Bill Gates: Every Person on Earth Should ‘Prove Their Identity’ with ‘Digital ID’

Like iamwhatiseem previously said, we already carry a digital ID that we keep near us 24 hours a day.

That Smartphone that you cannot live without tracks where you are at all times, who you talk to, all your emails, your credit cards, bank information, medical information, insurance, what web sites you visit, what you Google and whatever else you want to put in it.
Yeah but it’s racist to require someone to show their ID…it’s suppression

So you are obviously a racist
Where I live, it is. But then we don't have lying right wing media here.
You don't realize that ALL the media in this county is owned by just a few corporate conglomerates do you?

There is no right or left media as both sides are owned by the same people
Where I live, it is. But then we don't have lying right wing media here.
Yes because you live under a leftist dictatorship that calls everything that dares to question it a liar and censors it…Canada has become the China of the western hempishere
You don't realize that ALL the media in this county is owned by just a few corporate conglomerates do you?

There is no right or left media as both sides are owned by the same people
Actually, George Soros rules it all
Who the fuck is Bill Gates that he demand everyone's identity be verified?
When you’re one of the richest in the world, a world run by and for elites, you can do whatever you like. You just buy governments, corporations, institutions, etc.
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

Not sure about global level chips but I am a bit concerned about chips in US being advocated for by Republicans.
How bout we do this

When 95 percent have an acceptable ID we can require it
According to Ga to e only
Conservatives are all about ID when it applies to Blacks and Hispanics

Not so much when it is demanded of themselves
I already have ID, and I see you avoided my question and went straight to racism, seems you got nothing. Explain to us how digital ID is acceptable but voter ID is not. Why are you want all encompassing digital ID but don’t want free, easy to get voter ID in the form of digital ID?
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

I've been vaxxed, so I already have my global digital ID.
Explain to us how digital ID is acceptable but voter ID is not.

If 100percent have an acceptable ID then voter ID is acceptable

If 10 percent lack an ID that Red States will accept, then it becomes voter suppression
Not if EVERYONE has an ID
Wait a sec, the right used this exact same argument about voter ID, and the left said “no! That would be a burden to the poor and to those who wouldn’t be able to afford the ID, or wouldn’t be able to have a birth certificate, or wouldn’t be able to get to the place to have the ID made”….now you are all in favor of everyone having an ID?

What changed?
I get a great laugh about all of the Great Reset crowd. They're trying to control us!!!!!

If they really wanted to do that, they'd turn off the gas, water and power and see how long we lasted. Or shut down the banking system.

Like I said, we are already digitally tracked from the moment we're born to the day we die. Every dollar I've ever earned, the taxes I've paid, the illnesses, surgeries, children - my entire life is all being tracked in government files, which is fine as long as you remain a participating democracy. But if a dictatorship were to take over, it becomes all out dangerous to individual rights.

Already, red states are starting to use personal data to track young women's periods to ensure they're not slinking off to blue states for abortions, and trying to find ways to prosecute the young women who do. They're also asking for medical records for families leaving the state to seek care for their trans children.

This isn't "creeping fascism", it's full blown authoritarianism.
True digital ID is not controlling, know what we buy, when we buy, our daily habits, our viewing habits, our whereabouts 24/7, tracking and eaves dropping is not controlling is it?
You want an abortion, fine by me, you want to date men or women, knock yourself out, cool, you want to identify as a cow, Fox, man, women, go right ahead, just stay out of my life and business and I am fine with that, you want to participate in hate speech, okay, do it.

You are the one wanting to control “hate” speech, I’m not, you are the one wanting to control my health care and not allow me the freedom of health choice and finding insurance I want. You are the one that demands I compromise my life and principles, not the other way around. I tire of your hate.
If 100percent have an acceptable ID then voter ID is acceptable

If 10 percent lack an ID that Red States will accept, then it becomes voter suppression
Uh, no, that wasnt your argument before. When the suggestion was brought up about getting an ID, the left argued it would be too much of a burden…the argument of an ID that was state specific wasn’t even in the discussion. National voter ID…
Uh, no, that wasnt your argument before. When the suggestion was brought up about getting an ID, the left argued it would be too much of a burden…the argument of an ID that was state specific wasn’t even in the discussion. National voter ID…
Problem is some people have inconsistencies in their birth documents, name changes, errors in records

Rather than help people to straighten them out, Republicans use it as an excuse to prevent them from voting. Even though they have been residents and voting for decades
How bout we do this

When 95 percent have an acceptable ID we can require it
Actually, that wouldn’t matter. Even if states had their own specific ID, as long as you were voting in the state in which you lived, which you should be, or voting absentee, then you have the same ID that everyone else in your state would have.
Problem is some people have inconsistencies in their birth documents, name changes, errors in records

Rather than help people to straighten them out, Republicans use it as an excuse to prevent them from voting. Even though they have been residents and voting for decades
Ok, so then how are you planning to get them this new ID? If they don’t have the documents to get a state specific voter ID, then how would they be able to get this new ID? Proof of citizenship will still be required.
Problem is some people have inconsistencies in their birth documents, name changes, errors in records

Rather than help people to straighten them out, Republicans use it as an excuse to prevent them from voting. Even though they have been residents and voting for decades

Rather than help people to straighten them out, Republicans use it as an excuse to prevent them from voting.

Actually, I even suggested that there should be agencies available to help them establish their identity and proof of citizenship.

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