Bill O'Reilly caught in another lie

Ha ha! You left wing nutters are desperate. You guys do know that he isn't running for anything right?

Ha,ha, neither was Williams, but you sure didn't think it was desperation then......hypocrite.

Except that I didn't care, moron.

You don't care? Now you are being honest. Bill lies. you a and all of the other FOX sheep DO NOT CARE. You have gotten used to FOX falsehoods and fabrications. I guess you figure that even though you know it is a lie, if FOX says it is true.....well, it should be. You are like the guy who continues to cheat on his wife and justifies it by saying....."she does not understand me..." Yup, you are addicted to Lies.
Oh, fer Crissakes, give it a rest already.

I bet you weren't saying that when Faux News and conservatives were having a time critizing Brian Williams for his lies. At least Brian Williams admitted and apologized, but Bill O'Reilly doubled down and threatened those that exposed his lies. Quite a difference in ethics.....
It is getting hard to keep up with the Bill O Reilly lies. Seems like he has a history. Today's lie of the day is his claim to have seen Nun's murdered.
It is getting hard to keep up with the Bill O Reilly lies. Seems like he has a history. Today's lie of the day is his claim to have seen Nun's murdered.

Fox loves it. Lies help their ratings. The Aussy loves it.
You cannot understand what you read and you cannot follow a logical line of discussion. This explains why you are a Progressive. You are borderline retarded.

You're the one that can't understand......

I'm telling you, idiot, that this thread isn't about the MJ's about another lie that O'Reilly told. Stay on topic.

The full discussion is in each and every post you make when you reply to me. Yet, you still cannot follow the conversation. Fascinating.

The full discussion you are talking about is not what the OP is about, dipshit. Quit trying to derail the thread with the MJ story, asswipe......that's what I'm trying to tell you.....maybe you comprende now?

The two are closely related and it was an off shoot discussion that you commented on.

Just how stupid are you really? Are you as stupid as I've been accusing you of being?

I'm not as stupid as you are......not by a long shot. Nobody is that stupid.

Now you are just boring me. You got beat, admit it and move on.
Media Matters!!!!

Even Media Matters gets it right more than Faux News.....yet you're a devoted fan of Faux News.........bwahahahaha!
Media Matters is George Soros' propaganda arm. I wouldn't trust damned thing they say, even if my life depended on it.

You're not telling me anything I don't know only trust Faux News, even if they are the #1 Station that tells the most lies. So, why aren't you posting links/articles that debunk what Media Matters says? Because you can't find any, that's why.
Knowingly or not, you've touched on why Fox can never admit any lies by O'Reilly.

Conservative media and the GOP has message purity because they only have one real network. The Fox Business Network is simply the same network.

If you discredit O'Reilly, you've taken out the centerpiece of the GOP messaging apparatus.

This is gonna be good, and the denials will be vigorous. They may not come tonight, but they'll include character assassination, and all manner of victimhood.
Sounds like your typical Democrat defense.

Deny, deny, deny and make counter accusations. That in essence is the tactic being used to attack O'Reilly.
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi....
C'mon, people are just noting the little lies of an entertainer, it's not like he depends on his credibility for his living. We know he's not in the same case as Williams.
You want entertainment ....

Bill O'Reilly's Divorce Is So Ugly, God Got Involved
Gawker‎ - Mar 2013
Bill O'Reilly wants his ex-wife to go to Hell. Literally. As we previously reported, the Fox News falafelist became separated from his former wife Maureen McPhilmy at some point in 2011 ...
The major difference between liberals caught lying and rightwingers caught lying is how they respond.

Williams and McDonald both admitted their mistakes and apologized publicly.

You do realize that William's public apology was also proven to be a lie?
The major difference between liberals caught lying and rightwingers caught lying is how they respond.

Williams and McDonald both admitted their mistakes and apologized publicly.

You do realize that William's public apology was also proven to be a lie?
Urban Dictionary bill o liely

bill o'liely
affectionate and well-deserved nickname given to one bill o'reilly by comic genius al franken (see also, saturday night live, snl). o'reilly, the descendant or grandson of reilly, is a raging irish commentator on fox news who's lies count is just approaching one hndred. his latest book, living with herpes as a culture warrior, immeadiatly went on ann coulter-****'s list of best books, right under mein kampf, and her own books, of course.
Media Matters: A non-profit progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation

Its a liberal rag and using it only embarrasses the user.
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Oh STFU you stupid lazy niggr and get a job.

Exposed........... after just a few post....take a look at this guy's real thinking....EXPOSED

How Bill O'Reilly Tried to Get His Wife's Boyfriend Investigated By the Cops

According to our source, Delargy offered Harasym no justification for investigating the detective—who is unmarried—aside from the alleged infidelity. "The order was to investigate this detective not for any misdeeds," the source said, "but to see if they could get anything on him. Delargy also told him to tell the detective to back off."

Delargy told Harasym that the investigation was highly sensitive for two reasons, the source said: 1) It was ordered directly by then-police commissioner Lawrence Mulvey, and 2) O'Reilly was at the time considering making a major donation to the Nassau County Police Department Foundation, a private not-for-profit foundation Mulvey helped found in 2009 to raise money for construction of a planned $48 million police training facility at Nassau Community College.

"These internal affairs cops were on the case at the behest of Mulvey in order to get O'Reilly's funds," the source said.

Media Matters: A non-profit progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation

Its a liberal rag and using it only embarrasses the user.

They would be out of business if FOX and some of your RW Stars would decide to tell the truth more often. Wait......THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

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