Bill Still's Money Masters

Cite please? I hear this shit all the time and nobody can show me a magazine article or scientific paper from the 70s that says we'd be out of oil by 1990, by libturds or conservaturds. You should really get your facts straight.

what planet have you been on????

By: Steve Maley (Diary) | September 18th, 2011 at 09:20 PM | 0

In 1956, Shell geologist M. King Hubbert correctly predicted that oil production in the United States would reach a peak around 1970. Since his Peak Oil theory fits so well with the Malthusian worldview of “Progressives”, anti-capitalists and anarchists, Hubbert has become a posthumous hero to the Left, an unusual role for a scientist polluted by the filthy lucre of the oil industry.

do you see why we are 100% a liberal will be slow????
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Republican capitalism has made the environment infinite.

How is that even possible?

too perfectly stupid!!!!! but 100% liberal!!!!

If China and India can come on line in the 21st Century with 2 billion people and everyone there is buying cars and cell phones with rare earth metals that ought to tell you that Malthus and modern libturds are dead wrong.

do you see now how you've been brainwashed???
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Cite please? I hear this shit all the time and nobody can show me a magazine article or scientific paper from the 70s that says we'd be out of oil by 1990, by libturds or conservaturds. You should really get your facts straight.

what planet have you been on????

By: Steve Maley (Diary) | September 18th, 2011 at 09:20 PM | 0

In 1956, Shell geologist M. King Hubbert correctly predicted that oil production in the United States would reach a peak around 1970. Since his Peak Oil theory fits so well with the Malthusian worldview of “Progressives”, anti-capitalists and anarchists, Hubbert has become a posthumous hero to the Left, an unusual role for a scientist polluted by the filthy lucre of the oil industry.

do you see why we are 100% a liberal will be slow????

I don't know how slow you have to be to confuse "run out" with "peak".

And like your source says, he correctly predicted that it would peak around 1970. The US peaked in 1971 and hasn't even come close to that since. In case you're wondering, that's why we have to import more than half our oil and oil products consumption.

But that's ok Eddie! The republicans have invented an infinite Earth, so don't worry your confused little head.

Where do you get these moronic ideas? Fox? Newsmax? The local bar at 2AM? You need to get out and about in the world and see what doubling the population has done to the planet in the last 40 years.
Republican capitalism has made the environment infinite.

How is that even possible?

too perfectly stupid!!!!! but 100% liberal!!!!

If China and India can come on line in the 21st Century with 2 billion people and everyone there is buying cars and cell phones with rare earth metals that ought to tell you that Malthus and modern libturds are dead wrong.

do you see now how you've been brainwashed???

Let's see who's brainwashed, shall we?

You said "If China and India can come on line in the 21st Century with 2 billion people and everyone there is buying cars". Well that begs the question of just how many of those 2b people actually have cars after 'everyone' has been buying them. I will now ask the Google god how many cars there are in India and China. Be right back...
Ok, the world bank site has per capita stats.
Motor vehicles (per 1,000 people) | Data | Table
Turns out, your 'everybody' isn't at all.
Per capita, China has 58 cars for every 1,000 people. Doesn't sound close to 'everybody'.
India has um, 18 per 1,000. That's quite a bit less.

In case you're wondering and can't use a calculator or do a little math in your head, if we assume each country has 1 billion people (both have more), then it's easy to figure out. There's 1 million thousands in a billion, so china having 58 per thousand makes 58 million cars. India has 18 million.

Want to guess what what country you could say everybody is buying cars in is?
Republican capitalism has made the environment infinite.

How is that even possible?

too perfectly stupid!!!!! but 100% liberal!!!!

If China and India can come on line in the 21st Century with 2 billion people and everyone there is buying cars and cell phones with rare earth metals that ought to tell you that Malthus and modern libturds are dead wrong.

do you see now how you've been brainwashed???

Let's see who's brainwashed, shall we?

You said "If China and India can come on line in the 21st Century with 2 billion people and everyone there is buying cars". Well that begs the question of just how many of those 2b people actually have cars after 'everyone' has been buying them. I will now ask the Google god how many cars there are in India and China. Be right back...
Ok, the world bank site has per capita stats.
Motor vehicles (per 1,000 people) | Data | Table
Turns out, your 'everybody' isn't at all.
Per capita, China has 58 cars for every 1,000 people. Doesn't sound close to 'everybody'.
India has um, 18 per 1,000. That's quite a bit less.

