Bill Clinton confided in friends that he feared that Hillary would kill him

Everybody knows there would have had to be a Fall Guy if the Craven Bitch lost. They would have blamed Bush if necessary.

Who would have known that it would be a coalition of the Russians and the American F. B. I. ???????????

But, it was 100% that someone NOT A DEMOCRAT was going to be blamed.

So be it.
Here is Mr. Hunter’s Pentagon agenda:

• Reverse the December decision by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter to open direct land combat jobs in the infantry and special operations to women.

Mr. Hunter said Mr. Trump should follow the recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford.

Gen. Dunford was the Marine commandant when he recommended continuing the gender ban for infantry and special operations forces, citing Corps studies that show mixed-sex units are inferior to all-male. Mr. Carter and Navy Secretary Ray Mabus rejected his advice.

Good luck getting women out of the military.

Typical liberal spin by a... wait why call it spin when it is a lie by a bull shit

Show the lies I've told.
Parcity of Bolsheviks willing to defend the depraved bitch tonight.

Her rabid defenders dropped off like contributors to the Clinton Foundation. I'll be out of business before long. Nothing left to sell.
I think the word you wanted is "paucity," as in "lack of."
Clinton Insider Blabs How a Psycho and Violent Hillary Almost Killed Bill Before The Election by way of her constant attacks causing him massive stress that could cause a heart attack.

People Bill is not well, he clearly has his own health problems, and Hillary should be charged with spousal abuse against an elderly significant other.

I think they stayed together strictly for political purposes. Hillary needed him way more than he ever needed her. Of course, she likely has the goods on him considering she was the one mainly responsible for covering his ass through many affairs and his involvement with sex slave Epstein and his young girls. Now that Hillary's career is over, there wouldn't be any reason for the two to stay together. They both would end up with millions and can still use the slush fund, at least until investigators shut down the Clinton Foundation.
Clinton Insider Blabs How a Psycho and Violent Hillary Almost Killed Bill Before The Election by way of her constant attacks causing him massive stress that could cause a heart attack.

People Bill is not well, he clearly has his own health problems, and Hillary should be charged with spousal abuse against an elderly significant other.

I think they stayed together strictly for political purposes. Hillary needed him way more than he ever needed her. Of course, she likely has the goods on him considering she was the one mainly responsible for covering his ass through many affairs and his involvement with sex slave Epstein and his young girls. Now that Hillary's career is over, there wouldn't be any reason for the two to stay together. They both would end up with millions and can still use the slush fund, at least until investigators shut down the Clinton Foundation.
All true, but since Hillary might not have another year to live, her life is essentially over and there is nothing for her to gain by leaving except the emptiness of the evil that she has chosen..............
not just Bill, even every fly that has landed on Hillary are now in sheer panic that they might die in flight.,,{like the clinton curse}
Chelsea must be worried too, i think she is just realizing that many people who were in the Clinton Inner Circle over these last few decades seem to have died a mysterious death.

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