Bill O'Reilly caught in another lie

just having a field day, watching the Looney Left having multiple orgasms, over the pointless, witless O'Reilly copycat assaults.
We have had and continue to have a field day with Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi .,...your pathetic efforts to smear and scandalize.....Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi ...pointless witless treacherous Republican conservative horse shit
I'm just here to point out the ridiculous nature of the Left's copycat drive-by shooting here...
Enjoying a blowhard's mendacity being revealed is ridiculous? But that is the whole point of blowhards, they'd have no use otherwise.

Btw, Billo Lielly has seen photos of nuns shot in the head. He knows about combat zones, he's been there.
just having a field day, watching the Looney Left having multiple orgasms, over the pointless, witless O'Reilly copycat assaults.
We have had and continue to have a field day with Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi .,...your pathetic efforts to smear and scandalize.....Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi ...pointless witless treacherous Republican conservative horse shit
Me? Harping-on about Benghazi? When? Where? I'm smearing and scandalizing? Whom? When? Where.

Junior... don't blame me, if you don't like looking in the mirror (pointless, witless, treacherous, petty copycat assaults).
I'm just here to point out the ridiculous nature of the Left's copycat drive-by shooting here...
Enjoying a blowhard's mendacity being revealed is ridiculous? But that is the whole point of blowhards, they'd have no use otherwise.

Btw, Billo Lielly has seen photos of nuns shot in the head. He knows about combat zones, he's been there.
I'm just here to point out the ridiculous nature of the Left's copycat drive-by shooting here...
Enjoying a blowhard's mendacity being revealed is ridiculous?...
It certainly can be - as it is in this instance.

If this were an original character-assassination "hit", you might have caught far more folks' attention, but it's so bloody obviously a "copycat drive-by shooting" in retaliation for the massacre of Brian Williams, and the timing is so hard-on-the-heels of that, that you lose most of your momentum and credibility in the process.

Even if it's all true - and I don't care whether it is or not - it's copycatting - it's too close to Williams' own demise - and there's no Stolen Valor related to our own troops. Boring.
Looks like he should be in the same "kill zone" that he wanted to put David Corn in. More of his lies will be coming out.
I'm not as stupid as you are......not by a long shot. Nobody is that stupid.

Playtex, you have to grasp that reciting memes from ThinkProgress, KOS, and the other hate sites is not a sign of intelligence - quite the opposite. Even with an IQ of DD you should be able to grasp that...

Uninformed2008.....quit showing your massive butt hurt. Billo is a lying POS....and I know it must really pain your butt to have it broadcast and not be able to refute any of the stories.....keep whining.....

Here are two very credible sources that convinced me that Corn is making shit up again and I don't even watch O'Reilly.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O’Reilly’s Account of Falklands War Riot

Don Brownewas the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report: TV Crew Members ‘Knocked to the Ground’ in Riots Where O’Reilly Was

In the video, anchorDan Ratherdescribes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.

“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”

“Police moved in with clubs and tear gas, they dispersed the crowd,” he continued. “Some television crew members were knocked to the ground.”

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report TV Crew Members Knocked to the Ground in Riots Where O Reilly Was Mediaite
I'm not as stupid as you are......not by a long shot. Nobody is that stupid.

Playtex, you have to grasp that reciting memes from ThinkProgress, KOS, and the other hate sites is not a sign of intelligence - quite the opposite. Even with an IQ of DD you should be able to grasp that...

Uninformed2008.....quit showing your massive butt hurt. Billo is a lying POS....and I know it must really pain your butt to have it broadcast and not be able to refute any of the stories.....keep whining.....

Here are two very credible sources that convinced me that Corn is making shit up again and I don't even watch O'Reilly.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O’Reilly’s Account of Falklands War Riot

Don Brownewas the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report: TV Crew Members ‘Knocked to the Ground’ in Riots Where O’Reilly Was

In the video, anchorDan Ratherdescribes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.

