Bill O'Reilly.....Slaves that built the white house were well fed

Bill O'Reilly's credentials as an historian are mocked by real historians

His "Killing" books are looked at as entertainment fabricated for the masses

Interesting...when it is for 'the masses' it is bad but when it is for intellectuals like 'real historians' then it is somehow good. Can you tell me why you have such a disdain for 'the masses' such as everyday working Americans that the democratic party pretends to care so much about?
Historians have distinct checks and balances on what is accepted as the historical record. O'Reilly, in his books, tends to give historical credence to conspiracy theories and myths which are popular with the public

I see...popular opinion is to stupid to be taken seriously. When should we begin to dismantle the democratic system since it is kind of ran by popular opinion of the masses.
As soon as you can put together a grammatically correct sentence, that's when we should begin to do it. In other words, a long, long, long time from now.

It appears that I have hit it pretty close to the mark.
Slavery is a non-issue in today's politics unless you actually know of a movement to bring back slavery? I'm pretty sure the democratic party took it out of its platform after 1865 or so. Maybe this should be moved to the history section of this website?

It may be a non-issue but it is one of the only accomplishments todays Republicans can point to when asked about minority outreach

That is because some people don't consider endless state welfare proper minority outreach. The second point is why to non-whites deserve special attention in the first place?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

We are capable of taking care of our less fortunate

I never thought that black people were in the same catagory as the handicap.

Sorry, I have no idea what the fuck you are rambling about

You said that we should take care of the less fortunate. I assumed you were talking about minorities. Why do you see these people as somehow unable to take care of themselves?
I think that if you feel so angry and that something unjust has happenned in America that you may want to alleviate some of your burden. reparations

Feel free to donate
It may be a non-issue but it is one of the only accomplishments todays Republicans can point to when asked about minority outreach

That is because some people don't consider endless state welfare proper minority outreach. The second point is why to non-whites deserve special attention in the first place?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

We are capable of taking care of our less fortunate

I never thought that black people were in the same catagory as the handicap.

Sorry, I have no idea what the fuck you are rambling about

You said that we should take care of the less fortunate. I assumed you were talking about minorities. Why do you see these people as somehow unable to take care of themselves?

The poor, the elderly, the handicapped

There are those that our society has left behind. Those that used to be able to take care of themselves but have now been discarded by our society dedicated to the wealthy
That is because some people don't consider endless state welfare proper minority outreach. The second point is why to non-whites deserve special attention in the first place?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

We are capable of taking care of our less fortunate

I never thought that black people were in the same catagory as the handicap.

Sorry, I have no idea what the fuck you are rambling about

You said that we should take care of the less fortunate. I assumed you were talking about minorities. Why do you see these people as somehow unable to take care of themselves?

The poor, the elderly, the handicapped

There are those that our society has left behind. Those that used to be able to take care of themselves but have now been discarded by our society dedicated to the wealthy

I read that in the communist manifesto as well. I'm glad you ain't original or you wouldn't be so transparent.
It may be a non-issue but it is one of the only accomplishments todays Republicans can point to when asked about minority outreach

That is because some people don't consider endless state welfare proper minority outreach. The second point is why to non-whites deserve special attention in the first place?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

We are capable of taking care of our less fortunate

I never thought that black people were in the same catagory as the handicap.

Sorry, I have no idea what the fuck you are rambling about

You said that we should take care of the less fortunate. I assumed you were talking about minorities. Why do you see these people as somehow unable to take care of themselves?

You want our poor to look like the poor in Africa, or India, or Mexico?

Would that make you happy?
That is because some people don't consider endless state welfare proper minority outreach. The second point is why to non-whites deserve special attention in the first place?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

We are capable of taking care of our less fortunate

I never thought that black people were in the same catagory as the handicap.

Sorry, I have no idea what the fuck you are rambling about

You said that we should take care of the less fortunate. I assumed you were talking about minorities. Why do you see these people as somehow unable to take care of themselves?

You want our poor to look like the poor in Africa, or India, or Mexico?

Would that make you happy?

Nonsensical...non-reality...just plain bullshit on every conceivable dimensional plan possible.
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

We are capable of taking care of our less fortunate

I never thought that black people were in the same catagory as the handicap.

Sorry, I have no idea what the fuck you are ralbling acout

You said that we should take care of the less fortunate. I assumed you were talking about minorities. Why do you see these people as somehow unable to take care of themselves?

You want our poor to look like the poor in Africa, or India, or Mexico?

Would that make you happy?

Nonsensical...non-reality...just plain bullshit on every conceivable dimensional plan possible.

It was a yes or no question.

1. say 'yes', or,

2. say 'no', and then,

explain your answer.
Yanno...................granted, it was Lincoln who freed the slaves, and he was a Republican. The Republicans like to bring up that little factoid as a way to say that they are the party of freedom.

However.......................they leave out the fact that Republicans didn't want blacks voting, which is why there were so many hoops for them to jump through, in the form of poll taxes and various questions to see if they were eligible to vote.

Want to know who finally got the right to vote for blacks, thereby making them full citizens? That's right, LBJ, a Democrat, who passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, right about the time he was running for election after taking over for Kennedy after he was killed.
The US Congress passed the voting rights act and only after the Republicans had enough support to out do the Southern Democrats that all voted against it. Presidents do not create law.
You are misinformed...a higher percentage of Democrats in BOTH Houses voted for the Civil Rights Act than Republicans. ALL Republicans in the South voted against it...while a few Southern Democrats voted for it.
Wrong 62 percent of democrats voted for it and 82 percent of republicans.
I suggest you watch the HBO movie "All In", starring Bryan Cranston. It details the fight that the Civil Rights movement went through with LBJ.