In case you're wondering and can't use a calculator or do a little math in your head, if we assume each country has 1 billion people (both have more), then it's easy to figure out. There's 1 million thousands in a billion, so china having 58 per thousand makes 58 million cars. India has 18 million.

Want to guess what what country you could say everybody is buying cars in is?

dear, in 1980 they bought no cars in China, today they buy 15 million a year. Does that sound like a planet running out of resources or a plant consuming more and more rersources 200 years after liberals said we'd be out??????

See why we say a liberal is slow, so very very slow??
Republican capitalism has made the environment infinite.

too perfectly stupid!!!!! but 100% liberal!!!!

If China and India can come on line in the 21st Century with 2 billion people and everyone there is buying cars and cell phones with rare earth metals that ought to tell you that Malthus and modern libturds are dead wrong.

do you see now how you've been brainwashed???

Let's see who's brainwashed, shall we?

You said "If China and India can come on line in the 21st Century with 2 billion people and everyone there is buying cars". Well that begs the question of just how many of those 2b people actually have cars after 'everyone' has been buying them. I will now ask the Google god how many cars there are in India and China. Be right back...
Ok, the world bank site has per capita stats.
Motor vehicles (per 1,000 people) | Data | Table
Turns out, your 'everybody' isn't at all.
Per capita, China has 58 cars for every 1,000 people. Doesn't sound close to 'everybody'.
India has um, 18 per 1,000. That's quite a bit less.

In case you're wondering and can't use a calculator or do a little math in your head, if we assume each country has 1 billion people (both have more), then it's easy to figure out. There's 1 million thousands in a billion, so china having 58 per thousand makes 58 million cars. India has 18 million.

Want to guess what what country you could say everybody is buying cars in is?

dear, in 1980 they bought no cars in China, today they buy 15 million a year. Does that sound like a planet running out of resources or a plant consuming more and more rersources 200 years after liberals said we'd be out??????

See why we say a liberal is slow, so very very slow??

Gee, now it's 200 years? What 'liberals' were those? Jefferson? Franklin?

Yeah, ever increasing use of finite natural resources does exactly sound like a planet running out of resources. It's kind of a given that you won't run out of something if you use it slower than it's made. It's also a given that if you use them faster than they're made, you will run out.

Geez, man, I would think in your personal life you're intelligent enough to only spend what you make, or even spend less, right? Why do you think the rules change for the planet? I don't care how much oil is in the Earth, if we keep using it more and more, we're going to peak and extraction(some call it 'production') will start going down.

But that's okay. You believe in your republican infinity. I'll believe in reality, thanks.
Gee, now it's 200 years? What 'liberals' were those? Jefferson? Franklin?

Malthus, Paul R. Ehrlich- there have always been libturds for 1000's of years saying we are running out, but now we have more people and more resources than ever!!
Gee, now it's 200 years? What 'liberals' were those? Jefferson? Franklin?

Malthus, Paul R. Ehrlich- there have always been libturds for 1000's of years saying we are running out, but now we have more people and more resources than ever!!

First of all, Malthus didn't make any predictions. He merely described a process by which man, and all living things live. Population expands exponentially while food supply expands arithmetically.

Ehrlich didn't grasp the power of the "green revolution"( a.k.a. using fossil fuel fertilizers). So his prediction was off by 50-100 years. Oh well, that's the perils of the prediction business.

And didn't you know that the year before things start to collapse is the year of "more people and more resources than ever"?

Don't you know...
[ame=]George Harrison - All Things Must Pass - YouTube[/ame]
First of all, Malthus didn't make any predictions. He merely described a process by which man, and all living things live. Population expands exponentially while food supply expands arithmetically.

he predicted we were all doomed when instead the food supply now supports 7 billion at a higher level than ever before! He is the greatest poster child in human history for misunderstanding scarcity and yet you follow him. What does that say about your IQ??

