Bill O'Reilly caught in another lie

Bill O'Reilly may have been able to convince Fox News viewers that he didn't really lie when he made his listeners think he was actually in combat in the Falklands.....but this new lie may be more difficult to explain. Let's see if Fox News is going to hold O'Reilly accountable. :popcorn:

(there's a video of him repeating the story, too)
Bill O’Reilly’s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far

It should come as no surprise, but it’s worth noting that O’Reilly has a massive ego. And like all truly egomaniac blowhards, O’Reilly needs a steady fuel of tall-tales and trumped up stories to feed and placate that inflated sense of importance. To that end, O’Reilly has continually used his platform as a right-wing celebrity to interject himself into stories that he was, at most, on the sidelines for.

And here it is. Bill O’Reilly has repeatedly said he was outside the house when de Mohrenschildt committed suicide, going so far as to say he heard the gunshot.

Yes, The Bill O’Reilly while he was a 20-something reporter for Dallas TV station WFAA was within earshot of de Morhenschildt’s suicide. However, and predictably enough, Media Matters noted that on at least three occasions O’Reilly has repeated this story — a story that turns out to be totally untrue.

–Former editor for The Washington Post and noteworthy JFK assassination writer Jefferson Morley said O’Reilly’s story is “not true” and, “It is what these guys all do, they inject themselves into a dramatic situation. O’Reilly was chasing this story, but he wasn’t there, he made it sound like he was more on the scene than he was, it was show business.”

–The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s report on de Mohrenschildt’s death doesn’t mention O’Reilly at all, even though it probably would have since he was presumably the only witness to hear the shot. The report also noted that the only people at the house were two maids and neither heard any gunshot at all.

Bill O Reilly s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far - The Daily Banter
Media Matters!!!!

Even Media Matters gets it right more than Faux News.....yet you're a devoted fan of Faux News.........bwahahahaha!
Media Matters is George Soros' propaganda arm. I wouldn't trust damned thing they say, even if my life depended on it.

You're not telling me anything I don't know only trust Faux News, even if they are the #1 Station that tells the most lies. So, why aren't you posting links/articles that debunk what Media Matters says? Because you can't find any, that's why.
I read the first three pages, and then skipped to the last.

Maybe I missed the part in the middle where somebody proved O'Reilly either didn't say what is reported he said...or somebody proved that what was reported actually did happen.

Did either of those take place in this thread?...

I could read the whole thing myself, but I'm both lazy, and short on time

No, all they can do is sling poop and bring other issues into the thread. They don't believe Media Matters, but they can't debunk their article.....I don't suppose Faux News will be covering it.......:)
I read the first three pages, and then skipped to the last.

Maybe I missed the part in the middle where somebody proved O'Reilly either didn't say what is reported he said...or somebody proved that what was reported actually did happen.

Did either of those take place in this thread?...

I could read the whole thing myself, but I'm both lazy, and short on time

No, all they can do is sling poop and bring other issues into the thread. They don't believe Media Matters, but they can't debunk their article.....I don't suppose Faux News will be covering it.......:)
O'Reilly is on in about 10 minutes. And if it's ratings he wants tonight, he'll get it from us.
Bill O'Reilly may have been able to convince Fox News viewers that he didn't really lie when he made his listeners think he was actually in combat in the Falklands.....but this new lie may be more difficult to explain. Let's see if Fox News is going to hold O'Reilly accountable. :popcorn:

(there's a video of him repeating the story, too)
Bill O’Reilly’s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far

It should come as no surprise, but it’s worth noting that O’Reilly has a massive ego. And like all truly egomaniac blowhards, O’Reilly needs a steady fuel of tall-tales and trumped up stories to feed and placate that inflated sense of importance. To that end, O’Reilly has continually used his platform as a right-wing celebrity to interject himself into stories that he was, at most, on the sidelines for.

And here it is. Bill O’Reilly has repeatedly said he was outside the house when de Mohrenschildt committed suicide, going so far as to say he heard the gunshot.

Yes, The Bill O’Reilly while he was a 20-something reporter for Dallas TV station WFAA was within earshot of de Morhenschildt’s suicide. However, and predictably enough, Media Matters noted that on at least three occasions O’Reilly has repeated this story — a story that turns out to be totally untrue.

