Bill O'Reilly caught in another lie

Going to be interesting watching him trying to threaten his way out of this lie.

Maybe you'll get lucky this time. Maybe this won't be a complete lie like the Mother Jones story was.


Prove that MJ was found lying. Go ahead. We'll wait right here for you. If they are lying then there should be refutations and laws suits for libel all fucking over the place. Please make sure you provide links.

No shit for brains, it is MJ that has something to prove, they have failed to do that, therefor, it's a lie.

This lie isn't about Mother Jones and O'Reilly's elaboration on his stint in's about his lie about being in Florida and hearing a shot that even the maids inside the house didn't hear........try to stay on topic.

You cannot understand what you read and you cannot follow a logical line of discussion. This explains why you are a Progressive. You are borderline retarded.
Yo, they used old crap against Romney, he punched some Democrat in elementary school?


Ha,ha, neither was Williams, but you sure didn't think it was desperation then......hypocrite.

Except that I didn't care, moron.

Of course you don't, because you'll defend O'Reilly no matter what lie he says.....that's no surprise.

That doesn't even make sense dumbass. You are trying to say that I didnt care about Williams because I'll defend O'Reilly? are you drunk posting today?

I'll dumb it down for claimed that O'Reilly wasn't running for therefore we shouldn't be coming after him.

Well, I then told you that Williams wasn't running for anything either, but it didn't stop conservative witch-hunters from coming after him.

Now you claim you don't care.....but yet you immerse yourself right into the conversation defending O'Reilly. Geez, I would draw you a picture if that would help you, but maybe you just need to bone up......

You start off with a lie. I never claimed anything like that. I wondered if you morons knew that or not. From that lie you come to all the wrong conclusions.

Your lame ass excuse still doesn't explain how you can say I didn't care about Williams because I will defend O'Reilly. The Williams incident was before the O'Reilly incident doofus.

What lie did I start with? I'm going by your lame responses....if you mean something else you need to explain better....

You started off by saying that O'Reilly wasn't running for anything.......well, ijit, I said, neither was Williams.

Then you say you don't care.....(that Williams wasn't running for anything either) and yet you conservatives still jumped all over his case?)
That is what your response seems to convey. If it doesn't, why don't you explain it.....we're not mind readers, especially blank-mind readers.
I love it when you liberals end up getting exposed as the lying ignorant losers we all know you are.

Idiot....the OP is about O'Reilly, a Republican/conservative....he's the liar being exposed for lying......geez, you really do need pictures, don't you?

Wow! You really are drunk posting. I was talking about O'Reilly dumbass, read the discussion again idiot.
Going to be interesting watching him trying to threaten his way out of this lie.

Maybe you'll get lucky this time. Maybe this won't be a complete lie like the Mother Jones story was.


Prove that MJ was found lying. Go ahead. We'll wait right here for you. If they are lying then there should be refutations and laws suits for libel all fucking over the place. Please make sure you provide links.

No shit for brains, it is MJ that has something to prove, they have failed to do that, therefor, it's a lie.

This lie isn't about Mother Jones and O'Reilly's elaboration on his stint in's about his lie about being in Florida and hearing a shot that even the maids inside the house didn't hear........try to stay on topic.

You cannot understand what you read and you cannot follow a logical line of discussion. This explains why you are a Progressive. You are borderline retarded.

You're the one that can't understand......

I'm telling you, idiot, that this thread isn't about the MJ's about another lie that O'Reilly told. Stay on topic.
Bill O'Reilly may have been able to convince Fox News viewers that he didn't really lie when he made his listeners think he was actually in combat in the Falklands.....but this new lie may be more difficult to explain. Let's see if Fox News is going to hold O'Reilly accountable. :popcorn:

(there's a video of him repeating the story, too)
Bill O’Reilly’s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far

It should come as no surprise, but it’s worth noting that O’Reilly has a massive ego. And like all truly egomaniac blowhards, O’Reilly needs a steady fuel of tall-tales and trumped up stories to feed and placate that inflated sense of importance. To that end, O’Reilly has continually used his platform as a right-wing celebrity to interject himself into stories that he was, at most, on the sidelines for.

And here it is. Bill O’Reilly has repeatedly said he was outside the house when de Mohrenschildt committed suicide, going so far as to say he heard the gunshot.

