of a stolen election more profound. He is not accepted by more then half the people. Kamala will be worse. We have entered second and third world territory. Trump was the salve we needed but the band aid on the wounds was not nice looking. And the agendists took advantage of it with a population that thinks second and third world and who vote in what we see in those nations. The citizens here who live with comforts are just plain spoiled who vote Prog.
But he beat Trump anyway! :auiqs.jpg:
No, trump won in a landslide.

Denial is a defense mechanism; a sad and pitiful response when the blathering members of the Trumpism Cult spew.
You’re confusing denial with empirical. Denial is demmunists being OK with obvious anomalies just because their side benefitted from the cheating.

You used a lot of really impressive words to say that you're totally fully of shit.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?

How does an ignorant pissant like YOU, who has done nothing with his life but whine endlessly on a public message board, refer to an 78 year old man as a "gutless punk"?

It's none of your business Canada so shut your pie hole.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


President Biden is working and too busy to spend hours watching TV in the Morning, Tweeting all day and misleading the American People with lies.

BTW, President Biden will speak to the nation this evening.

He's working all right. To destroy the country. His press conference should be interesting especially if they ask him about the clusterfuck he created at the border. Hope he can remember what he did.

With trump gone, the world and its depressed youth have once again sought to come to the USA now that trump has been displaced from power. The hate and fear rhetoric spewed out of trump's mouth and twitter fingers repelled those who lived in poverty; without trump many now sought the American Dream, which has now been restored by President Biden.

More horse shit from an idiot.

Trump was a great POTUS. The stuttering fuck you voted for has opened the border. He handcuffed Ice and stopped construction on the funded wall. Now we have illegals streaming into the US. Many with the Chinese virus.

If that's your idea of a good POTUS then you are one sick fuck.

Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year. We will be lucky if that stuttering fuck doesn't bankrupt the country.

If you don't want to live in poverty then pull yourself out of poverty. Get a job and pay your own way. Welfare is easy. Everyone pays your way. There is no incentive to not be poor.

Oh and our poor are rich by third world standards.

Carry on you sick fuck.

STATEMENT: "Trump was a great POTUS"

RESPONSE: Thankfully I did not take a sip of my coffee when I read this comment, I laughed out loud and would have sprayed my screen with coffee.

That said, you are in a large minority of Americans: Trump is in my opinion, and the vast number of all educated Americans to the worst ever President of the United States.

Trump is a classic charlatan and a classic demagogue! The facts to prove this are enormous, not only is trump a self serving narcissist, he is a vindictive bully who lies incessantly and misleads biddable people like you.
The irony is that Biden's base has always been the same socio-econ group Trump gained in 16 ... although Biden obviously is stronger with blacks, and less so with latinos. Over the years, I was not enamored with Biden's policies because at their essence I thought they did not shame those who chose not to work. If you're sick, or old or a kid .... society should make sure you have housing food meds and educ. But it seems to me that he's just too fast to give a pay out. American is built on shaming those who don't want hard work. It's not supposed to be easy. Fifty years ago my father told me "there's a reason work is a four letter word, you're not supposed to like it." He may have been overstating it, but he hated his job.

Obama was an elitist (as am I btw). But he never "sold" voters on why his stimulus plan and more so the ACA worked for them. We live in a global community. If we do/did not we'd find consumer goods ALOT more expensive. That's why deficits are life and death. Literally. But Trump sold those fools on tariffs "bringing jobs back." The only low tech jobs coming back are jobs machines do. But that doesn't mean we can't use the ballot box to provide ourselves the benefits we got by using unions.

I STRONGLY disagree that the USA is built on a tradition of shaming people who need help. And where such attititudes exist, they should be discouraged as much as possible. People should encouraged to use government programs to assist them through difficult times. That's what the programs are supposed to do.

The USA currently has the only shrinking middle class in the first world, declining life expectancy, and the least economic mobility in the first world - all because your economy is now structured to benefit ONLY the top 20%. America is now effectively an oligarchy, ruled by corporatists.

Part of their campaign against working people and workers rights, is pushing this notion that a person SHOULD be ashamed of taking money from the government.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
This man barely gets up in the morning. And this was known before the election. Which makes the allegations of a stolen election more profound. He is not accepted by more then half the people. Kamala will be worse. We have entered second and third world territory. Trump was the salve we needed but the band aid on the wounds was not nice looking. And the agendists took advantage of it with a population that thinks second and third world and who vote in what we see in those nations. The citizens here who live with comforts are just plain spoiled who vote Prog.
But he beat Trump anyway! :auiqs.jpg:
No, trump won in a landslide.

Denial is a defense mechanism; a sad and pitiful response when the blathering members of the Trumpism Cult spew.
You’re confusing denial with empirical. Denial is demmunists being OK with obvious anomalies just because their side benefitted from the cheating.

You used a lot of really impressive words to say that you're totally fully of shit.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?

How does an ignorant pissant like YOU, who has done nothing with his life but whine endlessly on a public message board, refer to an 78 year old man as a "gutless punk"?
I gotta say even I stopped reading those two.
Because you couldn’t rebut, either?

Why would I try to rebut the notion that there was massive cheating in the election? The overwhelming body of evidence is that there was no such thing, and that if was the most fair and honest election in American history. Last but not least, those most vociferously defending the notion that the Democrats only won because of massive cheating, are incapable of discerning fact from fiction.

