Bill O'Reilly caught in another lie

Media Matters: A non-profit progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation

Its a liberal rag and using it only embarrasses the user.
Ha ha! You left wing nutters are desperate. You guys do know that he isn't running for anything right?

Ha,ha, neither was Williams, but you sure didn't think it was desperation then......hypocrite.

Except that I didn't care, moron.

You don't care? Now you are being honest. Bill lies. you a and all of the other FOX sheep DO NOT CARE. You have gotten used to FOX falsehoods and fabrications. I guess you figure that even though you know it is a lie, if FOX says it is true.....well, it should be. You are like the guy who continues to cheat on his wife and justifies it by saying....."she does not understand me..." Yup, you are addicted to Lies.
Oh, fer Crissakes, give it a rest already.

I bet you weren't saying that when Faux News and conservatives were having a time critizing Brian Williams for his lies. At least Brian Williams admitted and apologized, but Bill O'Reilly doubled down and threatened those that exposed his lies. Quite a difference in ethics.....
Frankly, I really didn't give a frog's fat ass about Brian Williams, either...

But, now that the Left has lost one of it's mouthpieces (Williams, on NBC)...

The copy-cat attacks - a glaringly-obvious and lame-ass attempt to take-out one of the Right's mouthpieces (O'Reilly, on Fox) - are downright comical...

Never mind that the Lefties have to dig much deeper and to stretch much further and to fluff-up and inflate the nature of O'Reilly's own supposed bullsitting, in order to manufacture an artificial equivalency... one that really doesn't hold-up under a closer scrutiny, with respect to severity or impact, by the way...

This latest happy horseshit about being on-the-premises at the time of a suicide, nearly 40 years ago, is the stuff of high-comedy... I sense an HBO stand-up comedy skit in there someplace, poking fun at the idjit Lefties whose hopes to 'assassinate' O'Reilly now hinge upon such idiocy...

But let's get back to the real gist of the matter... Brian Williams war-claims versus Bill O'Reilly's war-claims, and what this all means, and how this all plays out in the grander scheme of things...

If-and-when O'Reilly engaged in bullshitting about his coverage of the Falklands War, at least he was not engaging in Stolen Valor hyperbole, in connection with our own boys and girls in our own armed forces...

If-and-when O'Reilly engaged in bullshitting about his coverage of the Falklands War, at least he was doing no more than falsely claiming that he was present in a combat zone, and falsely claiming that he was present at a riot or mob-scene in Buenos Aires in which the Argentine Army fired into a crowd, right?

Hell, I haven't even examined the veracity of the Mother Jones claims, and, again, I really don't give a rat's ass if they're true or not...

But even if they ARE true...

The attack on O'Reilly is tainted forevermore by its suspect timing... if this was not merely a partisan copycat drive-by attempt at character assassination, why were these claims not brought to light long before the Williams' disgrace unfolded? Even if it's all true, the timing largely cancels-out their veracity. Anyone with a lick of common sense realizes that it's merely a case of sour grapes and a lame-assed attempt at counter-punching to offset this loss by the Left.

Lefties aren't fooling anybody, in this regard.

And, even if those claims about O'Reilly ARE true...

Claims about being in a combat zone, and claims about being in a crowd during a riot, are one goddamned hell of a long ways from claiming that he was embedded with American troops in a helicopter that was shot down, or that he was in a chopper that was right behind a helicopter that was shot down, and that he spent a long time behind enemy lines, pinned down by enemy fire, right alongside our own troops...

THAT is the stuff of Stolen Valor...

A FAR more heinous and despicable offense, in the eyes of most American military personnel and American veterans of the armed forces, and, thus, by extension, in the eyes of the American People at-large...

Got it, now?

In the grand scheme of things... assuming that both Williams and O'Reilly were bullshitting... on a scale of 1 to 10... with 10 being the ultimate in despicable lying...

Williams' offense registers as a solid 8 or 9...

O'Relly's offense registers as a wishy-washy 1 or 2...

If O'Reilly had engaged in Stolen Valor hyperbole - in connection with American troops and American military operations - I would have been on his ass like white on rice...

But that t'aint the case here, is it?

The Mother Jones attack is soooooo embarrassingly and obviously a copycat drive-by shooting and a case of sour grapes... a weak and lame-ass attempt to carve a pound of flesh out of the Right's collection of mouthpieces, to offset the pound of flesh that they've just lost...

Causing the Lefties to come off looking like a bunch of ankle-biting yip-yip poodles in all of this rather than like dangerous attack-dogs...

