Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)
I heard that and laughed. The guy is truly nuts. Maybe he needs to apply for citizenship in China. Seems he loves their 1 child policy.
Sounds like a push for abortion, IMO
I don't think "punishment" for having kids is a good idea. Then again, what about people that cant afford them have a bunch, strictly for govt benefits?
The broke crackwhore that lives in section 8 shouldn't have 9 fucking kids..

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)
Bill Nye is a pseudo-scientist
On previews of the Trump tax plan along with the doubling of the standard deduction they said the personal exemption would be eliminated. That's $4,050 per person, a big chunk for a family with kids.

I need to get going or else I would check into this more to see if this made it into the final proposal. I didn't hear it mention yesterday.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?
Weird how this fucker is a "social justice" warrior now but he is talking about punishing NATURAL RIGHTS
That is why people laugh at activists so much these days. They are full of SHIT
How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?
Welfare. The snowflake social version of 'no child left behind' is to pay women for every child they have.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Better question:

Why shouldn't they?

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

And this is a fine example of one of the many reasons conservatives don't trust liberal scientists.

Because scratch the surface and all they want is to empower government, especially global government at the cost of America.

Question: DO you think he is aware that all First World Nations would have a DECLINING population if not for Third World Immigration?

Yet he wants to punish First Worlders, not Third Worlders.


It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

No people should be paid to have more children, this could take the form of for example tax breaks, the more children they have the more tax breaks they get.

All couples should have at LEAST four children.

Of course this ONLY is applicable to people in full-time employment....Welfare Queens should be forced NOT to have ANY children, no society needs anymore Mini Welfare Queens.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Well Timmy you're a 10 year old boy, so I'm sure that extra money has contributed to your new bicycle and also your new sand pit that you should go and play in now darling, let the grown up's concentrate on this thread, it's a grown up topic, not for little 10 year old boys like you, so run along.
Bill Nye is the happy face of the Jack Booted police state....just like that character in "The Hunger Games," who put on a happy face for the children being sent to their deaths.....

I asked this in the other soon before this guy is perp walked out of his home?

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