Bill Gates: Every Person on Earth Should ‘Prove Their Identity’ with ‘Digital ID’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

I'm not sure who it is that is supporting Gates fantasies.

If Gates speaks and no one listens, did he actually say anything?
It would make life easier

A single ID that can’t be faked and used for everything
Drivers License, credit card, passport, voting, medical records, school, employee ID
I'm not sure who it is that is supporting Gates fantasies.

If Gates speaks and no one listens, did he actually say anything?
It is standard WEF . Check out whom the WEF partners are, and you will find that they have covered every country and often many times over .This is no whacky crackpot idea --it is simple hard fact which the Sheeple do not know about , would not choose to listen to , let alone understand .
It is standard WEF . Check out whom the WEF partners are, and you will find that they have covered every country and often many times over .This is no whacky crackpot idea --it is simple hard fact which the Sheeple do not know about , would not choose to listen to , let alone understand .

If no one listens did he really say anything?
Everyone already has digital IDs.
They are called Debit Cards.
Every time you use one, you provide your exact location and timestamp.
Another digital ID is your cell phone. Your exact whereabouts are recorded everyday and stored on servers for years so that authorities can gain access to it should a question arise of your whereabouts and use against you in a court of law as evidence.
So for voter ID, would that not burden the poor?
And that is the insidious quagmire. Purposely done by the rulers of our planet. Playing all sides guaranteeing they will have control. Digital ID is coming one way or the other. Technology advances. It is the potential abuses of it. Religious or secular warnings. Trudeau of Canada destroyed striking truckers with the current technology. And if we notice, law enforcement who Republicans support for law and order had no issue getting involved. That will happen here and is.
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

Zero to race card in 2 seconds.

Not if EVERYONE has an ID
To collect any social welfare benefits? You mean they are off the grid. Surviving on their own as Daniel Boone types. Having no cards of any type when they go to stores or places where they have to pay for products or services. This in America in the Prog promoted evolved 21st century. Going to motels, making reservations of any kind for the same, flying, rental cars, and other associated ways. No licenses of any kind. The dictators arrested grandmothers in the crowd on the dreaded Jan.6. We live in tyranny using people to get their prison planet installed.
Like iamwhatiseem previously said, we already carry a digital ID that we keep near us 24 hours a day.

That Smartphone that you cannot live without tracks where you are at all times, who you talk to, all your emails, your credit cards, bank information, medical information, insurance, what web sites you visit, what you Google and whatever else you want to put in it.
Like iamwhatiseem previously said, we already carry a digital ID that we keep near us 24 hours a day.

That Smartphone that you cannot live without tracks where you are at all times, who you talk to, all your emails, your credit cards, bank information, medical information, insurance, what web sites you visit, what you Google and whatever else you want to put in it.
And it is actually worse than that.
Provably known is the Chinese government collects at least as much information on American citizens as they do their own citizens.
Chinese government operatives create games and social apps that gives them almost complete access to your phone.
Everyone knows it.
No one is doing anything about it.
Like iamwhatiseem previously said, we already carry a digital ID that we keep near us 24 hours a day.

That Smartphone that you cannot live without tracks where you are at all times, who you talk to, all your emails, your credit cards, bank information, medical information, insurance, what web sites you visit, what you Google and whatever else you want to put in it.
Yeah, why do people put up with that?
If no one listens did he really say anything?
You are repeating something that was uninformed in the first place. Instead of blathering , why dont you do a little bit of research , find out what the WEF is , whom its members are and the strangle hold it has world wide . Then you will understand that asking your question was -- charitably , not very smart .

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