Bill Gates: Every Person on Earth Should ‘Prove Their Identity’ with ‘Digital ID’

Many states were going to make the ID free and available, yet the left cried that it would be racist, and not everyone would have ID. That is why Gates said we need it.
How bout we do this

When 95 percent have an acceptable ID we can require it
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

Children in Ontario are issued with an OHIP number at birth. Each child has their own personal government health insurance cards, and that number will stay with them as long as they live in the Province.

I was issued with a federal Social Insurance Number when I was 14, and all of my withholding, income taxes, unemployment benefits and other government benefits as well as my government pensions have been tracked through my SIN Number since the day I first started working, and will be until the day I die.

And while the idea of a chip with a digital ID number sounds creepily like Nazi concentration camp tattoos, aren't we all living under cradle to grave government record keeping, and being required to prove our ID's and citizenship at every step of the way.

Conservatives are all about cititizenship, and ID. I'm surprised you're not 4 square behind it.
Conservatives are all about ID when it applies to Blacks and Hispanics

Not so much when it is demanded of themselves

I get a great laugh about all of the Great Reset crowd. They're trying to control us!!!!!

If they really wanted to do that, they'd turn off the gas, water and power and see how long we lasted. Or shut down the banking system.

Like I said, we are already digitally tracked from the moment we're born to the day we die. Every dollar I've ever earned, the taxes I've paid, the illnesses, surgeries, children - my entire life is all being tracked in government files, which is fine as long as you remain a participating democracy. But if a dictatorship were to take over, it becomes all out dangerous to individual rights.

Already, red states are starting to use personal data to track young women's periods to ensure they're not slinking off to blue states for abortions, and trying to find ways to prosecute the young women who do. They're also asking for medical records for families leaving the state to seek care for their trans children.

This isn't "creeping fascism", it's full blown authoritarianism.
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

Gates is a pig. Humans are the only creatures on earth who have to pay to be here. Frogs have more rights than humans do. Go buy some more guns and ammo. They may come in handy some day.
Gates is a pig. Humans are the only creatures on earth who have to pay to be here. Frogs have more rights than humans do. Go buy some more guns and ammo. They may come in handy some day.

The American solution for everything. Buy some more guns and ammo. Like they've ever done anything for your nation other than make things worse.

Gates is a pig. Humans are the only creatures on earth who have to pay to be here. Frogs have more rights than humans do. Go buy some more guns and ammo. They may come in handy some day.
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society
Gates is a pig. Humans are the only creatures on earth who have to pay to be here. Frogs have more rights than humans do. Go buy some more guns and ammo. They may come in handy some day.

Taxes are your share of the costs of running a first world country, and Americans are living way beyond their means. You are refusing to pay own way, and are kicking the costs of your stupid wars and health care down the road to your grandchildren.

Think of taxes like "condo fees" for health, education, infrastructure, protection of property rights, and management of government services. All the things you take for granted aren't free - they cost money.
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

Who the fuck is Bill Gates that he demand everyone's identity be verified?
Of course it is
Try anarchy

Not really.

A "civilized" society would not allow mentally ill people to languish in the streets
A "civilized" society would not allow young people to kill each other in the streets
A "civilized " society would not be run by a government that ignores the very citizens it is meant to protect.
A "civilized" country does not wage war for most of its existence.

A dictatorship is better than anarchy and besides that whether a society is "civilized" or not depends more on the people than the governmental system.

And Americans are pretty nasty people if you ask me.
Just because you're not paranoid does not automatically mean that there's no one surveilling you.

From Deleuze and Guattari's Postscript on the Societies of Control, 1992:
'....Felix Guattari has imagined a city where one would be able to leave one's apartment, one's street, one's neighborhood, thanks to one's (dividual) electronic card that raises a given barrier; but the card could just as easily be rejected on a given day or between certain hours; what counts is not the barrier but the computer that tracks each person's position -- licit or illicit -- and effects a universal modulation.'
That’s the end game. Left hand. Forehead. That’s where your ID will go. Now show your digital ID to buy groceries. Oops, looks like you’re on our naughty list, no sale.

Remember when telling people they need get a photo ID from the DMV so they can vote was racist, because blacks are the only race in mankind that can’t get to a DMV?

This sounds racist…like ID? Prove we are who we say we are? Where is the outrage?

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