Ehrlich didn't grasp the power of the "green revolution"( a.k.a. using fossil fuel fertilizers). So his prediction was off by 50-100 years.

too stupid!! predictions about running out of everything are 1000's of years old and still we have 7 billion people and rising with real prices for supposedly scarce raw materials going down not up!!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow!!
First of all, Malthus didn't make any predictions. He merely described a process by which man, and all living things live. Population expands exponentially while food supply expands arithmetically.

he predicted we were all doomed when instead the food supply now supports 7 billion at a higher level than ever before! He is the greatest poster child in human history for misunderstanding scarcity and yet you follow him. What does that say about your IQ??
As far as I know, Malthus is one of the most respected scientists to have ever lived. He even has a function named after him Malthusian growth model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think he understood scarcity, it's you who has no idea, mr. 'we've added a billion people since 1970'.

By the way, the doubling of human population since ~1970 took about 45 years. The previous doubling took about 55 years. The one before that took 150 years and the one before that took 450 years. And the one before that took about 1200 years. So we're growing faster...

Just FYI, if the population keeps growing at the modest current rate of about 1.2% per year, we'll double again in 50 years. And we'll be at 28 BILLION in just under 100 years. And in another 100 years, they'll be about 155 BILLION people on the planet. And in 2313, if we live so long, they'll be well over 600 BILLION PEOPLE. Do you want to live in that world, Mr. Growth Is Good? Let's see what 2525 would bring, as in the old song...
I get 5.6 TRILLION people.

How many more centuries can that go on until everybody is shoulder to shoulder?

Ehrlich didn't grasp the power of the "green revolution"( a.k.a. using fossil fuel fertilizers). So his prediction was off by 50-100 years.

too stupid!! predictions about running out of everything are 1000's of years old and still we have 7 billion people and rising with real prices for supposedly scarce raw materials going down not up!!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow!!

You are hopelessly brainwashed into encouraging an impossible outcome.
You certainly don't understand the exponential function at all, and to you anyone who does is a 'liberal'.

I wish I could say brainwashed idiots like you were rare. Unfortunately, billions are the victims of the same brainwashing.

Here's a simple question for ya... If there's a pond, and water lilies are growing in it and doubling once a day (Day 1: 1 water lily, Day 2: 2 water lilies, day 3: 4 water lilies, day 4: 8 water lilies and they will cover the entire pond in one month, on what day do they take up half the pond?

Think about it.
First of all, Malthus didn't make any predictions. He merely described a process by which man, and all living things live. Population expands exponentially while food supply expands arithmetically.

he predicted we were all doomed when instead the food supply now supports 7 billion at a higher level than ever before! He is the greatest poster child in human history for misunderstanding scarcity and yet you follow him. What does that say about your IQ??
As far as I know, Malthus is one of the most respected scientists to have ever lived. He even has a function named after him Malthusian growth model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think he understood scarcity, it's you who has no idea, mr. 'we've added a billion people since 1970'.

By the way, the doubling of human population since ~1970 took about 45 years. The previous doubling took about 55 years. The one before that took 150 years and the one before that took 450 years. And the one before that took about 1200 years. So we're growing faster...

Just FYI, if the population keeps growing at the modest current rate of about 1.2% per year, we'll double again in 50 years. And we'll be at 28 BILLION in just under 100 years. And in another 100 years, they'll be about 155 BILLION people on the planet. And in 2313, if we live so long, they'll be well over 600 BILLION PEOPLE. Do you want to live in that world, Mr. Growth Is Good? Let's see what 2525 would bring, as in the old song...
I get 5.6 TRILLION people.

How many more centuries can that go on until everybody is shoulder to shoulder?

Ehrlich didn't grasp the power of the "green revolution"( a.k.a. using fossil fuel fertilizers). So his prediction was off by 50-100 years.

too stupid!! predictions about running out of everything are 1000's of years old and still we have 7 billion people and rising with real prices for supposedly scarce raw materials going down not up!!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow!!

You are hopelessly brainwashed into encouraging an impossible outcome.
You certainly don't understand the exponential function at all, and to you anyone who does is a 'liberal'.

I wish I could say brainwashed idiots like you were rare. Unfortunately, billions are the victims of the same brainwashing.

Here's a simple question for ya... If there's a pond, and water lilies are growing in it and doubling once a day (Day 1: 1 water lily, Day 2: 2 water lilies, day 3: 4 water lilies, day 4: 8 water lilies and they will cover the entire pond in one month, on what day do they take up half the pond?