Yip-Yip poodles and ankle-biters...

As to apologizing...

One only apologizes when one is in-the-wrong...

Has O'Reilly admitted yet that he is in-the-wrong?

I haven't heard of such an admission, but, maybe I missed it...

Absent such an admission, an apology would be premature, yes?

This just isn't the same kind of Big Deal that the Williams case of Stolen Valor generated, no matter how hard ya'll try, and even if O'Reilly is totally in-the-wrong...


Clown-faces, indeed...

Yip-yip poodles and ankle-biters...
Ha,ha, neither was Williams, but you sure didn't think it was desperation then......hypocrite.

Except that I didn't care, moron.

You don't care? Now you are being honest. Bill lies. you a and all of the other FOX sheep DO NOT CARE. You have gotten used to FOX falsehoods and fabrications. I guess you figure that even though you know it is a lie, if FOX says it is true.....well, it should be. You are like the guy who continues to cheat on his wife and justifies it by saying....."she does not understand me..." Yup, you are addicted to Lies.
Oh, fer Crissakes, give it a rest already.

I bet you weren't saying that when Faux News and conservatives were having a time critizing Brian Williams for his lies. At least Brian Williams admitted and apologized, but Bill O'Reilly doubled down and threatened those that exposed his lies. Quite a difference in ethics.....
Frankly, I really didn't give a frog's fat ass about Brian Williams, either...

But, now that the Left has lost one of it's mouthpieces (Williams, on NBC)...

The copy-cat attacks - a glaringly-obvious and lame-ass attempt to take-out one of the Right's mouthpieces (O'Reilly, on Fox) - are downright comical...

Never mind that the Lefties have to dig much deeper and to stretch much further and to fluff-up and inflate the nature of O'Reilly's own supposed bullsitting, in order to manufacture an artificial equivalency... one that really doesn't hold-up under a closer scrutiny, with respect to severity or impact, by the way...

This latest happy horseshit about being on-the-premises at the time of a suicide, nearly 40 years ago, is the stuff of high-comedy... I sense an HBO stand-up comedy skit in there someplace, poking fun at the idjit Lefties whose hopes to 'assassinate' O'Reilly now hinge upon such idiocy...

But let's get back to the real gist of the matter... Brian Williams war-claims versus Bill O'Reilly's war-claims, and what this all means, and how this all plays out in the grander scheme of things...

If-and-when O'Reilly engaged in bullshitting about his coverage of the Falklands War, at least he was not engaging in Stolen Valor hyperbole, in connection with our own boys and girls in our own armed forces...

If-and-when O'Reilly engaged in bullshitting about his coverage of the Falklands War, at least he was doing no more than falsely claiming that he was present in a combat zone, and falsely claiming that he was present at a riot or mob-scene in Buenos Aires in which the Argentine Army fired into a crowd, right?

Hell, I haven't even examined the veracity of the Mother Jones claims, and, again, I really don't give a rat's ass if they're true or not...

But even if they ARE true...

The attack on O'Reilly is tainted forevermore by its suspect timing... if this was not merely a partisan copycat drive-by attempt at character assassination, why were these claims not brought to light long before the Williams' disgrace unfolded? Even if it's all true, the timing largely cancels-out their veracity. Anyone with a lick of common sense realizes that it's merely a case of sour grapes and a lame-assed attempt at counter-punching to offset this loss by the Left.

Lefties aren't fooling anybody, in this regard.

And, even if those claims about O'Reilly ARE true...

Claims about being in a combat zone, and claims about being in a crowd during a riot, are one goddamned hell of a long ways from claiming that he was embedded with American troops in a helicopter that was shot down, or that he was in a chopper that was right behind a helicopter that was shot down, and that he spent a long time behind enemy lines, pinned down by enemy fire, right alongside our own troops...

THAT is the stuff of Stolen Valor...

A FAR more heinous and despicable offense, in the eyes of most American military personnel and American veterans of the armed forces, and, thus, by extension, in the eyes of the American People at-large...

Got it, now?

In the grand scheme of things... assuming that both Williams and O'Reilly were bullshitting... on a scale of 1 to 10... with 10 being the ultimate in despicable lying...

Williams' offense registers as a solid 8 or 9...

O'Relly's offense registers as a wishy-washy 1 or 2...

If O'Reilly had engaged in Stolen Valor hyperbole - in connection with American troops and American military operations - I would have been on his ass like white on rice...

