Bill O'Reilly.....Slaves that built the white house were well fed

Why do Conservatives struggle with the term "only"

To say that black lives matter does not mean "only" black lives matter
To say slaves built the White House does not mean "only" slaves built the White House
The way the first lady uses it, it does..She takes advantage of people's ignorance..Like this idiot congressman who thinks George Wallace was a Republican.:eusa_clap:

Well, Wallace sure as hell wouldn't be a Democrat today would he? When President Johnson said he'd lose the south for a generation, Wallace was the kind of Democrat he was talking about losing. (Goodbye to bad rubbish)

Oh, and do explain how Mrs Obama's statement "takes advantage of people's ignorance"? What would people be "ignorant" about that you feel needed clarification? What is the importance of pointing out that the slaves were "well fed" when Mrs. Obama was not saying they weren't?

Slaves worked with many other workers they didn't build it themselves

So? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Wallace was a democrat

Again, yes and? Would he be one today? Would Wallace be a Democrat or a Republican today? Do try to be honest.

He wouldn't be in politics today, but the "Democratic" party is the party of slavery, segregation, and lynching... Deal with girl.:slap:

I didn't say anything about his running, I asked which party you think he'd belong to. There's really no room for another racists asshole running for President when you have Trump. I asked if he would be Democrat or a Republican, but you can't seem to answer that honestly. It's because you know damn good and well that Wallace would be a full throat-ed Trump supporter. When you can't tell the difference between a Trump quote and a Wallace quote, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure it out.
lol........nobody cares about this story except the hyper-progressive, so you are talking a sliver of the population. You are talking something that happened 700 years ago.........and most voters in 2016 are done with the PCness and black victimhood crap, most especially a vast majority of white voters.
lol........nobody cares about this story except the hyper-progressive, so you are talking a sliver of the population. You are talking something that happened 700 years ago.........and most voters in 2016 are done with the PCness and black victimhood crap, most especially a vast majority of white voters.

operative words in above: "vast"........."sliver".............."done".................
Michelle: I wake up in a house built by slaves

O'Reilly: What's the big deal? They ate well

except that's not even close to what he said or implied. The reason your side has no credibility is that you constantly lie.

That was O'Reilly's response to the First Lady
"Slaves were well fed"....... Woop De Fucking Do Bill

Go on his website and listen to the entire quote. That is not anywhere close to what he said. At the end he said that she was basically correct, but that slaves were not the only people who built the whitehouse.

I get it that you don't like O'Reilly because he give both sides and tells the truth, telling the truth might be a good thing for you and your dem friends to try.
The way the first lady uses it, it does..She takes advantage of people's ignorance..Like this idiot congressman who thinks George Wallace was a Republican.:eusa_clap:

Well, Wallace sure as hell wouldn't be a Democrat today would he? When President Johnson said he'd lose the south for a generation, Wallace was the kind of Democrat he was talking about losing. (Goodbye to bad rubbish)

Oh, and do explain how Mrs Obama's statement "takes advantage of people's ignorance"? What would people be "ignorant" about that you feel needed clarification? What is the importance of pointing out that the slaves were "well fed" when Mrs. Obama was not saying they weren't?

Slaves worked with many other workers they didn't build it themselves

So? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Wallace was a democrat

Again, yes and? Would he be one today? Would Wallace be a Democrat or a Republican today? Do try to be honest.

He wouldn't be in politics today, but the "Democratic" party is the party of slavery, segregation, and lynching... Deal with girl.:slap:

Wallace was a conservative and said so himself.

Wallace was a democrat, nothing you can say changes that.
Well, Wallace sure as hell wouldn't be a Democrat today would he? When President Johnson said he'd lose the south for a generation, Wallace was the kind of Democrat he was talking about losing. (Goodbye to bad rubbish)

Oh, and do explain how Mrs Obama's statement "takes advantage of people's ignorance"? What would people be "ignorant" about that you feel needed clarification? What is the importance of pointing out that the slaves were "well fed" when Mrs. Obama was not saying they weren't?

Slaves worked with many other workers they didn't build it themselves

So? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Wallace was a democrat

Again, yes and? Would he be one today? Would Wallace be a Democrat or a Republican today? Do try to be honest.

He wouldn't be in politics today, but the "Democratic" party is the party of slavery, segregation, and lynching... Deal with girl.:slap:

Wallace was a conservative and said so himself.

Wallace was a democrat, nothing you can say changes that.

So you admit that there were conservative Democrats and liberal Democrats, and the CONSERVATIVE ones were the segregationists.
Slaves worked with many other workers they didn't build it themselves

So? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Wallace was a democrat

Again, yes and? Would he be one today? Would Wallace be a Democrat or a Republican today? Do try to be honest.

He wouldn't be in politics today, but the "Democratic" party is the party of slavery, segregation, and lynching... Deal with girl.:slap:

Wallace was a conservative and said so himself.

Wallace was a democrat, nothing you can say changes that.

So you admit that there were conservative Democrats and liberal Democrats, and the CONSERVATIVE ones were the segregationists.

trying to apply today's definitions to the politicians of the 60s is a waste of time. You are claiming that the definitions were reversed in those days, sorry, but that just fails the truth test. The GOP in those days was not liberal and the dems were not conservative.

The slave owners and KKK members were predominately democrats. Robert KKK Byrd was a democrat. George Wallace and Lester Maddox were democrats.

The 1964 civil rights bill passed on republican votes. Lincoln was a republican.