“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”

“Police moved in with clubs and tear gas, they dispersed the crowd,” he continued. “Some television crew members were knocked to the ground.”

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report TV Crew Members Knocked to the Ground in Riots Where O Reilly Was Mediaite

These people disputing O'Reilly's claims worked alongside him.....I guess they should remember how it went down. After watching O'Reilly bully his guests and talk down to people, I'm prone to believe that he was about burnishing his credentials as a war correspondent, and the gullible have swallowed his crap.

More former CBS staffers challenge Bill O’Reilly’s Falklands war stories

More journalists have come forward to dispute Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s description of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a “combat situation” during the 1982 Falklands War.

Eric Engberg, a former CBS correspondent who worked alongside O’Reilly, challenged his old colleague’s depiction of the environment as a “war zone,” saying it was more of an “expense account zone.”

“He is misrepresenting the situation he covered, and he is obviously doing so to burnish his credentials as a ‘war correspondent,’ which is not the work he was performing during the Falklands war,” Engberg wrote in a Facebook post.

According to Engberg, the riot was short-lived and consisted mainly of chanting, fist-shaking and coin-throwing.

He also took issue with O’Reilly’s claim that he was the only CBS reporter with enough courage to cover the protest because the rest were “hiding in the hotel.”

In an interview with Hamptons TV in 2009, O'Reilly said he told the crew, “‘Why are you guys [hiding]? You got to get out and cover the story,’ which I did.”

“It is an absolute lie,” Engberg wrote. “Everyone was working in the street that night, the crews exhibiting their usual courage. O’Reilly was the one person who behaved unprofessionally and without regard for the safety of the camera crew he was leading.”
Bill O'Reilly of CBS News on July 2, 1980. (CBS/Getty Images)
O’Reilly, who covered the 1982 conflict for CBS News, denied allegations that he claimed to be on the Falkland Islands at the time.

Instead, O’Reilly says, the “war zone” experience refers to a violent protest in the Argentine capital, where angry mobs stormed the presidential palace “trying to overthrow the government,” after it surrendered to the United Kingdom.

“I was there on the street with my camera crews,” he said on “The O’Reilly Factor” Friday night. “The violence was horrific, as Argentine soldiers fired into the crowd, who were responding with violent acts of their own.”

Over the weekend, Engberg and two other former CBS employees who covered the event alongside O’Reilly spoke to CNN about their problems with his version of events.

Manny Alvarez, a CBS cameraman at the time, said he does not believe O’Reilly’s account of his own cameraman being run down and bleeding from the ear.

“Nobody remembers this happening,” Alvarez told the network. “If somebody got hurt, we all would have known.”
Jim Forrest, who was working as a CBS sound engineer, disputed O’Reilly’s claim that “many were killed.”

“There were certainly no dead people,” Forrest said. “Had there been dead people, they would have sent more camera crews.”

Charles Krause, who reported from Buenos Aires at the same time as O’Reilly, called the Fox News host’s tales from the Argentine capital “absurd.”

“I don’t recall him doing any major story that anybody remembers, and he was there a very short time, then he was recalled, I don't know why,” Krause said in an interview with Media Matters for America. “He wasn’t a team player, and people thought he was grandstanding, basically.”

Krause, who had lived in Buenos Aires for three years before the war, says journalists were not in harm’s way but he understands why someone who does not speak Spanish might have felt a little uncomfortable at the time.

“There were some anti-American demonstrations a little bit, and if you went out, it was better not to advertise the fact you were American,” he said.

Krause also doubts that O’Reilly saw anyone die during the protest.

“There’s a difference between demonstrations and rioting,” Krause told Media Matters for America. “I don't recall there being rioting, there could have been scuffling.”

More former CBS staffers challenge Bill O Reilly s Falklands war stories - Yahoo News
I'm not as stupid as you are......not by a long shot. Nobody is that stupid.

