Bill Clintons North Korea nuke treaty.....(Sam Kinnison laugh)


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
When Bill Clinton Praised the Virtues of the Nuclear Deal With North Korea The Weekly Standard

Guess what the North Koreans admitted to in 2002? “[P]ursuing a
secret nuclear weapons program using enriched uranium in violation of
its 1994 pledge to freeze its nuclear program,” reported
The Los Angeles
“A senior official later acknowledged that the Communist
nation was pursuing the nuclear weapons program ‘and more.’”
But don’t expect the Clinton crowd to take responsibility for nuking up
one of the world’s most evil regimes. Here’s a Sept. 12, 2004 exchange
between Albright and Tim Russert on
’s “Meet the Press”:
But didn’t North Korea develop a nuclear bomb on Bill
Clinton’s watch?
No, what they were doing, as it turns out, they were cheat-
ing ... The worst part that has happened under the Agreed Framework,
there was [sic] these fuel rods, and the nuclear program was frozen.
Those fuel rods have now been reprocessed, as far as we know, and
North Korea has a [nuclear] capability.”
Cheating? The North Koreans? Who’da thunk

North Korea...Iran's biggest ally
So, when it was discovered that North Korea had cheated what did President Bush do? Clinton had been out of the WH for a couple of years. Bush had the world behind him because of 9/11. He went to war with the allegation of WMD being available to Iraq. What did he do between finding out the N. Korean's were making a nuke and 2006 when they tested it? Why didn't Bush prevent N. Korea from getting those nukes they stockpiled during his term in office?
What dear leader wants, dear leader gets...

Not giving up the nuclear dream: Kim Jong-un unveils North Korea’s atom-shaped science building
28 October 2015 | Kim visited the new 'state-of-the-art' complex on an island in Pyongyang * Secretive state boasts the facility has an 'earthquake experience room' * Also has 'touch computers, projectors' and other 'up-to-date equipment' * The shape of the building suggests it will be key to nuclear ambitions
When you are one of the world's most notorious dictators, there is no point in not being clear about what you want. And Kim Jong-un has been exceedingly clear on what he wants with the unveiling of his new sci-tech complex - where the main building happens to be shaped like an atom, in case any of those inside should forget the long-term aim. The North Korean leader was pictured beaming in front of the shiny new building on an island in the middle of Pyongyang's Taedong River where, no doubt, he hopes the secretive state will further their nuclear ambitions.


Warning: The main building resembles an atom - no doubt a hint at the country's nuclear ambitions​

Kim popped into visit the newly opened centre, which the state-controlled Korean Central News Agency reported included an 'earthquake experience room, virtual science laboratory and other sectional sci-tech show halls'. It also boasts 'touch computers, projectors and other various kinds of up-to-date equipment', as well as 'a nice outdoor sci-tech exhibition consisting of future energy, science games and other districts'.

The agency reports that Kim's 'heart is filled with confidence that socialist Korea will surely hit the goal of prosperity with inexhaustible strength of the army and people who are ready to remove a mountain and empty sea when the Party is determined to do', thanks to the centre. He was particularly excited, the agency reported, about the buildings' green credentials. However, the international community is probably more interested in what he plans to get the scientists employed within the complex working on.

But will Lil' Kim listen to China?...

Pressure grows on China to rein in North Korea; South launches propaganda barrage
Fri Jan 8, 2016 - South Korea unleashed a high-decibel propaganda barrage across its border with North Korea on Friday in retaliation for its nuclear test, while the United States called on China to end "business as usual" with its ally.
The broadcasts, in rolling bursts from walls of loudspeakers at 11 locations along the heavily militarized border, blared rhetoric critical of the Pyongyang regime as well as "K-pop" music, ratcheting up tension between the rival Koreas. North Korea later responded with its own broadcasts. South Korea, which has grown increasingly close to China in recent years, also said its foreign minister would speak with his Chinese counterpart later on Friday. Wednesday's nuclear test angered both the United States and China, which was not given prior notice, although the U.S. government and weapons experts doubt Pyongyang's claim that the device it set off was a hydrogen bomb.