It was Democrats that got the right to vote for the blacks, and eradicated the Jim Crow laws.
And yet only 60 percent of the dems voted for it. And in all the previous attempts the dems shut it down. The Republicans voted 82 percent for it. Perhaps you can explain that to us?
Only 60%? Really?

I cannot find the voting percentages for the Voting Rights Act...but here are the Congress %s for the Civil Rights Act:

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Now do the math 62 percent of dems voted for and 82 percent of republicans voted for. Your own post proves it.
Sorry bout that,

1. I don't believe it lets see the pictures if they did provide labor to build it?
2. Masonry isn't something everyone can do.
3. This is BS!
4. Coming from that crazy bitch/dude mike.
5. She is a he, and I've seen here man root in some pictures and he is kinda big….
6. And Mike has man hands…..
7. Mike has man shoulders.
8. Mike has man hips.
9. Mike is a man.
10. Blacks were not present building the WH.

We are the wealthiest nation on earth

We are capable of taking care of our less fortunate

I never thought that black people were in the same catagory as the handicap.

Sorry, I have no idea what the fuck you are rambling about

You said that we should take care of the less fortunate. I assumed you were talking about minorities. Why do you see these people as somehow unable to take care of themselves?

The poor, the elderly, the handicapped

There are those that our society has left behind. Those that used to be able to take care of themselves but have now been discarded by our society dedicated to the wealthy

I read that in the communist manifesto as well. I'm glad you ain't original or you wouldn't be so transparent.
To conservatives, supporting corporate America is Patriotism

Supporting Americans is SOCIALISM
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

We are capable of taking care of our less fortunate
Not exactly true ( World GDP (Nominal) per capita Ranking 2014 - ), but let's go with that for a minute;

1) Is it better to give a man a fish, even every day, or teach a man to fish? Why?

2) If you have two workers, one who works hard every day for his pay and another who, although healthy and able-bodied, never has the "energy" to meet his work requirements. Should you pay them the same? Should you pay only the hard worker, but "tax" him and give the money to the other worker because you think he can afford it? Will that result in both workers working hard or will both fall to the lowest common denominator and look to you to feed, house and clothe them?
Bill O'Reilly's credentials as an historian are mocked by real historians

His "Killing" books are looked at as entertainment fabricated for the masses

Interesting...when it is for 'the masses' it is bad but when it is for intellectuals like 'real historians' then it is somehow good. Can you tell me why you have such a disdain for 'the masses' such as everyday working Americans that the democratic party pretends to care so much about?
Historians have distinct checks and balances on what is accepted as the historical record. O'Reilly, in his books, tends to give historical credence to conspiracy theories and myths which are popular with the public

I see...popular opinion is to stupid to be taken seriously. When should we begin to dismantle the democratic system since it is kind of ran by popular opinion of the masses.
As soon as you can put together a grammatically correct sentence, that's when we should begin to do it. In other words, a long, long, long time from now.

It appears that I have hit it pretty close to the mark.
You should tell us more about the 2/3rds Clause. :rofl: :rofl:
Yanno...................granted, it was Lincoln who freed the slaves, and he was a Republican. The Republicans like to bring up that little factoid as a way to say that they are the party of freedom.

However.......................they leave out the fact that Republicans didn't want blacks voting, which is why there were so many hoops for them to jump through, in the form of poll taxes and various questions to see if they were eligible to vote.

Want to know who finally got the right to vote for blacks, thereby making them full citizens? That's right, LBJ, a Democrat, who passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, right about the time he was running for election after taking over for Kennedy after he was killed.
The US Congress passed the voting rights act and only after the Republicans had enough support to out do the Southern Democrats that all voted against it. Presidents do not create law.
You are misinformed...a higher percentage of Democrats in BOTH Houses voted for the Civil Rights Act than Republicans. ALL Republicans in the South voted against it...while a few Southern Democrats voted for it.
Wrong 62 percent of democrats voted for it and 82 percent of republicans.

Except for the most important Republican of all, Barry Goldwater.
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless

If it makes everyone here feel a little better, why don't we just tear the shit down and have it rebuilt by Mexican labor for $ 15 an hour.
If the slaves who built the white house could see the opportunity that sits in front of their descendants, ... which is to be part of a great nation, they would be ashamed at the fact they are trying to tear it apart. those ancestors couldn't have dreampt of having the wealth in opportunity afforded black people today.

Its fine to talk about history but the Obamas timing and method is pretty suspect to me, just an attempt to twist the knife well the country is trying to figure out a way to come together. The real country that is, not the one in Washington
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

We are capable of taking care of our less fortunate
Not exactly true ( World GDP (Nominal) per capita Ranking 2014 - ), but let's go with that for a minute;

1) Is it better to give a man a fish, even every day, or teach a man to fish? Why?

2) If you have two workers, one who works hard every day for his pay and another who, although healthy and able-bodied, never has the "energy" to meet his work requirements. Should you pay them the same? Should you pay only the hard worker, but "tax" him and give the money to the other worker because you think he can afford it? Will that result in both workers working hard or will both fall to the lowest common denominator and look to you to feed, house and clothe them?
When you teach a man to fish, and there are no longer any fish in the pond, what do you do?

Republicans don't give a shit

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