Bill Belichick Turns Down Presidential Medal Of Freedom Honor From Trump

Someone called this the "worst week ever" for Republicans. I have to agree.
Wasn't that what the left said when Barack Obama was elected? Two years later...the biggest "shellacking" in modern US election history! How soon they forget...

I would say this is worse. That was a one day event.

In the last 7 days:

You lost the Senate
Your blob instigated an attack on the US Congress
The election was certified yet again for Biden and Harris
The Blob lost future commitments from the PGA
The blob was snubbed by Bill Belechick
A second impeachment resolution was introduced

How sweet it is!
You think what is happening in Washington is "sweet"? Really, Candy? I haven't seen this kind of discord in the US since the late 60's. Nothing sweet about it to be quite blunt.
No...I think what is happening to your blob and the GOP is sweet. You're being marginalized by every segment of society and from within the party itself as well. And you've brought 100% of it on yourself.
The liberals that passed election laws to garner votes for themselves and in the process made the election itself questionable are the ones that are ultimately responsible for what's happening now, Candy! My question for you is if the "win" is worth it?

Your assessment is bullshit. As Biden has not taken office yet and the Dems actually lost seats in the House. The Senate runoff hasn't been certified yet. So the election has had no effect yet.

The worst week ever for people like yourself is sweet though.
The election has had no effect yet? LOL That might be one of the dumber things you've ever posted, Candy!
No legislation has passed...and Biden hasn't signed any bills.

What has had an effect is all of the myths, lies, and conspiracy theories you guys have bought into. Or do you still think the election was stolen?
Because getting aboard the anti Trump gravy train is SOOOO much better,

What gravy is there on the Trump Train? You ride along doing everything Trump wants, and it's never enough. He throws everyone under the wheels eventually. Including the Republican Party which enabled him, and the American people who voted for him.
Well, lets see here, Democrats sided with race rioters and race baiting groups like BLM. Driven by mass media spreading disinformation. Basically demonizing whites. (Even though bad police/black interactions are...small). Instead, lets focus on them and exaggerate on them! Lets ignore the high black on black murder rate and...can't discuss that, it might bias people...SHHHH.
1. BLM and AntiFa and Dem-Lib-Prog reactions to same are not the issue here

2. none of that crap over the past summer constitutes party leadership -sanctioned insurrection against the United States nor its Congress nor its Constitution


A coup designed to prevent the US Congress from executing its obligation to certify Electoral College results is SEVERAL orders of magnitude worse

We (the rest of the country) are neither distracted nor fooled by you-and-yours.

You attempt (and fail to) djin-up a false equivalency.

No Sale.
Someone called this the "worst week ever" for Republicans. I have to agree.
Wasn't that what the left said when Barack Obama was elected? Two years later...the biggest "shellacking" in modern US election history! How soon they forget...

I would say this is worse. That was a one day event.

In the last 7 days:

You lost the Senate
Your blob instigated an attack on the US Congress
The election was certified yet again for Biden and Harris
The Blob lost future commitments from the PGA
The blob was snubbed by Bill Belechick
A second impeachment resolution was introduced

How sweet it is!
You think what is happening in Washington is "sweet"? Really, Candy? I haven't seen this kind of discord in the US since the late 60's. Nothing sweet about it to be quite blunt.
No...I think what is happening to your blob and the GOP is sweet. You're being marginalized by every segment of society and from within the party itself as well. And you've brought 100% of it on yourself.
The liberals that passed election laws to garner votes for themselves and in the process made the election itself questionable are the ones that are ultimately responsible for what's happening now, Candy! My question for you is if the "win" is worth it?

Your assessment is bullshit. As Biden has not taken office yet and the Dems actually lost seats in the House. The Senate runoff hasn't been certified yet. So the election has had no effect yet.

The worst week ever for people like yourself is sweet though.
The election has had no effect yet? LOL That might be one of the dumber things you've ever posted, Candy!
No legislation has passed...and Biden hasn't signed any bills.