China is North Korea's main economic and diplomatic backer, although relations between the Cold War allies have cooled in recent years. China's Foreign Ministry urged North Korea to stick to its decentralization pledges and avoid action that would make the situation worse, but also said China did not hold the key to resolving the North Korean nuclear issue. "Achieving decentralization of the Korean Peninsula and safeguarding the peninsula's peace and stability accords with all parties' mutual interests, is the responsibility of all parties, and requires all parties to put forth efforts," ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a news briefing. The North agreed to end its nuclear program in international negotiations in 2005 but later walked away from the deal.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday he had made clear in a phone call with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that China's approach to North Korea had not succeeded. "China had a particular approach that it wanted to make, that we agreed and respected to give them space to implement that," Kerry told reporters. "Today, in my conversation with the Chinese, I made it very clear that has not worked and we cannot continue business as usual."

South Korea's nuclear safety agency said it found a miniscule amount of xenon gas in a sample from off its east coast, which could be the first chemical evidence of a nuclear test, but said more analysis and samples were needed to determine if it came from a nuclear test. The presence of xenon would not indicate whether the blast was from a hydrogen device or not. Seismic waves created by the blast were almost identical to those generated in North Korea's last nuclear test in 2013, Jeffrey Park, a seismologist at Yale University, wrote in a post on the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists website, adding to scepticism about the hydrogen bomb claim.

The US makes an agreement with a nation and that nation breaks the agreement..It is not the country that broke the agreement,, does not mean those abiding by the agreement to be wrong in their commitment...Notice how the right only wants to attack their president, which did nothing wrong by the agreement...
But will Lil' Kim listen to China?...

Pressure grows on China to rein in North Korea; South launches propaganda barrage
Fri Jan 8, 2016 - South Korea unleashed a high-decibel propaganda barrage across its border with North Korea on Friday in retaliation for its nuclear test, while the United States called on China to end "business as usual" with its ally.
The broadcasts, in rolling bursts from walls of loudspeakers at 11 locations along the heavily militarized border, blared rhetoric critical of the Pyongyang regime as well as "K-pop" music, ratcheting up tension between the rival Koreas. North Korea later responded with its own broadcasts. South Korea, which has grown increasingly close to China in recent years, also said its foreign minister would speak with his Chinese counterpart later on Friday. Wednesday's nuclear test angered both the United States and China, which was not given prior notice, although the U.S. government and weapons experts doubt Pyongyang's claim that the device it set off was a hydrogen bomb.

China is North Korea's main economic and diplomatic backer, although relations between the Cold War allies have cooled in recent years. China's Foreign Ministry urged North Korea to stick to its decentralization pledges and avoid action that would make the situation worse, but also said China did not hold the key to resolving the North Korean nuclear issue. "Achieving decentralization of the Korean Peninsula and safeguarding the peninsula's peace and stability accords with all parties' mutual interests, is the responsibility of all parties, and requires all parties to put forth efforts," ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a news briefing. The North agreed to end its nuclear program in international negotiations in 2005 but later walked away from the deal.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday he had made clear in a phone call with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that China's approach to North Korea had not succeeded. "China had a particular approach that it wanted to make, that we agreed and respected to give them space to implement that," Kerry told reporters. "Today, in my conversation with the Chinese, I made it very clear that has not worked and we cannot continue business as usual."

South Korea's nuclear safety agency said it found a miniscule amount of xenon gas in a sample from off its east coast, which could be the first chemical evidence of a nuclear test, but said more analysis and samples were needed to determine if it came from a nuclear test. The presence of xenon would not indicate whether the blast was from a hydrogen device or not. Seismic waves created by the blast were almost identical to those generated in North Korea's last nuclear test in 2013, Jeffrey Park, a seismologist at Yale University, wrote in a post on the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists website, adding to scepticism about the hydrogen bomb claim.

Funny. The wh does it and its sane policy. Trump says the same fuckin thing and people go crazy!
That is a part of the reason he is doing so well.
Makes me want to vote for him just because of that lol

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