But that t'aint the case here, is it?

The Mother Jones attack is soooooo embarrassingly and obviously a copycat drive-by shooting and a case of sour grapes... a weak and lame-ass attempt to carve a pound of flesh out of the Right's collection of mouthpieces, to offset the pound of flesh that they've just lost...

Causing the Lefties to come off looking like a bunch of ankle-biting yip-yip poodles in all of this rather than like dangerous attack-dogs...

Yip-Yip poodles and ankle-biters...

As to apologizing...

One only apologizes when one is in-the-wrong...

Has O'Reilly admitted yet that he is in-the-wrong?

I haven't heard of such an admission, but, maybe I missed it...

Absent such an admission, an apology would be premature, yes?

This just isn't the same kind of Big Deal that the Williams case of Stolen Valor generated, no matter how hard ya'll try, and even if O'Reilly is totally in-the-wrong...


Clown-faces, indeed...

Yip-yip poodles and ankle-biters...

You realize no one reads your crap....
Except that I didn't care, moron.

You don't care? Now you are being honest. Bill lies. you a and all of the other FOX sheep DO NOT CARE. You have gotten used to FOX falsehoods and fabrications. I guess you figure that even though you know it is a lie, if FOX says it is true.....well, it should be. You are like the guy who continues to cheat on his wife and justifies it by saying....."she does not understand me..." Yup, you are addicted to Lies.
Oh, fer Crissakes, give it a rest already.

I bet you weren't saying that when Faux News and conservatives were having a time critizing Brian Williams for his lies. At least Brian Williams admitted and apologized, but Bill O'Reilly doubled down and threatened those that exposed his lies. Quite a difference in ethics.....
Frankly, I really didn't give a frog's fat ass about Brian Williams, either...

But, now that the Left has lost one of it's mouthpieces (Williams, on NBC)...

The copy-cat attacks - a glaringly-obvious and lame-ass attempt to take-out one of the Right's mouthpieces (O'Reilly, on Fox) - are downright comical...

Never mind that the Lefties have to dig much deeper and to stretch much further and to fluff-up and inflate the nature of O'Reilly's own supposed bullsitting, in order to manufacture an artificial equivalency... one that really doesn't hold-up under a closer scrutiny, with respect to severity or impact, by the way...

This latest happy horseshit about being on-the-premises at the time of a suicide, nearly 40 years ago, is the stuff of high-comedy... I sense an HBO stand-up comedy skit in there someplace, poking fun at the idjit Lefties whose hopes to 'assassinate' O'Reilly now hinge upon such idiocy...

But let's get back to the real gist of the matter... Brian Williams war-claims versus Bill O'Reilly's war-claims, and what this all means, and how this all plays out in the grander scheme of things...

If-and-when O'Reilly engaged in bullshitting about his coverage of the Falklands War, at least he was not engaging in Stolen Valor hyperbole, in connection with our own boys and girls in our own armed forces...

If-and-when O'Reilly engaged in bullshitting about his coverage of the Falklands War, at least he was doing no more than falsely claiming that he was present in a combat zone, and falsely claiming that he was present at a riot or mob-scene in Buenos Aires in which the Argentine Army fired into a crowd, right?

Hell, I haven't even examined the veracity of the Mother Jones claims, and, again, I really don't give a rat's ass if they're true or not...

But even if they ARE true...

The attack on O'Reilly is tainted forevermore by its suspect timing... if this was not merely a partisan copycat drive-by attempt at character assassination, why were these claims not brought to light long before the Williams' disgrace unfolded? Even if it's all true, the timing largely cancels-out their veracity. Anyone with a lick of common sense realizes that it's merely a case of sour grapes and a lame-assed attempt at counter-punching to offset this loss by the Left.

Lefties aren't fooling anybody, in this regard.

And, even if those claims about O'Reilly ARE true...

Claims about being in a combat zone, and claims about being in a crowd during a riot, are one goddamned hell of a long ways from claiming that he was embedded with American troops in a helicopter that was shot down, or that he was in a chopper that was right behind a helicopter that was shot down, and that he spent a long time behind enemy lines, pinned down by enemy fire, right alongside our own troops...

THAT is the stuff of Stolen Valor...

A FAR more heinous and despicable offense, in the eyes of most American military personnel and American veterans of the armed forces, and, thus, by extension, in the eyes of the American People at-large...

Got it, now?

In the grand scheme of things... assuming that both Williams and O'Reilly were bullshitting... on a scale of 1 to 10... with 10 being the ultimate in despicable lying...

