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Bill Maher Insults Troops - Again

Let's say I give you that gimme. What about Durbin and Kennedy?

either you admit that you purposely tossed out the dictionary to make a point, or you don't.... there really is no "let's say" about it....

and in Durbin's case, there is a significant difference between comparing the techniques used in POW camps and in calling US troops NAZIS and all the emotional baggage that word entails...but again.... attempting to understand the point he was trying to get acrosss...that being that hypothermia and extreme sleep deprivation are not prisoner interrogation techniques usually associated with the US but with more draconian nation states...for the right to attempt to understand that takes a back seat to being able to misconstrue his words and have him compare US troops to the guys who burned millions of Jews in ovens...all for YOUR political gain.

"LET'S SAY" it is really sleazy, from my perspective.
It really doesn't matter what you or I think that imbecile meant when he accused the troops of being terrorist and stupid, it's what the troops think and they took it badly. I know, you were a soldier for the last 200 years and nothing ever bothered you(I find that hard to believe from your reactions on this board)but those young men and women are bothered by that asshole and all of the rest of you antiwar, antimilitary jerks.....that is the point you hard headed twit!
It really doesn't matter what you or I think that imbecile meant when he accused the troops of being terrorist and stupid, it's what the troops think and they took it badly. I know, you were a soldier for the last 200 years and nothing ever bothered you(I find that hard to believe from your reactions on this board)but those young men and women are bothered by that asshole and all of the rest of you antiwar, antimilitary jerks.....that is the point you hard headed twit!

I wasn't a soldier, I was a sailor. And not for 200 years, but for 25. Kerry did not accuse the troops of being a terrorist - unless you ARE a stupid moron who does not understand the simple fact that words that SOUND similar are not necessarily synonyms..... ****** and Niggardly, for example, sound alike but mean completely different things. I don't know where you get your info, but the Mainers in Iraq that I carry on regular email correspondence with were hardly "bothered" by anything Kerry said...they thought it was funny - another case of him speaking off the cuff and misspeaking. And please know: what you find hard to believe is of no consequence to me...for all I know you are a pimple faced teenaged dweeb who jacks off to Sports Illustrated.
I wasn't a soldier, I was a sailor. And not for 200 years, but for 25. Kerry did not accuse the troops of being a terrorist - unless you ARE a stupid moron who does not understand the simple fact that words that SOUND similar are not necessarily synonyms..... ****** and Niggardly, for example, sound alike but mean completely different things. I don't know where you get your info, but the Mainers in Iraq that I carry on regular email correspondence with were hardly "bothered" by anything Kerry said...they thought it was funny - another case of him speaking off the cuff and misspeaking. And please know: what you find hard to believe is of no consequence to me...for all I know you are a pimple faced teenaged dweeb who jacks off to Sports Illustrated.

Well, this post of yours MM, kind of tears it for me.

I had put off making a call on you, till I saw you "under fire" so to speak.

You say your an officer, OK, but certainly one I've never met, course, I never actually talked to "staff" officers, and that seems to me to be what you once were.

My father was a pilot in the Air Force, served in WWII, and Korea. Any enlisted he talked to, were never talked down to, nor were cilvians berated, and held in contempt for their opinions, as I've seen you do on this board.

Yea, I know, you've been picked on, and even by me, just trying to get a lead on you MM. Your responses have been pretty immature, on a whole, for a career Naval Officer.

You've had the opportunity to bring a whole new perspective to this board, what with your Naval background and all, but you've let yourself be caught in the same trap, that us "mere mortals" get caught in.

What trap is that you ask? The trap of vanity, of self indulgence, don't question me, salute when you enter my presence, that trap MM.

Such a shame, I was hoping for more, oh well.:sad:
Well, this post of yours MM, kind of tears it for me.

I had put off making a call on you, till I saw you "under fire" so to speak.

You say your an officer, OK, but certainly one I've never met, course, I never actually talked to "staff" officers, and that seems to me to be what you once were.

My father was a pilot in the Air Force, served in WWII, and Korea. Any enlisted he talked to, were never talked down to, nor were cilvians berated, and held in contempt for their opinions, as I've seen you do on this board.

Yea, I know, you've been picked on, and even by me, just trying to get a lead on you MM. Your responses have been pretty immature, on a whole, for a career Naval Officer.

You've had the opportunity to bring a whole new perspective to this board, what with your Naval background and all, but you've let yourself be caught in the same trap, that us "mere mortals" get caught in.

What trap is that you ask? The trap of vanity, of self indulgence, don't question me, salute when you enter my presence, that trap MM.

Such a shame, I was hoping for more, oh well.:sad:

I was a surface line officer.... with subspecialties in steam engineering and anti-submarine warfare. I was never a "staff" officer.

I really care little that you find me immature. I find you narrow-minded, moronic and intolerant, and that certainly hasn't stopped you.

