Bill O'Reilly caught in another lie

Well, I then told you that Williams wasn't running for anything either, but it didn't stop conservative witch-hunters from coming after him.

Let me dumb this down for you. Nobody was after him. He chose to tell that lie, repeatedly. It was documented and contradicted viable by sources in the war zone. You are defending the indefensible. This was far from a witch hunt, Mertie. He kneaded the rope, tied the noose, and hung himself with it.

Your first post was already pretty dumb.....that's why it didn't make much sense.......what do you mean "nobody was after him"? Are you in a coma down there in that basement? Of course conservatives were coming after all wanted him fired, but as soon as O'Reilly's lie hit the news....then you all started making excuses for him. Hypocrite.

Yeah, calling me dumb says a lot about your argument. Now the basement jokes start flying, which says MORE about your nonexistent argument.

Please, by all means let me know how outraged you were when Brian Williams was caught in a lie that took 12 years to bite him in the ass, then get back to me.
No shit for brains, it is MJ that has something to prove, they have failed to do that, therefor, it's a lie.

This lie isn't about Mother Jones and O'Reilly's elaboration on his stint in's about his lie about being in Florida and hearing a shot that even the maids inside the house didn't hear........try to stay on topic.

You cannot understand what you read and you cannot follow a logical line of discussion. This explains why you are a Progressive. You are borderline retarded.

You're the one that can't understand......

I'm telling you, idiot, that this thread isn't about the MJ's about another lie that O'Reilly told. Stay on topic.

The full discussion is in each and every post you make when you reply to me. Yet, you still cannot follow the conversation. Fascinating.

The full discussion you are talking about is not what the OP is about, dipshit. Quit trying to derail the thread with the MJ story, asswipe......that's what I'm trying to tell you.....maybe you comprende now?

The two are closely related and it was an off shoot discussion that you commented on.

Just how stupid are you really? Are you as stupid as I've been accusing you of being?'re the one with the problem....but like a retard, you get mad at the ones trying to make sense of your stupid posts. Next time I'll draw you a picture....maybe that will help you, moron.

Laughing at you is not problem Playtex.

Someone like you with an IQ of double D, enraged by pheromones secreted from the KOS hive and frustrated by your own incompetence is no end of entertainment!

Don't ever change. :thup:'re the one with the problem....but like a retard, you get mad at the ones trying to make sense of your stupid posts. Next time I'll draw you a picture....maybe that will help you, moron.

Laughing at you is not problem Playtex.

Someone like you with an IQ of double D, enraged by pheromones secreted from the KOS hive and frustrated by your own incompetence is no end of entertainment!

Don't ever change. :thup:
Yo ...delicious irony for a numb nuts like you to be calling anyone on intelligence ....yo I am just saying ...,

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