Bill O'Reilly caught in another lie

None of the O' Reilly crap is sticking per the mainstream media. Just another sad attempt at deflection. Sad. :(

Why the Bill O'Reilly charges aren't sticking

2/23/15 12:42 PM EST
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly almost certainly exaggerated his experiences during the Falklands War and its aftermath in 1982, as several CBS News staffers who were with him at the time attest. He wasn't actually in a "war zone" or "combat situation," as he has often said, but instead at a violent protest. No one appears to have been killed during the riot, despite his claim that "many people died." He was
+certainly not on the Falkland Islands.

So: Why isn't O'Reilly, the highest-rated host on cable news, being subjected to an internal investigation or an unpaid six-month suspension? Some of it is due to his immediate -- and passionate -- dismissal of the charges (a case study in PR). Some of it is due to the fact that, as a partisan pundit rather than a nightly news anchor, the expectations are lower. But most of the blame lays at the feet of Mother Jones.

The journalists who raised the red flags on O'Reilly's statements -- David Corn and Daniel Schulman, of Mother Jones -- started at a disadvantage. These weren't war veterans who felt wronged by O'Reilly's portrayal of events. They were liberal reporters at an admittedly liberal magazine going after the paragon of right-wing punditry. No matter what goods they had on O'Reilly, it would be easy for him to dismiss these detractors as left-wing zealots bent on his destruction (which he did.)

But Corn and Schulman made O'Reilly's job even easier. Their report, titled "Bill O'Reilly Has His Own Brian Williams Problem," promised to deliver conclusive evidence of Choppergate-level sins. Surely, O'Reilly had committed some indesputable fabrication. The promised whopper was in the subhead: "The Fox News host has said he was in a 'war zone' that apparently no American correspondent reached."

Had O'Reilly falsely claimed to have been on the Falkland Islands when he wasn't, the Fox News host might be in serious trouble. But he never really said that. He has said that he was "in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands," which can reasonably be defended as short-hand for "in the Falklands War" -- especially because O'Reilly has oft described his experiences there as taking place in Buenos Aires. "I was not on the Falkland Islands and I never said I was," O'Reilly told the On Media blog last week. That hasn't really been disputed since.

Instead, the debate has shifted to whether or not O'Reilly was actually in "a war zone" or a "combat situation," as he has repeatedly claimed. Well, no, he wasn't. He was present at a violent protest -- or "a riot," or "a demonstration" -- that took place immediately after the conclusion of the war. This is a major embellishment, defensible only under the most forgiving parameters of what constitutes wartime activity. Whatever the case, an embellishment is not going to lead Roger Ailes to fire his most valuable personnel asset. (The network has said that "Fox News Chairman and C.E.O. Roger Ailes and all senior management are in full support of Bill O'Reilly.")

There is one detail in Mother Jones' account that is rather damning: In his book, O'Reilly writes that "many were killed" during the riot. The CBS News report from the riot does not mention any deaths. The former CBS News staffers who spoke with CNN over the weekend likewise claimed that no one died during the riots. "There were certainly no dead people," Jim Forrest, a sound engineer for CBS in Buenos Aires, told CNN's Brian Stelter. "Had there been dead people, they would have sent more camera crews." Manny Alvarez, a cameraman called the claims of deaths "outrageous," and added: "People being mowed down? Where was that? That would have been great footage. That would have turned into the story."

The trouble is, it's probably too late for that to matter. Corn and Schulman picked the wrong battle. They chose to highlight claims that could be argued away on semantics, instead of focusing on matters that could be fact-checked by the absence of reported fatalities. In short, they buried the lead. And because O'Reilly punched holes in the other parts of their argument, it has become all the harder to make the legitimate charges stick.
Nothing 'sad' about it except the RW's desire to pretend this guy is a viable newsman. He's a scumbag, yellow journalist, and liar: is now and always has been. Anyone who takes him seriously is a fool.

Okay is he different than anyone on MSNBC???

Thanks for playing. :bye1:

Okay, HONEY (you're a bag full of shit too): First of all, that's not a response, that's a deflection. And I can't answer regarding MSNBC, I don't get it. I live overseas. But I do get Fox and, as well, I know O'Reilly from back in the days when he was anchor of Inside Edition. I know what a bag full of BS he is.

Thanks for playing, asshole.


Bill O'Reilly may have been able to convince Fox News viewers that he didn't really lie when he made his listeners think he was actually in combat in the Falklands.....but this new lie may be more difficult to explain. Let's see if Fox News is going to hold O'Reilly accountable. :popcorn:

(there's a video of him repeating the story, too)
Bill O’Reilly’s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far

It should come as no surprise, but it’s worth noting that O’Reilly has a massive ego. And like all truly egomaniac blowhards, O’Reilly needs a steady fuel of tall-tales and trumped up stories to feed and placate that inflated sense of importance. To that end, O’Reilly has continually used his platform as a right-wing celebrity to interject himself into stories that he was, at most, on the sidelines for.

