Bill Maher's "New Rule" segment last night hits hard at the left's woke child sexualization and gay agenda.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
He did not hold back this time.
I was surprised he said what he did - basically - "the entire left agenda of sexualizing little kids is out of control and you shouldn't be excusing and pretending it isn't happening.

I put this in politics, because it belongs in politics.
Politics is why this is happening. As Maher says - "teaching kids to accept others who are different - great! I am all for that! But wokeness is not supposed to be taking an issue to it's extremes, there comes a point where inclusion becomes promotion"

He did not hold back this time.
I was surprised he said what he did - basically - "the entire left agenda of sexualizing little kids is out of control and you shouldn't be excusing and pretending it isn't happening.

I put this in politics, because it belongs in politics.
Politics is why this is happening. As Maher says - "teaching kids to accept others who are different - great! I am all for that! But wokeness is not supposed to be taking an issue to it's extremes, there comes a point where inclusion becomes promotion"

On the mental illness of Woke Mentality, he is spot on.
Another lefty pom-pom boy finally coming to his senses, even though the horse is already out of the barn.

@7:35, he tries to save himself.

No, it's not "mostly" nonsense.....It has been a deliberately gradual normalization of pedophilia...There is no other reasonable explanation for exposing young impressionable kids to sexualized content.....It's all nonsense.
I watched “Quiet on the Set”

It is not surprising that pedophiles would be drawn to occupations with a lot of kids. What is surprising was they would allow unsupervised access to the kids.
The producer that was the bad guy was a jerk, but most producers are jerks….they hold the actors careers in their hands

Nickelodeon content is kind of raunchy and crosses the line of sexual references. But I think that is their intent. They want to separate themselves from Disney and be more “cool” with kids.
It may cross the line, but kids watch it
I watched “Quiet on the Set”

It is not surprising that pedophiles would be drawn to occupations with a lot of kids. What is surprising was they would allow unsupervised access to the kids.
The producer that was the bad guy was a jerk......

He was not merely a jerk. He was convicted and served time for child molestation.
Then Disney hired him... when he got out.

Let THAT sink in RW
He did not hold back this time.
I was surprised he said what he did - basically - "the entire left agenda of sexualizing little kids is out of control and you shouldn't be excusing and pretending it isn't happening.

I put this in politics, because it belongs in politics.
Politics is why this is happening. As Maher says - "teaching kids to accept others who are different - great! I am all for that! But wokeness is not supposed to be taking an issue to it's extremes, there comes a point where inclusion becomes promotion"

Bill Maher is 50 paces to the right of Attilla the Hun on most issues. Especially on what he used to call "political correctness". So his anti-woke rant is just more of the same.

Most people think Maher is a total dick, but his show is, at least interesting.
Remember Bill criticizes both sides. Ultimately he is voting for Biden. Last week he said

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”
The CBS morning news story about the kid being adopted by his math teacher is super creepy. The way the teacher talks about the child is bizarre.

Watch the clip of them on the couch. It is weird.
Disney Producer....... on camera said - "they (Disney) was super welcoming to my, not at hidden, gay agenda, I was just, wherever I could, adding in queerness and nobody stopped me and no one tried to stop me".
Disney Producer....... on camera said - "they (Disney) was super welcoming to my, not at hidden, gay agenda, I was just, wherever I could, adding in queerness and nobody stopped me and no one tried to stop me".
The *relatively * good news is now these revolting preverts are flushing themselves out into the open.

The bad news is that they're not being rounded up and hucked out of helicopters.
The CBS morning news story about the kid being adopted by his math teacher is super creepy. The way the teacher talks about the child is bizarre.

Watch the clip of them on the couch. It is weird.
How about Mike Johnson, your speaker, being his adult black sons porn accountability partner. I’d love to see that young man’s diary or laptop
He was not merely a jerk. He was convicted and served time for child molestation.
Then Disney hired him... when he got out.

Let THAT sink in RW

I was talking about Dan Schneider who produced those shows.
He was fired but not arrested.

The guy who was arrested was a vocal coach/ part time actor who molested one of the male stars
The *relatively * good news is now these revolting preverts are flushing themselves out into the open.

The bad news is that they're not being rounded up and hucked out of helicopters.
Conservatives said that there was a queer agenda going on at Disney.
We all said it several years ago.
And what was the response to that by the media and people right here on this forum??
Laughter. We were called haters, and ridiculous. Scoffed at.

And here we are - a producer at Disney... LITERALLY said ON CAMERA.. that is exactly what she was doing.
Word for word.
Add to that Disney - LITERALLY - hired a CONVICTED child molester as a writer!!!!!!!! The same guy highlighted in the expose' Netflix show.
Disney hired him - knowing he was a convicted child molester to write - childrens shows!!!

You can't say WTF loud enough.

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