Bill Ayers vs Timothy McVeigh: Whats the difference????

Ruby Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bush 41 was president when RR happened

THE GUN NETWORK - McVeigh's World -- A special report. - Bomb Suspect Felt at Home Riding the Gun-Show Circuit - Biography; Special Report -

"It's not a conspiracy so much as a network," the investigator said. "These people are in touch. There's now a national computer network. There are lists of trusted members, safe houses, places where a fugitive would have a sympathetic ear. We know this from previous cases.

"The gun-show circuit is part of this network," he added, echoing an observation made by several other law-enforcement officials. "When they want a message delivered across the country, they could relay it along, all by word of mouth so there's no trace. We can't even work the gun shows anymore, because these people are so suspicious."

here you go

The man had a love for arms. But no indication that he had a love for the right wing; or that the right wing thinks as he did.

You are misguided. Horribly misguided. Dangerously misguided.

Every investigation found he was right wing in his beliefs.
I answered and you ignored

Question: What is the theory of limits?
Answer: Coca Cola

That is a question that was answered but not answered.

Sort of what you do Truthmatters.

No I gave you an article about the investigation into the gun shows that McVeigh was a part of.

Why do you refuse to accept the information given?

Becuase unlike you I do not assume that just because one person in a stadium throws beer on the people below means that all those in the stadium would likely do the same.

Charlie Rangel has ethics issues. So should I assume all democrats have ethics issues? SHould I assume all NYers have ethics issues? Heck, should I assume all congresspeople have ethics issues? Better yet, should I assume all those named Charlie have ethics issues?

THAT is why I say you are dangerously misguided.
here you go

The man had a love for arms. But no indication that he had a love for the right wing; or that the right wing thinks as he did.

You are misguided. Horribly misguided. Dangerously misguided.

Every investigation found he was right wing in his beliefs.

And what does that say?
Where are you going with it?
So becuase of one lunatic with right wing beliefs then all right wingers are lunatics?

So how about the guy that killed the pro life protester?

SO I guess it is safe to assume all pro lifers are murderes by nature?

Like I said, you are dangerously misguided. I feel for you.
why are you pretending it meanss nothing after we have been discussing his motivations for days now?

You know he was right wing and you denied it a momment ago, now you pretend it doesnt matter?

Its the whole subject of this thread.
Question: What is the theory of limits?
Answer: Coca Cola

That is a question that was answered but not answered.

Sort of what you do Truthmatters.

No I gave you an article about the investigation into the gun shows that McVeigh was a part of.

Why do you refuse to accept the information given?

Becuase unlike you I do not assume that just because one person in a stadium throws beer on the people below means that all those in the stadium would likely do the same.

Charlie Rangel has ethics issues. So should I assume all democrats have ethics issues? SHould I assume all NYers have ethics issues? Heck, should I assume all congresspeople have ethics issues? Better yet, should I assume all those named Charlie have ethics issues?

THAT is why I say you are dangerously misguided.

Straw man!

Go get my post where I say all tea party people are mcVeighs?

I am and have been saying for MONTHS that if the right does not refrain from the violence inciting we will have another Murrah building.

Do you remember the nut bags who they took imnto custody just a few weeks ago who wanted to kill cops to start the war?
Question: What is the theory of limits?
Answer: Coca Cola

That is a question that was answered but not answered.

Sort of what you do Truthmatters.

No I gave you an article about the investigation into the gun shows that McVeigh was a part of.

Why do you refuse to accept the information given?

Becuase unlike you I do not assume that just because one person in a stadium throws beer on the people below means that all those in the stadium would likely do the same.

Charlie Rangel has ethics issues. So should I assume all democrats have ethics issues? SHould I assume all NYers have ethics issues? Heck, should I assume all congresspeople have ethics issues? Better yet, should I assume all those named Charlie have ethics issues?

THAT is why I say you are dangerously misguided.

Truthmatters has a habit of providing 'truth' in the form of 'articles' from Media Matters. I think she views it as some bastion of truth instead of an agenda driven media organization.