Williams' offense registers as a solid 8 or 9...

O'Relly's offense registers as a wishy-washy 1 or 2...

If O'Reilly had engaged in Stolen Valor hyperbole - in connection with American troops and American military operations - I would have been on his ass like white on rice...

But that t'aint the case here, is it?

The Mother Jones attack is soooooo embarrassingly and obviously a copycat drive-by shooting and a case of sour grapes... a weak and lame-ass attempt to carve a pound of flesh out of the Right's collection of mouthpieces, to offset the pound of flesh that they've just lost...

Causing the Lefties to come off looking like a bunch of ankle-biting yip-yip poodles in all of this rather than like dangerous attack-dogs...

Yip-Yip poodles and ankle-biters...

As to apologizing...

One only apologizes when one is in-the-wrong...

Has O'Reilly admitted yet that he is in-the-wrong?

I haven't heard of such an admission, but, maybe I missed it...

Absent such an admission, an apology would be premature, yes?

This just isn't the same kind of Big Deal that the Williams case of Stolen Valor generated, no matter how hard ya'll try, and even if O'Reilly is totally in-the-wrong...


Clown-faces, indeed...

Yip-yip poodles and ankle-biters...

You realize no one reads your crap....
Yip-yip poodles and ankle-biters...
Ha,ha, neither was Williams, but you sure didn't think it was desperation then......hypocrite.

Except that I didn't care, moron.

You don't care? Now you are being honest. Bill lies. you a and all of the other FOX sheep DO NOT CARE. You have gotten used to FOX falsehoods and fabrications. I guess you figure that even though you know it is a lie, if FOX says it is true.....well, it should be. You are like the guy who continues to cheat on his wife and justifies it by saying....."she does not understand me..." Yup, you are addicted to Lies.
Oh, fer Crissakes, give it a rest already.

I bet you weren't saying that when Faux News and conservatives were having a time critizing Brian Williams for his lies. At least Brian Williams admitted and apologized, but Bill O'Reilly doubled down and threatened those that exposed his lies. Quite a difference in ethics.....
Frankly, I really didn't give a frog's fat ass about Brian Williams, either...

But, now that the Left has lost one of it's mouthpieces (Williams, on NBC)...

The copy-cat attacks - a glaringly-obvious and lame-ass attempt to take-out one of the Right's mouthpieces (O'Reilly, on Fox) - are downright comical...

Never mind that the Lefties have to dig much deeper and to stretch much further and to fluff-up and inflate the nature of O'Reilly's own supposed bullsitting, in order to manufacture an artificial equivalency... one that really doesn't hold-up under a closer scrutiny, with respect to severity or impact, by the way...

This latest happy horseshit about being on-the-premises at the time of a suicide, nearly 40 years ago, is the stuff of high-comedy... I sense an HBO stand-up comedy skit in there someplace, poking fun at the idjit Lefties whose hopes to 'assassinate' O'Reilly now hinge upon such idiocy...

But let's get back to the real gist of the matter... Brian Williams war-claims versus Bill O'Reilly's war-claims, and what this all means, and how this all plays out in the grander scheme of things...

If-and-when O'Reilly engaged in bullshitting about his coverage of the Falklands War, at least he was not engaging in Stolen Valor hyperbole, in connection with our own boys and girls in our own armed forces...

If-and-when O'Reilly engaged in bullshitting about his coverage of the Falklands War, at least he was doing no more than falsely claiming that he was present in a combat zone, and falsely claiming that he was present at a riot or mob-scene in Buenos Aires in which the Argentine Army fired into a crowd, right?

Hell, I haven't even examined the veracity of the Mother Jones claims, and, again, I really don't give a rat's ass if they're true or not...

But even if they ARE true...

The attack on O'Reilly is tainted forevermore by its suspect timing... if this was not merely a partisan copycat drive-by attempt at character assassination, why were these claims not brought to light long before the Williams' disgrace unfolded? Even if it's all true, the timing largely cancels-out their veracity. Anyone with a lick of common sense realizes that it's merely a case of sour grapes and a lame-assed attempt at counter-punching to offset this loss by the Left.

Lefties aren't fooling anybody, in this regard.

And, even if those claims about O'Reilly ARE true...

Claims about being in a combat zone, and claims about being in a crowd during a riot, are one goddamned hell of a long ways from claiming that he was embedded with American troops in a helicopter that was shot down, or that he was in a chopper that was right behind a helicopter that was shot down, and that he spent a long time behind enemy lines, pinned down by enemy fire, right alongside our own troops...

