Bill Gates wants to dim the sun to save the planet

first of all whadda dope, 2nd libs will love it and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one. I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.
If that's what Bill wants, you'd best get out of the way!

The Sun isn't a current threat to the human race, only leftist morons fall for this stupidity so easily, you fell for it, why?
It's called SCIENCE you stupid fuck.
I get it. It is OK to spew emissions into the atmosphere changing out climate but God freakin forbid, we seed the amosphere with anything to counter act it.
first of all whadda dope, 2nd libs will love it and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one. I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.
If that's what Bill wants, you'd best get out of the way!

The Sun isn't a current threat to the human race, only leftist morons fall for this stupidity so easily, you fell for it, why?
It's called SCIENCE you stupid fuck.

What "science" is that you lazy debater!
See Natty C's previous communications with regard to keywords "weather derivatives'' and "disaster capitalism''. I likely mentioned something about weather warfare against foreign economic adversaries as well, because, you know, that's how these cats do. It's like, oh yeah? You don't wanna comply with our economic hitmen? Well try to grow them beans without sun, ha hah ha!

Or just keep trying hump that red and blue football, I don't give a darn really. I've very little, if any, confidence that these kinds of discussions will be any deeper than the typical drone fodder anyway. Same old tired pablum...
That said, I agree. Bill Gates, typical of billionaires, is and always has been a dangerous lunatic. Ambitious because extremely grabby and control freakish. Never really all that smart. He's no doubt behind ongoing cloud seeding / weather manipulation research, in some northwestern U.S. states at least. Like Trump, always busy getting away with sneaky shit none of the rest of us would dream of considering ethical, let alone smart. But again, like Trump, he's always enjoyed a following of dedicated boot lickers who'll defend his every move without a moment's reflection.
Wow. It only took 9 posts for someone, somehow, to invoke trump.
first of all whadda dope
2nd libs will love it
and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one.
I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.

LOL...that is if any amount of effort here on earth could in any way shape or form compensate for the unlimited energy potential of the Sun...hahahaha...there isn't enough mass on the planet to match the need much less be effective in any way. What a complete dope..... and if his theory is that clouding the atmosphere will cool the climate he better check with Horticulturalists first because all he will do is eliminate agriculture altogether and probably natural growth too.

first of all whadda dope
2nd libs will love it
and 3rd Gates must have an invested interest in this one.
I mean, how rich does a guy need to be.

LOL...that is if any amount of effort here on earth could in any way shape or form compensate for the unlimited energy potential of the Sun...hahahaha...there isn't enough mass on the planet to match the need much less be effective in any way. What a complete dope..... and if his theory is that clouding the atmosphere will cool the climate he better check with Horticulturalists first because all he will do is eliminate agriculture altogether and probably natural growth too.

The left will brain wash your children and then by the time they're adults they'll be paranoid. Courtesy of the left

Harvard Scientists Begin Experiment To Block Out The Sun (

With funding in part by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, the Harvard team will begin to answer the remaining questions as early as the spring of 2019.
Harvard Scientists Begin Experiment To Block Out The Sun (
you'd think republicans would go for it, they must like smog.
come on Penny, use your brain. You don't have to believe "everything" out of the left

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