Launched in May 2004, Media Matters for America put in place, for the first time, the means to systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation — news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda — every day, in real time

About Us | Media Matters for America

They are an agenda driven organization. She does not balance their information by seeking the alternative view and seeking facts. She is fed her 'facts' and her 'truth' from a left wing media outlet. 'nuff said.
Ruby Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bush 41 was president when RR happened

THE GUN NETWORK - McVeigh's World -- A special report. - Bomb Suspect Felt at Home Riding the Gun-Show Circuit - Biography; Special Report -

"It's not a conspiracy so much as a network," the investigator said. "These people are in touch. There's now a national computer network. There are lists of trusted members, safe houses, places where a fugitive would have a sympathetic ear. We know this from previous cases.

"The gun-show circuit is part of this network," he added, echoing an observation made by several other law-enforcement officials. "When they want a message delivered across the country, they could relay it along, all by word of mouth so there's no trace. We can't even work the gun shows anymore, because these people are so suspicious."

here you go

The man had a love for arms. But no indication that he had a love for the right wing; or that the right wing thinks as he did.

You are misguided. Horribly misguided. Dangerously misguided.

He was a bit more violent than many of his peers, but other than that---they thought exactly like he did. The militias, the conservative Christians.

like Ayers, McVeigh's views were in line with his peers. Ayers and the WU were disowned by many student activists. McVeigh was later disowned by the groups he hung around.

In neither case did all the people doing the disowning take a cold hard look at what their beliefs would lead to. Some did. Many many did, but that only proves those beliefs were bankrupt.
why are you pretending it meanss nothing after we have been discussing his motivations for days now?

You know he was right wing and you denied it a momment ago, now you pretend it doesnt matter?

Its the whole subject of this thread.

You lost me truthmatters. Maybe I lost you.
Whatever. I never comapred Mcveigh to Ayers.
I dont know where the heck you are coming from and to be frank, I really dont care.
Go play your little game with someone else.
Only one person on thios board got me to lose my cool and that was Dr Gregg.
I will not let it happen to me again.
So long truthmatters. I take it you see this as a victory for you. Good. Have it and enjoy it.
Media matters uses clips of what people say.

how can you trash a site that provides proof of the people actaully sayinbg what they claim they said?

Because your a hack
The man had a love for arms. But no indication that he had a love for the right wing; or that the right wing thinks as he did.

You are misguided. Horribly misguided. Dangerously misguided.

Every investigation found he was right wing in his beliefs.

Please link for us "every investigation" that you are using to form your misguided opinion. Thanks in advance.


The militias McVeigh hung out with were right wing.

McVeigh did not act alone.

McVeigh was a right wing terrorist who scared other right wingers when he only followed their beliefs and words to it's logical conclusion.
why are you pretending it meanss nothing after we have been discussing his motivations for days now?

You know he was right wing and you denied it a momment ago, now you pretend it doesnt matter?

Its the whole subject of this thread.

You lost me truthmatters. Maybe I lost you.
Whatever. I never comapred Mcveigh to Ayers.
I dont know where the heck you are coming from and to be frank, I really dont care.
Go play your little game with someone else.
Only one person on thios board got me to lose my cool and that was Dr Gregg.
I will not let it happen to me again.
So long truthmatters. I take it you see this as a victory for you. Good. Have it and enjoy it.

Its the title of the thread dude
Media matters uses clips of what people say.

how can you trash a site that provides proof of the people actaully sayinbg what they claim they said?

Because your a hack

You really have no idea how much of a fool you are, do you? Media Matters is a joke and you are falling hook line and sinker for it.

Rather than guessing, why don't you just consider the outcomes. McVeigh was executed and no one defended his actions.

Ayers is celebrated... by the left.

I'd be careful making assumptions if I were you... because you're 'guessing', and I'm stating facts. Fact: Bill Ayers in not just supported by the left, he is celebrated by them. They treat him as a 'hero'... I defy you to find any evidence to suggest that mainstream right wingers treat McVeigh as anything other than a mass murderer.
No he isn't.

No you aren't. You're lying.