Think about it.

too stupid by 100%!!! the earth has 7 billion people all of whom could fit into a small corner of texas at the very livable density of Manhattan.

In any case the record is clear we have 7 billion people consuming more resources than ever after centuries of goof balls saying we were running out
Here's a simple question for ya... If there's a pond, and water lilies are growing in it and doubling once a day (Day 1: 1 water lily, Day 2: 2 water lilies, day 3: 4 water lilies, day 4: 8 water lilies and they will cover the entire pond in one month, on what day do they take up half the pond?

Think about it.

too stupid by 100%!!! the earth has 7 billion people all of whom could fit into a small corner of texas at the very livable density of Manhattan.

In any case the record is clear we have 7 billion people consuming more resources than ever after centuries of goof balls saying we were running out

You didn't answer the question. Too hard for your simple "conservatives are right, everybody with a different opinion is a 'libural'" brain?

Oh I see. Put 70,000 people per square mile into Texas and it only takes up about 30% of the state (which is not a 'small corner', by the way. Please check my math with your own calculations, if you're capable).

And then you need the entire rest of the world to feed those 7 billion Texans.
Or don't you think food grows out of the ground?

Yep, the record is clear. Every bubble, including the human population bubble, has to burst. And a temporary expansion of the bubble in no way assures anyone that it will, or even can, continue..

Actually, most intelligent people would come to the conclusion that it has to burst, and in the most horrible and terrifying ways.

At this point, I don't include you in that group. Basically because you think you're a "Republican" and because you think that even matters.
Actually, most intelligent people would come to the conclusion that it has to burst, and in the most horrible and terrifying ways.

so name them or admit you're a liberal buffoon!

Of course, whomever I name will be called "liberal buffoons" by you, so why bother?

Well, just for fun I will.

These are three people I consider far more intelligent than I, and you'd have to double your IQ to lick their boots. Listed after their names is their relevant major work, available in book form from your neighborhood book website.

William R. Catton - Overshoot: the Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change
Joseph Tainter - The Collapse of Complex Societies
Jared Diamond - Collapse

Too bad you won't read any of them. Close-minded, brainwashed fools like you don't do things to expand their horizons.

And I have to disagree with those who think Eddie is getting paid for posting here. If I was managing the Republican Internet strategy, I would distance myself from Eddie, not pay him.
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Actually, most intelligent people would come to the conclusion that it has to burst, and in the most horrible and terrifying ways.

so name them or admit you're a liberal buffoon!

William R. Catton - Overshoot: the Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change
Joseph Tainter - The Collapse of Complex Societies
Jared Diamond - Collapse

oh well, liberals always have idols like Hitler Stalin and Mao.
Its just goes with having a low IQ and a herd mentality. Energy resources are skyrocketing, population growth is huge, we are all living better than ever, and a few nut job liberals want to bring Malthus back when current resource growth makes his idea seem dumber than ever.
so name them or admit you're a liberal buffoon!

William R. Catton - Overshoot: the Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change
Joseph Tainter - The Collapse of Complex Societies
Jared Diamond - Collapse

oh well, liberals always have idols like Hitler Stalin and Mao.
Its just goes with having a low IQ and a herd mentality. Energy resources are skyrocketing, population growth is huge, we are all living better than ever, and a few nut job liberals want to bring Malthus back when current resource growth makes his idea seem dumber than ever.

What an asshole you really are. You have no idea who Catton, Tainter and Diamond are, and you insinuate they're 'like' Hitler, Stalin, and Mao?
Not to mention, energy resources aren't skyrocketing, they're stagnant; population growth is declining for 20 years, and 'we' are 'all' certainly not living better.

Anybody who thinks so is :cuckoo:
energy resources aren't skyrocketing, they're stagnant;

Canada USA and Brazil just discovered 200 years worth of oil and gas, the Totota Pruis goes 300,000 miles on one battery, and Round Up just made the earths crops 30% more prolific and all this as population rises to a record high, 7 billion!!