–Former editor for The Washington Post and noteworthy JFK assassination writer Jefferson Morley said O’Reilly’s story is “not true” and, “It is what these guys all do, they inject themselves into a dramatic situation. O’Reilly was chasing this story, but he wasn’t there, he made it sound like he was more on the scene than he was, it was show business.”

–The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s report on de Mohrenschildt’s death doesn’t mention O’Reilly at all, even though it probably would have since he was presumably the only witness to hear the shot. The report also noted that the only people at the house were two maids and neither heard any gunshot at all.

Bill O Reilly s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far - The Daily Banter
Media Matters!!!!

Even Media Matters gets it right more than Faux News.....yet you're a devoted fan of Faux News.........bwahahahaha!
Media Matters is George Soros' propaganda arm. I wouldn't trust damned thing they say, even if my life depended on it.

You're not telling me anything I don't know only trust Faux News, even if they are the #1 Station that tells the most lies. So, why aren't you posting links/articles that debunk what Media Matters says? Because you can't find any, that's why.
Knowingly or not, you've touched on why Fox can never admit any lies by O'Reilly.

Conservative media and the GOP has message purity because they only have one real network. The Fox Business Network is simply the same network.

If you discredit O'Reilly, you've taken out the centerpiece of the GOP messaging apparatus.

This is gonna be good, and the denials will be vigorous. They may not come tonight, but they'll include character assassination, and all manner of victimhood.
I read the first three pages, and then skipped to the last.

Maybe I missed the part in the middle where somebody proved O'Reilly either didn't say what is reported he said...or somebody proved that what was reported actually did happen.

Did either of those take place in this thread?...

I could read the whole thing myself, but I'm both lazy, and short on time

No, all they can do is sling poop and bring other issues into the thread. They don't believe Media Matters, but they can't debunk their article.....I don't suppose Faux News will be covering it.......:)
O'Reilly is on in about 10 minutes. And if it's ratings he wants tonight, he'll get it from us.
Few people are going to get overly excited about CopyCat rock-throwing at anchor-folk...

But it makes for good drama-queen theater on a message-board, I suppose...
Bill O'Reilly may have been able to convince Fox News viewers that he didn't really lie when he made his listeners think he was actually in combat in the Falklands.....but this new lie may be more difficult to explain. Let's see if Fox News is going to hold O'Reilly accountable. :popcorn:

(there's a video of him repeating the story, too)
Bill O’Reilly’s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far

It should come as no surprise, but it’s worth noting that O’Reilly has a massive ego. And like all truly egomaniac blowhards, O’Reilly needs a steady fuel of tall-tales and trumped up stories to feed and placate that inflated sense of importance. To that end, O’Reilly has continually used his platform as a right-wing celebrity to interject himself into stories that he was, at most, on the sidelines for.

And here it is. Bill O’Reilly has repeatedly said he was outside the house when de Mohrenschildt committed suicide, going so far as to say he heard the gunshot.

Yes, The Bill O’Reilly while he was a 20-something reporter for Dallas TV station WFAA was within earshot of de Morhenschildt’s suicide. However, and predictably enough, Media Matters noted that on at least three occasions O’Reilly has repeated this story — a story that turns out to be totally untrue.

–Former editor for The Washington Post and noteworthy JFK assassination writer Jefferson Morley said O’Reilly’s story is “not true” and, “It is what these guys all do, they inject themselves into a dramatic situation. O’Reilly was chasing this story, but he wasn’t there, he made it sound like he was more on the scene than he was, it was show business.”

–The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s report on de Mohrenschildt’s death doesn’t mention O’Reilly at all, even though it probably would have since he was presumably the only witness to hear the shot. The report also noted that the only people at the house were two maids and neither heard any gunshot at all.

Bill O Reilly s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far - The Daily Banter
Media Matters!!!!

Even Media Matters gets it right more than Faux News.....yet you're a devoted fan of Faux News.........bwahahahaha!
Media Matters is George Soros' propaganda arm. I wouldn't trust damned thing they say, even if my life depended on it.

You're not telling me anything I don't know only trust Faux News, even if they are the #1 Station that tells the most lies. So, why aren't you posting links/articles that debunk what Media Matters says? Because you can't find any, that's why.
Knowingly or not, you've touched on why Fox can never admit any lies by O'Reilly.

Conservative media and the GOP has message purity because they only have one real network. The Fox Business Network is simply the same network.

If you discredit O'Reilly, you've taken out the centerpiece of the GOP messaging apparatus.