And here it is. Bill O’Reilly has repeatedly said he was outside the house when de Mohrenschildt committed suicide, going so far as to say he heard the gunshot.

Yes, The Bill O’Reilly while he was a 20-something reporter for Dallas TV station WFAA was within earshot of de Morhenschildt’s suicide. However, and predictably enough, Media Matters noted that on at least three occasions O’Reilly has repeated this story — a story that turns out to be totally untrue.

–Former editor for The Washington Post and noteworthy JFK assassination writer Jefferson Morley said O’Reilly’s story is “not true” and, “It is what these guys all do, they inject themselves into a dramatic situation. O’Reilly was chasing this story, but he wasn’t there, he made it sound like he was more on the scene than he was, it was show business.”

–The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s report on de Mohrenschildt’s death doesn’t mention O’Reilly at all, even though it probably would have since he was presumably the only witness to hear the shot. The report also noted that the only people at the house were two maids and neither heard any gunshot at all.

Bill O Reilly s Latest Whopper Lie is Also His Most Bizarre Lie So Far - The Daily Banter

Meanwhile it was A-OK for Hilary to lie about being under Serbian sniper fire, right?

Dang... I keep forgetting about that one... another case of Stolen Valor, in this case, coming from a former Presidential candidate.

Kinda makes me wonder how many US military veterans decided to vote against her, for such a foolish, despicable lie.

Kinda makes me wonder just how much more that might come into play in 2016, beyond its effect in 2008, when the story first broke.

People who do such things... like Brian Williams... have no honor... and attempt to borrow or leach or steal it from our warriors.

Valor-by-Osmosis... or so they think, until they're "outed" for such despicable lies.

I had forgotten that Hillary had been caught doing just such a thing.

I'll have to remember that one.

I hope America remembers, come 2016, as well.
Clown-faces, indeed...

Yip-yip poodles and ankle-biters...
'I'm not going to defend O'lielly's lies but I'm defending O'lielly's lies.'
Hardly. I'm merely (1) poking fun at the copycat Lefties trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, and (2) putting things into perspective.
Really you are just another slack jawed unhinged mouth-breather garden variety wing nut....
For Bill O'Reilly, the facts are a factor

But now O'Reilly stands exposed of the same kind of puffed-up truth-bending he so regularly derides on his show. O'Reilly said he was in "active war zones" in the Falklands in 1982. He wasn't. He said he survived a "combat situation in Argentina." He didn't. He said he "saw nuns get shot in the back of the head." Nope. Not even in the same country.

True, O'Reilly is more opinionator than journalist. And the Falklands War happened a long time ago. But the facts still matter, and they are just as good a yardstick for O'Reilly as they are for recently suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams.

By journalism ethics, Fox should distance itself from its truth-challenged employee. But that's not likely to happen because for Fox and its fans, credibility is established by different means. Having common enemies matters more than factual detail. That's why Fox has left a canyon-wide gap between its standards and those of NBC.

NBC took its tarnished anchor off the air; Fox let O'Reilly use his show to go on the attack. NBC executives began an investigation of Williams; Fox News CEO Roger Ailes publicly backed his marquee talent. Williams apologized; O'Reilly threatened journalists writing about him.

NBC tried to make itself better. Fox went to war.
Clown-faces, indeed...

Yip-yip poodles and ankle-biters...
'I'm not going to defend O'lielly's lies but I'm defending O'lielly's lies.'
Hardly. I'm merely (1) poking fun at the copycat Lefties trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, and (2) putting things into perspective.
Really you are just another slack jawed unhinged mouth-breather garden variety wing nut....
Calm yourself, junior, or you'll soil your undies...
Clown-faces, indeed...

Yip-yip poodles and ankle-biters...
'I'm not going to defend O'lielly's lies but I'm defending O'lielly's lies.'
Hardly. I'm merely (1) poking fun at the copycat Lefties trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, and (2) putting things into perspective.
Really you are just another slack jawed unhinged mouth-breather garden variety wing nut....
Calm yourself, junior, or you'll soil your undies...
why are you concerned about my undies and why such lame snark?...are you a moron? of course you are you are a conservative ain't you....urrrrrr duhhhh
Yo, you idiots tried Russ Limbaugh, now O`Reilly? Forget about it!!!

Russ ?
Seriously. Who are the idiots? Those who live by their idols.' Rush and O'Reilly, outrageous fabrications, and can't even spell, or those who are grounded in facts and reality?

Yo, if you support the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party, then you are Un-American and a idiot!!!

