Bill O'Reilly, "In another state, that never would have happened"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Bloviating Bill says 'that ["stand your ground"] law in Florida' caused the killing and says, "in another state, that never would have happened".

As always, he's stupid and he's wrong. There are many other states that allow you to kill without consequence.
There are 27 states where people are allowed to defend themselves. In many others there isn't a law, but self defense is seldom prosecuted.
Liberals do not like the concept of self defense. They prefer to find criminals the unfortunate poor who had a right to commit that crime.
Liberals do not like the concept of self defense. They prefer to find criminals the unfortunate poor who had a right to commit that crime.
Has the Trayvon Martin fiasco revealed holes in castle statutes? - Art of Manliness

Since Florida liberalized its castle statue via the "Stand Your Ground Law" in 2005, the incidence of justifiable homicide has risen precipitously. Florida residents are now permitted to use deadly force not only in the privacy of their own home in the event of an intruder, but in public places (including a neighborhood street). Is the Zimmerman-Martin incident evidence of why people outside law enforcement, who often don't have training in conflict resolution and use of firearms, shouldn't be allowed to use deadly force in these kinds of situations?
Is the Zimmerman-Martin incident evidence of why people outside law enforcement, who often don't have training in conflict resolution and use of firearms, shouldn't be allowed to use deadly force in these kinds of situations?

How much training should someone need to get before they are allowed to defend themselves?
Bloviating Bill says 'that ["stand your ground"] law in Florida' caused the killing and says, "in another state, that never would have happened".

As always, he's stupid and he's wrong. There are many other states that allow you to kill without consequence.

yeah kinda like California with OJ or Mass with Willie Horton, but those are liberal states, hmmmmmm. interesting.

I love rich, hypocritical liberals railing against guns and gun rights, yet they will *Rosie ODonell ring a bell* use guns if they have to. Yeah lets stop allowing law abiding citizens to not have guns, because criminals will follow the law.....oh wait isnt the definition of crimial as people who dont follow the's so confusing Again rich liberals want laws that only apply to the "little" people, while they continue to live life as they always have.
Bloviating Bill says 'that ["stand your ground"] law in Florida' caused the killing and says, "in another state, that never would have happened".

As always, he's stupid and he's wrong. There are many other states that allow you to kill without consequence.

Laws don't kill people, people kill people.

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