Biggest threat to Western civilization?

Who's the biggest threat to Western civilization?

  • Jewish Liberals.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Mexican Illegals.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Muslim Refugees.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Western European Liberals

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Russia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • China.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Iran

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trump

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Blacks.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

What kind of ignorance is that?

Ignorance might be a good answer here, but it's so broad spectrum, that it doesn't hit the subject hard in my eyes.

I think in America some do have ignorance, this that they THINK their Government is NEVER not going to be against a majority of the population EVER that I think many in America put ALL their faith in the American Constitution to save them, especially the First Amendment and the Second Amendment but that they think that these things WILL save them and they do not think that there are some in the shadows of the American Government who do not give a CRAP about those Amendments and would think nothing of ignoring the First and the Second Amendment rights.
This poll is a big mess.

The presence in the West of options B and C are nothing but a consequence of option A so they shouldn't be options in the first place.

What kind of ignorance is that?

Ignorance might be a good answer here, but it's so broad spectrum, that it doesn't hit the subject hard in my eyes.

I think in America some do have ignorance, this that they THINK their Government is NEVER not going to be against a majority of the population EVER that I think many in America put ALL their faith in the American Constitution to save them, especially the First Amendment and the Second Amendment but that they think that these things WILL save them and they do not think that there are some in the shadows of the American Government who do not give a CRAP about those Amendments and would think nothing of ignoring the First and the Second Amendment rights.

Well, if the U.S.A government acts up too much, it'll likely create a civil war, and if that is the case, probably either Russia, or China will start invading other countries of Europe / Asia / America.
Too much state, or also too little can be problems, both.

Without borders, military etc. you can be destroyed from within.

As for too much state, look at Soviets, or Nazis collapsing.
We're already being destroyed from within....The State, with its continual abuse of its monopoly on the use of proactive aggression, is never, ever your friend.
I made a poll choices include.

Jewish Liberals.

Mexican illegals.

Muslim refugees.

Western European Liberals.






But, I'd love to hear feed-back?
The biggest threat to civilization period is conservatives/republicans.
If not for Polacks we would have:

Cured cancer
Walked on Mars
Established world peace

What kind of ignorance is that?

Ignorance might be a good answer here, but it's so broad spectrum, that it doesn't hit the subject hard in my eyes.

I think in America some do have ignorance, this that they THINK their Government is NEVER not going to be against a majority of the population EVER that I think many in America put ALL their faith in the American Constitution to save them, especially the First Amendment and the Second Amendment but that they think that these things WILL save them and they do not think that there are some in the shadows of the American Government who do not give a CRAP about those Amendments and would think nothing of ignoring the First and the Second Amendment rights.

Well, if the U.S.A government acts up too much, it'll likely create a civil war, and if that is the case, probably either Russia, or China will start invading other countries of Europe / Asia / America.

I think in general many are complacent, this that they THINK they are invincible, this that they THINK their system that can NEVER fall, to me this is not a good situation to think, to be complacent that it is ALWAYS going to be there because it always HAS been there for them and for previous generations. So many should be paying attention to External and Internal happenings which often do not appear great but often can be VERY subtle and for this for them to always be on guard and prepared to protect to preserve, there are warning signals but many are not paying attention because things right NOW are okay for them and also they are distracted with sports, with films, with entertainments of different types etc the situation is this NOTHING is invincible and this is what a peoples, nations and a Civilisation must ALWAYS be on guard for, you should NEVER be complacent, NEVER take things for granted and NEVER allow your instinctively protective guard to be distracted.
I did not see an optional choice that fits my point of view & my perspective.

I have always been a severe critic of POTUS Lincoln because Lincoln destroyed the concept of 'states rights' but Lincoln did get one thing correct.

Lincoln stated that the US could never be destroyed from without; only from within.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

We are witness to that very idea NOW. Pay attention folks. Be very careful what you wish for & what you vote for.
I would agree that in America the Evangelicals who are Fundamentalist Dominionists and also the Lutherans, the Evangelicals because they are Brainwashed in the mind and they WANT Armageddon ASAP so they think they can be Raptured up to Jesus and the Lutherans because they are in total support of Unlimited Immigration to America from Muslims and their church organisations actively work with the NGOs for this to occur, throughout history the Lutherans have ALWAYS sided with and support the Islamics especially as a way to diminish Roman Catholicism <snipped for brevity>.

I agree. My studies on then get a bit detailed but they have already infiltrated the RC's. Islam is an antithesis to American Evangelicalism. The alleged religion is rooted in the eschatological concept that we are living in the "end time", "final days".....the second coming of Jesus Christ. To me, it gets convoluted at this point




If not for Polacks we would have:

Cured cancer
Walked on Mars
Established world peace
Poland is the center of the universe, but some characters prefer to look for enemies of Poland from immigration, from the province of "America" ...:crying:
(A) Government employee unions, and in particular teachers' unions.

(B) The Vietnam war, which indirectly resulted in all of "higher education" coming under the total domination of liberal, pacifist, spoiled Draft dodgers.
Didn't like the choices...........but I picked China..........they have a large military and are slowly getting better and better with their military.

Beware of the Dragon.

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