THAT is the stuff of Stolen Valor...

A FAR more heinous and despicable offense, in the eyes of most American military personnel and American veterans of the armed forces, and, thus, by extension, in the eyes of the American People at-large...

Got it, now?

In the grand scheme of things... assuming that both Williams and O'Reilly were bullshitting... on a scale of 1 to 10... with 10 being the ultimate in despicable lying...

Williams' offense registers as a solid 8 or 9...

O'Relly's offense registers as a wishy-washy 1 or 2...

If O'Reilly had engaged in Stolen Valor hyperbole - in connection with American troops and American military operations - I would have been on his ass like white on rice...

But that t'aint the case here, is it?

The Mother Jones attack is soooooo embarrassingly and obviously a copycat drive-by shooting and a case of sour grapes... a weak and lame-ass attempt to carve a pound of flesh out of the Right's collection of mouthpieces, to offset the pound of flesh that they've just lost...

Causing the Lefties to come off looking like a bunch of ankle-biting yip-yip poodles in all of this rather than like dangerous attack-dogs...

Yip-Yip poodles and ankle-biters...

As to apologizing...

One only apologizes when one is in-the-wrong...

Has O'Reilly admitted yet that he is in-the-wrong?

I haven't heard of such an admission, but, maybe I missed it...

Absent such an admission, an apology would be premature, yes?

This just isn't the same kind of Big Deal that the Williams case of Stolen Valor generated, no matter how hard ya'll try, and even if O'Reilly is totally in-the-wrong...


Clown-faces, indeed...

Yip-yip poodles and ankle-biters...

tldr's another one! This blowhard really loves to embellish....maybe fabricate is a better word...:)

“On the September 27, 2005, edition of his talk-radio programThe Radio Factor, O’Reilly said, ‘”I’ve seen guys gun down nuns in El Salvador.’ And on the December 14, 2012, edition of his Fox News show, O’Reilly spoke of telling his mother that ‘I was in El Salvador and I saw nuns get shot in the back of the head.'”

But even by O’Reilly’s own timeline, this isn’t possible: In his book, The No Spin Zone, he wrote that he arrived in the village of Meanguera shortly after it had been “wiped out” by the rebels. He did not, however, make any mention of seeing nuns, or anyone else for that matter, actually being killed while he was there.

Another Lie from O Reilly I Saw Guys Gun Down Nuns in El Salvador's another one! This blowhard really loves to embellish....maybe fabricate is a better word...:)

“On the September 27, 2005, edition of his talk-radio programThe Radio Factor, O’Reilly said, ‘”I’ve seen guys gun down nuns in El Salvador.’ And on the December 14, 2012, edition of his Fox News show, O’Reilly spoke of telling his mother that ‘I was in El Salvador and I saw nuns get shot in the back of the head.'”

But even by O’Reilly’s own timeline, this isn’t possible: In his book, The No Spin Zone, he wrote that he arrived in the village of Meanguera shortly after it had been “wiped out” by the rebels. He did not, however, make any mention of seeing nuns, or anyone else for that matter, actually being killed while he was there.

Another Lie from O Reilly I Saw Guys Gun Down Nuns in El Salvador

Maybe FOX can put together a mini-series on Bill's lies? You got to admit he has a vivid imagination!
I'm not as stupid as you are......not by a long shot. Nobody is that stupid.

Playtex, you have to grasp that reciting memes from ThinkProgress, KOS, and the other hate sites is not a sign of intelligence - quite the opposite. Even with an IQ of DD you should be able to grasp that...
Last edited:
I'm not as stupid as you are......not by a long shot. Nobody is that stupid.

Playtes, you have to grasp that reciting memes from ThinkProgress, KOS, and the other hate sites is not a sign of intelligence - quite the opposite. Even with an IQ of DD you should be able to grasp that...
You have to have some kind of criteria for determining a site is a hate site. Just calling a site a hate site because they concentrate on negative news about ideological opponents is not criteria for determining a hate site. Just calling a site a hate site because you dislike their opinions is childish.
You have to have some kind of criteria for determining a site is a hate site.

If the purpose of the site is to spread hate, it is a hate site.

Obviously all of the Soros sites fit into this.

Just calling a site a hate site because they concentrate on negative news about ideological opponents is not criteria for determining a hate site. Just calling a site a hate site because you dislike their opinions is childish.