Photo of the Democrat Idol:

None of the O' Reilly crap is sticking per the mainstream media. Just another sad attempt at deflection. Sad. :(

Why the Bill O'Reilly charges aren't sticking

2/23/15 12:42 PM EST
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly almost certainly exaggerated his experiences during the Falklands War and its aftermath in 1982, as several CBS News staffers who were with him at the time attest. He wasn't actually in a "war zone" or "combat situation," as he has often said, but instead at a violent protest. No one appears to have been killed during the riot, despite his claim that "many people died." He was certainly not on the Falkland Islands.

So: Why isn't O'Reilly, the highest-rated host on cable news, being subjected to an internal investigation or an unpaid six-month suspension? Some of it is due to his immediate -- and passionate -- dismissal of the charges (a case study in PR). Some of it is due to the fact that, as a partisan pundit rather than a nightly news anchor, the expectations are lower. But most of the blame lays at the feet of Mother Jones.

The journalists who raised the red flags on O'Reilly's statements -- David Corn and Daniel Schulman, of Mother Jones -- started at a disadvantage. These weren't war veterans who felt wronged by O'Reilly's portrayal of events. They were liberal reporters at an admittedly liberal magazine going after the paragon of right-wing punditry. No matter what goods they had on O'Reilly, it would be easy for him to dismiss these detractors as left-wing zealots bent on his destruction (which he did.)

But Corn and Schulman made O'Reilly's job even easier. Their report, titled "Bill O'Reilly Has His Own Brian Williams Problem," promised to deliver conclusive evidence of Choppergate-level sins. Surely, O'Reilly had committed some indesputable fabrication. The promised whopper was in the subhead: "The Fox News host has said he was in a 'war zone' that apparently no American correspondent reached."

Had O'Reilly falsely claimed to have been on the Falkland Islands when he wasn't, the Fox News host might be in serious trouble. But he never really said that. He has said that he was "in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands," which can reasonably be defended as short-hand for "in the Falklands War" -- especially because O'Reilly has oft described his experiences there as taking place in Buenos Aires. "I was not on the Falkland Islands and I never said I was," O'Reilly told the On Media blog last week. That hasn't really been disputed since.

Instead, the debate has shifted to whether or not O'Reilly was actually in "a war zone" or a "combat situation," as he has repeatedly claimed. Well, no, he wasn't. He was present at a violent protest -- or "a riot," or "a demonstration" -- that took place immediately after the conclusion of the war. This is a major embellishment, defensible only under the most forgiving parameters of what constitutes wartime activity. Whatever the case, an embellishment is not going to lead Roger Ailes to fire his most valuable personnel asset. (The network has said that "Fox News Chairman and C.E.O. Roger Ailes and all senior management are in full support of Bill O'Reilly.")

There is one detail in Mother Jones' account that is rather damning: In his book, O'Reilly writes that "many were killed" during the riot. The CBS News report from the riot does not mention any deaths. The former CBS News staffers who spoke with CNN over the weekend likewise claimed that no one died during the riots. "There were certainly no dead people," Jim Forrest, a sound engineer for CBS in Buenos Aires, told CNN's Brian Stelter. "Had there been dead people, they would have sent more camera crews." Manny Alvarez, a cameraman called the claims of deaths "outrageous," and added: "People being mowed down? Where was that? That would have been great footage. That would have turned into the story."

The trouble is, it's probably too late for that to matter. Corn and Schulman picked the wrong battle. They chose to highlight claims that could be argued away on semantics, instead of focusing on matters that could be fact-checked by the absence of reported fatalities. In short, they buried the lead. And because O'Reilly punched holes in the other parts of their argument, it has become all the harder to make the legitimate charges stick.
Nothing 'sad' about it except the RW's desire to pretend this guy is a viable newsman. He's a scumbag, yellow journalist, and liar: is now and always has been. Anyone who takes him seriously is a fool.

The knuckle draggers who watch FOX 24/7 love it when Bill comes up with another lie.
Yo, you idiots tried Russ Limbaugh, now O`Reilly? Forget about it!!!

Russ ?
Seriously. Who are the idiots? Those who live by their idols.' Rush and O'Reilly, outrageous fabrications, and can't even spell, or those who are grounded in facts and reality?

Yo, if you support the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party, then you are Un-American and a idiot!!!

Photo of the Democrat Idol:

View attachment 37256
Yo, you're a moron and don't know how to think.
Yo, you idiots tried Russ Limbaugh, now O`Reilly? Forget about it!!!

Russ ?
Seriously. Who are the idiots? Those who live by their idols.' Rush and O'Reilly, outrageous fabrications, and can't even spell, or those who are grounded in facts and reality?

Yo, if you support the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party, then you are Un-American and a idiot!!!

Photo of the Democrat Idol:

View attachment 37256
Yo, you're a moron and don't know how to think.
The penis growing out of the top of his head makes him a bit off balanced.

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