Bill Gates: Let’s Block Out the Sun!

Cuz science!

Everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is forming a lynch mob to go to his mansion on the lake.

Every time some human thinks they are smarter than Mother Nature, the results are devastating. He should be jailed for even suggesting such a thing. Use FB and Twatter tactics and censor him.
" Caldera Eruption And Impending Ice Age "

* Al Gore Offers To Save Humanity Through Self Sacrifice *

The effects of volcanic eruptions on recent winters are modest in scale, but historically have been significant.

Cuz science!

Everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is forming a lynch mob to go to his mansion on the lake.

I bet if Washington DC burned down to the ground that would create just the right amount of smoke to block enough Sun to totally offset all climate change!

Then there would be no need to give up gasoline, meat, carbon or anything else and we'd all have 20% more money to spend hot having it wasted on government!
Taking cues from a TV show

Perhaps an earlier one ...

.....the US will die from DEBT/immigration/illegals/leftist policies [ like LOVING criminals--hate law and order ] /etc long before any climate disaster
He's been watching too much Snowpiercer. That is exactly what they did in the series and movie.Now they are stuck on a train in frozen wasteland. Gates is insane.
Taking cues from a TV show and Gates is the one that's insane? :rolleyes-41:

Ummm, that is what GATES is doing you fucking retard.
Cuz science!

Everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is forming a lynch mob to go to his mansion on the lake.

Bill is an excellent opportuni$t with a DARK SIDE to his agenda as the bottom link I provided below so richly illustrates in documented detail. Unfortunately Bill also has a history of narcissistic induced fantasies that include the bizarre to the ultra ludicrous & now even the god complex syndrome. With increasing age Bill appears to be delving ever deeper into the ridiculous zone which of course raises the question of mental stability issues. Just because some folks hit it big financially does not mean they automatically escape the negative side of the human condition. Below are the most recent links I could find that illustrate where Bill's mind is residing at currently. BOTH of these links are worth reading in their entirety ESPECIALLY the bottom link!

The climate of Earth has changed many times throughout its life. Sometimes tropical, sometimes an ice world.
Suddenly idiots believe our current climate is perfection and no expense can be spared to keep the Earth static because humans stupidly built entire cities in flood prone areas.
Any change in climate is beneficial to some and not to others. Cycle of life. Hardly a calamity. Nothing on Earth including human works is permanent. Unless we plan to somehow stop tectonic plate shifting also.

The last warning period after the Ice Age directly benefited the development of human civilization.

Block out the sun? Don't forget to block out the moon as well Bill. Wouldn't want anyone to get any light or hope of some for that matter.

Say, where are their face diapers?
Cuz science!

Everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is forming a lynch mob to go to his mansion on the lake.

It is a 2 year old article.

Gates is a whack job on climate issues, he seems to think doom and gloom is right around the corner.

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