Biggest Presidential absence in over 100 years

AWW C'mon OL - Let them believe all their Bigly Lies. They are essential to their survival apparently.
No. It will interfere with MY survival if these idiots are allowed their head anymore. Their cheerleader got kicked to the curb and it's time his hangers on went with him. I'm sick to death of the media wars and the free speech whining. Every racist asshole thinks he's protected by the Constitution when in fact it is the majority of society that puts limits on what people in polite society can say. This joker can go to Stormfront where he belongs and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Yep, sorry you're right - This shit is serious. I was just being sarcastic (I do that a lot ;-)
It really would be best if at least 20 of our regs would beat it to forums that'd be more appreciative of their racism.
AWW C'mon OL - Let them believe all their Bigly Lies. They are essential to their survival apparently.
No. It will interfere with MY survival if these idiots are allowed their head anymore. Their cheerleader got kicked to the curb and it's time his hangers on went with him. I'm sick to death of the media wars and the free speech whining. Every racist asshole thinks he's protected by the Constitution when in fact it is the majority of society that puts limits on what people in polite society can say. This joker can go to Stormfront where he belongs and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Yep, sorry you're right - This shit is serious. I was just being sarcastic (I do that a lot ;-)
It really would be best if at least 20 of our regs would beat it to forums that'd be more appreciative of their racism.
Sometimes I just laugh about it, too--just in a crotchety mood, I guess.
Boy Uncle Joe was really excellent last night in his prime time address.
His speech will be remembered by history. Nice to have a president with empathy!

It was a great way to kick off the stimulus bill, and a warm and empathetic few minutes to hear him talk.

He's a little too gushy for me, tbh. When I've said that elsewhere, I've been told I'm cold. I appreciate that he's a caring person, but geeezzz, he does go on.

I'm not a fan of his gushiness, and I'm already tired of his some of his "growing up poor" stories. but it's infinitely preferrable to the whiny, self-aggrandizing, grievance-filled schtick of the previous President. It's good to have a President who does the work, and then gives credit to those who accomplished the goals he established.

It's also good to have a President who says to "follow the science", and to watch the rate of vaccine soar, and the rate of infection drop. But most of all, it's seeing the numbers of sick coming down. And to see goals exceeded, instead yet another sunshine and rainbows spin on an ever increasing spiral of disease and death.

But most of all, it's good to see an end to baiting the press with outrageous lies, and just telling people the truth about what the government is doing.

You are beyond delusional.
Biden is an empty-suit Marxist puppet.
Media slammed trump, not vice-versa. Trump responded.

Biden is doing the work and getting the country back on track. He’s not some blowhard bragging on stuff he didn’t actually do.

The media told the truth about Trump. And he didn’t like it. Trump started out lying, and then got angry when the media refused to accept his lies.

Change the channel.
Boy Uncle Joe was really excellent last night in his prime time address.
His speech will be remembered by history. Nice to have a president with empathy!

It was a great way to kick off the stimulus bill, and a warm and empathetic few minutes to hear him talk.

He's a little too gushy for me, tbh. When I've said that elsewhere, I've been told I'm cold. I appreciate that he's a caring person, but geeezzz, he does go on.

I'm not a fan of his gushiness, and I'm already tired of his some of his "growing up poor" stories. but it's infinitely preferrable to the whiny, self-aggrandizing, grievance-filled schtick of the previous President. It's good to have a President who does the work, and then gives credit to those who accomplished the goals he established.

It's also good to have a President who says to "follow the science", and to watch the rate of vaccine soar, and the rate of infection drop. But most of all, it's seeing the numbers of sick coming down. And to see goals exceeded, instead yet another sunshine and rainbows spin on an ever increasing spiral of disease and death.

But most of all, it's good to see an end to baiting the press with outrageous lies, and just telling people the truth about what the government is doing.

Keep an eye on Joe, though. He messed up with a couple of his numbers in that speech, was fact checked by AP. It is wonderful not to have all the ranting and raving and the fight of the day on twitter.

Glad to know I'm not the only Biden supporter who thinks he's sometimes gushy, but I also understand people who say that the millions of Americans who have experienced painful loss needed to hear a little sympathy for their experience. I'm just hoping that's done. No doubt about it, he is genuinely a very caring man. Now I understand why he wouldn't run for Pres in '16. He doesn't compartmentalize grief at all.

Biden is a puppet and professional politician. His only job in government for fifty years was to get elected. Like a college athlete majoring in eligibility.
If you support him you’re a fool. You’re only abetting the Marxist overthrow of the US.

Ain't no Marxists anywhere about, fool. He cosponsored thousands of pieces of legislation and the folks of Delaware seemed to like the way he voted. He's gotten plenty done and he's not stopping now, so your aspersions are nothing but bullshit snarking.

No, he’s a Marxist dupe and abettor. If DE was republican in 1972, Biden would have been a lifelong republican, still doing and saying whatever necessary to get elected.
The entire democrat party has been usurped by marxists for over fifty years and its coming to complete fruition as we speak. And as we’re being censored and controlled.

You're not being censored and controlled.

Oh, yes I am.

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