Bill get's $1m birthday gift from a country that practices misogyny, violating Bill did!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So let's understand this.
Hillary calls Trump a Misogynist... he hates women. Sees them just as an sex object.

BUT... it is OK for this to happen...
“[Qatar] Would like to see WJC ‘for five minutes’ in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC’s birthday in 2011,” Ami Desai, director of foreign policy for the Clinton Foundation, wrote in 2012.

WikiLeaks: Qatar Gave Clinton Foundation A Million Dollar Check For Bill’s Birth

BUT Qatar has this image to the rest of the world and Hillary and Bill are alright with it... i.e. enough
to accept $1 million???
Desperate lives of women domestic workers exposed to appalling exploitation, physical violence and sexual abuse in Qatar
  • Women in Qatar are being exposed to 'utterly miserable conditions', a new report has found
  • The 77-page report was compiled by international human rights group Amnesty International
  • Some women are forced to work up to 100 hours a week with no days off
  • Others have told how they are physically and sexually abused
  • Conditions were exposed while Qatar prepares for the FIFA World Cup
Women workers exploited, physically and sexually abused in Qatar | Daily Mail Online
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