This is gonna be good, and the denials will be vigorous. They may not come tonight, but they'll include character assassination, and all manner of victimhood.
Sounds like your typical Democrat defense.

Deny, deny, deny and make counter accusations. That in essence is the tactic being used to attack O'Reilly.
Media Matters!!!!

Even Media Matters gets it right more than Faux News.....yet you're a devoted fan of Faux News.........bwahahahaha!
Media Matters is George Soros' propaganda arm. I wouldn't trust damned thing they say, even if my life depended on it.

You're not telling me anything I don't know only trust Faux News, even if they are the #1 Station that tells the most lies. So, why aren't you posting links/articles that debunk what Media Matters says? Because you can't find any, that's why.
Knowingly or not, you've touched on why Fox can never admit any lies by O'Reilly.

Conservative media and the GOP has message purity because they only have one real network. The Fox Business Network is simply the same network.

If you discredit O'Reilly, you've taken out the centerpiece of the GOP messaging apparatus.

This is gonna be good, and the denials will be vigorous. They may not come tonight, but they'll include character assassination, and all manner of victimhood.
Sounds like your typical Democrat defense.

Deny, deny, deny and make counter accusations. That in essence is the tactic being used to attack O'Reilly.
Looks like the mainstream media is all over the story, but O'Reilly's writers don't seem to react as fast. They're not going to cover it tonight on The Factor. I'm watching right now, and I'm having to listen to Karl Rove.
Even Media Matters gets it right more than Faux News.....yet you're a devoted fan of Faux News.........bwahahahaha!
Media Matters is George Soros' propaganda arm. I wouldn't trust damned thing they say, even if my life depended on it.

You're not telling me anything I don't know only trust Faux News, even if they are the #1 Station that tells the most lies. So, why aren't you posting links/articles that debunk what Media Matters says? Because you can't find any, that's why.
Knowingly or not, you've touched on why Fox can never admit any lies by O'Reilly.

Conservative media and the GOP has message purity because they only have one real network. The Fox Business Network is simply the same network.

If you discredit O'Reilly, you've taken out the centerpiece of the GOP messaging apparatus.

This is gonna be good, and the denials will be vigorous. They may not come tonight, but they'll include character assassination, and all manner of victimhood.
Sounds like your typical Democrat defense.

Deny, deny, deny and make counter accusations. That in essence is the tactic being used to attack O'Reilly.
Looks like the mainstream media is all over the story, but O'Reilly's writers don't seem to react as fast. They're not going to cover it tonight on The Factor. I'm watching right now, and I'm having to listen to Karl Rove.
I'm waiting to hear from Dennis Miller.
I'd like see some Waters World but no dice.
Let me ask everyone here right, left, or center and really put your personal politics aside if you answer the following question. If someone claimed you lied about something 37 years ago would you honestly care?
Ha ha! You left wing nutters are desperate. You guys do know that he isn't running for anything right?

Ha,ha, neither was Williams, but you sure didn't think it was desperation then......hypocrite.

Except that I didn't care, moron.

You don't care? Now you are being honest. Bill lies. you a and all of the other FOX sheep DO NOT CARE. You have gotten used to FOX falsehoods and fabrications. I guess you figure that even though you know it is a lie, if FOX says it is true.....well, it should be. You are like the guy who continues to cheat on his wife and justifies it by saying....."she does not understand me..." Yup, you are addicted to Lies.
Ha ha! You left wing nutters are desperate. You guys do know that he isn't running for anything right?

Ha,ha, neither was Williams, but you sure didn't think it was desperation then......hypocrite.

Except that I didn't care, moron.

You don't care? Now you are being honest. Bill lies. you a and all of the other FOX sheep DO NOT CARE. You have gotten used to FOX falsehoods and fabrications. I guess you figure that even though you know it is a lie, if FOX says it is true.....well, it should be. You are like the guy who continues to cheat on his wife and justifies it by saying....."she does not understand me..." Yup, you are addicted to Lies.
Oh, fer Crissakes, give it a rest already.
C'mon, people are just noting the little lies of an entertainer, it's not like he depends on his credibility for his living. We know he's not in the same case as Williams.
Do low information lefties understand the difference between a so-called "news anchor" and a guy who entertains people with political and social commentary? O'Reilly doesn't pretend to be a journalist. Williams was the epitome of the modern news anchor journalist.

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