Bill Clinton fired FBI director William Sessions in July 1993. No media hysterics.

Sessions wasn't in the middle of investigating him for treason

Comey is an investigator? Interesting analysis on your part.

Comey's not anything anymore. Just a guy who needs to watch out for hit men sent by the orange embarrassment.

So far, most hits were done on people tied to the clintons. Sessions fired the day before vince foster suicide/murder, by the way. No strange murders and suicides tied to trump, not anyway yet.
Treason? You got a link for that?
Oh, sorry. I should have said for collaborating with a foreign enemy in an effort to sabotage our free elections and install a foreign agent into the Presidency.
James Clapper confirms there's no such evidence.

No, He didn't.

Are you ever right about anything?

Clapper debunks key Trump talking point about possible collusion with Russia

The far left drone trolls hold on to hope of a words like "could be"..

Even though the other interviews given and testimony claims NO collusion!
James Clapper confirms there's no such evidence.
James Clapper confirms he was out of the loop and didn't even know the investigation was going on. That's what James Clapper confirms.
Then where's the evidence?

that would be brought out during the senate trial after the impeachment.

Care to wager your user account on this?

lol... evidence isn't introduced until a trial. impeachment starts in the house & the senate brings the trial. why would the IC show their hand before they have a case based upon ummmm what is it now?????

oh ya............

Evidence has to be shown to Congress before an impeachment can take place, stupid.
Breaking Update!

Trump thanked Comey in his termination letter for him confirming three separate times that he (Trump) wasn't under any Russian investigation (meaning there was never any evidence on him to initiate one).

Treason? You got a link for that?
Oh, sorry. I should have said for collaborating with a foreign enemy in an effort to sabotage our free elections and install a foreign agent into the Presidency.
James Clapper confirms there's no such evidence.

No, He didn't.

Classic example of so-called "fact finders" who strictly represent liberal interests.

So, where does he say there is evidence of collusion?
Oh, sorry. I should have said for collaborating with a foreign enemy in an effort to sabotage our free elections and install a foreign agent into the Presidency.
James Clapper confirms there's no such evidence.

No, He didn't.

Classic example of so-called "fact finders" who strictly represent liberal interests.

So, where does he say there is evidence of collusion?

He didn't. He also didn't say there was no evidence like you claimed he did. Thanks for proving my point though turnip.
James Clapper confirms he was out of the loop and didn't even know the investigation was going on. That's what James Clapper confirms.
Then where's the evidence?

that would be brought out during the senate trial after the impeachment.

Care to wager your user account on this?

lol... evidence isn't introduced until a trial. impeachment starts in the house & the senate brings the trial. why would the IC show their hand before they have a case based upon ummmm what is it now?????

oh ya............

Evidence has to be shown to Congress before an impeachment can take place, stupid.

exactly. if they aren't done investigating... that would mean whatever evidence they do have SO FAR.... isn't everything they need.... why would they go to congress b4 they thought they had a strong case?

seems like you didn't think that one through 'eh? as for calling me 'stupid', looks like you learned the act of projection quite well from your master. :eusa_clap:
James Clapper confirms there's no such evidence.

No, He didn't.

Classic example of so-called "fact finders" who strictly represent liberal interests.

So, where does he say there is evidence of collusion?

He didn't. He also didn't say there was no evidence like you claimed he did. Thanks for proving my point though turnip.

He said he didn't see any.

Classic example of so-called "fact finders" who strictly represent liberal interests.

So, where does he say there is evidence of collusion?

He didn't. He also didn't say there was no evidence like you claimed he did. Thanks for proving my point though turnip.

He said he didn't see any.

Because he's not involved you idiot.
Sessions wasn't in the middle of investigating him for treason

Comey is an investigator? Interesting analysis on your part.

Comey's not anything anymore. Just a guy who needs to watch out for hit men sent by the orange embarrassment.

So far, most hits were done on people tied to the clintons. Sessions fired the day before vince foster suicide/murder, by the way. No strange murders and suicides tied to trump, not anyway yet.

Do not post facts it confuses the far left!
Interesting, huh?

The (R) or (D) after your name is all that matters to the media.

Same thing done by different letters are treated differently.

Was Sessions leading an investigation that included investigating Clinton's campaign at the time?

No- he was not.
sooooooooooooooooooo how will you dupes spin this latest fuck up from your president puppet?

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