No, I'm not lying. He's a popular guy in left wing circles. He's a cause celebre with left wingers. He's a hero to a lot of left wing organizations. Or, at least, during the previous Administration he certainly was.

You are correct. Ayers is also hired by many left wing college departments to "teach", such as University of Chicago, where he and Obama were pals. And, if Ayers was not admired, why did the Chicago Mafia, er, I mean, the Chicago area politicians select Ayer's home as a place to announce Barack Obama's Senate appointment? Fact is, as you are correct, in 2008 the left strongly defended Bill Ayers, and Obama has been an Ayers allie for quite some time.
Media matters uses clips of what people say.

how can you trash a site that provides proof of the people actaully sayinbg what they claim they said?

Because your a hack

You really have no idea how much of a fool you are, do you? Media Matters is a joke and you are falling hook line and sinker for it.


It is ONLY a joke to right wing hacks

They give documentation for everything they say
here you go

The man had a love for arms. But no indication that he had a love for the right wing; or that the right wing thinks as he did.

You are misguided. Horribly misguided. Dangerously misguided.

He was a bit more violent than many of his peers, but other than that---they thought exactly like he did. The militias, the conservative Christians.

like Ayers, McVeigh's views were in line with his peers. Ayers and the WU were disowned by many student activists. McVeigh was later disowned by the groups he hung around.

In neither case did all the people doing the disowning take a cold hard look at what their beliefs would lead to. Some did. Many many did, but that only proves those beliefs were bankrupt.

I am a conservative. A right wing believer if you prefer. I dont have any feelings like McVeigh. None of my conservative friends do either. Most of us simply want to be left alone to live our lives.

Dante, I fear you have no idea how a true conservative thinks, acts and believes.

McVeigh was not a conservative in any way shape of form. A conservative does not believe that his or her actions should affect the way others live OR DIE.

A conservative does not levy his belief system on others. He or she lets others live any way they wish. That is consertvatism.

That is why I always say:

A liberal has great intentions and wants what is good for his fellow man but wants all to live the way he beleives they should live.

A conservative also has good intentions and wishes for the best for his fellow man but in no way does he insist that others believe as he does.

And no. That is not what many who claim to be conservative feel. It is what a trrue conservative feels.
Well, I think my thread was a success. To point out the MASSIVE hypocrisy going on in the left right now concerning McVeigh and their attempts to link him with the Tea Party when compared to the CONFIRMED link of Obama and the left to a man whose intenet was equal to McVeighs, and only differ in that McVeigh committed one act resulting in massive horror, while Ayers committed multiple acts of similar intent but lacked the training or tools to really do mass damage.

Our president is voluntarily friends with one of these monsters. Yet the left only pays attention to the one who is currently dead.
The man had a love for arms. But no indication that he had a love for the right wing; or that the right wing thinks as he did.

You are misguided. Horribly misguided. Dangerously misguided.

He was a bit more violent than many of his peers, but other than that---they thought exactly like he did. The militias, the conservative Christians.

like Ayers, McVeigh's views were in line with his peers. Ayers and the WU were disowned by many student activists. McVeigh was later disowned by the groups he hung around.

In neither case did all the people doing the disowning take a cold hard look at what their beliefs would lead to. Some did. Many many did, but that only proves those beliefs were bankrupt.

I am a conservative. A right wing believer if you prefer. I dont have any feelings like McVeigh. None of my conservative friends do either. Most of us simply want to be left alone to live our lives.

Dante, I fear you have no idea how a true conservative thinks, acts and believes.

McVeigh was not a conservative in any way shape of form. A conservative does not believe that his or her actions should affect the way others live OR DIE.

A conservative does not levy his belief system on others. He or she lets others live any way they wish. That is consertvatism.

That is why I always say:

A liberal has great intentions and wants what is good for his fellow man but wants all to live the way he beleives they should live.

A conservative also has good intentions and wishes for the best for his fellow man but in no way does he insist that others believe as he does.

And no. That is not what many who claim to be conservative feel. It is what a trrue conservative feels.



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