Bill O'Reilly caught in another lie

Bill O's defense has now lowered itself to "Obama lied too".

Can we count the lies? Does a president continually LYING TO AMERICA mean more than an asshole entertainer? Thanks Camp, for showing what a fucking stupid, partisan subversive looks like... More video's?...I got LOTS MORE!
So if you agree that Bill O is nothing more than an asshole entertainer, why are you defending him like he is your hero? You do realize that you just called Bill O an asshole entertainer, don't you?
Thanks for assisting you in showing yourself are not necessary. Everyone already knows these things about you already. All I did was to give you a little nudge to speak harshly about yourself.
Yo, another Soros minimum wage worker shows his Clown Face, Derideo, $8.00 dollars an hour man!


why constitution was written.jpg
Bill O's defense has now lowered itself to "Obama lied too".

Can we count the lies? Does a president continually LYING TO AMERICA mean more than an asshole entertainer? Thanks Camp, for showing what a fucking stupid, partisan subversive looks like... More video's?...I got LOTS MORE!
So if you agree that Bill O is nothing more than an asshole entertainer, why are you defending him like he is your hero? You do realize that you just called Bill O an asshole entertainer, don't you?
Thanks for assisting you in showing yourself are not necessary. Everyone already knows these things about you already. All I did was to give you a little nudge to speak harshly about yourself.

I'm not, he could go off tomorrow with Brian Williams and wouldn't be missed. Bill O is an asshole entertainer, slightly better than Big ED on MSNBC, but definitely NOT in the chuckles and roaring laughter that Al Sharpton creates everyday!

Need more Obuma lie video's?
This lie isn't about Mother Jones and O'Reilly's elaboration on his stint in's about his lie about being in Florida and hearing a shot that even the maids inside the house didn't hear........try to stay on topic.

You cannot understand what you read and you cannot follow a logical line of discussion. This explains why you are a Progressive. You are borderline retarded.

You're the one that can't understand......

I'm telling you, idiot, that this thread isn't about the MJ's about another lie that O'Reilly told. Stay on topic.

The full discussion is in each and every post you make when you reply to me. Yet, you still cannot follow the conversation. Fascinating.

The full discussion you are talking about is not what the OP is about, dipshit. Quit trying to derail the thread with the MJ story, asswipe......that's what I'm trying to tell you.....maybe you comprende now?

The two are closely related and it was an off shoot discussion that you commented on.

Just how stupid are you really? Are you as stupid as I've been accusing you of being?

I'm not as stupid as you are......not by a long shot. Nobody is that stupid.'re the one with the problem....but like a retard, you get mad at the ones trying to make sense of your stupid posts. Next time I'll draw you a picture....maybe that will help you, moron.

Laughing at you is not problem Playtex.
Oh, I know that retard. You laugh at everything....even when you smear your own feces on your face, you think that's funny.
Yo, Tyrone, are you and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) both from the same ghetto?


View attachment 37206

Another conservative quaint. Making fun of Sheila Jackson Lee.....she's something, hardly lives in a ghetto.....and what are you? A dumb schmuck posting gibberish from a trailer....bwahahaha!
Your post doesn't make sense, as usual. Are you claiming that Williams stole valor?

Yeah? That courage under fire? Not so much.

Not as great as O'Reilly.......right in the middle of combat in the Buenos Aires? Bwahahaha!

Are you on drugs?

Are you?

None that affect my ability to rationalize properly. ;)

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you are on drugs!
You cannot understand what you read and you cannot follow a logical line of discussion. This explains why you are a Progressive. You are borderline retarded.

You're the one that can't understand......

I'm telling you, idiot, that this thread isn't about the MJ's about another lie that O'Reilly told. Stay on topic.

The full discussion is in each and every post you make when you reply to me. Yet, you still cannot follow the conversation. Fascinating.

The full discussion you are talking about is not what the OP is about, dipshit. Quit trying to derail the thread with the MJ story, asswipe......that's what I'm trying to tell you.....maybe you comprende now?

The two are closely related and it was an off shoot discussion that you commented on.

Just how stupid are you really? Are you as stupid as I've been accusing you of being?

I'm not as stupid as you are......not by a long shot. Nobody is that stupid.

You are stupider than that. Your colossal stupidity is the example of what happens when one divides by the number 0.

Ohhhh shi---!!
Yo, Tyrone, are you and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) both from the same ghetto?


View attachment 37206

Another conservative quaint. Making fun of Sheila Jackson Lee.....she's something, hardly lives in a ghetto.....and what are you? A dumb schmuck posting gibberish from a trailer....bwahahaha!

Surely you had the same attitude about Herman Cain, no?

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