See why we say the liberal is slow, so very very slow!!
energy resources aren't skyrocketing, they're stagnant;
Canada USA and Brazil just discovered 200 years worth of oil and gas,

Source? I follow the oil industry quite closely, and I don't see any 200 years worth of oil and gas, unless you want to count tar sands, which will last 200 years because they can't get them out of the ground and into a useable state very quickly. Fracking is flirting with disaster, as pumping millions of gallons of treated (poisonous) water into the ground at pressure is sure to make a fault let go one day. Plus they're very expensive, not just in money, but in energy and water.

the Totota Pruis goes 300,000 miles on one battery,

And how many hundreds of charges, all from the grid which is still 70% fossil fuel generated. The Prius is just a feel-good liberal attempt at 'saving the environment'. All it really does is ship the pollution(and resource depletion) to a generation facility out of sight and out of mind.

I'm even >shocked< that you would even mention that do-nothing, feel good liberal piece of crap car.

and Round Up just made the earths crops 30% more prolific
Yeah, welcome to the massive GMO experiment on humanity. NOBODY knows how eating that crap over a lifetime will effect the health and development of humans. All for the profit of Monsanto. Isn't it wonderful?
and all this as population rises to a record high, 7 billion!!
Yep, populations keep rising on the front side of the bubble. If you read Catton, he'll explain to you how any species suddenly confronted with an immense, but finite energy source will, without fail, experience a boom in population. This happens every Spring in your local ponds and wetlands, as the decaying plant matter in the pond breaks down and supplies energy as food to the algae that grow on the surface. But as last year's leaves and branches finish decomposing, suddenly the algae have an inadequate supply of food, and they die back. Yeast tossed into a full barrel of grape juice do the same, exact thing.

What makes you think we're exempt from natural and physical laws?
See why we say the liberal is slow, so very very slow!!

The only people I see touting Prius's are liberals, so you must be one, right?
Yeast tossed into a full barrel of grape juice do the same, exact thing.
What makes you think we're exempt from natural and physical laws?

dear, humans have done far better than yeast in grape juice and now 95% of the scientists who ever lived are alive and working, and population is far greater and far fatter than ever!!!

Its really sort of a dumb dumb time to be a depressed fatalist pessimist malcontent psycho Malthusian.
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energy resources aren't skyrocketing, they're stagnant;
Canada USA and Brazil just discovered 200 years worth of oil and gas,

Source? I follow the oil industry quite closely, and I don't see any 200 years worth of oil and gas, unless you want to count tar sands, which will last 200 years because they can't get them out of the ground and into a useable state very quickly. Fracking is flirting with disaster, as pumping millions of gallons of treated (poisonous) water into the ground at pressure is sure to make a fault let go one day. Plus they're very expensive, not just in money, but in energy and water.

And how many hundreds of charges, all from the grid which is still 70% fossil fuel generated. The Prius is just a feel-good liberal attempt at 'saving the environment'. All it really does is ship the pollution(and resource depletion) to a generation facility out of sight and out of mind.

I'm even >shocked< that you would even mention that do-nothing, feel good liberal piece of crap car.

Yeah, welcome to the massive GMO experiment on humanity. NOBODY knows how eating that crap over a lifetime will effect the health and development of humans. All for the profit of Monsanto. Isn't it wonderful?
and all this as population rises to a record high, 7 billion!!
Yep, populations keep rising on the front side of the bubble. If you read Catton, he'll explain to you how any species suddenly confronted with an immense, but finite energy source will, without fail, experience a boom in population. This happens every Spring in your local ponds and wetlands, as the decaying plant matter in the pond breaks down and supplies energy as food to the algae that grow on the surface. But as last year's leaves and branches finish decomposing, suddenly the algae have an inadequate supply of food, and they die back. Yeast tossed into a full barrel of grape juice do the same, exact thing.

What makes you think we're exempt from natural and physical laws?
See why we say the liberal is slow, so very very slow!!

The only people I see touting Prius's are liberals, so you must be one, right?

Fracking is flirting with disaster, as pumping millions of gallons of treated (poisonous) water

Poisonous? Please explain further.

into the ground at pressure is sure to make a fault let go one day.

Faults let go all the time. So what?
Faults have let go because of fracking already. Again, so what?

Yeah, welcome to the massive GMO experiment on humanity. NOBODY knows how eating that crap over a lifetime will effect the health and development of humans.

Humans have been eating GMO for thousands of years.
Seems like our lives got longer over that period.

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