Playtex, you have to grasp that reciting memes from ThinkProgress, KOS, and the other hate sites is not a sign of intelligence - quite the opposite. Even with an IQ of DD you should be able to grasp that...

Uninformed2008.....quit showing your massive butt hurt. Billo is a lying POS....and I know it must really pain your butt to have it broadcast and not be able to refute any of the stories.....keep whining.....

Here are two very credible sources that convinced me that Corn is making shit up again and I don't even watch O'Reilly.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O’Reilly’s Account of Falklands War Riot

Don Brownewas the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report: TV Crew Members ‘Knocked to the Ground’ in Riots Where O’Reilly Was

In the video, anchorDan Ratherdescribes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.

“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”

“Police moved in with clubs and tear gas, they dispersed the crowd,” he continued. “Some television crew members were knocked to the ground.”

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report TV Crew Members Knocked to the Ground in Riots Where O Reilly Was Mediaite

These people disputing O'Reilly's claims worked alongside him.....I guess they should remember how it went down. After watching O'Reilly bully his guests and talk down to people, I'm prone to believe that he was about burnishing his credentials as a war correspondent, and the gullible have swallowed his crap.

More former CBS staffers challenge Bill O’Reilly’s Falklands war stories

More journalists have come forward to dispute Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s description of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a “combat situation” during the 1982 Falklands War.

Eric Engberg, a former CBS correspondent who worked alongside O’Reilly, challenged his old colleague’s depiction of the environment as a “war zone,” saying it was more of an “expense account zone.”

“He is misrepresenting the situation he covered, and he is obviously doing so to burnish his credentials as a ‘war correspondent,’ which is not the work he was performing during the Falklands war,” Engberg wrote in a Facebook post.

According to Engberg, the riot was short-lived and consisted mainly of chanting, fist-shaking and coin-throwing.

He also took issue with O’Reilly’s claim that he was the only CBS reporter with enough courage to cover the protest because the rest were “hiding in the hotel.”

In an interview with Hamptons TV in 2009, O'Reilly said he told the crew, “‘Why are you guys [hiding]? You got to get out and cover the story,’ which I did.”

“It is an absolute lie,” Engberg wrote. “Everyone was working in the street that night, the crews exhibiting their usual courage. O’Reilly was the one person who behaved unprofessionally and without regard for the safety of the camera crew he was leading.”

Bill O'Reilly of CBS News on July 2, 1980. (CBS/Getty Images)
O’Reilly, who covered the 1982 conflict for CBS News, denied allegations that he claimed to be on the Falkland Islands at the time.

Instead, O’Reilly says, the “war zone” experience refers to a violent protest in the Argentine capital, where angry mobs stormed the presidential palace “trying to overthrow the government,” after it surrendered to the United Kingdom.

“I was there on the street with my camera crews,” he said on “The O’Reilly Factor” Friday night. “The violence was horrific, as Argentine soldiers fired into the crowd, who were responding with violent acts of their own.”

Over the weekend, Engberg and two other former CBS employees who covered the event alongside O’Reilly spoke to CNN about their problems with his version of events.

Manny Alvarez, a CBS cameraman at the time, said he does not believe O’Reilly’s account of his own cameraman being run down and bleeding from the ear.

“Nobody remembers this happening,” Alvarez told the network. “If somebody got hurt, we all would have known.”

Jim Forrest, who was working as a CBS sound engineer, disputed O’Reilly’s claim that “many were killed.”

“There were certainly no dead people,” Forrest said. “Had there been dead people, they would have sent more camera crews.”

Charles Krause, who reported from Buenos Aires at the same time as O’Reilly, called the Fox News host’s tales from the Argentine capital “absurd.”

“I don’t recall him doing any major story that anybody remembers, and he was there a very short time, then he was recalled, I don't know why,” Krause said in an interview with Media Matters for America. “He wasn’t a team player, and people thought he was grandstanding, basically.”