Just because you can eloquently state your position, doesn't make you any less full of shit than someone who can't complete a sentence.
The bottom line is Sleepy Joe’s brain is AWOL (Absent Without Leave). His puppet masters can’t let him hold a press conference because he would fumble and bumble the answers and he probably can’t make it through a lengthy State of the Union Address without looking like a senile old fool (which he is).
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


President Biden is working and too busy to spend hours watching TV in the Morning, Tweeting all day and misleading the American People with lies.

BTW, President Biden will speak to the nation this evening.

He's working all right. To destroy the country. His press conference should be interesting especially if they ask him about the clusterfuck he created at the border. Hope he can remember what he did.

With trump gone, the world and its depressed youth have once again sought to come to the USA now that trump has been displaced from power. The hate and fear rhetoric spewed out of trump's mouth and twitter fingers repelled those who lived in poverty; without trump many now sought the American Dream, which has now been restored by President Biden.

More horse shit from an idiot.

Trump was a great POTUS. The stuttering fuck you voted for has opened the border. He handcuffed Ice and stopped construction on the funded wall. Now we have illegals streaming into the US. Many with the Chinese virus.

If that's your idea of a good POTUS then you are one sick fuck.

Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year. We will be lucky if that stuttering fuck doesn't bankrupt the country.

If you don't want to live in poverty then pull yourself out of poverty. Get a job and pay your own way. Welfare is easy. Everyone pays your way. There is no incentive to not be poor.

Oh and our poor are rich by third world standards.

Carry on you sick fuck.

STATEMENT: "Trump was a great POTUS"

RESPONSE: Thankfully I did not take a sip of my coffee when I read this comment, I laughed out loud and would have sprayed my screen with coffee.

That said, you are in a large minority of Americans: Trump is in my opinion, and the vast number of all educated Americans to the worst ever President of the United States.

Trump is a classic charlatan and a classic demagogue! The facts to prove this are enormous, not only is trump a self serving narcissist, he is a vindictive bully who lies incessantly and misleads biddable people like you.
The irony is that Biden's base has always been the same socio-econ group Trump gained in 16 ... although Biden obviously is stronger with blacks, and less so with latinos. Over the years, I was not enamored with Biden's policies because at their essence I thought they did not shame those who chose not to work. If you're sick, or old or a kid .... society should make sure you have housing food meds and educ. But it seems to me that he's just too fast to give a pay out. American is built on shaming those who don't want hard work. It's not supposed to be easy. Fifty years ago my father told me "there's a reason work is a four letter word, you're not supposed to like it." He may have been overstating it, but he hated his job.

Obama was an elitist (as am I btw). But he never "sold" voters on why his stimulus plan and more so the ACA worked for them. We live in a global community. If we do/did not we'd find consumer goods ALOT more expensive. That's why deficits are life and death. Literally. But Trump sold those fools on tariffs "bringing jobs back." The only low tech jobs coming back are jobs machines do. But that doesn't mean we can't use the ballot box to provide ourselves the benefits we got by using unions.

I STRONGLY disagree that the USA is built on a tradition of shaming people who need help. And where such attititudes exist, they should be discouraged as much as possible. People should encouraged to use government programs to assist them through difficult times. That's what the programs are supposed to do.

The USA currently has the only shrinking middle class in the first world, declining life expectancy, and the least economic mobility in the first world - all because your economy is now structured to benefit ONLY the top 20%. America is now effectively an oligarchy, ruled by corporatists.

Part of their campaign against working people and workers rights, is pushing this notion that a person SHOULD be ashamed of taking money from the government.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
This man barely gets up in the morning. And this was known before the election. Which makes the allegations of a stolen election more profound. He is not accepted by more then half the people. Kamala will be worse. We have entered second and third world territory. Trump was the salve we needed but the band aid on the wounds was not nice looking. And the agendists took advantage of it with a population that thinks second and third world and who vote in what we see in those nations. The citizens here who live with comforts are just plain spoiled who vote Prog.
But he beat Trump anyway! :auiqs.jpg:
No, trump won in a landslide.

Denial is a defense mechanism; a sad and pitiful response when the blathering members of the Trumpism Cult spew.
You’re confusing denial with empirical. Denial is demmunists being OK with obvious anomalies just because their side benefitted from the cheating.

You used a lot of really impressive words to say that you're totally fully of shit.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it's total crickets from *Biden because the guy's brain is wasting away.
Just a lie. You should be ashamed, unless you really are that stupid

Coward Biden refuses to hold a press conference. This is where we point and laugh at you :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After Trump, you have some nerve.

Do you deny Biden is a gutless punk who fears holding a press conference?

How does an ignorant pissant like YOU, who has done nothing with his life but whine endlessly on a public message board, refer to an 78 year old man as a "gutless punk"?
I gotta say even I stopped reading those two.
Because you couldn’t rebut, either?

Why would I try to rebut the notion that there was massive cheating in the election? The overwhelming body of evidence is that there was no such thing, and that if was the most fair and honest election in American history. Last but not least, those most vociferously defending the notion that the Democrats only won because of massive cheating, are incapable of discerning fact from fiction.

Just because you can eloquently state your position, doesn't make you any less full of shit than someone who can't complete a sentence.
The overwhelming evidence suggests cheating and anyone who denies that is either ignorant or dishonest. Your choice.
Run the numbers and the circumstances and consider that no judges would even look at the evidence. A result of either being lefty judges happy with the result or honest judges fearing assault from democrat rioters.

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