Yes, The Bill O’Reilly while he was a 20-something reporter for Dallas TV station WFAA was within earshot of de Morhenschildt’s suicide. However, and predictably enough, Media Matters noted that on at least three occasions O’Reilly has repeated this story — a story that turns out to be totally untrue.

–Former editor for The Washington Post and noteworthy JFK assassination writer Jefferson Morley said O’Reilly’s story is “not true” and, “It is what these guys all do, they inject themselves into a dramatic situation. O’Reilly was chasing this story, but he wasn’t there, he made it sound like he was more on the scene than he was, it was show business.”

–The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s report on de Mohrenschildt’s death doesn’t mention O’Reilly at all, even though it probably would have since he was presumably the only witness to hear the shot. The report also noted that the only people at the house were two maids and neither heard any gunshot at all.

Bill O Reilly s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far - The Daily Banter
that guy is a crack pot. No wonder he does so well on Fox.
Except that I didn't care, moron.

Of course you don't, because you'll defend O'Reilly no matter what lie he says.....that's no surprise.

That doesn't even make sense dumbass. You are trying to say that I didnt care about Williams because I'll defend O'Reilly? are you drunk posting today?

I'll dumb it down for claimed that O'Reilly wasn't running for therefore we shouldn't be coming after him.

Well, I then told you that Williams wasn't running for anything either, but it didn't stop conservative witch-hunters from coming after him.

Now you claim you don't care.....but yet you immerse yourself right into the conversation defending O'Reilly. Geez, I would draw you a picture if that would help you, but maybe you just need to bone up......

You start off with a lie. I never claimed anything like that. I wondered if you morons knew that or not. From that lie you come to all the wrong conclusions.

Your lame ass excuse still doesn't explain how you can say I didn't care about Williams because I will defend O'Reilly. The Williams incident was before the O'Reilly incident doofus.

What lie did I start with? I'm going by your lame responses....if you mean something else you need to explain better....

You started off by saying that O'Reilly wasn't running for anything.......well, ijit, I said, neither was Williams.

Then you say you don't care.....(that Williams wasn't running for anything either) and yet you conservatives still jumped all over his case?)
That is what your response seems to convey. If it doesn't, why don't you explain it.....we're not mind readers, especially blank-mind readers.

Forget it dumbass. You are too stupid to argue with. You can't grasp anything complicated, you can't understand what you read, and you can't follow a line of discussion. It's not even fun poking you with a stick any more.

Continue on with your ignorance.
Yo, tell your boss Soros to get off another way? You Clowns all look alike, sorry as HELL! O`Reilly is the man!!


Maybe you'll get lucky this time. Maybe this won't be a complete lie like the Mother Jones story was.


Prove that MJ was found lying. Go ahead. We'll wait right here for you. If they are lying then there should be refutations and laws suits for libel all fucking over the place. Please make sure you provide links.

No shit for brains, it is MJ that has something to prove, they have failed to do that, therefor, it's a lie.

This lie isn't about Mother Jones and O'Reilly's elaboration on his stint in's about his lie about being in Florida and hearing a shot that even the maids inside the house didn't hear........try to stay on topic.

You cannot understand what you read and you cannot follow a logical line of discussion. This explains why you are a Progressive. You are borderline retarded.

You're the one that can't understand......

I'm telling you, idiot, that this thread isn't about the MJ's about another lie that O'Reilly told. Stay on topic.

The full discussion is in each and every post you make when you reply to me. Yet, you still cannot follow the conversation. Fascinating.
Of course you don't, because you'll defend O'Reilly no matter what lie he says.....that's no surprise.

That doesn't even make sense dumbass. You are trying to say that I didnt care about Williams because I'll defend O'Reilly? are you drunk posting today?

I'll dumb it down for claimed that O'Reilly wasn't running for therefore we shouldn't be coming after him.

Well, I then told you that Williams wasn't running for anything either, but it didn't stop conservative witch-hunters from coming after him.

Now you claim you don't care.....but yet you immerse yourself right into the conversation defending O'Reilly. Geez, I would draw you a picture if that would help you, but maybe you just need to bone up......

You start off with a lie. I never claimed anything like that. I wondered if you morons knew that or not. From that lie you come to all the wrong conclusions.

Your lame ass excuse still doesn't explain how you can say I didn't care about Williams because I will defend O'Reilly. The Williams incident was before the O'Reilly incident doofus.

