Bill to block military action in Syria


In Memorial of 47
Apr 30, 2010
Port Charlotte, FL
Our bill, the “Congressional Accountability and Oversight in Syria Act,” would prohibit the Administration from providing weapons or other support to any faction in Syria without first receiving explicit authorization from Congress. It further prohibits the Administration from exercising American military force in Syria, including but not limited to enforcing a no-fly zone or putting American boots on the ground, without Congressional authorization, consistent with the War Powers Resolution
Rooney, McCaul Introduce Bill to Block U.S. Military Involvement in Syria

This is ridiculous. We shouldn't have to pass a law to say this. They should be getting Congressional approval to begin with. Congress is the branch that has the power to declare war.

And yes im aware of the War Powers Act.
This is ridiculous. We shouldn't have to pass a law to say this. They should be getting Congressional approval to begin with. Congress is the branch that has the power to declare war.

And yes im aware of the War Powers Act.

Well, that certainly didn't stop Obama during the Libyan incursion. Where were these guys then?!
This is ridiculous. We shouldn't have to pass a law to say this. They should be getting Congressional approval to begin with. Congress is the branch that has the power to declare war.

And yes im aware of the War Powers Act.

Well, that certainly didn't stop Obama during the Libyan incursion. Where were these guys then?!

I don't know. I dont think we should have been involved in Libya even though Qaddaffi was never one of my favorite people.
The Senate will never pass it.

I was trying to multi-quote you and Templar

It'll easily pass the House but, yea, I doubt the Senate's testicular fortitude

That's beside the point. The point is: They should be seeking permission to go into Syria. We shouldn't have to deny them because they shouldn't be asserting power to do to begin with.
The Senate will never pass it.

I was trying to multi-quote you and Templar

It'll easily pass the House but, yea, I doubt the Senate's testicular fortitude

That's beside the point. The point is: They should be seeking permission to go into Syria. We shouldn't have to deny them because they shouldn't be asserting power to do to begin with.

I read ya loud and clear, Av.
You're absolutely right.

The executive branch is supposed to ask the legislature for permission.
There shouldn't be any pre-denial.

Obama sendin' Syrian opposition money to fund governmental efforts...
US providing $15m to fund for Syrian opposition
Aug 12,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. is providing $15 million to an international fund to help Syria's opposition govern territory under its control.
The Obama administration says the money will finance reconstruction and provide civilians with water, energy, food and health care.

The administration informed Congress of its intentions Aug. 6. The Associated Press obtained the notification Monday. Germany and the United Arab Emirates have pledged support; the U.S. expects the total fund to surpass $130 million.

The fund is separate from lethal aid Washington has authorized for Syria's rebels and $1 billion in humanitarian aid it has given throughout the two-year conflict. More than 100,000 have died amid fighting between rebels and Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.

For its contribution, the administration took the money from law enforcement funds originally allocated for Pakistan.

Let Syria take care of itself.

We send these dirtbags money. They take that money. Once the get that money we are the dirty infidels once again.

Save our money. Leave Syria to Syria or let the Arab League deal with it.

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