Bill Gates: Every Person on Earth Should ‘Prove Their Identity’ with ‘Digital ID’

That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

I am prety sure Bill was involved in punching Epstein’s ticket.

"Well, he's dead," Gates responded. "So ... in general, you always have to be careful."


But seriously, I think it was CIA.

Gates is awful for this planet. He has become a Bond villian.
You are repeating something that was uninformed in the first place. Instead of blathering , why dont you do a little bit of research , find out what the WEF is , whom its members are and the strangle hold it has world wide . Then you will understand that asking your question was -- charitably , not very smart .

I care less who they are, what they have to say.

You can set your hair on fire if you wish.
And it is actually worse than that.
Provably known is the Chinese government collects at least as much information on American citizens as they do their own citizens.
Chinese government operatives create games and social apps that gives them almost complete access to your phone.
Everyone knows it.
No one is doing anything about it.
Gates said there are only 850 million left that don’t have digital ID. So we are already there.
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?'s right hand forehead, but whose counting?

Revelations 13:16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,
As the article states:

The system raises serious questions regarding the broader implications of such a global digital identification system.

But as history has shown, with such advancements often come potential pitfalls, particularly regarding personal privacy.

Many are also raising the alarm about how a global digital ID system would exclude people from society if they refuse to comply with the technology, or are blocked from using it.

But society only cares about privacy and their rights when it comes to terminating the unborn or taking illicit drugs.
I care less who they are, what they have to say.
You are now saying the obvious , although both aspects are important . But if you do not even know what they are saying you surely then become one of the Stupids . An unexpected admission .
Screw this global BS. Make the system for the US exclusively. Then we can implement it by letting everyone prove their identity while voting in person. If that works out, we can expand the program. But by no means do we want to entangle ourselves with the rest of the world, no matter what globalist assholes like Gates think. Just look at the people he and Fauci killed with their vaccine debacle. They're not to be trusted.
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You are now saying the obvious , although both aspects are important . But if you do not even know what they are saying you surely then become one of the Stupids . An unexpected admission .

If I care less what they have to say so why should I care who they are?
Your Digital ID will be your phone.

It will contain all your private information and be used as a Drivers License, proof of insurance, medical record, credit card, cash and contain all your phone records and correspondence along with internet activity.

Ready to give up your phone?
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

Psychopath Gates is doing a John of Patmos imitation with the one hand, while buying up Dakota agricultural land with the other: "Book of Revelation, 666 buy-sell-trade mark of the beast."
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

Gates can take his human lojack location chip and shove it.
Your Digital ID will be your phone.

It will contain all your private information and be used as a Drivers License, proof of insurance, medical record, credit card, cash and contain all your phone records and correspondence along with internet activity.

Ready to give up your phone?
Yes yes. What happened is that the nazis first undid what Americans accomplished with the telephone booth: paying for communication only when wanted or needed. Now it's paying the pimp all of the time coupled to intensified addiction to screenal space.

If you boycott the Verizon Telephone Pimp, you automatically are punished with no email access, which translates to no Amazon account. Psychopath Gates knows that Amazon can be alerted when Verizon is boycotted so that the latter's robots will detect a "discrepancy" which triggers automatic software that will then prompt Amazon to ask the scapegoat for a phone number (as well as a password [italics]) when logging in.

That was and is the Gates-style nazi-fascist evolution: introduce lack where everywhere there is abundance, then exploit this lack (theft). 666 buy-sell-trade.

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