Krause, who had lived in Buenos Aires for three years before the war, says journalists were not in harm’s way but he understands why someone who does not speak Spanish might have felt a little uncomfortable at the time.

“There were some anti-American demonstrations a little bit, and if you went out, it was better not to advertise the fact you were American,” he said.

Krause also doubts that O’Reilly saw anyone die during the protest.

“There’s a difference between demonstrations and rioting,” Krause told Media Matters for America. “I don't recall there being rioting, there could have been scuffling.”

More former CBS staffers challenge Bill O Reilly s Falklands war stories - Yahoo News
The difference between Brian Williams' despicable acts of Stolen Valor (as a civilian, in connection with our own troops and military operations) and Bill O'Reilly (with a variety of unproven and weak-kneed allegations regarding ancient events in Argentina in the 80s)...


The public at-large might have been far more receptive had the attempted character assassination on O'Reilly been timed better, rather than hard-on-the-heels of the massacre of Liberal news mouthpiece Brian WIlliams on Liberal -leaning NBC...

Americans know that this is a johnny-come-lately afterthought smear-campaign, designed to try to take-out a Conservative mouthpiece, as a pound of flesh, in revenge for the pound that the Liberals lost with Williams in recent days...

What that means is, even if every single allegation against O'Reilly is true (and that's far from established fact, as I write this), the credibility of the accusers has been gravely damaged and the timing of the assault shreds most of the goodwill that they might otherwise have enjoyed in presenting the matter...

Bad timing... insufficient finesse... too much salivating... too vicious... too clumsy... all serve to make this an Epic Fail.

Liberals can delude themselves that they have avenged Williams, but that delusion has very little to do with Reality.

Life goes on, and so does O'Reilly, for better or worse (and I don't really care which).

Last edited:
I'm not as stupid as you are......not by a long shot. Nobody is that stupid.

Playtex, you have to grasp that reciting memes from ThinkProgress, KOS, and the other hate sites is not a sign of intelligence - quite the opposite. Even with an IQ of DD you should be able to grasp that...

Uninformed2008.....quit showing your massive butt hurt. Billo is a lying POS....and I know it must really pain your butt to have it broadcast and not be able to refute any of the stories.....keep whining.....

Here are two very credible sources that convinced me that Corn is making shit up again and I don't even watch O'Reilly.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O’Reilly’s Account of Falklands War Riot

Don Brownewas the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report: TV Crew Members ‘Knocked to the Ground’ in Riots Where O’Reilly Was

In the video, anchorDan Ratherdescribes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.

“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”

“Police moved in with clubs and tear gas, they dispersed the crowd,” he continued. “Some television crew members were knocked to the ground.”

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report TV Crew Members Knocked to the Ground in Riots Where O Reilly Was Mediaite

These people disputing O'Reilly's claims worked alongside him.....I guess they should remember how it went down. After watching O'Reilly bully his guests and talk down to people, I'm prone to believe that he was about burnishing his credentials as a war correspondent, and the gullible have swallowed his crap.

More former CBS staffers challenge Bill O’Reilly’s Falklands war stories

More journalists have come forward to dispute Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s description of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a “combat situation” during the 1982 Falklands War.

Eric Engberg, a former CBS correspondent who worked alongside O’Reilly, challenged his old colleague’s depiction of the environment as a “war zone,” saying it was more of an “expense account zone.”

“He is misrepresenting the situation he covered, and he is obviously doing so to burnish his credentials as a ‘war correspondent,’ which is not the work he was performing during the Falklands war,” Engberg wrote in a Facebook post.

According to Engberg, the riot was short-lived and consisted mainly of chanting, fist-shaking and coin-throwing.

He also took issue with O’Reilly’s claim that he was the only CBS reporter with enough courage to cover the protest because the rest were “hiding in the hotel.”

In an interview with Hamptons TV in 2009, O'Reilly said he told the crew, “‘Why are you guys [hiding]? You got to get out and cover the story,’ which I did.”