KOS fabricates far more than they concentrate. The purpose of the site is demagoguery - the ONLY purpose. Ditto the other Soros sites.

MSNBC spins the facts to attack the right and promote the left. ThinkProgress doesn't bother with facts and simply slanders and libels in a quest of demagoguery. They are a hate site. MSNBC is biased and partisan, ThinkProgress is a hate site.

You have to have some kind of criteria for determining a site is a hate site.

If the purpose of the site is to spread hate, it is a hate site.

Obviously all of the Soros sites fit into this.

Just calling a site a hate site because they concentrate on negative news about ideological opponents is not criteria for determining a hate site. Just calling a site a hate site because you dislike their opinions is childish.

KOS fabricates far more than they concentrate. The purpose of the site is demagoguery - the ONLY purpose. Ditto the other Soros sites.

MSNBC spins the facts to attack the right and promote the left. ThinkProgress doesn't bother with facts and simply slanders and libels in a quest of demagoguery. They are a hate site. MSNBC is biased and partisan, ThinkProgress is a hate site.

Which site is you best example of a Soros hate site and most hateful thing they said? Sounds like you want it to be a matter of personal opinion about what is hateful. I would think there has to be a little more than an opinion. For example, what are you claiming KOS fabricated recently that made the story hateful? Who was the hate aimed at?
Which site is you best example of a Soros hate site and most hateful thing they said?

The slime on one hate site is soon on all. ThinkProgress is the most vile of the group.
{Besides casting a sleazy aspersion about the compensation of the “Supreme Knight,” the nearly 1,900-word article is utterly, well, stupid. Can liberals reading ThinkProgress be so cut off from religious culture that they’re shocked a Catholic organization believes Church teaching? Perhaps they can. Among the revelations: The Knights of Columbus oppose same-sex marriage, and put their money where their mouths are, donating to efforts to block gay marriage in various states. They oppose ObamaCare’s contraception mandate. Since 2010 they’ve given $250,000 to Morality in Media, “likely the nation’s loudest voice against adult pornography, and its efforts to curb “the ravages of the pornography pandemic in America,” according to ThinkProgress. (Scary stuff, that!) - See more at:}

Sounds like you want it to be a matter of personal opinion about what is hateful. I would think there has to be a little more than an opinion. For example, what are you claiming KOS fabricated recently that made the story hateful? Who was the hate aimed at?

Sounds like you want to excuse hate from the left since you agree with the choice of enemies. :dunno:
It does not strike anyone as suspicous that only a few weeks after Brian Williams admitted to lying (no, he did not make a mistake nor did he admit to making a mistake, he lied) that suddenly......just suddenly, there are a bunch of people who can swear that they remember something different than a moderately right opinion writer said was a lie.......decades after the incident?

Just lucky I guess, huh libs?
It does not strike anyone as suspicous that only a few weeks after Brian Williams admitted to lying (no, he did not make a mistake nor did he admit to making a mistake, he lied) that suddenly......just suddenly, there are a bunch of people who can swear that they remember something different than a moderately right opinion writer said was a lie.......decades after the incident?

Just lucky I guess, huh libs?

This biggest problem the leftists have is that David Corn and Mother Jones flat out lied. They wanted to "get" O'Reilly and ran a fabricated piece to do it - which blew up in their face.

Demagogue George Soros mobilized his termites to chitter memes of Texas Suicide and other idiocy. The left failed with the first slander, so time to move the goal posts - as many times as needed to find something that will stick.

It's so transparent that the country yawned.

Now the brainless little fools are coming unglued.
It does not strike anyone as suspicous that only a few weeks after Brian Williams admitted to lying (no, he did not make a mistake nor did he admit to making a mistake, he lied) that suddenly......just suddenly, there are a bunch of people who can swear that they remember something different than a moderately right opinion writer said was a lie.......decades after the incident?

Just lucky I guess, huh libs?

This biggest problem the leftists have is that David Corn and Mother Jones flat out lied. They wanted to "get" O'Reilly and ran a fabricated piece to do it - which blew up in their face.

Demagogue George Soros mobilized his termites to chitter memes of Texas Suicide and other idiocy. The left failed with the first slander, so time to move the goal posts - as many times as needed to find something that will stick.

It's so transparent that the country yawned.

Now the brainless little fools are coming unglued.
Well, I hear that Corn was on an talk radio show and was getting cross examined hard enough that he not only could not answer the questions, but flat out hung up in mid question.....I don't recall where I read that...I'd have to look but I'm sure google will have it.

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