Bill O'Reilly.....Slaves that built the white house were well fed

I suggest you watch the HBO movie "All In", starring Bryan Cranston. It details the fight that the Civil Rights movement went through with LBJ.

It was Democrats that got the right to vote for the blacks, and eradicated the Jim Crow laws.
And yet only 60 percent of the dems voted for it. And in all the previous attempts the dems shut it down. The Republicans voted 82 percent for it. Perhaps you can explain that to us?
Only 60%? Really?

I cannot find the voting percentages for the Voting Rights Act...but here are the Congress %s for the Civil Rights Act:

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Now do the math 62 percent of dems voted for and 82 percent of republicans voted for. Your own post proves it.

Wrong. Here are the actual figures of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that gave blacks the right to fully vote which came after the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The House approved this conference report version of the bill on August 3 by a 328-74 vote (Democrats 217-54, Republicans 111-20),[37] and the Senate passed it on August 4 by a 79-18 vote (Democrats 49-17, Republicans 30-1).[14]:167[38][39] On August 6, President Johnson signed the Act into law with King, Rosa Parks, John Lewis, and other civil rights leaders in attendance at the signing ceremony.[14]:168

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When you teach a man to fish, and there are no longer any fish in the pond, what do you do?
How can you expect to tax a fisherman to give fish to others if there is no fish in the pond? Methinks you are dodging,.

When Americans can no longer fish in their pond, we rally around them and give them some of ours
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless
When it comes to history, liberals want to be lied to. What's the problem with reporting history accurately? Would you people prefer the government whipped them every night?
When Americans can no longer fish in their pond, we rally around them and give them some of ours
Forever? Isn't it smarter to figure out why there's no fish in their pond? What if it is only the first of many fishless ponds? Isn't it better to help them become independent with fish in their own pond instead of dependent upon the largesse of others?
The afro americans actually volunteered to move building materials so the Scottish, Irish, and Italian craftsmen could construct and teach the afro american various carpentry skills the afro americans used later for their own businesses.

Partly true...

But in 1803, not many slaves were going out and starting businesses with their new found skills

Nether were they the only ones working to build the white house that narrative is ignorant.

Why do Conservatives struggle with the term "only"

To say that black lives matter does not mean "only" black lives matter
To say slaves built the White House does not mean "only" slaves built the White House
The way the first lady uses it, it does..She takes advantage of people's ignorance..Like this idiot congressman who thinks George Wallace was a Republican.:eusa_clap:

Well, Wallace sure as hell wouldn't be a Democrat today would he? When President Johnson said he'd lose the south for a generation, Wallace was the kind of Democrat he was talking about losing. (Goodbye to bad rubbish)

Oh, and do explain how Mrs Obama's statement "takes advantage of people's ignorance"? What would people be "ignorant" about that you feel needed clarification? What is the importance of pointing out that the slaves were "well fed" when Mrs. Obama was not saying they weren't?

Slaves worked with many other workers they didn't build it themselves Wallace was a democrat The ignorant ass congressman didn't know that. you probably didn't either because you're ignorant ass liberal yourself :slap:
Partly true...

But in 1803, not many slaves were going out and starting businesses with their new found skills

Nether were they the only ones working to build the white house that narrative is ignorant.

Why do Conservatives struggle with the term "only"

To say that black lives matter does not mean "only" black lives matter
To say slaves built the White House does not mean "only" slaves built the White House
The way the first lady uses it, it does..She takes advantage of people's ignorance..Like this idiot congressman who thinks George Wallace was a Republican.:eusa_clap:

Well, Wallace sure as hell wouldn't be a Democrat today would he? When President Johnson said he'd lose the south for a generation, Wallace was the kind of Democrat he was talking about losing. (Goodbye to bad rubbish)

Oh, and do explain how Mrs Obama's statement "takes advantage of people's ignorance"? What would people be "ignorant" about that you feel needed clarification? What is the importance of pointing out that the slaves were "well fed" when Mrs. Obama was not saying they weren't?

Slaves worked with many other workers they didn't build it themselves Wallace was a democrat The ignorant ass congressman didn't know that. you probably didn't either because you're ignorant ass liberal yourself :slap:
Any other workers were paid.
Nether were they the only ones working to build the white house that narrative is ignorant.

Why do Conservatives struggle with the term "only"

To say that black lives matter does not mean "only" black lives matter
To say slaves built the White House does not mean "only" slaves built the White House
The way the first lady uses it, it does..She takes advantage of people's ignorance..Like this idiot congressman who thinks George Wallace was a Republican.:eusa_clap:

Well, Wallace sure as hell wouldn't be a Democrat today would he? When President Johnson said he'd lose the south for a generation, Wallace was the kind of Democrat he was talking about losing. (Goodbye to bad rubbish)

Oh, and do explain how Mrs Obama's statement "takes advantage of people's ignorance"? What would people be "ignorant" about that you feel needed clarification? What is the importance of pointing out that the slaves were "well fed" when Mrs. Obama was not saying they weren't?

Slaves worked with many other workers they didn't build it themselves Wallace was a democrat The ignorant ass congressman didn't know that. you probably didn't either because you're ignorant ass liberal yourself :slap:
Any other workers were paid.