What has had an effect is all of the myths, lies, and conspiracy theories you guys have bought into. Or do you still think the election was stolen?
I think there are things that took place in this election that I've never seen in all the years I've watched US elections, Candy! I'm still shaking my head that anyone believes Joe Biden got more votes than any other candidate in the history of our country...a man who has the personality of wall paper paste and about the same IQ. Stolen? Like none before...
Someone called this the "worst week ever" for Republicans. I have to agree.
Wasn't that what the left said when Barack Obama was elected? Two years later...the biggest "shellacking" in modern US election history! How soon they forget...

I would say this is worse. That was a one day event.

In the last 7 days:

You lost the Senate
Your blob instigated an attack on the US Congress
The election was certified yet again for Biden and Harris
The Blob lost future commitments from the PGA
The blob was snubbed by Bill Belechick
A second impeachment resolution was introduced

How sweet it is!
You think what is happening in Washington is "sweet"? Really, Candy? I haven't seen this kind of discord in the US since the late 60's. Nothing sweet about it to be quite blunt.
No...I think what is happening to your blob and the GOP is sweet. You're being marginalized by every segment of society and from within the party itself as well. And you've brought 100% of it on yourself.
The liberals that passed election laws to garner votes for themselves and in the process made the election itself questionable are the ones that are ultimately responsible for what's happening now, Candy! My question for you is if the "win" is worth it?

Your assessment is bullshit. As Biden has not taken office yet and the Dems actually lost seats in the House. The Senate runoff hasn't been certified yet. So the election has had no effect yet.

The worst week ever for people like yourself is sweet though.
The election has had no effect yet? LOL That might be one of the dumber things you've ever posted, Candy!
No legislation has passed...and Biden hasn't signed any bills.

What has had an effect is all of the myths, lies, and conspiracy theories you guys have bought into. Or do you still think the election was stolen?
I think there are things that took place in this election that I've never seen in all the years I've watched US elections, Candy! I'm still shaking my head that anyone believes Joe Biden got more votes than any other candidate in the history of our country...a man who has the personality of wall paper paste and about the same IQ. Stolen? Like none before...
Basically what you're saying is that you don't like Biden so it has to be a steal.

You really think that makes sense?

Here's a thought.

A SHITLOAD of people were disgusted by Trump and saw Biden as a good alternative
Even MAGArats admit trump is disgusting so...yea...
Someone called this the "worst week ever" for Republicans. I have to agree.
Wasn't that what the left said when Barack Obama was elected? Two years later...the biggest "shellacking" in modern US election history! How soon they forget...

I would say this is worse. That was a one day event.

In the last 7 days:

You lost the Senate
Your blob instigated an attack on the US Congress
The election was certified yet again for Biden and Harris
The Blob lost future commitments from the PGA
The blob was snubbed by Bill Belechick
A second impeachment resolution was introduced

How sweet it is!
You think what is happening in Washington is "sweet"? Really, Candy? I haven't seen this kind of discord in the US since the late 60's. Nothing sweet about it to be quite blunt.
No...I think what is happening to your blob and the GOP is sweet. You're being marginalized by every segment of society and from within the party itself as well. And you've brought 100% of it on yourself.
The liberals that passed election laws to garner votes for themselves and in the process made the election itself questionable are the ones that are ultimately responsible for what's happening now, Candy! My question for you is if the "win" is worth it?

Your assessment is bullshit. As Biden has not taken office yet and the Dems actually lost seats in the House. The Senate runoff hasn't been certified yet. So the election has had no effect yet.

The worst week ever for people like yourself is sweet though.
The election has had no effect yet? LOL That might be one of the dumber things you've ever posted, Candy!
No legislation has passed...and Biden hasn't signed any bills.

What has had an effect is all of the myths, lies, and conspiracy theories you guys have bought into. Or do you still think the election was stolen?
I think there are things that took place in this election that I've never seen in all the years I've watched US elections, Candy! I'm still shaking my head that anyone believes Joe Biden got more votes than any other candidate in the history of our country...a man who has the personality of wall paper paste and about the same IQ. Stolen? Like none before...
Basically what you're saying is that you don't like Biden so it has to be a steal.

You really think that makes sense?

Here's a thought.