I could really give a fuck what your daddy did in the war.... I NEVER talked down to any enlisted men that ever served with me.... and I don't talk down to anyone here based upon their status as former enlisted, but solely based on their status as obnoxious insulting republicans.

and I have tried very hard to bring a fresh perspective to this board.... one based upon my experience in the military in general and my experience in the middle east in specific, and have been castigated as a traitor and a coward.... I really feel no compuntion to "play nice" with anybody. I don't care to have you salute me or even acknowledge my service.... it DOES, however, inform my opinion in ways that you do not have available to you... if you want to raise the level of debate, I would welcome it, but please note that the post that "kind of tears it for you" was in response to a fellow who called me an anti-military jerk. I very rarely initiate mudslinging, but I am quite comfortable counterpunching. It's up to you.
I was a surface line officer.... with subspecialties in steam engineering and anti-submarine warfare. I was never a "staff" officer.

My bad, sorry.

I really care little that you find me immature. I find you narrow-minded, moronic and intolerant, and that certainly hasn't stopped you.

Oh, I think you do care, otherwise your response wouldn't be so pointed, but lets move on.

I could really give a fuck what your daddy did in the war.... I NEVER talked down to any enlisted men that ever served with me.... and I don't talk down to anyone here based upon their status as former enlisted, but solely based on their status as obnoxious insulting republicans.

Just giving a little background MM, boy, you are high strung.

Are you saying Republicans are obnoxious, and insulting as a group?

I have tried very hard to bring a fresh perspective to this board.... one based upon my experience in the military in general and my experience in the middle east in specific, and have been castigated as a traitor and a coward.... I really feel no compuntion to "play nice" with anybody.

Yes, you have, to some degree tried to do as you state, but your easily derailed, no?

The point I was making in my first post to you was, as an officer, couldn't you take the "high road"?

I'm sure you understand the futility of wallowing in the mud with the mudslingers.

I don't care to have you salute me or even acknowledge my service.... it DOES, however, inform my opinion in ways that you do not have available to you...

Fair enough.

if you want to raise the level of debate, I would welcome it, but please note that the post that "kind of tears it for you" was in response to a fellow who called me an anti-military jerk. I very rarely initiate mudslinging, but I am quite comfortable counterpunching. It's up to you.

Yes, I would like to raise the level of debate, and look forward to seeing how we can accomplish that.
that really is like saying: given the fact that this alligator has previously eaten the arms of those who have taunted it in the past, I have justification to reach out and slap it across the nose as punishment for those past transgressions...even though better sense may dictate that such a move will cost me my arm and serve no other good purpose.... regardless of the fact that better sense, is, in fact, better sense.... I will still stand behind folks who chose to reach out and slap the alligator and did indeed lose their arms, because wise or not, the alligator had it coming.

Not really. It's saying simply there were reasons "to" and "not to," and IMO, and the opinions of most of the military people I knew throught the 90s, "not to" trumped "to."

The wiser course of action being to leave Iraq "as is" at the time being does not in any way negate the reasons that justified taking Saddam and his regime out.

Your analogy is the equivalent of saying that because Ted Bundy was convicted and sentenced to death and executed in Florida, he didn't commit the crimes in other states he wasn't convicted of.
come on...you are a teacher....you should be ashamed of your partisan hackery in this.... terrorize.... is not synonymous with terrorist.

either use the english language with precision or move on to pig-latin.

My question then has to be, if one "terrorizes," that makes one what exactly?

Or ... what is it a terrorist does?
if you continue to shamelessly and purposely misconstrue the word terrorize to be synonymous with terrorist, I shudder to think that you are imparting "wisdom" to our youth, and damned glad you aren't imparting your brand of "wisdom " to MY children.

I would be truly interested in hearing your definitions, and what separates one from the other. The only difference I see is one is the person (terrorist) and the other that person's action (terrorize).
if you won't admit that the definition of the word terrorize has nothing to do with terrorist, then we really have nothing more to discuss on this issue.

Go take your blinders off and consult your Funk & Wagnalls

ter·ror·ist /ˈtɛrərɪst/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ter-er-ist] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
3. (formerly) a member of a political group in Russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.
4. an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.
–adjective 5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of terrorism or terrorists: terrorist tactics.

ter·ror·ize /ˈtɛrəˌraɪz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ter-uh-rahyz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), -ized, -iz·ing. 1. to fill or overcome with terror.
2. to dominate or coerce by intimidation.
3. to produce widespread fear by acts of violence, as bombings.