You cannot escape the racist history of the dem party. Remember LBJ "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years". But he was wrong, many of them are now seeing that the dems have been using them, not helping them.
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless

So stating simple historical facts are something to be avoided? Tell us oh all knowing one, where did he get it wrong?
So? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Again, yes and? Would he be one today? Would Wallace be a Democrat or a Republican today? Do try to be honest.

He wouldn't be in politics today, but the "Democratic" party is the party of slavery, segregation, and lynching... Deal with girl.:slap:

Wallace was a conservative and said so himself.

Wallace was a democrat, nothing you can say changes that.

So you admit that there were conservative Democrats and liberal Democrats, and the CONSERVATIVE ones were the segregationists.

trying to apply today's definitions to the politicians of the 60s is a waste of time. You are claiming that the definitions were reversed in those days, sorry, but that just fails the truth test. The GOP in those days was not liberal and the dems were not conservative.

The slave owners and KKK members were predominately democrats. Robert KKK Byrd was a democrat. George Wallace and Lester Maddox were democrats.

The 1964 civil rights bill passed on republican votes. Lincoln was a republican.

You cannot escape the racist history of the dem party. Remember LBJ "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years". But he was wrong, many of them are now seeing that the dems have been using them, not helping them.

Who is the party of states rights today? Which was the party of states rights in 1860?
Slaves at that time were owned by white KKK Democrats. It was Republicans who freed them.
There was no Democratic Party in 1792. There was no Republican Party in 1792.

Ok, future white KKK Democrats. Point is, it was the Republicans who freed slaves. Democrats are 'Johnny-Come-Latelys' in regards to Civil Rights.

Sorry, but YOU don't get credit, or blame, for something done 150 years ago no matter what party they were in.
When conservatives today say they think certain civil rights issues should be left up to the states,

they are making the same argument the conservative Democrats made in the South in 1860 and for a hundred or so years afterward.
It's not about Party. It's about ideology.

The Dems became more liberal and the Repubs more conservative. The like minded voters went where they were comfortable.

To argue that Dems were always liberal and Repubs always conservative is simply dumb and only highlights a lack of formal education.
Slaves at that time were owned by white KKK Democrats. It was Republicans who freed them.
There was no Democratic Party in 1792. There was no Republican Party in 1792.

Ok, future white KKK Democrats. Point is, it was the Republicans who freed slaves. Democrats are 'Johnny-Come-Latelys' in regards to Civil Rights.

Sorry, but YOU don't get credit, or blame, for something done 150 years ago no matter what party they were in.

Just stating fact. It was the Republican Party that ended slavery. The Democratic Party vehemently opposed ending it.
Michelle: I wake up in a house built by slaves

O'Reilly: What's the big deal? They ate well

except that's not even close to what he said or implied. The reason your side has no credibility is that you constantly lie.

That was O'Reilly's response to the First Lady
"Slaves were well fed"....... Woop De Fucking Do Bill

Go on his website and listen to the entire quote. That is not anywhere close to what he said. At the end he said that she was basically correct, but that slaves were not the only people who built the whitehouse.

I get it that you don't like O'Reilly because he give both sides and tells the truth, telling the truth might be a good thing for you and your dem friends to try.

What is the point of claiming the slaves were 'well fed'?
Slaves at that time were owned by white KKK Democrats. It was Republicans who freed them.
There was no Democratic Party in 1792. There was no Republican Party in 1792.

Ok, future white KKK Democrats. Point is, it was the Republicans who freed slaves. Democrats are 'Johnny-Come-Latelys' in regards to Civil Rights.

Sorry, but YOU don't get credit, or blame, for something done 150 years ago no matter what party they were in.

Just stating fact. It was the Republican Party that ended slavery. The Democratic Party vehemently opposed ending it.

An irrelevant fact,

unless of course you can name the modern day Democrats who praise Jefferson Davis and the rest of the slavers who seceded.
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless

So stating simple historical facts are something to be avoided? Tell us oh all knowing one, where did he get it wrong?

Then someone who was from those times should also be believed, such as Abigail Adams, who said:

Two of our hardy N England men would do as much work in a day as the whole 12, but it is true Republicanism that drive the Slaves half fed, and destitute of cloathing, ... to labour, whilst the owner waches about Idle, tho his one Slave is all the property he can boast.

How Abigail Adams Proves Bill O'Reilly Wrong About Slavery
Slaves at that time were owned by white KKK Democrats. It was Republicans who freed them.
There was no Democratic Party in 1792. There was no Republican Party in 1792.

Ok, future white KKK Democrats. Point is, it was the Republicans who freed slaves. Democrats are 'Johnny-Come-Latelys' in regards to Civil Rights.

Sorry, but YOU don't get credit, or blame, for something done 150 years ago no matter what party they were in.

Just stating fact. It was the Republican Party that ended slavery. The Democratic Party vehemently opposed ending it.

An irrelevant fact,

unless of course you can name the modern day Democrats who praise Jefferson Davis and the rest of the slavers who seceded.

I think it's pretty relevant. My opinion anyway.
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless

So stating simple historical facts are something to be avoided? Tell us oh all knowing one, where did he get it wrong?

Then someone who was from those times should also be believed, such as Abigail Adams, who said:

Two of our hardy N England men would do as much work in a day as the whole 12, but it is true Republicanism that drive the Slaves half fed, and destitute of cloathing, ... to labour, whilst the owner waches about Idle, tho his one Slave is all the property he can boast.

How Abigail Adams Proves Bill O'Reilly Wrong About Slavery

Great, all deflection, you got any quotes that are directed at the specific slaves that were legally used at the WH that refute O'Rilly's statements?

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