A SHITLOAD of people were disgusted by Trump and saw Biden as a good alternative
I've laughed at Joe Biden's idiocy since Nixon was in office, Lesh! He's a walking, talking gaffe machine! Someone that been running for President since forever and always managed to say or do something SO stupid that he got laughed out of the race. Anyone that thinks THAT moron is a good alternative hasn't been paying attention! Biden was the dumbest guy in the Senate back then...and now he's senile. How in fuck's name would ANYONE vote for that?
The only thing more amazing to me than we've got Joe "Duh" Biden as our President is that with four years to work with...he was the best thing you Democrats could come up with. That says volumes about your up and comers...doesn't it?
I've laughed at Joe Biden's idiocy since Nixon was in office, Lesh! He's a walking, talking gaffe machine!
I've admired him for a long time so I guess we have different opinions.

But he's your Predsident now so...
I've laughed at Joe Biden's idiocy since Nixon was in office, Lesh! He's a walking, talking gaffe machine!
I've admired him for a long time so I guess we have different opinions.

But he's your Predsident now so...
You spell like Joe talks, Lesh! Now I understand the admiration!
Awwww...look at you, A spell check nazi on the internet. Your momma must be proud
And actually I type like shit. I spell really well
I've laughed at Joe Biden's idiocy since Nixon was in office, Lesh! He's a walking, talking gaffe machine!
I've admired him for a long time so I guess we have different opinions.

But he's your Predsident now so...
You spell like Joe talks, Lesh! Now I understand the admiration!
Awwww...look at you, A spell check nazi on the internet. Your momma must be proud
Who needs spell check, Lesh...I mean other than you of course! :)
I've laughed at Joe Biden's idiocy since Nixon was in office, Lesh! He's a walking, talking gaffe machine!
I've admired him for a long time so I guess we have different opinions.

But he's your Predsident now so...
You spell like Joe talks, Lesh! Now I understand the admiration!
Awwww...look at you, A spell check nazi on the internet. Your momma must be proud
And actually I type like shit. I spell really well
You know what, Lesh? Right before you press "Post Reply" can LOOK at what you've written and make sure it looks like something an intelligent person would contribute. Try it...especially if you type like shit. :)
I've laughed at Joe Biden's idiocy since Nixon was in office, Lesh! He's a walking, talking gaffe machine!
I've admired him for a long time so I guess we have different opinions.

But he's your Predsident now so...
You spell like Joe talks, Lesh! Now I understand the admiration!
Awwww...look at you, A spell check nazi on the internet. Your momma must be proud
Who needs spell check, Lesh...I mean other than you of course! :)
If being a spell check nazi is all ya got...well yea. You got nothin
I've laughed at Joe Biden's idiocy since Nixon was in office, Lesh! He's a walking, talking gaffe machine!
I've admired him for a long time so I guess we have different opinions.

But he's your Predsident now so...
You spell like Joe talks, Lesh! Now I understand the admiration!
Awwww...look at you, A spell check nazi on the internet. Your momma must be proud
Who needs spell check, Lesh...I mean other than you of course! :)
If being a spell check nazi is all ya got...well yea. You got nothin
Hey, once a teacher...always a teacher!
Hey have no idea how ridiculous you look ya
I've laughed at Joe Biden's idiocy since Nixon was in office, Lesh! He's a walking, talking gaffe machine!
I've admired him for a long time so I guess we have different opinions.

But he's your Predsident now so...
You spell like Joe talks, Lesh! Now I understand the admiration!
Awwww...look at you, A spell check nazi on the internet. Your momma must be proud
Who needs spell check, Lesh...I mean other than you of course! :)
If being a spell check nazi is all ya got...well yea. You got nothin
As for what I've "got"? Not for nothing, little buddy but you've got almost no points even after ALL those posts of yours and I've got so many more! Do you ever get the feeling that people don't find you very convincing? Maybe it's the spelling? Nah...
Someone called this the "worst week ever" for Republicans. I have to agree.
Wasn't that what the left said when Barack Obama was elected? Two years later...the biggest "shellacking" in modern US election history! How soon they forget...

I would say this is worse. That was a one day event.

In the last 7 days:

You lost the Senate
Your blob instigated an attack on the US Congress
The election was certified yet again for Biden and Harris
The Blob lost future commitments from the PGA
The blob was snubbed by Bill Belechick
A second impeachment resolution was introduced

How sweet it is!
You forgot his social media ban!

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