“It is an absolute lie,” Engberg wrote. “Everyone was working in the street that night, the crews exhibiting their usual courage. O’Reilly was the one person who behaved unprofessionally and without regard for the safety of the camera crew he was leading.”

Bill O'Reilly of CBS News on July 2, 1980. (CBS/Getty Images)
O’Reilly, who covered the 1982 conflict for CBS News, denied allegations that he claimed to be on the Falkland Islands at the time.

Instead, O’Reilly says, the “war zone” experience refers to a violent protest in the Argentine capital, where angry mobs stormed the presidential palace “trying to overthrow the government,” after it surrendered to the United Kingdom.

“I was there on the street with my camera crews,” he said on “The O’Reilly Factor” Friday night. “The violence was horrific, as Argentine soldiers fired into the crowd, who were responding with violent acts of their own.”

Over the weekend, Engberg and two other former CBS employees who covered the event alongside O’Reilly spoke to CNN about their problems with his version of events.

Manny Alvarez, a CBS cameraman at the time, said he does not believe O’Reilly’s account of his own cameraman being run down and bleeding from the ear.

“Nobody remembers this happening,” Alvarez told the network. “If somebody got hurt, we all would have known.”

Jim Forrest, who was working as a CBS sound engineer, disputed O’Reilly’s claim that “many were killed.”

“There were certainly no dead people,” Forrest said. “Had there been dead people, they would have sent more camera crews.”

Charles Krause, who reported from Buenos Aires at the same time as O’Reilly, called the Fox News host’s tales from the Argentine capital “absurd.”

“I don’t recall him doing any major story that anybody remembers, and he was there a very short time, then he was recalled, I don't know why,” Krause said in an interview with Media Matters for America. “He wasn’t a team player, and people thought he was grandstanding, basically.”

Krause, who had lived in Buenos Aires for three years before the war, says journalists were not in harm’s way but he understands why someone who does not speak Spanish might have felt a little uncomfortable at the time.

“There were some anti-American demonstrations a little bit, and if you went out, it was better not to advertise the fact you were American,” he said.

Krause also doubts that O’Reilly saw anyone die during the protest.

“There’s a difference between demonstrations and rioting,” Krause told Media Matters for America. “I don't recall there being rioting, there could have been scuffling.”

More former CBS staffers challenge Bill O Reilly s Falklands war stories - Yahoo News
Love your sig-logo about Hillary...

She and Brian Williams share something in common...

They're both Stolen Valor types... falsely claiming to have been under fire alongside American combat troops...

Birds of a feather...

About something that pisses off a great many US active duty military personnel and a great many US veterans...

Playtex, you have to grasp that reciting memes from ThinkProgress, KOS, and the other hate sites is not a sign of intelligence - quite the opposite. Even with an IQ of DD you should be able to grasp that...

Uninformed2008.....quit showing your massive butt hurt. Billo is a lying POS....and I know it must really pain your butt to have it broadcast and not be able to refute any of the stories.....keep whining.....

Here are two very credible sources that convinced me that Corn is making shit up again and I don't even watch O'Reilly.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O’Reilly’s Account of Falklands War Riot

Don Brownewas the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report: TV Crew Members ‘Knocked to the Ground’ in Riots Where O’Reilly Was

In the video, anchorDan Ratherdescribes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.

“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”

“Police moved in with clubs and tear gas, they dispersed the crowd,” he continued. “Some television crew members were knocked to the ground.”

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report TV Crew Members Knocked to the Ground in Riots Where O Reilly Was Mediaite

These people disputing O'Reilly's claims worked alongside him.....I guess they should remember how it went down. After watching O'Reilly bully his guests and talk down to people, I'm prone to believe that he was about burnishing his credentials as a war correspondent, and the gullible have swallowed his crap.

More former CBS staffers challenge Bill O’Reilly’s Falklands war stories

More journalists have come forward to dispute Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s description of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a “combat situation” during the 1982 Falklands War.