I'm missing the separation you are claiming exists, but as yet, I have seen no explanation of.
I wasn't a soldier, I was a sailor. And not for 200 years, but for 25. Kerry did not accuse the troops of being a terrorist - unless you ARE a stupid moron who does not understand the simple fact that words that SOUND similar are not necessarily synonyms..... ****** and Niggardly, for example, sound alike but mean completely different things. I don't know where you get your info, but the Mainers in Iraq that I carry on regular email correspondence with were hardly "bothered" by anything Kerry said...they thought it was funny - another case of him speaking off the cuff and misspeaking. And please know: what you find hard to believe is of no consequence to me...for all I know you are a pimple faced teenaged dweeb who jacks off to Sports Illustrated.

You're kidding right? Your example of two completely different words to try and separate two words that go together like hand in glove isn't quite making it.
I was a surface line officer.... with subspecialties in steam engineering and anti-submarine warfare. I was never a "staff" officer.

I really care little that you find me immature. I find you narrow-minded, moronic and intolerant, and that certainly hasn't stopped you.

I could really give a fuck what your daddy did in the war.... I NEVER talked down to any enlisted men that ever served with me.... and I don't talk down to anyone here based upon their status as former enlisted, but solely based on their status as obnoxious insulting republicans.

and I have tried very hard to bring a fresh perspective to this board.... one based upon my experience in the military in general and my experience in the middle east in specific, and have been castigated as a traitor and a coward.... I really feel no compuntion to "play nice" with anybody. I don't care to have you salute me or even acknowledge my service.... it DOES, however, inform my opinion in ways that you do not have available to you... if you want to raise the level of debate, I would welcome it, but please note that the post that "kind of tears it for you" was in response to a fellow who called me an anti-military jerk. I very rarely initiate mudslinging, but I am quite comfortable counterpunching. It's up to you.

I thought you were on some special secret staff in the Middle East? At least that's the impression you left last time we ran into each other. Hope you can clarify that for me.
My bad, sorry.

Oh, I think you do care, otherwise your response wouldn't be so pointed, but lets move on.

Just giving a little background MM, boy, you are high strung.

Are you saying Republicans are obnoxious, and insulting as a group?

Yes, you have, to some degree tried to do as you state, but your easily derailed, no?

The point I was making in my first post to you was, as an officer, couldn't you take the "high road"?

I'm sure you understand the futility of wallowing in the mud with the mudslingers.

Fair enough.

Yes, I would like to raise the level of debate, and look forward to seeing how we can accomplish that.

You can't expect Naval officers to act like Army of Marine officers. Their concept of "leadership" while probably the same on paper, is 180 degrees in practice.

I used to watch the way the officers and senior enlisted in the Navy treated enlisted personnel when I was deployed, and it's quite eye-opening. Junior enlisted people in the Navy are inferior beings, and treated as such. Only Navy pilots treated their enlisted people with any respect, for obvious reason. One half-turn less of the wrench, and that bird might take off, but land without power.

Had they been Marine officers, they'd have been fed to the wolves by their own troops.
I wasn't a soldier, I was a sailor. And not for 200 years, but for 25. Kerry did not accuse the troops of being a terrorist - unless you ARE a stupid moron who does not understand the simple fact that words that SOUND similar are not necessarily synonyms..... ****** and Niggardly, for example, sound alike but mean completely different things. I don't know where you get your info, but the Mainers in Iraq that I carry on regular email correspondence with were hardly "bothered" by anything Kerry said...they thought it was funny - another case of him speaking off the cuff and misspeaking. And please know: what you find hard to believe is of no consequence to me...for all I know you are a pimple faced teenaged dweeb who jacks off to Sports Illustrated.

The spin cycle never stops with MM
I wasn't a soldier, I was a sailor. And not for 200 years, but for 25. Kerry did not accuse the troops of being a terrorist - unless you ARE a stupid moron who does not understand the simple fact that words that SOUND similar are not necessarily synonyms..... ****** and Niggardly, for example, sound alike but mean completely different things. I don't know where you get your info, but the Mainers in Iraq that I carry on regular email correspondence with were hardly "bothered" by anything Kerry said...they thought it was funny - another case of him speaking off the cuff and misspeaking. And please know: what you find hard to believe is of no consequence to me...for all I know you are a pimple faced teenaged dweeb who jacks off to Sports Illustrated.

Spin cycle is now turbo charged

Were you on a sub? That would explain your current condition - not enough fresh oxygen going to the brain
He's a liar; he was never in the Navy except to clean toilets.

Can you support that with some facts?

MM and I probably couldn't agree on what color the sky is under normal circumstances, but one thing I figured out pretty quick, the odds are damned-good he was a Naval officer just as he says.

And since the question seems to be en vogue in this thread ... what qualifies me to make that judgement is I served with Naval officers for 20+ years. I don't know for sure one way or the other, or if it's even been mentioned, but I'll even go so far as to say IMO, he sounds like a Naval Academy graduate.

Dog his politics, his attitude or whatever, and I'm not going to say shit, but don't go dogging vet's service to this nation just because you don't like their politics. I'll say something EVERY time.

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