What lie did I start with? I'm going by your lame responses....if you mean something else you need to explain better....

You started off by saying that O'Reilly wasn't running for anything.......well, ijit, I said, neither was Williams.

Then you say you don't care.....(that Williams wasn't running for anything either) and yet you conservatives still jumped all over his case?)
That is what your response seems to convey. If it doesn't, why don't you explain it.....we're not mind readers, especially blank-mind readers.

Forget it dumbass. You are too stupid to argue with. You can't grasp anything complicated, you can't understand what you read, and you can't follow a line of discussion. It's not even fun poking you with a stick any more.

Continue on with your ignorance.'re the one with the problem....but like a retard, you get mad at the ones trying to make sense of your stupid posts. Next time I'll draw you a picture....maybe that will help you, moron.
Prove that MJ was found lying. Go ahead. We'll wait right here for you. If they are lying then there should be refutations and laws suits for libel all fucking over the place. Please make sure you provide links.

No shit for brains, it is MJ that has something to prove, they have failed to do that, therefor, it's a lie.

This lie isn't about Mother Jones and O'Reilly's elaboration on his stint in's about his lie about being in Florida and hearing a shot that even the maids inside the house didn't hear........try to stay on topic.

You cannot understand what you read and you cannot follow a logical line of discussion. This explains why you are a Progressive. You are borderline retarded.

You're the one that can't understand......

I'm telling you, idiot, that this thread isn't about the MJ's about another lie that O'Reilly told. Stay on topic.

The full discussion is in each and every post you make when you reply to me. Yet, you still cannot follow the conversation. Fascinating.

The full discussion you are talking about is not what the OP is about, dipshit. Quit trying to derail the thread with the MJ story, asswipe......that's what I'm trying to tell you.....maybe you comprende now?
Bill O’Reilly’s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far
Another Fabrication: O Reilly Never Witnessed the Killing of Nuns in El Salvador

Bill O'Reilly has claimed repeatedly that he witnessed the execution of nuns while reporting in 1981 on the civil war in El Salvador, an apparent fabrication that is at odds with both history and what O'Reilly himself has said about arriving in the country after the event took place, according to new information unearthed by Media Matters.

Between 1980 and 1992, a civil war raged in El Salvador between the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) and the government of El Salvador. On December 2, 1980, four members of the Salvadoran national guard raped and shot "three American nuns and a layworker." The tragedy ''did more to inflame the debate over El Salvador in the United States than any other single incident,'' according to a 1993 State Department report. After the death of Silvia Arriola, a member of a religious order killed six weeks after those four churchwomen, "no priests or nuns were killed in El Salvador for more than eight years," according to Dr. Anna Lisa Peterson, a professor of religion at the University of Florida.

O'Reilly has spoken on several occasions about his time covering the Salvadoran civil war as a CBS correspondent in 1981, suggesting at least twice that he witnessed the murder of the churchwomen. On the September 27, 2005, edition of his talk-radio program The Radio Factor, O'Reilly said, "I've seen guys gun down nuns in El Salvador." And on the December 14, 2012, edition of his Fox News show, O'Reilly spoke of telling his mother that "I was in El Salvador and I saw nuns get shot in the back of the head."

However, O'Reilly could not possibly have witnessed the murder of the churchwomen if his own timeline is to be believed. The former CBS correspondent only arrived in El Salvador in 1981, as he mentioned on the February 22, 2002, edition of The O'Reilly Factor, saying (according to Nexis transcript), "Before I went to El Salvador in 1981, I talked with some experienced Latin American experts, people who had seen the brutal wars down there for themselves. I had never been in a war zone before, so I wanted some prep."

Read more: Another Fabrication O Reilly Never Witnessed The Murder Of Nuns In El Salvador Blog Media Matters for America to source
I wonder if any USMB nutters understand that the game plan for guys like O'Reilly is to see how much of a douchebag he can be and STILL get 20% of the American population to stand by his side.

It is obvious to any aware person that the dude is playing a role 24/7. How pompous can he be and still get ratings? How much can he blow smoke up his viewers asses and still sell books?

I suggest that all O'Reilly fans check youtube for clips of that dude being interviewed by Howard Stern. He knows how stupid you all are. He's been playing you for years.
Yo, you idiots tried Russ Limbaugh, now O`Reilly? Forget about it!!!


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