Eric Engberg, a former CBS correspondent who worked alongside O’Reilly, challenged his old colleague’s depiction of the environment as a “war zone,” saying it was more of an “expense account zone.”

“He is misrepresenting the situation he covered, and he is obviously doing so to burnish his credentials as a ‘war correspondent,’ which is not the work he was performing during the Falklands war,” Engberg wrote in a Facebook post.

According to Engberg, the riot was short-lived and consisted mainly of chanting, fist-shaking and coin-throwing.

He also took issue with O’Reilly’s claim that he was the only CBS reporter with enough courage to cover the protest because the rest were “hiding in the hotel.”

In an interview with Hamptons TV in 2009, O'Reilly said he told the crew, “‘Why are you guys [hiding]? You got to get out and cover the story,’ which I did.”

“It is an absolute lie,” Engberg wrote. “Everyone was working in the street that night, the crews exhibiting their usual courage. O’Reilly was the one person who behaved unprofessionally and without regard for the safety of the camera crew he was leading.”

Bill O'Reilly of CBS News on July 2, 1980. (CBS/Getty Images)
O’Reilly, who covered the 1982 conflict for CBS News, denied allegations that he claimed to be on the Falkland Islands at the time.

Instead, O’Reilly says, the “war zone” experience refers to a violent protest in the Argentine capital, where angry mobs stormed the presidential palace “trying to overthrow the government,” after it surrendered to the United Kingdom.

“I was there on the street with my camera crews,” he said on “The O’Reilly Factor” Friday night. “The violence was horrific, as Argentine soldiers fired into the crowd, who were responding with violent acts of their own.”

Over the weekend, Engberg and two other former CBS employees who covered the event alongside O’Reilly spoke to CNN about their problems with his version of events.

Manny Alvarez, a CBS cameraman at the time, said he does not believe O’Reilly’s account of his own cameraman being run down and bleeding from the ear.

“Nobody remembers this happening,” Alvarez told the network. “If somebody got hurt, we all would have known.”

Jim Forrest, who was working as a CBS sound engineer, disputed O’Reilly’s claim that “many were killed.”

“There were certainly no dead people,” Forrest said. “Had there been dead people, they would have sent more camera crews.”

Charles Krause, who reported from Buenos Aires at the same time as O’Reilly, called the Fox News host’s tales from the Argentine capital “absurd.”

“I don’t recall him doing any major story that anybody remembers, and he was there a very short time, then he was recalled, I don't know why,” Krause said in an interview with Media Matters for America. “He wasn’t a team player, and people thought he was grandstanding, basically.”

Krause, who had lived in Buenos Aires for three years before the war, says journalists were not in harm’s way but he understands why someone who does not speak Spanish might have felt a little uncomfortable at the time.

“There were some anti-American demonstrations a little bit, and if you went out, it was better not to advertise the fact you were American,” he said.

Krause also doubts that O’Reilly saw anyone die during the protest.

“There’s a difference between demonstrations and rioting,” Krause told Media Matters for America. “I don't recall there being rioting, there could have been scuffling.”

More former CBS staffers challenge Bill O Reilly s Falklands war stories - Yahoo News
Love your sig-logo about Hillary...

She and Brian Williams share something in common...

They're both Stolen Valor types... falsely claiming to have been under fire alongside American combat troops...

Birds of a feather...

About something that pisses off a great many US active duty military personnel and a great many US veterans...


You forgot to add Bill O'Reilly, but I'm not surprised. You like the rest of the gullible will continue to claim that O'Reilly didn't about denial. At least both Williams and Hillary have admitted and apologized for their error.....Billo the Clown? not so much.

Oh, and about O'Reilly's denial and try at redemption on Faux News.....

CBS Has Released the Falklands Protest Footage Bill O'Reilly Asked For. It Doesn't Support His Claims.
The Fox News host says he was in a "war zone" where police gunned down civilians. The video doesn't show that.