They must have been paid for building:slap:
I suggest you watch the HBO movie "All In", starring Bryan Cranston. It details the fight that the Civil Rights movement went through with LBJ.

It was Democrats that got the right to vote for the blacks, and eradicated the Jim Crow laws.
And yet only 60 percent of the dems voted for it. And in all the previous attempts the dems shut it down. The Republicans voted 82 percent for it. Perhaps you can explain that to us?
Only 60%? Really?

I cannot find the voting percentages for the Voting Rights Act...but here are the Congress %s for the Civil Rights Act:

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Now do the math 62 percent of dems voted for and 82 percent of republicans voted for. Your own post proves it.

Wrong. Here are the actual figures of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that gave blacks the right to fully vote which came after the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The House approved this conference report version of the bill on August 3 by a 328-74 vote (Democrats 217-54, Republicans 111-20),[37] and the Senate passed it on August 4 by a 79-18 vote (Democrats 49-17, Republicans 30-1).[14]:167[38][39] On August 6, President Johnson signed the Act into law with King, Rosa Parks, John Lewis, and other civil rights leaders in attendance at the signing ceremony.[14]:168

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wrong as usual, she gave the numbers they are right there in your quoted post and the percentages are as I said.
You tell us....what is the purpose of stating that the slaves were "well fed" in this discussion?
So we know they weren't treated like Jewish slaves were by the Egyptians. Interesting fact. We know the game liberals and the media are playing. If Trump says "I hope it doesn't rain", in reference to an outdoor rally, the media would report Trump is calling for drought.The people see through this and as for the emails, we want whoever was the hacker to release them and prove the damage she did to our country.

There was no justice for The People from the Obama regime's DOJ and FBI.
The afro americans actually volunteered to move building materials so the Scottish, Irish, and Italian craftsmen could construct and teach the afro american various carpentry skills the afro americans used later for their own businesses.

Partly true...

But in 1803, not many slaves were going out and starting businesses with their new found skills

Nether were they the only ones working to build the white house that narrative is ignorant.

Why do Conservatives struggle with the term "only"

To say that black lives matter does not mean "only" black lives matter
To say slaves built the White House does not mean "only" slaves built the White House
The way the first lady uses it, it does..She takes advantage of people's ignorance..Like this idiot congressman who thinks George Wallace was a Republican.:eusa_clap:

Well, Wallace sure as hell wouldn't be a Democrat today would he? When President Johnson said he'd lose the south for a generation, Wallace was the kind of Democrat he was talking about losing. (Goodbye to bad rubbish)

Oh, and do explain how Mrs Obama's statement "takes advantage of people's ignorance"? What would people be "ignorant" about that you feel needed clarification? What is the importance of pointing out that the slaves were "well fed" when Mrs. Obama was not saying they weren't?
Not one Dixiecrat switched to the GOP except for Strom Thurmond. And their constituents never switched to voting for Republicans until an average of 23.5 years AFTER the civil right act was passed. The parties never switched.

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Nether were they the only ones working to build the white house that narrative is ignorant.

Why do Conservatives struggle with the term "only"

To say that black lives matter does not mean "only" black lives matter
To say slaves built the White House does not mean "only" slaves built the White House
The way the first lady uses it, it does..She takes advantage of people's ignorance..Like this idiot congressman who thinks George Wallace was a Republican.:eusa_clap:

Well, Wallace sure as hell wouldn't be a Democrat today would he? When President Johnson said he'd lose the south for a generation, Wallace was the kind of Democrat he was talking about losing. (Goodbye to bad rubbish)

Oh, and do explain how Mrs Obama's statement "takes advantage of people's ignorance"? What would people be "ignorant" about that you feel needed clarification? What is the importance of pointing out that the slaves were "well fed" when Mrs. Obama was not saying they weren't?
He would be a proud democrat, like you....

You think so? Here, give this little test a try:

Who Said it, Wallace or Trump:

1. “I love black people, I love white people, I love yellow people.”

2. “It’s a sad day in this country when you can’t talk about law and order unless they want to call you a racist.”

3. “I’m owned by the people! I mean, I’m telling you, I’m no angel, but I’m gonna do right by them!”

4. “Somebody’s going to get killed before this primary is over, and I hope it’s not me.”

5. “That’s a typical case of the press with misinterpretation ... they take a half a sentence. Then they take quarter of a sentence. They put it all together.”

6. “If you look at black and African-American youth, I mean to a point where they’ve just about never done more poorly; there’s no spirit.”

7. “If any demonstrator ever lies down in front of my car, it’ll be the last car he’ll ever lie down in front of.”

8. “It seems that other parts of the world ought to be concerned about what we think of them instead of what they think of us. After all, we’re feeding most of them and whenever they start rejecting 25 cents of each dollar of foreign aid money that we send to them, then I’ll be concerned about their attitude toward us.”

9. “I’m not a racist. I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”

10. “Protesters, they realize there are no consequences to protesting anymore. There used to be consequences. There are none anymore.”

11. “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that.”

12. “We must not be misled by left-wing incompetent news media that, day after day, feed us a diet of fantasy telling us we are bigots, racists and hate-mongers.”
Trump likey said them all but maybe one. Is this suppose to make him look bad? The majority of the American people agree with just about every statement and are neutral with the rest. Truth is Truth.

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