Bill Gates wants to dim the sun to save the planet

That's not Bill Gates ... you're thinking of Montgomery Burns.

first of all whadda dope, 2nd libs will love it and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one. I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.
If that's what Bill wants, you'd best get out of the way!
first of all whadda dope
2nd libs will love it
and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one.
I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.

I've watched lots of Bill Gates interviews...he's a dunce.
first of all whadda dope, 2nd libs will love it and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one. I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.
If that's what Bill wants, you'd best get out of the way!

The Sun isn't a current threat to the human race, only leftist morons fall for this stupidity so easily, you fell for it, why?
first of all whadda dope
2nd libs will love it
and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one.
I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.

May have added to green house gasses, without thinking, but not sure directed action will not have unintended consequences.
Neoliberals rejoice!
The Western Journal media bias rating is Right.
Its own description, content of the articles it publishes, and information from third parties all indicate a right bias for news and opinions provided by the Western Journal. Formerly known as Western Journalism, it describes its website as "a news website and blogging platform built for conservative, libertarian, free market and pro-family writers and broadcasters". This target audience suggests an agenda on the right side of the political spectrum.
That said, I agree. Bill Gates, typical of billionaires, is and always has been a dangerous lunatic. Ambitious because extremely grabby and control freakish. Never really all that smart. He's no doubt behind ongoing cloud seeding / weather manipulation research, in some northwestern U.S. states at least. Like Trump, always busy getting away with sneaky shit none of the rest of us would dream of considering ethical, let alone smart. But again, like Trump, he's always enjoyed a following of dedicated boot lickers who'll defend his every move without a moment's reflection.
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first of all whadda dope
2nd libs will love it
and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one.
I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.

Mental illness is truly the most cruel of all illnesses. Once narcissism becomes lodged into a persons mind it cannot be medically remedied. Worse yet, ever more of the nine symptoms of narcissism keep showing up until the afflicted person is deemed NPD positive with any five of the nine symptoms verified. Bill is LUCKY for as he progresses through his journey into his narcissistic god complex & finally reaches the sociopathic(some medical doctors call it psychopathic) realm, or the malignant narcissist realm(a LOT of overlap between the two preceding medical terms), he has the $$$$$ to be housed/confined on/in a private secluded abode(mansion/estate). A dictator named Adolf Hitler was diagnosed after his death(from records) as a malignant narcissist. Bill Gates may be a lot of things but a dope is not one of them as Bill is about as dumb as a fox!

He has watched too much Snow Piercer. Cuz that's how they all wound up on that damn train. They dimmed the sun alright.
first of all whadda dope
2nd libs will love it
and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one.
I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.

When my house gets too hot on a bright sunny day I close the curtains. This needs to be studied but volcanos do it all the time so it sounds reasonable to me.
When my house gets too hot on a bright sunny day I close the curtains. This needs to be studied but volcanos do it all the time so it sounds reasonable to me.
When my house gets too hot on a bright sunny day I scoop some ash out of the woodstove and blow it all around with my handy garden duster. This needs to be studied but volcanos do it all the time so it sounds reasonable to me.
If Gates is that worried about global warming and too much sun getting through, he should just spray himself and his wife with sun reflecting particles and leave the rest of us out of it.

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