CBS News today posted its reports from Buenos Aires at the end of the Falklands war, in response to a request from Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, who has been seeking to counter reports that he mischaracterized his wartime reporting experience. But rather than bolstering O'Reilly's description of the anti-government protest he says he covered as a "combat situation," the tape corroborates the accounts of other journalists who were there and who have described it as simply a chaotic, violent protest.
CBS Has Released the Falklands Protest Footage Bill O Reilly Asked For. It Doesn t Support His Claims. Mother Jones
...You forgot to add Bill O'Reilly, but I'm not surprised. You like the rest of the gullible will continue to claim that O'Reilly didn't about denial. At least both Williams and Hillary have admitted and apologized for their error.....Billo the Clown? not so much...[/SIZE]
I'm gullible, and claim that O'Reilly didn't lie?


No, I said that it didn't matter a good goddamn whether O'Reilly did lie or not, because (1) it did not involve Stolen Valor -type claims in connection with American troops and American military operations and (2) the timing and frenzied feeding from the Left associated with this mark it as a mere copycat retaliation.

Get your antagonists sorted before you start dissing them, eh?
...You forgot to add Bill O'Reilly, but I'm not surprised. You like the rest of the gullible will continue to claim that O'Reilly didn't about denial. At least both Williams and Hillary have admitted and apologized for their error.....Billo the Clown? not so much...[/SIZE]
I'm gullible, and claim that O'Reilly didn't lie?


No, I said that it didn't matter a good goddamn whether O'Reilly did lie or not, because (1) it did not involve Stolen Valor -type claims in connection with American troops and American military operations and (2) the timing and frenzied feeding from the Left associated with this mark it as a mere copycat retaliation.

Get your antagonists sorted before you start dissing them, eh?

Saying it didn't matter isn't a ringing endorsement......and your pointing out of lefties that have lied clearly translates to defending the fat liar, O'Reilly. And if we're only concerned about the ones that lie in connections with American troops and American military operations, then you should have mentioned Bozo Boooooosh.........the biggest, fattest liar of them all.

Fox News forced to backtrack again over Bill O Reilly s reporting claims

Fox News has admitted, in answer to questions from the Washington Post , that host Bill O’Reilly did not witness any bombings in Northern Ireland or murders in El Salvador. The network said he saw only photographs of such atrocities.

stolen Valor

O’Reilly has claimed in broadcasts and books to have covered “four wars”, citing Northern Ireland, El Salvador, the Falklands and an unspecified conflict in Israel.
Saying it didn't matter isn't a ringing endorsement......and your pointing out of lefties that have lied clearly translates to defending the fat liar, O'Reilly. And if we're only concerned about the ones that lie in connections with American troops and American military operations, then you should have mentioned Bozo Boooooosh.........the biggest, fattest liar of them all.

The 50th time you Soros assclowns moved the goal posts, even the dimmest bulbs caught on to your desperation... :thup:
Saying it didn't matter isn't a ringing endorsement......and your pointing out of lefties that have lied clearly translates to defending the fat liar, O'Reilly. And if we're only concerned about the ones that lie in connections with American troops and American military operations, then you should have mentioned Bozo Boooooosh.........the biggest, fattest liar of them all.

The 50th time you Soros assclowns moved the goal posts, even the dimmest bulbs caught on to your desperation... :thup:

Nobody moved the goal posts........Billo the Clown is the biggest approved and defended liar on the to Boooooooooooosh!

Fox News forced to backtrack again over Bill O Reilly s reporting claims

Fox News has admitted, in answer to questions from the Washington Post , that host Bill O’Reilly did not witness any bombings in Northern Ireland or murders in El Salvador. The network said he saw only photographs of such atrocities.

stolen Valor

O’Reilly has claimed in broadcasts and books to have covered “four wars”, citing Northern Ireland, El Salvador, the Falklands and an unspecified conflict in Israel.


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